Lue Map

"Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler": Anthony C. Sutton

"Here is the incredible story of the American financiers who provided the money and material Hitler used to launch World War II"

"Moreover, American assistance to Nazi war efforts extended into other areas. The two largest tank producers in Hitler's Germany were Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors (controlled by the J.P. Morgan firm), and the Ford A. G. subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit. The Nazis granted tax-exempt status to Opel in 1936, to enable General Motors to expand its production facilities. General Motors obligingly reinvested the resulting profits into German industry. Henry Ford was decorated by the Nazis for his services to Naziism. (See p. 93.) Alcoa and Dow Chemical worked closely with Nazi industry with numerous transfers of their domestic U.S. technology.

Bendix Aviation, in which the J.P. Morgan-controlled General Motors firm had a major stock interest, supplied Siemens & Halske A. G. in Germany with data on automatic pilots and aircraft instruments. As late as 1940, in the unofficial war," Bendix Aviation supplied complete technical data to Robert Bosch for aircraft and diesel engine starters and received royalty payments in return.

In brief, American companies associated with the Morgan-Rockefeller international investment bankers – not, it should be noted, the vast bulk of independent American industrialists – were intimately related to the growth of Nazi industry. It is important to note as we develop our story that General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont and the handful of U.S. companies intimately involved with the development of Nazi Germany were – except for the Ford Motor Company – controlled by the Wall Street elite – the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan bank.18 This book is not an indictment of all American industry and finance. It is an indictment of the "apex" – those firms controlled through the handful of financial houses, the Federal Reserve Bank system, the Bank for International Settlements, and their continuing international cooperative arrangements and cartels which attempt to control the course of world politics and economics."

Antony C Sutton: Wall Street and the rise of Hitler & communism


You may as well include the money peoples' involvement in WWI and the Civil War. All the wars, in fact. You can go back further too - to Jackson, Hamilton and others.

When you want to know how things work:

That is TRUE, and Anthony Sutton's other book: "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" reveals that U.S. companies and industrialists invested in and revitalized Russian industry after the Bolshevik revolution and Ford trucks were used by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War to transport supplies; which were built in the Gorke plant built by Ford.

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

However, the point of my post is to show the banker and industrialist cabal which funded Hitler's rise; who were getting paid in gold bullion before and during World War II and also owned trans-Atlantic companies which were given free reign to transport it back to the U.S. are those who created the waybill, which was used to hide the cache.

In other words, the "notion" that Hitler himself had German soldiers transporting and hiding the gold cache isn't necessarily the truth. It was well known AMERICANS whom transported and hid it, as shown in the waybill.

Of course, I won't know for certain until I'm able to unearth and actually examine the "artifacts".

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This is interesting stuff although the history of businessmen selling tools of destruction and profiting from reconstruction throughout American history isn't necessarily shocking. More shocking is mandatory patriotism mandated by the businessmen who profit off the deaths of our sons and daughters.

We still haven't seen the gold, Spyro, but I think we'll be satisfied seeing more of how you solved the LUE Map. Please reveal your solution. We've gotten bits and pieces and allusions to sine waves and celestial navigations... but nothing close to your Eureka! moment. Fudge the numbers, obscure key details if you must.. you've paraded the desert tray back and forth.. now let us have cake :)

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The "Key" to understanding the waybill is orienting it properly - with North pointing upward - and knowing the "point of origin". The vertical and horizontal surveying components precisely layout both elevation and distance on the property, where the train of gold is buried: Lloro Urraca Enterrari. I LOVE to play Scrabble.

You'll never see me actually show you where it's located. I only post on Treasurenet to help the morons dreaming of deciphering it thinking they're going to use a toy metal detector and a spade and find "Sudden Wealth" (like Tom Hilton, whom I suspect in burning KvM's property to the ground for LYING and being such a BULLSHITTER) - believing KvM's fork lore that it's an array of gold caches buried by Cornonado, another 16th century explorer, Jesuit or Franciscan gold.

Or even something MORE assinnine like the KCG buried gold caches after the Civil War in order to fund a "counter war" against the North; even though the were DIRT poor and starving after the Civil War, like Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind". Yet .. fools like Randy Bradford believe that GARBAGE.

All I know is this - KvM never found ONE SPECK of the LUE and lived a sub-human life in a mobile home, in a ghost town (Segundo, Colorado) selling lore to gullible morons like Randy Bradford.

