Lost Dutchman Mine vs. Hidden Caches

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""""Lost Dutchman Mine vs. Hidden Caches"""" What does the future of locating any """"Mine or Cache hold?"""" Experimental Set-up for Triggering Lightning: Bidders should fully describe how they would attempt to trigger lightning and list all potential pieces of equipment necessary to trigger lightning, as well as the equipment necessary to measure and characterize the processes governing lightning initiation, propagation, and attachment.

The project to provide lightning on tap is known as “Nimbus.” According to DARPA, Nimbus lightning-triggering equipment is intended for protecting property and other assets from lightning damage, or “advances in… science relating to lightning.”>>>>
Underground intelligence satellite navigation will work off lightning strikes
""""Published 12 March 2010""""

The U.S. ubiquitous """""eye-in-the-sky satellites"""" have driven more and more people and things of interest to """"disappear underground"""" (just think Iran's nuclear weapons program); deep tunnel complex shields an organization from the prying eyes of satellites, and it is also good protection against a sudden bombing raid; the U.S. military wants to be able to peek and conduct operations underground

"""“Run silent, run deep,”""" is an old submariner term. Soon, however, it may apply to ground forces as well. It appears that the U.S. military has a secretive program intended to let troops navigate about inside huge """"underground enemy tunnel complexes"""" by measuring energy pulses given off by lightning bolts.

Lewis Page writes that the project is known as Sferics-Based """"Underground Geolocation"""",, or S-BUG, and is focused on building """“a mapping and navigation system that provides Global Positioning System (GPS) equivalent accuracy in underground environments”""" (see “The Last Frontier: DARPA Wants to Make the Earth’s Crust Transparent,” 10 March 2010 HSNW; and “Geospatial Corporation Maps the World under the Earth’s Crust,” 10 March 2010 HSNW).

GPS signals from U.S. military satellites are used in millions of smartphones, car satellite navigation, and other gadgets worldwide, but they do not work without clear line-of-sight to the satellites — that is, without an unobstructed view of the sky.

Page notes that the U.S. ubiquitous eye-in-the-sky satellites have driven more and more people and things of interest to disappear underground. The U.S. intelligence community is no doubt aware that tunneling and subterranean engineering in general have become much cheaper in recent times, making this easier to do (see, for example, William J. Broad, “Iran Shielding Its Nuclear Efforts in Maze of Tunnels,” 5 January 2010 New York Times).

""""Deep tunnel complex shield an organization from the prying eyes of satellites"""", and it is also good protection against a sudden bombing raid of the sort which destroyed Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1981 and the nuclear facility in Syria during 2007.

This move underground for concealment and protection has brought the U.S. intelligence and special operations communities to seek the means for """"subterranean intelligence gathering and operations.""""

Page writes: “Naturally, when wondering how to navigate deep below the Earth’s surface in a hollowed-out lair where a secret superweapon is being fashioned for the purpose of holding the world to ransom, there’s only one federal agency to call: DARPA” (this is the place, Page says, where they “believe it is better to invent a head-mounted multispectral imaging device than curse the darkness”).

DARPA researchers have noted that one of the few kinds of wireless signal which can penetrate underground is low-frequency radio. “Such signals, however, are not easy to generate at the required power levels. A network of low-frequency RF navigation stations widespread enough to offer decent accuracy would probably be impossible to deploy,” Page writes.

The right kind of signals are generated naturally by lightning strikes, which cause the emission of “atmospheric” (“sferic” or “spheric”) radio pulses. An underground receiver could perhaps be built capable of detecting sferics from lightning bolts hitting the surface hundreds of miles away. It could be informed of the positions of the strikes over LF communications by a single specialized surface base station, similarly far off, and thus calculate its own position from sferic data coming in from several directions.

