Me and Goio were attacked today by a theif trying to rob us!!!!


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Mar 17, 2008
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Chicago IL
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All Treasure Hunting
We went to our normal hunting spot in a Chicago public park like any other day. Everything was cool.
I found a 1920 Merc, that is the end of my 71 day silver coin drought so I was happy.

I was detecting when I saw Goio saying something to me. I took off my headphones,
when I saw a young guy maybe 16 - 20 years old throw a bottle at him. It missed him, but not by much.
The guy was like 15 feet away from us. I guess Goio was diging a plug when the first bottle came sailing
right passed his head. Everytime he threw a bottle he tried to rush up on us. He prolly thought we would
drop our detectors and he could run up and grab it. Well he got really close like 10 feet from me and whipped
another bottle at me, I saw it coming right for my head so I blocked it with my forearm. Just as before he tried
to rush me. This time I raised my shovel up and said "I'm gonna cut your %$&*@# head off!!!" well he took 1
step forward then ran off. He had another buddy off like 100 feet or so. Prolly ready to call his boys if anything
happened to him.

I wish I could of got my hands on him, I would of messed him up good. But my luck, he prolly is underage and I
would go to jail!!! He was whipping those bottels hard like he played baseball or some thing. The bottle that hit me
didn't blowup on impact, it bounced off. But now I have a big lump on my forearm, but that better than a broken
nose!!!! God I hate thiefs. The thing that bothers me most is that he tried to smash a bottle on Goios head when
he wasn't expecting it. Coward!!!! I atleast knew that a bottle was coming at me.

Oh yea, we still have all of our gear - he got nothing from us.

here are the pix that I took of todays hunt.







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Goio said:
Thanks everyone for all the advice and concerns, We did not report the incident to the police yesterday cause there where none around! we usually see cops either walking, bike riding or driving around all the time but yesterday was not to be. Weird!! If TF is willing to hunt tomorrow, the plan is to go back to the park, different spot but same park and report the incident to any police officer we meet.

Goio, I'm sorry dude, but what do yo mean, I didn't report it because no-one was around? Did you not have a cell phone? Were you so far from civilization that you couldn't of take 10 minutes to go find a phone?
What if the very next day, they killed someone?

Yeah, I'm sorry that happend to you, but I'm very disappointed with you.

Well let me tell you something about chasing someone down. Last week a big black guy stole some steaks at the local grocery store. This is a small town and we try to take care of each other. Two of the store employees were trying to stop the guy from leaving but they were a little intimidated by the size and build of the guy. I hollered out tackle him and I will help as I ran toward them. The black guy took off with the two employees in hot prosuit. I played college football as a defensive back and was pretty fast back then. Have you ever had a fast car blow your doors off out on the interstate ? Well that's what I felt like, for every step I took, they must have taken three. The years have been cruel to this old body. Might have been a lucky thing he out ran me. ::)

Oh yea, forgot to mention I saw the steak thief the other day. He is now working for the sheriff dept, picking up garbage on the side of the road. He couldn't out run the police cars. :thumbsup:

Lots of great comments, Im resurrecting this old post of mine so people can see what happens when you get caught up in the hunt and forget to keep an eye out for your surroundings. Stay safe everybody and happy hunting in this new hunting season!!!!

I think pepper spray is a good solution and might be a "tool" we all should carry. Although I admit I'd feel mighty silly holding a little can and spraying it at someone in a defensive situation... We already are looking in the ground for who knows what ... I'm sure we are seen as crazy to begin with in many a eyes ... This would have been the perfect oppurtunity to play the psycho detectorist card and just gone mid evil on them ... but that's just me.

I have three different types of Pepper spray I have access to at anytime. .9mm, .40 and .45ACP. Best three pepper spray combinations out there.

Take some pepper spray. They'd love a face full of that.


This is my treasure huntin buddy

fishinmcc muncie indiana TreasureNet

Punks. Maybe i should put the sling shot and some marbles in the wheel chair pouch. Hard to justify shooting them with lead there in that instance, but a marble could hold the field better than tossing bottles!

Glad that you are ok. Sorry that happened-I truly hate such acts against others.
Always hate when some one stands in the predator spot-or even just scopes you. These $hits went beyond the usual easy opportunistic grab.I could always handle myself-but I'm getting older. See..starting to ramble...