Karl von Mueler .. or whatever the hell his name was, was a PAUPER .. living a poverty level subsistence selling folk lore to gullible people thinking they'd "strike it rich" finding a treasure; too stupid to make millions in the REAL WORLD. Yet .. fools on this website believe he was "WEALTHY".

Now .. if you have a million to chip in to buy the property - we'll go out there next week and do it.

Lemme guess Ryano - you're at "20 something" KID with no wife and no kids - with "pie in the sky" delusions of solving the LUE and acquiring "Sudden Wealth" - too STUPID to grasp you don't walk on a persons' property whom has a 30.06 pointed at your head.

My suggestion Ryano? Buy Power Ball tickets or go rob a BANK - you'll have better odds in stealing someone else's LOOT

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The "Key" to understanding the waybill is orienting it properly - with North pointing upward - and knowing the "point of origin".

You'll never see me actually show you where it's located. I only post on Treasurenet to help the morons dreaming of deciphering it thinking they're going to use a toy metal detector and a spade and find "Sudden Wealth" (like Tom Hilton, whom I suspect in burning KvM's property to the ground for LYING and being such a BULLSHITTER) - believing KvM's fork lore that it's an array of gold caches buried by Cornonado, another 16th century explorer, Jesuit or Franciscan gold.

All I know is this - KvM never found ONE SPECK of the LUE and lived a sub-human life in a mobile home, in a ghost town (Segundo, Colorado) selling lore to gullible morons like Randy Bradford.

Karl von Mueler .. or whatever the hell his name was, was a PAUPER .. living a poverty level subsistence selling folk lore to gullible people thinking they'd "strike it rich" finding a treasure; too stupid to make millions in the REAL WORLD. Yet .. fools on this website believe he was "WEALTHY".

Now .. if you have a million to chip in to buy the property - we'll go out there next week and do it.

Lemme guess Ryanno - you're at "20 something" KID with no wife and no kids - with "pie in the sky" delusions of solving the LUE and acquiring "Sudden Wealth" - too STUPID to grasp you don't walk on a persons' property whom has a 30.06 pointed at your head.

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Honestly Spyro, you present some pretty interesting stuff here. Personal attacks aside, I think it would be very interesting to talk with you under better circumstances.

I also like that you're using the original map, far too many folks rely on the RAM version and don't realize it was modified.

I've often found the struggle with the LUE is talking to people in a way you can learn more about the map without putting people off. My goal isn't to get someone to hand over all their secrets, merely better grasp their developmental process in approaching the map as a way of coming up with things I haven't thought of myself.

Just looking at yours here (I suspect you have many), is the significance of the 4-4-1.

Spyro, do you feel there are elements of the map that are not useful in decoding it? Merely decoration or even worse...deliberate efforts to mislead folks with extraneous symbols?

Do you believe the LUE to be a single cache?

Dear Randy,

As I've posted before: there were TWO "collaborators" in drawing the waybill - the person whom transported the cache and crew, and the surveyor on the property whom was "in charge" of the operation. Every element on the waybill is a precise measurement. What the point in "deception" if the waybill was never meant to be shown to ANYONE.

I've posted plenty for you to "grasp" - as you've read before.

if you're SERIOUS - I'll meet you in Denver and travel to the ranch with you to verify the caches. All you have to do is chip in just $25,000 to buy the equipment. I already have an investor chipping in a million to buy the property, but I have to double verify the cache locations and quantity.

As you read before, I've identifed the precise cache locations using satellite and drone spectroscopy; but the final verification needs to be done ON THE GROUND.

Denver isn't that far from Tecumseh, Kansas.

You can either "go BIG" and buy a OKM EXp 6000 Professional Metal Detector for $25,000 or go "cheapy" with a DRS X1 Pro for $10,000; or another ground penetrating "set up". You can keep the equipment.

You're not going to locate the cache sites with a TOY metal detector; designed to find TRINKETS and TRASH like pennies and valueless civil war buttons.

NOW - if my wife didn't tell me to "FUG ET UH BOT IT" - I would buy better equipment myself, (which would cost over $50,000) and buy the property MYSELF!

If you're SERIOUS about how to solve the waybill - message me.

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Spyro, no one asked you to "actually show...where it's located"., but evidently I asked for too much.I hoped you would infer my request was tongue-in-cheek by the smiley face.. perhaps I should've used the ;) instead...but hey, we're on a forum and the subtleties of conversation often don't cross the barriers of our computer screens.