The Indians have a legend of the Little People or 'Tuar-Tums,' who live below the Salt River Valley, or Valley of the Sun.Sources have claimed that 'little men' that live within the mountain have been seen on top of ridges in the Superstitions , as if they were guarding something (an entrance to an underground system perhaps?)
There are scores of crevices, caves and openings in the Sups. Many treasure hunters believe the Cocopah Indians once knew of a subterranean network of caves and tunnels beneath the mountains. Geronimo was reported seen stepping into rock walls and disappearing without a trace, only to be seen days later in New Mexico. The Apaches have a legend that their remote ancestors came from a large island in the eastern sea where there were great buildings and ports for ships. The Fire Dragon arose, and their ancestors had to flee to mountains far away to the south. Later they were forced to take refuge in immense and ancient tunnels of which they wandered for years. """"Is this where Geronimo's knowledge came from on the tunnel system of the superstitions?"""" The treasure hunters speak of her treasures of Spanish gold and we have all heard of The Lost Dutchman's Mine .The Indians tell the tale of the 'Lady of the Mountain' and the 'White Stallion' that guards the Mountains treasures.

""""An old prospector by the name of Joe Modock
stumbled across this cave in 1935 and claimed he found
a diamond mine in Arizona’s Superstition Mountains.
His diamonds turned out to be calcite crystals.
""""This large cavern in the Superstition Wilderness Area""""
will probably be explored one day and turn out to be
another Arizona natural wonder. Until then, the """"secrecy""""
of its location protects it from vandals."""" Quoted From Tom Kollenborn http://www.ajpl.org/aj/superstition/stories/Dutchmans Ghost Refuses to Die.pdf


If you want to post your blather, please start your own thread. If you try and hijack this one which is a serious discussion, I will ask Jeff to remove all your posts from my thread.


Mike :coffee2: The topic here is Lost Dutchman Mine vs. Hidden Caches, """"all my posts are on topic"""", and this is """"our thread""""" THAT MEANS EVERYONE, for any serious on topic discussion. If there is """"lost dutchman mine or a cache""" What might it be like all these years? How would it be """"kept a secret?"""" If some one was working a mine """"against the law"""" what exactly would it be like. well last year an article came out, """"describing just that"""" It reads:: Gold pirates wage a dirty, underground war. The illegal miners can stay underground for months unseen.

Gold prices near record highs have made the risk taken by well-organised illegal mining syndicates even more worthwhile.

Imagine an existence in the bowels of the earth where, for up to eight months at a time, there is no fresh air. The temperature between the walls that close in on you is a stifling 38C. There is no day and night as you drill for gold for 12 hours a shift. At your side is a weapon to protect yourself from the authorities and your fellow miners. To extract gold, you handle mercury so toxic that it can be absorbed through the skin, attacking the kidneys and brain. They break into some of the most dangerous mines on earth, many armed with commercial explosives rammed into bottles. They will emerge months later with their muscles wasting away and their eyes sinking into their sockets. “GOING under is the hardest thing you will ever do,” After a few days you start panicking, especially at night. You lose track of time. You start to feel crushed, imagining that the walls are collapsing into you. Supplies are vital but expensive. “A loaf of bread or a bottle of Coca-Cola all on high priced credit which we have to pay when we get out. A smuggled hamburger, Cigarettes, brandy, Whiskey. A tab of everything we eat and drink is kept on the surface. Women being brought down. They will do a round for a week, having sex with every man. for a high price. According to the World Gold Council, defining the primary source of metal used to make a particular piece of jewellery on the high street remains virtually impossible. It means consumers cannot tell whether a product contains gold that has been mined illegally,“There are rival syndicates and battles are being fought underground. They are fighting each other to get to the richest seams. The syndicate captured a rival and They decided by committee to take retribution. They cut him open with a blowtorch and threw his body down a shaft. There are so many bodies down there.” Industry controlled by a growing black market, then a considerable amount of illegal gold ends up in American markets, just as blood diamonds did. Illegal mining and corruption is robbing the country of economic and financial support. But not only that, it also has a very negative impact on the communities surrounding the mines, :thumbsup:


"Without reading Glover's Book (it was at the time just going to press, so there was no way Tull could have read it there), Glover was told the same story by a Mr. Tull. Mr Tull said that his father had told him about the same basic facts as the Alkire Story (Thomas selling tickets to see Waltz).

