Me and Goio were attacked today by a theif trying to rob us!!!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Golden Thread
Chicago IL
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab_Excal_II Minelab_Explorer_SE_Pro w/ SunRay pinpointer & Garrett_Ace250
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
We went to our normal hunting spot in a Chicago public park like any other day. Everything was cool.
I found a 1920 Merc, that is the end of my 71 day silver coin drought so I was happy.

I was detecting when I saw Goio saying something to me. I took off my headphones,
when I saw a young guy maybe 16 - 20 years old throw a bottle at him. It missed him, but not by much.
The guy was like 15 feet away from us. I guess Goio was diging a plug when the first bottle came sailing
right passed his head. Everytime he threw a bottle he tried to rush up on us. He prolly thought we would
drop our detectors and he could run up and grab it. Well he got really close like 10 feet from me and whipped
another bottle at me, I saw it coming right for my head so I blocked it with my forearm. Just as before he tried
to rush me. This time I raised my shovel up and said "I'm gonna cut your %$&*@# head off!!!" well he took 1
step forward then ran off. He had another buddy off like 100 feet or so. Prolly ready to call his boys if anything
happened to him.

I wish I could of got my hands on him, I would of messed him up good. But my luck, he prolly is underage and I
would go to jail!!! He was whipping those bottels hard like he played baseball or some thing. The bottle that hit me
didn't blowup on impact, it bounced off. But now I have a big lump on my forearm, but that better than a broken
nose!!!! God I hate thiefs. The thing that bothers me most is that he tried to smash a bottle on Goios head when
he wasn't expecting it. Coward!!!! I atleast knew that a bottle was coming at me.

Oh yea, we still have all of our gear - he got nothing from us.

here are the pix that I took of todays hunt.







Upvote 1
TEXAN Connection said:
In Texas you could have just shot him and went about your buisness

Sad to say but if you would have smoked him you may save an innocent life down the road.

Or the punk may clean himself up someday and save yours, Who knows.

I know that I am from Texas and we shoot first and ask later! (This is a total joke statement and "MOST" of us that carry are proficient, responsible and usually know what to do when put in these situations)

I've been reading this topic, following the various suggestions. :)

It is my opinion, a man must do what a man has to do. That wound on the arm looks to me like it could/should require stitches. I'm too much of a hot head to let something like that not set me off. Those bottles could have become defensive weapons for sure. I never go anywhere without my cell phone. And, I am prepared to use it "before" reacting. I'm not much of a racist but being your local and insinuating descriptions of the suspects, I can only imagine the perps. Too violent, raised in violence. Sad day for sure but certainly not uncommon. I remember a similiar incident; playing handball against a brick wall, located near railroad tracks in Natchez, Miss. when I was only 14 or so; playing with a friend. We were minding our own business yet one had to ride his bike near us; threatening, cursing us for doing nothing. He made the mistake of running towards us with a big stick in his hand. Forward motion met fist; problem solved until his buddies showed up. Luckily, things worked themselves out without anyone getting too badly hurt. :)

By the way; guns should never be the first alternative. Just remember the opening sentence in my paragraph 2. :)

Be careful,

rider .. you are intitled to your opinion and i respect that. its a sad and dangerous world we live in today. you are one of the fortunate to live in a place where you can still leave your doors unlocked. unfortunately the places are fast becoming a thing of the past. to do that in one of the big cities or thier surrounding suburbs would be suicide. home invasions, street robbery ,drive bys, shoot outs, rapes,abductions, and murders are a daily occurance .i cant tell you how many times i heard gunshots in the middle of the day. not to mention having a gun put to my head twice in the course of doing my job.luckily im still here to talk about it. things like that will make you change your mind about carrying a weapon and learning how to use it properly. i hope you never have to experience any of the above and continue to live in apart of the country that is removed from all the violence and hatred. good luck to you..

