Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
Interest COULD BE focused on "site" where "Sine Waves" are continuous... dunno.
It's not a "calculated risk" when my wife told me to "FUG ET UH BOT IT" - she'll never speak to me again if I travel out there to STEAL the gold. Heck, she'll probably call the cops on me if I did!
She's put up with a LOT of my BS for the past few decades - but that would be the LAST STRAW!
Wouldn't it be WISER to find a partner with a million to just buy the property and own the cache outright? What's 200 ounces, when the preliminary readings indicate 25 tons or more?
Besides - nobody will ever find it unless they use "21st century technology" - it's a desolate location containing hundreds of acres and a toy medal detector will never find it.
Can you chip in a million?
Maybe I should contact Jerry Bruckheimer and Nicolas Cage - and sell them the movie rights to the story, to raise the cash. It would be a LOT more intriguing and exciting, than watching Rick and Marty Lagina burning millions of dollars in a barrel pursuing the Oak Island "mystery" - too clueless to know it was MOVED!
History of the Knights Templars of Canada
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I don't understand why you call the waybill a fantasy cartoon. Since it's a waybill, given to one person to deliver cache and crew, it was never intended to be shared with anyone.
If you deciphered it, you'd know both the navigational and topological elements drawn are very precise. Again, I had no pre-conceived notions before I attempted to decipher it, I first heard about the waybill only a few years ago and it only took me a few weeks to figure it out.
True, it's very clever and cunning how the collaborators who drew it used U.S. currency and famous landmarks as "Keys" on the waybill.
Perhaps you consider yourself "riffraff", but not me. Human nature and intelligence hasn't progressed since then?
Dude! You're on a website on the internet - which would be considered science fiction less than 30 years ago. Do you still use a rotary phone? Heck - the iPhone and smartphones were invented less than a decade ago.
True - every "Yahoo" has a copy yet KvM and everyone else isn't able to decipher it.
All the "Yahoos" read KvM's treasure lore and believe it's Spanish in origin, drawn in the 1600's by Coronado, Alvarado, Jesuits, or even the KGC (who were FLAT BROKE after the Civil War) - some how not SEEING the Greek, Doric column right in the middle of it, matching the Lincoln Memorial to denote the top of the waybill is west.
Any YAHOO can figure that out.
The only other possibility is, the waybill actually lays out the National Mall in Washington, D.C. with directions to the U.S. Treasury building. However, based on my findings, that's not the case. The U.S. Treasury has Ionic columns upfront, with flat Doric columns along the buildings' exterior.
Doric Columns & the Doric Order
Actually - Sdcfia - others may have the "capability" but I used a few different layers of verification - which are expensive.
Also, I told the landowner I BELIEVE there are valuable "artifacts" on his property based on preliminary research. I told him a "low ball" speculative assessed value, and he said he didn't want a bunch of archaeologists digging around his property. I countered by stating that if he paid for the EXPENSIVE equipment, I'd prove to him my findings.
I told him, the artifacts appear to be buried too deep for a toy metal detector to find. I told him what the equipment would cost, and asked him to pay for it; and that I'd be able to verify it was there in a few hours.
He responded by saying he didn't want to speculate by purchasing the equipment, but countered by saying, "if you truly believe those artifacts are there why don't you just purchase the entire property?"
As I mentioned before, my wife told me to just "FUG ET UH BOT IT". Maybe I should just forget about it and just "hatch" a scheme to rob a bank or a casino, like Oceans 11.
It would be a lot easier, but my wife would probably call the COPS!