Me and Goio were attacked today by a theif trying to rob us!!!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Golden Thread
Chicago IL
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab_Excal_II Minelab_Explorer_SE_Pro w/ SunRay pinpointer & Garrett_Ace250
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
We went to our normal hunting spot in a Chicago public park like any other day. Everything was cool.
I found a 1920 Merc, that is the end of my 71 day silver coin drought so I was happy.

I was detecting when I saw Goio saying something to me. I took off my headphones,
when I saw a young guy maybe 16 - 20 years old throw a bottle at him. It missed him, but not by much.
The guy was like 15 feet away from us. I guess Goio was diging a plug when the first bottle came sailing
right passed his head. Everytime he threw a bottle he tried to rush up on us. He prolly thought we would
drop our detectors and he could run up and grab it. Well he got really close like 10 feet from me and whipped
another bottle at me, I saw it coming right for my head so I blocked it with my forearm. Just as before he tried
to rush me. This time I raised my shovel up and said "I'm gonna cut your %$&*@# head off!!!" well he took 1
step forward then ran off. He had another buddy off like 100 feet or so. Prolly ready to call his boys if anything
happened to him.

I wish I could of got my hands on him, I would of messed him up good. But my luck, he prolly is underage and I
would go to jail!!! He was whipping those bottels hard like he played baseball or some thing. The bottle that hit me
didn't blowup on impact, it bounced off. But now I have a big lump on my forearm, but that better than a broken
nose!!!! God I hate thiefs. The thing that bothers me most is that he tried to smash a bottle on Goios head when
he wasn't expecting it. Coward!!!! I atleast knew that a bottle was coming at me.

Oh yea, we still have all of our gear - he got nothing from us.

here are the pix that I took of todays hunt.







Upvote 1
Well let's see here....Bottle at maybe 50mph or 30 feet per second...Thug punk A$$ kids 20 feet away...Corbond(Bullet) traveling 1200 feet per second...Hmmmm...They had better hope there is a hospital close by to assist in their rapid blood loss. There is a lot to say about Grey Matter when it is falling out of someone elses head. Robbery is a Felony in my fair city, and I believe you would have been justified in taking an aggressive stance with these turds! If you get my drift. Glad that you are okay...Nice finds BTW...There is always room in Notre Dame Country(South Bend) if you want to hunt with us. We carry guns and my squad car is always within eye shot of the hunting grounds. BRING IT!!!!!!! I live for those kinda days! Stay safe my friend.... :) jgas Oh by the way, we have had more cop involved shootings in South Bend than Chicago(2007,2008)..We have also had more cops get killed in the past two years than Chicago..Thus the reason to be armed at all times....Later...jgas

What does one carry legally, if they can't get a CCW?

Those punks were lucky you didn't get hold of them. One can make a serious dent in a punk with an E-Tool.

BTW, you did report this to the coppers, right? It's a dead cinch you were not the first time they've tried this.
Eventually, they'll get caught, and your report is just one more count they'll go down for.

carry a long stretchy sock and a cue ball. you can " reach out and touch someone " from a good 5' away. most likely you will only need one swing.and no matter where it strikes it will get your point across , no matter how long it takes for him to wake up. LOL :tard:

If I hunt questionable places, I take my gun and my asp. That asp really evens things up against un-armed aggressors. I highly recomend one. Go for the knees they cant block it and it causes major damage. A direct hit to the side of the knee WILL drop them. As mentioned above always watch your surroundings. I recommend the 26" asp. $35-$50 depending on where you go.

Wow I hate people like that. They were probably drunk. When that bottle hit your forearm, you should have run at him and that probably would have scared him to death. Keep watching over your shoulder from now on. I notice you have a digging knife, if he was to get close enough to break your comfort zone, pull it out and in a deep voice and scary look, be like "I am going to rip your heart out" or say, "murdered someone before, I can do it again". Normally younger people are scared by anyone fighting back.

Hey, Fiend...This is one of the sad aspects of our hobby...we're out there and don't know who is going to walk up to us, and the nut cases are out there. I'm glad you and your friend stood your ground, and that you didn't lose your equipment!! Good luck in the future my friend! :thumbsup:


Hey TreasureFiend and Goio, I'm glad you guys made it through that intense encounter without getting seriously hurt.

I'm thinking we should all carry some Pepper Spray... it should do a good number on most of these kids that get close enough to do harm like this. I never thought a person could be bullied from a distance with bottles!!

Nice find! Sorry you had to go through so much trouble to get it.


I half expected a picture of the would-be thieves.

Glad you two are okay - basically, anyway. You might think about making a report to the police; it's probably not the first time nor the last, the two jerks thought they had an easy mark.

Good lookin' Merc!


ditto. i agree you probably should carry pepper spray or get yourself a weapon of some sort. >:( :o glad i all worked out in the end.
Detectingfreak said:
That sucks!!!!! I am glad you guys are ok! :) Nice job on the mercury dime!!! :thumbsup:

Good stop on the bottle, Fiend. Time to go someplace safer, Douglas maybe....

All I can say is...

Those 2 punks are nothing but a big old pile of steaming

Glad you guys are o.k.

Greg (C2MU)

Man, that is a sad story but understandable in today's climate. Glad it didn't get any worse. Yall really should get a concealed carry if you can there.
Those keltec's in 380 or 9mm are real light and fit in a pocket nicely....

Keep safe...


Glad you two are safe and its to bad you
didnt get ahold of him. Be careful out there
and watch your butt. Jimbob

Glad to hear you guys are okay.

Are you guys hunting down by the lakefront or out in the burbs?
There are so many old parks and places to hunt, but they're in the
war zone.

The good that came out of this is everyone that reads this will be more
aware of their surroundings from now on.

I know I've felt my skin crawl a few times, and this just reinforces my awareness.

Be careful out there and fill all your holes hehe.

Glad u came out of it unscathed. Have had a couple situations somewhat similar where a bunch of gangbangers were siting in a playground watching me and laughing and plottinf that they would like to have that metal detector to pawn it. Thats f-ing sad. And punks wonder why they get such a bad rap. Sounds like you kept your cool. I would have been all up in it. Boy I sound like such a tough guy. NOT

Sorry little low down, worthless, bottom sucking, scum, pieces of trash! (Just to be safe, I used those adjectives instead of what I REALLY wanted to put.) That right there is why I hate the city and moved back to the country! >:( I am so glad that you two came out of that situation alive. It's a sad day when ya can't go to the park and be safe.

Well. Congrats on those finds, ya'll! :wink:


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