Lue Map

A trespassing charge is a calculated risk I would take to avoid blowing millions of dollars. If the "quantum EM spectroscopy" scans really do show results, it won't be long before someone approaches the landowner with the data and an offer.

It's not a "calculated risk" when my wife told me to "FUG ET UH BOT IT" - she'll never speak to me again if I travel out there to STEAL the gold. Heck, she'll probably call the cops on me if I did!

She's put up with a LOT of my BS for the past few decades - but that would be the LAST STRAW!

Wouldn't it be WISER to find a partner with a million to just buy the property and own the cache outright? What's 200 ounces, when the preliminary readings indicate 25 tons or more?

Besides - nobody will ever find it unless they use "21st century technology" - it's a desolate location containing hundreds of acres and a toy medal detector will never find it.

Can you chip in a million?

Maybe I should contact Jerry Bruckheimer and Nicolas Cage - and sell them the movie rights to the story, to raise the cash. It would be a LOT more intriguing and exciting, than watching Rick and Marty Lagina burning millions of dollars in a barrel pursuing the Oak Island "mystery" - too clueless to know it was MOVED!

History of the Knights Templars of Canada

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It's not a "calculated risk" when my wife told me to "FUG ET UH BOT IT" - she'll never speak to me again if I travel out there to STEAL the gold. Heck, she'll probably call the cops on me if I did!

She's put up with a LOT of my BS for the past few decades - but that would be the LAST STRAW!

Wouldn't it be WISER to find a partner with a million to just buy the property and own the cache outright? What's 200 ounces, when the preliminary readings indicate 25 tons or more?

Besides - nobody will ever find it unless they use "21st century technology" - it's a desolate location containing hundreds of acres and a toy medal detector will never find it.

Can you chip in a million?

Maybe I should contact Jerry Bruckheimer and Nicolas Cage - and sell them the movie rights to the story, to raise the cash. It would be a LOT more intriguing and exciting, than watching Rick and Marty Lagina burning millions of dollars in a barrel pursuing the Oak Island "mystery" - too clueless to know it was MOVED!

History of the Knights Templars of Canada

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It's hard to imagine that any group powerful enough to have possession of that much $$$ will "lose" it, or allow some outsider to own the land it's hidden on. This sort of wealth does not slip through the cracks.

When you think about it, lawyers will argue that any cache of valuables belongs to the original owner, his descendants, his partners, their descendants, et al, if any of them can demonstrate prior knowledge of the loot or a legal chain of descendency. Even if someone out of the circle now owns the land, I believe the lawyers will fight for years over it.

Also, what if the goods were buried before the land became privately owned, that is, when it was government land? Now you've got the Antiquities Act to fight.

Maybe you ought to listen to the missus and just write a book about it.

Interesting points sdcfia - which I considered and thought through - and there are intriguing "twists" to land owner genealogy and chronology, which kept me "captivated" to spend the money to verify my original findings.

The research dated back to when the U.S. government sold off Indian land and relocated native Indians on tribal reservations. The chronology of ownership contains well known names, and includes subsequent owners who can be connected to both a German heritage AND .. oddly enough .. the Knights Templar in Scotland.

My conclusion is - if the cache is connected to the Business Plot .. there was a DEEP fear of being prosecuted for TREASON, if prosecuted for colluding with Hitler and / or Conspiracy to assassinate FDR. In other words, they feared for their LIFE if caught and only a few people were in the "know". Remember - the allegation is those business titans were TRADING WITH THE ENEMY .. World War II was a grave and fearful time in U.S. history.

Also, remember it was against the law to own gold until 1970, and they feared its' confiscation AND prosecution for owning it. Especially since it was such a large cache. Over time, many of those main characters died without telling anyone about the cabal nor the hoard.

Also, based on my research, the property was held in various trusts which were liquidated or parceled off within families, for various reasons. In one case, the property ownership changed due to a divorce.

Here's a case in point: E.H. Harriman (google it) was a railroad titan. His son was W. Averill Harriman, whom was at one time CEO of Union Pacific railroad and was also an executive with the bank his father founded which is still a big player on Wall Street: Brown Brothers Harriman. Averill Harriman built the Sun Valley ski resort in Idaho to generate rail passenger business for Union Pacific. He was also Governor of New York at one time. You can Google his name.