I hope Randy or whoever interested party is able to pony up the $25K for the impressive equipment you need to, as you say, double verify- the fidelity of your LUE Map solve.

So, the wife, apparently knowing that a fool and his money are soon parted, won't allow you to risk your own $1,000,000 in order to recover $800,000,000, easy as pie and "legal". Am I correct so far?

Instead, you're posting veiled assurances and hoping someone watching this forum will send you his $1,000,000 for a third of the prize (since I guess you've already convinced another party to ante up). Right? Then you'll have $2,000,000 of other peoples' money and a snappy good idea to get rich quick. What happens if you pull this off, buy the pasture and end up with a deep empty hole? Do you then own 1/3 of the ranch? For you, that would be as good as finding the gold, huh?

For the two money partners, this is strictly a real estate venture, IMO, and if/when the LUE adventure goes bust, you would be cut out of the deal and they would each own half the ranch. Depending on the value of the dirt, it would merely be a decision for them whether or not the ranch was worth $2,000,000.

I wish the wife and the ranch owner were posting here too. Might get even more interesting - arguably your two strongest potential partners don't seem to want into the game. Why not?

Clarity: my wife believes I've already spent enough money on the project: satellite and drone spectroscopy is expensive. You seem to forget I already know where the caches, etc. are located.

If I were "criminally minded" - I could walk onto the property with NO metal detector and swipe 200 ounces for a "quick score". In fact, I've done the logistics calculating how long it would take me to "hit" a few other cache locations for 2000 more ounces; which are arrayed as shown on the waybill - but are way points to; what appears to be, three tunnel systems which is buried 53 feet deep; count the steps.

I think I could do it in two nights. BUT, as I've posted, WHOM would be the first suspect when the owner finds fresh dirt from a dig on his property? ME!

I know nobody on Treasurenet has an extra million to throw in the "kitty". This website is for hobbyists and dreamers, running around with toy metal detectors looking for TRINKETS and TRASH - like old pennies and civil war buttons and belt buckles, on beaches and in parks believing they're going to find "SUDDEN WEALTH" (inference to KvM is INTENDED).

My point in showing the OKM eXp 6000 and the DRX X1 Pro, was to show you one would need more than a toy Fischer or Garrett metal detector to catalog and prove the caches are there.

Why? The owner said if I can prove beyond a doubt that the "artifacts" were there - WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO DIG - he'd cut a deal and I'd own the property without telling him were the BIG caches were stored. Get it?

You don't need to be Perry Mason to form a Limited Partnership to purchase and manage the property. As a stand alone operation, it's worth his asking price on a cash flow and return on investment basis.

Again, the only reason I post on this site is to help the delusional who read KvM's material like it's the Dead Sea Scrolls. As Randy has pointed out many times and in his YouTube videos, KvM's stories are so scattered and obfuscated, it's OBVIOUS he never found ONE SPECK of the LUE.

Welcome to the PROFESSIONAL LEVEL of BIG cache treasure hunting
(Now - don't go and pester this company - I'm only using their work as an "example")

"Examples of 3D resistivity analysis from 2D ground arrays and airborne surveys. Electrical resistivity surveys offer the ability to inexpensively collect vast quantities of three-dimensional subsurface data."


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Trading with the Enemy - An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949

The Swiss National Bank officials told Schmidt that in order to be sure they were not obtaining looted gold, they had requested a member of the Reichsbank, whom they "regarded to be trustworthy," to certify that each parcel of gold that they purchased had not been looted. Schmidt asked who that person might be. He was not surprised when the directors of the Swiss National Bank informed him that that personage was none other than Emil Puhl, who had just left ahead of his arrival. At the Nuremberg Trials in May 1946, Walther Funk, still listed as a BIS director, testified that Puhl had American connections and had been offered a major post at Chase in New York shortly before Pearl Harbor. Funk admitted that Puhl was in charge of gold shipments. He admitted receiving the gold reserve of the Czech National Bank and the Belgian gold, and he added, "It was very difficult to pay [in foreign exchange] in gold.

Only in Switzerland could we still do business through changing gold into foreign currency." Funk said that Puhl had informed him in 1942 that the Gestapo had deposited gold coins, and other gold, from the concentration camps, in the Reichsbank. Puhl had been in charge of this. Jewels, monocles, spectacle frames, watches, cigarette cases, and gold dentures had flowed into the Reichsbank, supplied by Puhl from Heinrich Himmler's resources. They were melted down into gold bars; he did not add how many bars were marked for shipment to Switzerland. Each gold bar weighed 20 kilograms. An affidavit was read to Funk, signed by Puhl, confirming the facts. Puhl stated that Funk had made arrangements with Himmler to receive the gold.

