Pssssst - Burch's book doesn't exist, and it isn't NECESSARY. Seems to me - Burch's book was another "distraction". All the more proof, KvM never found
ONE SPECK OF THE LUE. All you need is the waybill.
Not to be insulting Randy - but you continue to immerse yourself in KvM's writings for "clues". You DON'T NEED TO! Simply decipher the waybill.
To answer one of your questions per any added elements to "confuse people". Two people created the waybill. One person whom added the aeronautical elements and the other person "in charge" of laying out the cache site. That's why there are overlapping elements on the waybill.
If one figures out the waybill and the identified location - one can then ask, "WHO created it and WHY". Which leads to only a few conclusions.
1) The waybill is a HOAX. It's NOT. The measurements are too precise and cross "referrenced" with other elements. In other words, double proofed. Clarifying further, one measurement applies to TWO elements on the waybill.
2) The waybill was created by industrialists (Henry Ford, the Rockefellers, Prescott Bush, E.A. and Averill Harriman, et. al.) to hide their hoard from FDR; i.e., the Business Plot. In addition, those industrialists and bankers helped fund Hitler's rise in power - which began in the last 1920's. I've provided MANY download links to well referenced books. That would imply it was created after FDR became President - BEFORE Pearl Harbor and, before, during and AFTER World War II; operation "Safe Haven".
The OSS and Project SAFEHAVEN
Tracking Nazi "Gold"
Donald P. Steury
3) The waybill was created due to the Rio Grande Southern rail road closing in the early 1950's. The premise would be, those who owned Camp Bird (Uracca) Mine, warehoused unrefined and refined gold near Durango. Once the Rio Grande Southern shut down, they moved their refined bullion closer to Camp Bird mine. Or, they no longer had the transportation "means" to move their refined inventory to their "secret" / alternative warehouse site and had their "inventory" flown to that location. I pointed out, Thomas Walsh was a MASON; per his daughters book, "Father Struck It Rich".
In addition, I've posted ONCE AGAIN - a BLARING HINT that you missed, shown in the 1930 map of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad: Farmington was the "end of the line" for the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, which connected with the Rio Grande Southern at Durango. 'nuf SAID! Use your BRAIN.
4) Both hypothesis point to the same point of origin. That's not the Sun on the waybill - it's a map "Legend", with precise angular orientation.
In addition, that ISN'T "The All Seeing Eye" on the waybill. It shows the point of origin on the property where a theodolite was used to layout the pyramid measurements ON THE GROUND, where the caches are located. If one deciphered the waybill, they'd know the elements which appear like a football, identify the sine wave locations on the property where four caches are hidden: 5.5 feet deep and 3 "bunkers" 55 feet deep. REMEMBER - the professional miners were CIVIL ENGINEERS who knew how to build TUNNELS. I've posted MANY references to the Triangle fraternity, founded by CIVIL ENGINEERS and their "logo" is the Triangle.
I'm doing my BEST to help you grasp - KvM never found ONE SPECK OF THE LUE. True, he may have found TRINKETS and TRASH in Black Lake swinging his toy metal detector along that wagon train trail, but not ONE SPECK OF THE LUE.
I'm not trying to be INSULTING - I'm trying to show you, you've looked in the WRONG place to decipher the waybill. BUT .. believe what you WISH (.. just make sure it's the TRUTH).
Your best friend,
PS - I won't know for certain until I go "on the ground" and dig - AFTER I purchase the property OR after a cut a deal with the land owner, OR find an extra million to buy the property outright.
PSS - What would YOU do Randy if you knew the location?
PSSS - If I wanted to - I could PESTER the great grand Daughter of the person whom I believe drew the aeronautical elements on the waybill. I've tracked her down. But why should I? I know the location.
PSSSS - Randy - your INSISTENCE on believing and being IMMERSED in KvM "BS" reminds me of that FOOL Tom Hilton!
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