Bush "41"'s Dad, and "W"'s Grandfather was close with the Harriman's and was an executive with their bank. In other words, they had MANY business interests.

Here's my point: when E.H. Harriman died, he left his entire estate to his wife. His wife donated their 10,000 acre estate, known as Arden, to both the State of New York and Columbia University. The 10,000 acre estate is now known as Harriman State Park.

She had more money than she knew what to do with it!

"What IF" E.H. Harriman buried a cache of gold on his 10,000 acre estate and NEVER told his wife?

Remember, those business titans were involved in an ARRAY of businesses, and were key members of the U.S. government at one point: Prescott Bush was a U.S. Senator and Averill Harriman ran for President TWICE.

Did the conspirators fear they'd be HANGED for Treason or prosecuted for taking gold payments from Hitler? I would be! Wouldn't YOU?

My other hypothesis was, the Mason's or the Order of St. John actually had a large treasure passed on to them when the Templars were dissolved; as I read elsewhere. Isaac de Razilly was the original Governor of Acadia, now known as Novia Scotia, and a member of the Order of St. John.

Since FDR was at one time involved with the Oak Island treasure, (a treasure hunting NUT) he may have learned where the Order hid the treasure in the U.S. and the Order feared he sought to confiscate it with the Gold Act; and moved it.

I won't know until I find out for certain. Based on the laws I've researched, if I own the property, the hoard is MINE!

Besides, I'm getting OLD an need a little EXCITEMENT in my life! :D

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Well, Spyro, I'm not on board with your conclusions but I do agree on some of your ideas.

I believe it's likely some of the US's elite cached gold in the 1930s - lots of it. It's plausible that a lot of it was melted down and recast into bullion to confuse its origin. I suspect many of the top 1% conspired in these efforts and were members of the existing Organization that many loosely refer to as the "KGC". There is a wealth of information about these guys available in the KGC forums on TNet. These folks were then and are now the de facto rulers of our country due to their influence.

In no way are these caches vulnerable. When our fiat dollar incinerates, the new currency is likely to somehow be tied to precious metals, as was the ancient tradition before fractional banking began to flourish. If that happens, the caches will be recovered by their owners. The owners' club is international. Is there a German connection to all this? Likely so on some level, and also a strong English one, and probably others.

I don't personally believe that the LUE Map or the Miller material are anything other than diversions designed to confuse and discourage curious people. Of course, as always, I may be wrong.

It seems as though you didn't spend one moment reading the ACTUAL history per the Business Plot, links to books which document how well known industrialists like Henry Ford colluded with Hitler and actual U.S. government documents describing how U.S. industrialists like Irenee DuPont, Prescott Bush and others were named as co-conspirators in FDR's attempted coup: because they didn't want their GOLD confiscated.

Here's another link:

Excerpt: The gold standard, as Butler’s subsequent research would uncover, was a major concern for the country’s wealthiest citizens. Bankers especially did not want to be paid back on their gold-backed loans with cheaper, ever-inflating paper. Keynesian economics be damned: To the capital interests of the country, a break from gold meant ravaging the nation’s wealth and savings.

The KGC? The KGC didn't have many resources after the Civil War. The South was BROKE after getting LOOTED and burned to the ground! KGC = FOLK LORE.

The Lincoln Memorial wasn't complete until 1922. Do you think the KGC would draw a column of the Lincoln Memorial on the waybill to commemorate the person; Abraham Lincoln, whom SLAUGHTERED and destroyed them?

No - I believe KvM was allowed to copy the original from a family member of the person whom transported the cache and crew.

The family member simply reiterated to KvM and Hardrock Hammond what they were told: "a natural Fort Knox" in describing a highly organized operation which included building and loading an underground tunnel system with GOLD. However, I do not believe KvM ever found one speck of the LUE. Perhaps he mistook a few Spanish coins he may have found near Black Lake, but it wasn't the LUE.

Would you live in a mobile home in a ghost town after recovering a large cache of gold? Think LOGICALLY!