I went with a friend of mine one time to the beach. We were asked to leave by a local. We didnt and the guy came up and pulled his knife out and said I'm not going to ask you again to leave! I said to Kevin lets get outta here. Well, kev goes back to his truck with his book bag on and continues going on. The same guy comes back yelling..... I warned you $&@"?! Kevin pulled out a pistol and told the guy to give him his knife and run away! So needless to say I never went out with him again! People can be such jerks for no reason. Glad your all ok!

You wouldn't have went to jail for that, once he started the attack you was more than justified in ending it. I would have buried my lesche in his neck so he wouldn't have been able to do that again to anyone else. Don't know if you can carry where your at? if not where was the police but then again they usually don't show up till its too late to help you out any. HH

I am also from the Chicago area. I understand why some mders just wear one side of their headphones while hunting. Lets face it, mding is becoming noticed and the bigger finds recognized. So leave it to a theif to try and take our treasures the easy way. I will have to begin to rethink hunting alone and some of the spots I hunt in (not safe). As for a gun not a good idea, as they said on the radio the other day, these young STUPID people are not afraid of dying, so if you show a piece you better be ready to use it and then know your going to jail. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!! TAKE CARE,HAPPY EASTER.

I went with a friend of mine one time to the beach. We were asked to leave by a local. We didnt and the guy came up and pulled his knife out and said I'm not going to ask you again to leave! I said to Kevin lets get outta here. Well, kev goes back to his truck with his book bag on and continues going on. The same guy comes back yelling..... I warned you $&@"?! Kevin pulled out a pistol and told the guy to give him his knife and run away! So needless to say I never went out with him again! People can be such jerks for no reason. Glad your all ok!

So you were mad that your hunting partner defended himself and YOU? The man with the knife is lucky he didn't die right there on the beach, and you should have thanked your friend for stopping the attack, not abandon him.

So you were mad that your hunting partner defended himself and YOU? The man with the knife is lucky he didn't die right there on the beach, and you should have thanked your friend for stopping the attack, not abandon him.

I agree whole 100% be glad you had someone willing to take a stand.

fishinmcc muncie indiana TreasureNet

This is why I have been hesitant to work the local Ghetto parks alone. Nearly every park in Merced has a population of scumbags who hang around make hunting difficult. Glad you are okay. Nice Merc.

wow glad you're ok, that's the main reason I don't use headphones, I had a guy try to sneak up on me once, my digging tool was the reason he turned away:laughing7: but ya just never know, now if I don't have my 1911 on me I have a young eager rott that weighs 150 lbs that I don't keep on a leash:icon_thumleft: the one in the picture lol, I have not been bothered since lol. HH all be careful!

So you were mad that your hunting partner defended himself and YOU? The man with the knife is lucky he didn't die right there on the beach, and you should have thanked your friend for stopping the attack, not abandon him.

..those are called,"sheep",Jason....I cant even begin to relate to that mentality.I am sure the other guy was just proud of his knife,and was just showing it off....maybe he found it,and thats why he didnt want them there....they might get injured,he was looking out for them

I know here in Vegas to get the real old stuff I have to take my chances im some pretty rough areas by myself, I am always on guard which takes some of the fun away. More than once ive had to hold my shovel or knife in a stern and threatning way to avoid conflict with the crazies out there. Al I can say is if something doesnt feel right or I get a real bad feeling I leave before I even see anyone, guardian angel? Who knows but everyone be careful and watch your backs. Sometimes the treasure is not worth our lives.

I have read on one other thread that Wasp /Bee spray works better then pepper spray and if you can get it in the prep's eyes it will send him to the hospital. I don't know for sure if that is true but it can spray several feet and give you that advantage in an instant. I would suggest using a spray paint pistol grip so you don't spay your self or your buddy. :tongue3:
Pistol Grip For Spray Cans « MYMOLOTOW

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I have read on one other thread that Wasp /Bee spray works better then pepper spray and if you can get it in the prep's eyes it will send him to the hospital. I don't know for sure if that is true but it can spray several feet and give you that advantage in an instant. I would suggest using a spray paint pistol grip so you don't spay your self or your buddy. :tongue3:
Pistol Grip For Spray Cans « MYMOLOTOW
I highly recommend NOT doing this. The lawsuit alone would not be worth it. A good old fashioned ass whooping goes a lot further.

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