Lue Map

As I posted 3 years ago - I figured out that was the location in about 3 weeks - using all the measurements.

The "Key" is figuring out the starting point of the Waybill. It all depends on how much you wanna know - and how much you're willing to pay to know it.

Trust me - I've considered the logistics in making a "night run" to "recover" just one verified cache location on the ranch which contains a bit over 200 ounces BUT .. my wife reminded me that's TRESPASSING.

AND - as The Creator etched on the tablets for Moses in writing the 10 Commandments: "Thou Shalt Not STEAL"

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Spyro - are you a card-carrying member of a certain cryptology organization ?

I've always enjoyed cryptology, encryption and solving various puzzles unraveling the "Secrets of the Universe". But no card carrying member of ANYTHING - but the will of GOD

I suppose you could call me an honorary member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem - always wearing a Jerusalem Cross medal around my neck.

Deus Lo Vult: God Wills It

I suppose you could call it "Divine Intervention" in solving the LUE

In other words - I PRAY more than YOU - SINNER! :D

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St Bernard of Clairvaix
"In the year 1128, Bernard attended the Council of Troyes, at which he traced the outlines of the Rule of the Knights Templar,[a] which soon became the ideal of Christian nobility."

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Using "21st Century" technology (satellite spectroscopy) - a perfect array of locations have been verified.

As I mentioned, one cache appears to contain 200 ounces, which are buried deeper than a toy medal detector will find, in what appears to be a wooden box. Are they coins or bars?

The only way I'll know for certain is an actual recovery.

Also - what you know isn't actually the TRUTH, since the TRUTH is often WHITEWASHED

Can you HANDLE the TRUTH?

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials, 1938

The Silent Partner: How the Ford Motor Company Became an Arsenal of Nazism

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

U.S. and Allied Efforts To Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden
by Germany During World War II

1820 — Rothschilds established as the leading bank in Europe. Bankers who allied themselves with the Rothschilds, and those who supported the Masonic order, found themselves well off. Those who didn't had a rough way to go.

Bush Nazi Link Confirmed by John Buchanan

(Let's see if Randy can make a "connection" to his railroad "mystery" - from Virginia to California)

The "bank," founded in 1924 by W. Averell Harriman on behalf of Thyssen and his Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V. of Holland, was Union Banking Corporation (UBC) of New York City. According to government documents, it was in reality a clearing house for a number of Thyssen controlled enterprises and assets, including as many as a dozen individual businesses. UBC also bought and shipped overseas gold, steel, coal, and U.S. Treasury bonds.

The company's activities were administered for Thyssen by a Netherlands-born, naturalized U.S. citizen named Cornelis Lievense, who served as president of UBC. Roland Harriman was chairman and Prescott Bush a managing director.

Here's what's MOST astonishing!

As I read in another old thread, perhaps not on this site, famous WELL KNOWN industrialists were paid in Nazi gold; since the Reichs Mark was worthless, and smuggled it into the U.S. hidden in automobile engine blocks. In other words, the car engine blocks were gold, and the cars were hidden in the U.S.

Portions of the ranch looks like an auto junk yard and have been identified to contain gold.

And I'll leave it at that.

SO! Who's up for some ADVENTURE? Can you kick in a MILLION or so to fund it?

Then again, my wife thinks I'm NUTS and tells me to just "FUG ET UH BOD IT"

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Interesting links but nothing in them supports your claim of Nazis smuggling gold into the USA. Or burying it and forgetting about it. Your earlier posts state claims of a very large area (acreage?) of gold bullion buried feet or inches beneath soil. If that was the case then satellites or planes should've detected it already, right ? Especially if this Ranch is in or near a mineral belt that's been scrutinized since airborne EM systems were developed by resource mining corps in the 50's.