besides it seems to me that most of the people on here who do carry are either retired or active military,law enforcement, and hunters. so they already are experienced in handling firearms and know when it is or is not necessary to use the weapon in self defense. here in pa. if you have a ccw.and you use your weapon, you had better be able to prove that is was life or death only. even if you were found innocent you still have to get a lawyer to defend yourself. that takes lots of money and time. then after your found innocent, you can be sued in civil court by the creeps relatives and here we are at lots of lawyer money and time once again. but in the end i'd rather be TRIED BY TWELVE THAN CARRIED BY SIX!!!!

mistergee said:
besides it seems to me that most of the people on here who do carry are either retired or active military,law enforcement, and hunters. so they already are experienced in handling firearms and know when it is or is not necessary to use the weapon in self defense. here in pa. if you have a ccw.and you use your weapon, you had better be able to prove that is was life or death only. even if you were found innocent you still have to get a lawyer to defend yourself. that takes lots of money and time. then after your found innocent, you can be sued in civil court by the creeps relatives and here we are at lots of lawyer money and time once again. but in the end i'd rather be TRIED BY TWELVE THAN CARRIED BY SIX!!!!

Thats a great quote to live by!

I am fully aware that before I ever pull a trigger (pray that I never have to) That I will probably be sitting in a court room for weeks and have to pay out countless dollars to defend my self and my actions. Plus have it in my mind that I took another human beings life.

But If it comes down to It I will protect my family and myself 100%. Wouldn't even be questioned if we were in harms way.

makes you wonder if those people on the planes were able to carry then 911 wouldn't have happened .imho

Congrats on that nice Merc :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I hope those b--t--ds get caught and put away.

I always pack, and I make it one ever bothers me. We have a pretty low crime rate here, and I think thats because so many people have conceled weapons permits......I think criminals think twice. I am originally from Michigan, namely the Detroit area, where conceled weapon permits are nearly impossible to get......and the criminals really don't have to stop & wonder if the person thay are about to rob is packing a .45

Just my .45 cents worth


I use my E-Tool as my digger, if it was good enough in WWI,WWII, Korea and Nam as a weapon I'll sure as hell use it to give someone a second mouth right above their shoulders. Semper Fi

Having a bottle hurled at you at a very fast pace is life threatening, and you should do whatever you can to protect yourself with whatever means you have!! No questions asked!!!


MUD(S.W.A.T) said:
Are ASP's leagal in NY, I don't think I can or want to get a gun. I can't imagine taking someones life for a $1000.00 machine and gear. I like the ASP idea, a good beating is all these punks need. I am happy nothing real bad happend to you guys. Sorry about your arm tho. Nice find.

Keep @ it and keep safe, HH!!

I can't imagine having to take a life over any kind of machine...Then again, by the looks of the wound on that forearm
I CAN imagine that the bottle was throw with enough force to possibly fracture a skull, or very possibly even cause death. I definitely would have called the cops, AFTER I had detained the little S.O.B. And yeah he would have struggled so I would have had to knock the living crap out of him :violent1:

On the upside, I am very glad you did not get hurt REALLY badly, though I am sure that arm doesn't feel quite up to par today!

Luck to ya and be safe


I havent read this whole post but you need to make a police report. You need to have this person arrested. You need to go back without your detectors maybe, ask around and try to ID this person. He is dangerous and could have, and may, kill somebody in the future. He has committed a felony aggravated assault and battery, intent to cause bodily harm and thinks nothing of it. Also the bottle is a weapon making the charge more serious.

Midnightrider08 said:
I keep my doors unlocked and I don't own guns and yes I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to take anyone out who intruded on my property in the middle of the night but they wouldn't get to the door to begin with as I'm awake 20 of the 24 hrs in a day atleast.

Maybe it's a difference in the areas of the country or something but for my state I live in a rough area and I've never had to deal with anything like described above while in a public park or any place for that matter.