Funk unsuccessfully sought to disclaim responsibility for the scheme. He dismissed Puhl's charges that the gold was plowed into a revolving fund. Faced with a film showing as many as seventy-seven shipments of gold teeth, wedding rings, and other loot at one time, he stuck to his story. At one stage he said that the loot was brought to the Reichsbank by mistake! His lies became so absurd that they were laughable. When prosecutor Thomas F. Dodd said to him, "There was blood on this gold, was there not, and you knew this since 1942?" Funk replied weakly, "I did not understand."

On May 15, 1946, Puhl took the witness stand. Puhl claimed that he had objected to the shipments as "inconvenient" and "uncomfortable " -- a curious description. He admitted that his "objections" were "subordinated to the broader consideration of assisting the SS, all the more -- and this must be emphasized -- because these things were for the account of the Reich." The prosecuting counsel read items from a report that included the statement, "One of the first hints of the sources of [the gold] occurred when it was noticed that a packet of bills was stamped with a rubber stamp, 'Lublin.' This occurred some time early in 1943.

Another hint came when some items bore the stamp, 'Auschwitz.' We all knew that these places were the sites of concentration camps. It was in the tenth delivery, in November 1942, that dental gold appeared. The quantity of the dental gold became unusually great."

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I've seriously wondered if the Victorio Peak gold was, in fact, German gold plunder stolen by high ranking US military and secreted in the VP caves sometime after the grifter Doc Noss's death in 1948 at the hands of one of his fraud victims. A perfect cover - off limits to the public until its removal. Also a great excuse if exposed - "It was Spanish gold found on US property. Lucky us. Go away now."

I don't know all the alleged details of the Victorio Peak gold and the story around Doc Noss. I'm new to solving treasure legends, but had my initial interest peeked in Trabuco's gold more than 30 years ago when my wife purchased a subscription to "Lost Treasure" for me as a gift.

Which means - I solved BOTH the Trabuco's gold "mystery" AND the waybill. Couldn't have done it without "21 Century" technology: satellite and drone spectroscopy.

The "tricky" part is capturing it - WITHOUT getting SHOT, ending up in PRISON or getting SCALPED by the Navajo. You can't walk off with 25 or 17 TONS stuffed in your back pocket.

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Do you seriously entertain thoughts that an infidel is going to make off with a large gold cache that belongs to someone else?

I'm not exactly "clear" what you mean - but based on simple logic and deduction - the only way to acquire the cache od by purchasing the property per the LUE, OR "cut a deal" with the property owner, whom doesn't believe it's there and doesn't want to invest the money to find out. The property owner won't be able to find it UNLESS he purchases the proper equipment. A toy metal detector won't find it - it's too deep.

So then, one has to be "patient" and let it sit there.

Per Trabuco's gold - one could "cut a deal" with the Navajo's for a small percent of the cache.

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I've seriously wondered if the Victorio Peak gold was, in fact, German gold plunder stolen by high ranking US military and secreted in the VP caves sometime after the grifter Doc Noss's death in 1948 at the hands of one of his fraud victims. A perfect cover - off limits to the public until its removal. Also a great excuse if exposed - "It was Spanish gold found on US property. Lucky us. Go away now."

JackH ( Tnet member ) told me , his uncle who was WW2 veteran had in his garage some gold Egyptian artifacts and other gold stuff wich took from Berlin as souvenir at the end of the war . His uncle said the Zoo in Berlin was full with boxes filled with gold bars and gold artifacts from all over the world . Have you heard anything about this ? Where all that gold has gone ?

Most of the Nazi looted gold was retained by the Bank of International Settlements - as described in the books and U.S. Government reports, to which I've already posted links.

In addition, much of the looted gold was smuggled and transferred to Argentina, allegedly by Secretary of the Treasury Robert Morgenthau who oversaw "Operation Safehaven" and Allen Dulles whom oversaw "Operation Eagle's Flight": TWO MORE Nazi collaborators at the highest levels of the U.S. government!