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First - I never claimed there were 40 acres of gold buried inches or a foot below the surface. That's what Tom Hilton wrote in the January/February 1970 issue of True Treasure Magazine. My guess is Karl Von Mueller told him that to "spoof" him, since the "legend" is Tom Hilton pestered the heck out of him about the LUE.

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I had no preconceived notions as to who drew the waybill or what it meant. I solved it first, then verified to see if my solution was correct, then sought to figure out who and why they secured and hid the gold at that location.

Next, the current satellite spectroscopy technology wasn't available in the 50's. I used the same technology as mining companies use. But, mining companies are looking for commercial size "reefs" of gold. Also, I used higher resolution than what would be normally used. I also had a 3rd party expert verify my findings and research.

Also, if you read the history you'd know it wasn't Adolph Hitler whom cached the gold - it was AMERICANS which included Averill Harriman, Prescott Bush, Henry Ford, Irene Du Pont, etc. They colluded with, conspired with and funded Adolph Hitler, whom paid them in GOLD, which he stole from country central banks like Belgium, Austria, etc.

That's why they conspired to ASSASSINATE F.D.R. whom I believe knew about their collaborating with Hitler; and why FDR enacted the Gold Act. He sought to confiscate their gold! That was the motivation to consolidate the hoard and hide it. As I've written before, the waybill appears to be two layouts in one; a two man collaboration. The person who transported it, whom used the waybill for directions, and the person in charge of hiding it at that location.

The Plot to Seize the White House

The Business Plot

Trading with the Enemy - An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949

The Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, was Nazi-controlled but presided over by an American, even in 1944. At one of its yearly meetings, the bank's president sat down with his German, Japanese, Italian, British, and American executive staff to discuss shipments of 378 million dollars in gold sent to the bank by the Nazi government for use by its leaders after the war.
This was gold looted from the banks of Austria, Belgium, and Czechoslovakia, or melted down from teeth fillings, eyeglass frames, and wedding rings of murdered Jews.

You aren't going to read in any of these publications: "Hey F.D.R. and the rest of you dumb ass FEDS - we transported and hid 200 tons of gold bullion in the U.S. Southwest and we're not going to tell you where we HID IT!"

Then again, that's my theory as to why the waybill measurements lead to that location, the large quantity, elaborate infrastructure and the means of transportation used to hide it there.

Lastly, based on the preliminary findings, moving and hiding the hoard was a BIG operation. Besides the geometric layout, it appears a tunnel systems was also built, which I mentioned before per the Triangle fraternity.

What's my point in posting anything? First - if you think the waybill was drawn by Spanish conquistadors, 16th century Jesuits or anything Karl Von Mueller wrote about - then you only enjoy reading folklore. Next - I've read many posts by those who believe it's a HOAX. It doesn't seem to be so, and that's why I worked on it in the first place, to see if I could decipher it.

The waybill appears to be REAL or it wouldn't have pointed to that location.

Here's a little BONUS: I used the same technology to locate Trabuco's gold (it's still there and appears to be 17 tons) a story which intrigued me going back to the early 80's when I first read about it in Lost Treasure. Of course I've considered cutting a deal with the Navajo Nation to "recover" it. BUT, my wife tells me to just "FUG ET UH BOT IT"

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First - I never claimed there were 40 acres of gold buried inches or a foot below the surface. That's what Tom Hilton wrote in the January/February 1970 issue of True Treasure Magazine. My guess is Karl Von Mueller told him that to "spoof" him, since the "legend" is Tom Hilton pestered the heck out of him about the LUE.

I had no preconceived notions as to who drew the waybill or what it meant. I solved it first, then verified to see if my solution was correct, then sought to figure out who and why they secured and hid the gold at that location.

Next, the current satellite spectroscopy technology wasn't available in the 50's. I used the same technology as mining companies use. But, mining companies are looking for commercial size "reefs" of gold. Also, I used higher resolution than what would be normally used. I also had a 3rd party expert verify my findings and research.