Anyone who believes otherwise will buy anyone's SNAKE OIL; like poor Tom Hilton whom was so morally destroyed and on the brink of suicide after KvM led him on a wild goose chase, that he probably BURNED DOWN KvM's buildings!

Also, it certainly is possible that he was given the waybill to copy by the Feds who were still looking for it, but I don't think so.

Why would you think the waybill is designed to confuse .. other than you aren't able to DECIPHER it. Right?

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Spyro, I'm not trying to trash your work - you may be 100% on target. I'm just not on board. Here's why:

Regarding the map. Why draw up a fantasy cartoon like the LUE map purporting to show the way to an enormous hidden cache? A hundred geniuses might work out a hundred different solutions to that map, every one of which would be well-justified and provable according to their theories.

Me? I'd simply take lat/long coordinates of the hidey-hole - no problem, easily replicated. The numbers could be easily coded in many simple ways. Done.

Regarding history. Things are seldom as they seem. We'll never know what all the facts were, only what somebody tells us, backed by "documentation" to prove it. As Tolstoy said, "History would be a wonderful thing, if only it were true." Remember WMD?

Regarding lost treasures. Why do you think riffraff like us would ever be able to figure out where perhaps billions of $$ were hidden by arguably the most cunning and ablest minds of their day? Do you think human nature and intelligence has progressed since then? I don't.

I don't understand why you call the waybill a fantasy cartoon. Since it's a waybill, given to one person to deliver cache and crew, it was never intended to be shared with anyone.

If you deciphered it, you'd know both the navigational and topological elements drawn are very precise. Again, I had no pre-conceived notions before I attempted to decipher it, I first heard about the waybill only a few years ago and it only took me a few weeks to figure it out.

True, it's very clever and cunning how the collaborators who drew it used U.S. currency and famous landmarks as "Keys" on the waybill.

Perhaps you consider yourself "riffraff", but not me. Human nature and intelligence hasn't progressed since then?

Dude! You're on a website on the internet - which would be considered science fiction less than 30 years ago. Do you still use a rotary phone? Heck - the iPhone and smartphones were invented less than a decade ago.

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I don't understand why you call the waybill a fantasy cartoon. Since it's a waybill, given to one person to deliver cache and crew, it was never intended to be shared with anyone.

If you deciphered it, you'd know both the navigational and topological elements drawn are very precise. Again, I had no pre-conceived notions before I attempted to decipher it, I first heard about the waybill only a few years ago and it only took me a few weeks to figure it out.

True, it's very clever and cunning how the collaborators who drew it used U.S. currency and famous landmarks as "Keys" on the waybill.

Perhaps you consider yourself "riffraff", but not me. Human nature and intelligence hasn't progressed since then?

Dude! You're on a website on the internet - which would be considered science fiction less than 30 years ago. Do you still use a rotary phone? Heck - the iPhone and smartphones were invented less than a decade ago.

Yeah, the technology is certainly advancing. Now when my phone dings, I can grab it like Pavlov's dog to see a picture of what my pal had for lunch. An extraordinary advance in awareness and critical thinking for mankind.

Intelligence levels and potentials for humans are the same now as they were thousands of years ago, IMO. Walk into the Pantheon in Rome and look at that poured concrete dome if you doubt it. Also, human nature is predictable and manageable. Always has been. The strategies and mindthink laid out in The Art of War (5th century BC) and The Prince (1500s) are still the training regimen used by the folks in charge over the masses. These important things don't change. The only things that change are the scenery and the gadgets of the day.

The "LUE waybill" was not intended to be shared? Well, yes, that premise would seem to be a no-brainer, considering the alleged huge fortune it supposedly leads to. Funny though - every yahoo and his brother now has a copy. Oops. How smart was that?

True - every "Yahoo" has a copy yet KvM and everyone else isn't able to decipher it.

All the "Yahoos" read KvM's treasure lore and believe it's Spanish in origin, drawn in the 1600's by Coronado, Alvarado, Jesuits, or even the KGC (who were FLAT BROKE after the Civil War) - some how not SEEING the Greek, Doric column right in the middle of it, matching the Lincoln Memorial to denote the top of the waybill is west.