BUT .. I believe AT LEAST 25 tons are hidden in three underground bunkers located on a property for sale in the "American Southwest"

The Interdiction and Cover-Up of Operation Savehaven
Spitfire List | FTR #578 Darkness at Sunrise: The Interdiction and Cover-Up of Operation Savehaven


As the tide of battle shifted in favor of the Allies in 1943, economic warfare goals began to take into account the concern that Germany would try to hide gold and other assets abroad so they would not be included in war reparations and could be used to re-build Axis strength in the post-war period. The specific goals of Safehaven, as they came to be formulated in spring 1944, were to restrict and prevent German economic penetration beyond Germany, to block Germany from transferring assets to neutral countries, to ensure that German wealth would be accessible for war reparations and for the rehabilitation of Europe, to make possible the return to legal owners of properties looted from countries once occupied by the Germans, and to prevent the escape of strategic German personnel to neutral havens. The overall purpose was to make it impossible for Germany to start another war.

The Bormann Organization

“Martin Bormann, forty-one at the fall of Berlin, and strong as a bull, was at all times at Hitler’s side, impassive and cool. His be-all and end-all was to guide Hitler, and now to make the decisions that would lead to the eventual rebirth of his country. Hitler; his intuitions at peak level despite his crumbling physical and mental health in the last year of the Third Reich, realized this and approved of it. ‘Bury your treasure,’ he advised Bormann, ‘for you will need it to begin a Fourth Reich.’ [Emphasis added.] That is precisely what Bormann was about when he set in motion the ‘flight capital’ scheme August 10, 1944, in Strasbourg. The treasure, the golden ring, he envisioned for the new Germany was the sophisticated distribution of national and corporate assets to safe havens throughout the neutral nations of the rest of the world.”

And since you're in Greece, Markmar

"After a two year search for Nazi gold of Northern Greece, treasure hunter, Patrikios Vulagris finally found what he'd been looking for in the rigorous Pindus Mounttain" - and he didn't use a TOY "coin shooting" metal detector

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I'm not exactly "clear" what you mean - but based on simple logic and deduction - the only way to acquire the cache od by purchasing the property per the LUE, OR "cut a deal" with the property owner, whom doesn't believe it's there and doesn't want to invest the money to find out. The property owner won't be able to find it UNLESS he purchases the proper equipment. A toy metal detector won't find it - it's too deep.

So then, one has to be "patient" and let it sit there.

Per Trabuco's gold - one could "cut a deal" with the Navajo's for a small percent of the cache.

If the Nazis hid tons of gold in the American West during the time of the end of WWII, why would you assume it hasn't already been recovered by them? All they needed to do was buy the ranch and dig it up sometime between 1950 and now. If it was buried and not dug up, why not? Did they forget about it? Was the LUE map unsolvable for them? It's the same as with all those "Jesuit treasure cache" stories in Arizona. The Jesuits - smartest people on Earth - forgot where the loot was buried?

If the Nazis hid tons of gold in the American West during the time of the end of WWII, why would you assume it hasn't already been recovered by them? All they needed to do was buy the ranch and dig it up sometime between 1950 and now. If it was buried and not dug up, why not? Did they forget about it? Was the LUE map unsolvable for them? It's the same as with all those "Jesuit treasure cache" stories in Arizona. The Jesuits - smartest people on Earth - forgot where the loot was buried?

To be fair, the Jesuits in most of the treasure stories were either murdered, or removed from their parishes and shipped off to other parts of the New World and in some cases back to Spain.

To be fair, the Jesuits in most of the treasure stories were either murdered, or removed from their parishes and shipped off to other parts of the New World and in some cases back to Spain.

Sure, I know the history of the expulsion. However, if these treasure magazine stories were true, then the Jesuits, the best-educated Navy Seals of their day, would have accumulated their piles of precious metals over years. Guys like this would have systematically cached their loot in secure locations and sent the info back to Rome. Coding the locations would have been child's play for them.

There are at least four options, IMO: 1) there were no monster caches; 2) if there were big caches, they've already been recovered; 3) the big caches were lost; 4) the caches were modest, consisting of church accouterments (crosses, candlesticks, etc) and a small amount of trade silver - stuff that was too cumbersome to travel with on such short notice. I personally favor no. 4 (and no. 1 by default) because I believe the Jesuits' mining activities in Arizona were minor in scale - not enough to accumulate large quantities of metal. Have the church adornments been recovered? Maybe, maybe not. Some believe these things were hidden in the Superstitions, where the brothers had no mission presence.

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