Also, if you read the history you'd know it wasn't Adolph Hitler whom cached the gold - it was AMERICANS which included Averill Harriman, Prescott Bush, Henry Ford, Irene Du Pont, etc. They colluded with, conspired with and funded Adolph Hitler, whom paid them in GOLD, which he stole from country central banks like Belgium, Austria, etc.

That's why they conspired to ASSASSINATE F.D.R. whom I believe knew about their collaborating with Hitler; and why FDR enacted the Gold Act. He sought to confiscate their gold! That was the motivation to consolidate the hoard and hide it. As I've written before, the waybill appears to be two layouts in one; a two man collaboration. The person who transported it and the person in charge of hiding it at that location.

The Plot to Seize the White House

The Business Plot

Trading with the Enemy - An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949

The Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, was Nazi-controlled but presided over by an American, even in 1944. At one of its yearly meetings, the bank's president sat down with his German, Japanese, Italian, British, and American executive staff to discuss shipments of 378 million dollars in gold sent to the bank by the Nazi government for use by its leaders after the war.
This was gold looted from the banks of Austria, Belgium, and Czechoslovakia, or melted down from teeth fillings, eyeglass frames, and wedding rings of murdered Jews.

You aren't going to read in any of these publications: "Hey F.D.R. and the rest of you dumb ass FEDS - we transported and hid 200 tons of gold bullion in the U.S. Southwest and we're not going to tell you where we HID IT!"

Then again, that's my theory as to why the waybill measurements lead to that location, the large quantity, elaborate infrastructure and the means of transportation used to hide it there.

Lastly, based on the preliminary findings, moving and hiding the hoard was a BIG operation. Besides the geometric layout, it appears a tunnel systems was also built, which I mentioned before per the Triangle fraternity.

What's my point in posting anything? First - if you think the waybill was drawn by Spanish conquistadors, 16th century Jesuits or anything Karl Von Mueller wrote about - then you only enjoy reading folklore. Next - I've read many posts by those who believe it's a HOAX. It doesn't seem to be so, and that's why I worked on it in the first place, to see if I could decipher it.

The waybill appears to be REAL or it wouldn't have pointed to that location.

Here's a little BONUS: I used the same technology to locate Trabuco's gold (it's still there and appears to be 17 tons) a story which intrigued me going back to the early 80's when I first read about it in Lost Treasure. Of course I've considered cutting a deal with the Navajo Nation to "recover" it. BUT, my wife tells me to just "FUG ET UH BOT IT"

The coup d'etat planned against FDR went nowhere thanks in large part to Butler, and was "debunked" by the government in order to prop up the idea of stability in our society. There have been many plots to overthrow or change leadership in the US government. At least two coup d'etat plans have occurred in our lifetime: the successful removal of JFK in 1963 and the current efforts against Trump (although IMO, it's basically all theatrical).

The Gold Act of 1933 (which I believe was a traitorous move against the US population) was enacted in order to put more money into circulation to try to fix conditions resulting from the ongoing Depression. The Federal Reserve could not legally print more US dollars unless the dollars were devalued, which of course is what happened when the $20.67/oz value was raised overnight to $35/oz. This was the beginning of the end game for our economy as the dollar finally went full fiat in 1971 under Nixon. WWII jump-started our economic domination in the world for a couple generations, yes - we were the last man standing with all our jacked-up industrial strength intact after the war - but the piper has to eventually be paid in a ponzi scheme. We're likely at that point now or soon.

There has been lots of chatter trying to link "The LUE" to Nazi gold. These theories have generally placed "the big cache" in the Four Corners region, some even implicating Trabuco in the conspiracy. The first one I remember was floated by Richard Walburn twenty years ago, more or less, on one of the TNet threads. Somewhere I still have a few emails from him laying it all out. Later TNet threads have also debated the topic now and then - I remember allegations made by the Utah boys fairly recently that include submarines, desert camps, etc.