Any YAHOO can figure that out.

The only other possibility is, the waybill actually lays out the National Mall in Washington, D.C. with directions to the U.S. Treasury building. However, based on my findings, that's not the case. The U.S. Treasury has Ionic columns upfront, with flat Doric columns along the buildings' exterior.

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Doric Columns & the Doric Order

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True - every "Yahoo" has a copy yet KvM and everyone else isn't able to decipher it.

All the "Yahoos" read KvM's treasure lore and believe it's Spanish in origin, drawn in the 1600's by Coronado, Alvarado, Jesuits, or even the KGC (who were FLAT BROKE after the Civil War) - some how not SEEING the Greek, Doric column right in the middle of it, matching the Lincoln Memorial to denote the top of the waybill is west.

Any YAHOO can figure that out.

The only other possibility is, the waybill actually lays out the National Mall in Washington, D.C. with directions to the U.S. Treasury building. However, based on my findings, that's not the case. The U.S. Treasury has Ionic columns upfront, with flat Doric columns along the buildings' exterior.

Doric Columns & the Doric Order

I understand your reasoning, but there could be and have been numerous solutions to that "waybill", depending on which iconic references you wish to start with.

For example, why not begin at the Parthenon in Athens? Those are prototypical Doric columns. Then add the original pyramid structures at Giza near Cairo. Next, using the Axis Mundi world geometry methods demonstrated by folks like Cort Lindahl and others, you have a basis for generating great circles (maybe along with using other interpretive LUE symbols) intersecting at possible strategic coordinates in North America.

On the other hand, if you have located $800,000,000 in gold in some guy's pasture using high tech, I suspect others have that capability too. Considering that the technology that we're aware of today is likely decades behind that which the government has already developed (or so the story goes), if your theories are correct then you're likely not first in line to claim the stash.

Like I said earlier, your work might be an interesting read for LUE aficionados in particular and treasure hunters in general. Before that though, I'd suggest you work hard on that ranch owner and get him on board. You might have to spend money for lawyers and a performance bond in case the hole is empty and needs remediation, but the upside might be worth it.

Actually - Sdcfia - others may have the "capability" but I used a few different layers of verification - which are expensive.

Also, I told the landowner I BELIEVE there are valuable "artifacts" on his property based on preliminary research. I told him a "low ball" speculative assessed value, and he said he didn't want a bunch of archaeologists digging around his property. I countered by stating that if he paid for the EXPENSIVE equipment, I'd prove to him my findings.

I told him, the artifacts appear to be buried too deep for a toy metal detector to find. I told him what the equipment would cost, and asked him to pay for it; and that I'd be able to verify it was there in a few hours.

He responded by saying he didn't want to speculate by purchasing the equipment, but countered by saying, "if you truly believe those artifacts are there why don't you just purchase the entire property?"

As I mentioned before, my wife told me to just "FUG ET UH BOT IT". Maybe I should just forget about it and just "hatch" a scheme to rob a bank or a casino, like Oceans 11.

It would be a lot easier, but my wife would probably call the COPS!

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Actually - Sdcfia - others may have the "capability" but I used a few different layers of verification - which are expensive.

Also, I told the landowner I BELIEVE there are valuable "artifacts" on his property based on preliminary research. I told him a "low ball" speculative assessed value, and he said he didn't want a bunch of archaeologists digging around his property. I countered by stating that if he paid for the EXPENSIVE equipment, I'd prove to him my findings.

I told him, the artifacts appear to be buried too deep for a toy metal detector to find. I told him what the equipment would cost, and asked him to pay for it; and that I'd be able to verify it was there in a few hours.

He responded by saying he didn't want to speculate by purchasing the equipment, but countered by saying, "if you truly believe those artifacts are there why don't you just purchase the entire property?"

As I mentioned before, my wife told me to just "FUG ET UH BOT IT". Maybe I should just forget about it and just "hatch" a scheme to rob a bank or a casino, like Oceans 11.

It would be a lot easier, but my wife would probably call the COPS!

Well, there ya' go - between a rock and a hard place. You can't fault the rancher's logic and you can't cross the wife.

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