I think it happened cause it was allowed to happen is all I was trying to say and I don't feel carrying guns is a rational reaction to the incident.
Count your blessings my friend!!! Be safe & take care

Here in Minnesota we can conceal and carry firearms (even in bars/saloons, go figure), and I do when I'm out detecting. I'd hate to see some poor ba$tard try that on me - if a beatdown wasn't in order, at minimum they would find a S&W 642 from my hip in their ear...

jpotter said:
Sorry about the bad experience. That is messed up that people try to take what is not theirs. I believe in that thing of lobbing off the hands for thievery.

Your experience is why I try to go with a buddy. I don't like to carry with me when I'm detecting, plus I can't enter the water with a weapon.

Be careful the next time out, these two crack heads may still be there, it might be their hang out. If you see them again call the police, don't dirty your hands on such garbage.

By the way for land hunting, I carry now an old German folding shovel. It weighs about 10 pounds and in itself is a good weapon. It will take down a bison.

At least there was the nice merc to make up for the incident.

Be careful and good luck.
You can get dry bags for weapons of all sizes. Northern Diver make then in England (Not New England, the Country). They´re available from pistol size upto and including 0.50 calibre sniper rifle, or made to measure, in any colour they have, including camaflage.

time for 2 to the body and 1 to the head -- target practice . >:( ???

Thanks for all of your support. On the news tonight I seen a segment about how the Chicago police dogs are now wearing protective vests that are bullet and stab proof. It sux that the best hunting spots are also the worst places to hunt!!!

Thanks again for all of your feedback. :thumbsup:

I'm gonna bow out of this after this post.

I carry and not ashamed to say so. I don't broadcast it or wave it around showing how big I am, nor does it make me less of a man by carrying a weapon. I do not live being scared at all never have. I assure anyone I will kill someone if I think they will kill me. I also have a legal right to protect my property. Would I be proud of it, No but I would not be ashamed either.

I recently had a friend sick at home, wife and daughter took car shopping so no car was parked there. 3 folks drove up, parked on road. 2 when across the street where a home was for sale looked around for a bit (neighbor said). Crossed over to his place, went to his side door, started busting it in, first guy came in was holding a pistol and my friend which had grabbed a gun hearing and seeing the guys coming in gave him a blast of a 12 gauge. He staggered and dropped dead. His bud who was right behind him still coming in, ran, jumped in car with other waiting and hauled butt. The first guy in repeat offender in assaults, robbery, etc. Now only those folks know for sure what they were going to do, had they staked it out to rob the place? Rape his wife or and daughter? I think the guy got exactly what he deserved, saw the court of God that day and was tossed in the flames of hell forever. Wonder if his buds will think twice now about breaking into a home, the one knowing how close he too came to being dead.

I live in a rural area myself and still stuff happens, never to me but in my area. Might be the way my tresspassing signs read I don't know. Wasn't that long ago 2 young girls in rural Kansas I think or Oklahoma heading to a sleep over were found shot on their dirt road. I am sure everyone can remember them. I could go on with more examples of rural peaceful places that they say it just doesn't happen here. Still folks have been kidnapped, harmed, killed, etc It can happen anytime anywhere.

Days are gone here of leaving doors unlocked, windows open for a cool Florida breeze at night like it was years ago. If your in that kind of area now be thankful to God for providing it.

Some folks don't care about you or your family, they want your stuff period and they don't give a crap how they get it or what they have to do to get it. Your life has no value to them I'd say they were too lazy to get a job, but they are working. Being a criminal

I am out and off to clean my guns and detectors

Sorry about the run-in... we have to be careful in these city parks. I hunt ghetto parks in the nasty parts of town regularly here, and I guess I've been lucky not to have any encounter more serious than kids throwing pennies or rocks at me, and I immediately drop the phones and raise the knife and move at them in a hurry - they run pretty fast when you take them off guard like that. Still, I take great pains to be aware of my surroundings as I hunt and always have eyes in the back of my head. Anyway, if someone would have drawn blood on me like that it would have been "game on!" I think more and more about getting a sidearm to take with me at the parks, but that may make me or other detectorists targets for driveby potshots. Take care and HH, Mike.

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