Your allegations regarding finding LUE caches, the 17 Tons and so on are interesting and entertaining but probably won't gain much traction in the TNet threads. You may be right on target, but the public is skeptical about lost treasures being "found" when nothing is shown of them. The recently ended Peralta Stone Maps debacle is probably the new classic in unfulfilled promises.

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Interesting post Sdcfia.

Bear in mind, I'm not a treasure hunting "buff" and only stumbled onto the waybill 3 years ago, which took me about 3 weeks in my spare time to decipher. I'm a "technologist" not a lover of folklore, and day dreams of finding "Sudden Wealth". I've never owned a toy metal detector and my wife won't let me waste time on the weekends looking for trinkets and trash, like pennies and civil war buttons.

I'm not aware of Richard Walburn.

I'm also not 100% positive who was involved in hiding the hoard, that is a speculative conclusion. I only know the location where the waybill specifies, the means of transportation and the cache array shown using satellite and drone spectroscopy; identifying cache location, size and depth. I have no interest in reading folklore and "legends". All I know for certain is - the people who hid it had A LOT OF GOLD and were well organized.

The technology I use can find any cache on the plant. I simply chose to apply it to the waybill and Trabuco's gold.

UAV Solutions - Gem Systems

I believe Trabuco's gold and the waybill are two unrelated caches, though they're both associated with the four corners.

I'm not aware of the Peralta Stone Map debacle, can you fill me in? I can solve and locate ANY "gold treasure mystery" on the planet, with the technology. All I need to start is a general location, and zoom in.

The REAL issue is legality in "recovering" any "treasure" find. It might sound "exciting" and "adventuresome" to IMAGINE making a "night run" on a treasure cache, BUT in reality it's more DANGEROUS and illogical than one thinks.

Again - the only reason I joined this site and post here is due to the folklore written about the LUE and those who CLAIM they and others found "SUDDEN WEALTH" unearthing LUE treasure and that's it was buried by the Coronado or other Spanish conquistadors, Jesuits or others, back in the 16th century or whenever.

SO! Can you chip in a million or so to fund the venture? It looks like there's at least $800,000,000 in gold.

NOW - I want you to think LOGICALLY! If you purchased that property, how would you properly survey, extract, store and LIQUIDATE that much gold?

AND - what if the gold has historical markings - for example - from the Third Reich? Are you going to simply smelt and pour new ingots? What size? Who will you contact to authenticate its' purity?

There's MORE logistics involved than one thinks - than simply DREAMING of "Sudden Wealth"

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IMO , LUE is more older than Nazi era .
The LUE owners were in some way a religion society with Masonry influence . The triangle "shows " tree points to investigate ( the eye and the triangle which is creating upon it if the dots/gaps are conected ) . In the LUE map is clear they used physical clues as dams ( the bricks ) and the sun for orientation . The sun in this case is a noon sun which " shows " the south . So , the triangle is on the eastern ( reversed ) side of a mountain with multiple peaks ( the stepped side ).
So , IMO the LUE as meaning is : " L " and " U " are East ( est/este ) from the triangle . Something like this in the GE image below :


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Markmar - since you're in Greece, perhaps you don't know the U.S. One Dollar bill showing the Pyramid with the "All Seeing Eye" was first issued in 1929; just before Hitler was appointed German Chancellor on January 30th, 1933.

The Series of 1928 was the first Five dollar bill to show the Lincoln Memorial.

True - those involved were Mason's and connected to the Rothschild's who were Mason's going back to the 1820's; as I posted before

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Markmar - since you're in Greece, perhaps you don't know the U.S. One Dollar bill showing the Pyramid with the "All Seeing Eye" was first issued in 1929; just before Hitler was appointed German Chancellor on January 30th, 1933.

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The Holy Triangle with the God Eye inside , was created before Germany become a state . I believe then they were known as Visigots and Saxons . IMO , the pyramid with the Eye on the 1 dollar banknote is a Masonry symbol in memory of the early leaders who created the USA and for those who were the US bank owners .

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True - it is well known that the Founders were Masons. Washington D.C. is configured using Masonic symbols, as well as the Federal government buildings.

However, the One dollar bill with the pyramid and All Seeing Eye was first issued in 1929, which was used as an easy reference to lay out and locate the cache array.

I already know where it's located - can you chip in a million to fund the venture?

And as Randy astutely identified and mentions in his YouTube videos - KvM's connections were aviators or connected to the aeronautical industry - via through WHOM they were allowed to copy the waybill; a descendant of the person whom transported the cache and crew, it seems.

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Interesting theory. If correct either:

1- moved by industrialists after WWII and FDR death.
2- still in place and protected by next generation of industrialists who placed it there.
Either way, no recovery. Like to see you publish your theory from your start to now.

Hey Dirt - below are a few links you may have missed in my previous posts.

The Plot to Seize the White House

The Business Plot

Trading with the Enemy - An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949

My theory and timeline indicates the "industrialists" moved the cache before World War II and before FDR's death. Consider for a moment that FDR knew they conspired to fund Hitler before and after he became Chancellor and the industrialists knew that FDR planned to retaliate by confiscating their gold.

In return, the Industrialists formulated a plot to assassinate or remove FDR; known as the Business Plot.

Also, based on the waybill and it's attributes - during one leg, rail was used in moving the cache

To address your #2: it seems as though it was a very clandestine operation, and only a few people knew where the gold would be located. The person whom transported the cache and crew was "key"; he was the only person whom knew how to read the navigational measurements. As stated elsewhere, that the land owner was a Nazi sympathizer and died unexpectedly. I'm not certain about that, though I did research that issue.

It is also stated elsewhere that a team was sent to that location to retrieve the gold, but couldn't decipher the waybill. That would be true if the person whom transported it died unexpectedly; whom I believe was Frank Hawks.

As you know, it wasn't until the 1970's when Americans could freely own and trade gold again. Over those 40 years, from the 1930’s to the 1970’s, the primary figures in the cabal died and took the knowledge of their clandestine operation with them to the grave.

As I've posted already, I solved the waybill first, then sought to determine and identify who and why they cached it on that location.

I've verified the location and caches, and had a 3rd party verify my findings without telling that person my findings before he did his work.

Also, I tried to cut a deal with the landowner, but he didn't believe it. However, he said I could buy the entire property for a few million. Can you chip in a million?

TRUST me - I've considered making a "night run" on the property to snag 200 ounces from one location - but my wife tells me to just "FUG ET UH BUT IT". Besides - that's STEALING!

Think LOGICALLY: are you prepared for the ramifications if you're caught stealing $200,000+ in gold, from a person you vowed not to trespass on their property? Whom would be the FIRST suspect when the land owner notices a fresh or five and a half foot (count the steps) empty hole on his property near one of the main paths on his farm?

Like Tom Hilton being the FIRST suspect in burning down KvM's buildings in Segundo, angered to the point of arson due to KvM sending him on a wild goose chase.

That's the PROBLEM with treasure lore lovers - they believe the REAL WORLD is like Indiana Jones, or Nicolas Cage in the National Treasure movies: they think nobody will notice them stealing their STUFF.

That's why prisons are FILLED with MORONS who never think they're going to get caught!

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Some MORE "missing" info; NAZI agents were operating from Mexico City. High-ranking Nazis were "into" Masonic Mysticism, SACRED GEOMETRY, Knights of the Round Table Mysticism... working with AMERICAN Nazi sympathizers who ALSO wanted to "get into" their Mysticism of Alchemical GOLD Transmutation. It was ALL about the Mystical Power of GOLD... EVEN for NAZI Flying Saucers R & I. They were "V"-shaped Flying Objects... HEH. In Mexico, the ZONE of SILENCE is of GREAT "interest".

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