So, we have a potentially untrue story attributed to Frank Alkire, but the facts of the story are twice confirmed by two separate people? ? ? ? ?"

Just for the sake of accuracy, Dr. Glover did not get the Alkire story directly from Mr. Tull. The evidence that we presented went far beyond the truth or falsity of the telling, and dealt with many details/"facts" of the story that were demonstrably false.

Jacob Waltz died in Julie Thomas' home, not in her shop.

I would suggest to anyone who thinks differently, that they return to the topic on the LDM Forum, and reread the facts that were presented there.

One last point: Elder Tull was the lead character in Zane Grey's "Riders Of The Purple Sage. While he was a fictional person, he could have been based on a real Tull. There were many people living in Arizona around the time of Waltz's death with the last name of.......Tull. :dontknow:

Take care,


gollum said:

If you want to post your blather, please start your own thread. If you try and hijack this one which is a serious discussion, I will ask Jeff to remove all your posts from my thread.


Mike click ignore user, it works a treat and you know you wont be missing anything of substance.


Peerless - do you have a date for that Chestnut Lodge cover sheet photo? Thanks

Frieda Fromm was at Chestnut Lodge in the 30's.


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Cubfan64 said:
Peerless - do you have a date for that Chestnut Lodge cover sheet photo? Thanks

Hi CF, I came across it looking into Ely, It was an advertisement in some medical journal here is the link


There is another here, infact there are dozens on the net, but the one I posted was from the correct era.


I found them looking for info on a doctor who worked there, take a look at Tuesdays with Morrie and you will understand. I believe Morrie must have worked with Ely (medically speaking)


Please note the Peerless Rockville preservation Ltd advertisement half way down the page is nothing to do with me :laughing9:


Morrie Schwartz with Alfred H. Stanton: The Mental Hospital:
A Study of Institutional Participation in Psychiatric Illness and Treatment.
Basic Books 1954, ISBN 9781591476177

I believe this book was a result of Morries work at chestnut lodge, during the late 40s and early 50s he had managed to secure permission to observe patients, doctors, treatments etc etc.
It is very likely he worked with/studied Ely. In any event he did get to witness first hand the treatments being given at chestnut lodge.



I know how to work that IGNORE Button. I just don't want all the Wizard of Oz BS on a thread that I started. JK is welcome to start a new thread of his own as he has so many times before.

cactusjumper said:

"Without reading Glover's Book (it was at the time just going to press, so there was no way Tull could have read it there), Glover was told the same story by a Mr. Tull. Mr Tull said that his father had told him about the same basic facts as the Alkire Story (Thomas selling tickets to see Waltz).

So, we have a potentially untrue story attributed to Frank Alkire, but the facts of the story are twice confirmed by two separate people? ? ? ? ?"

Just for the sake of accuracy, Dr. Glover did not get the Alkire story directly from Mr. Tull. The evidence that we presented went far beyond the truth or falsity of the telling, and dealt with many details/"facts" of the story that were demonstrably false.

Jacob Waltz died in Julie Thomas' home, not in her shop.

I would suggest to anyone who thinks differently, that they return to the topic on the LDM Forum, and reread the facts that were presented there.

One last point: Elder Tull was the lead character in Zane Grey's "Riders Of The Purple Sage. While he was a fictional person, he could have been based on a real Tull. There were many people living in Arizona around the time of Waltz's death with the last name of.......Tull. :dontknow:

Take care,


Hey Joe,

In the notes section of Glover's Book he did specifically state that he was told the story BY a man named Tull. As his book was going to press, a friend of his (I am at work and don't have the book in front of me) took him (Glover) to a restaurant to meet a man named Tull who related the story. The story related was not the Alkire Story. It was a separate story that basically verified the story as supposedly told by Frank Alkire. Are you saying that TG didn't actually talk to a guy named Tull as he said he did?

Also, it might have been Jethro Tull. The 17th Century Agriculturist! HAHAHA


Peerless67 said:
Cubfan64 said:
Peerless - do you have a date for that Chestnut Lodge cover sheet photo? Thanks

Hi CF, I came across it looking into Ely, It was an advertisement in some medical journal here is the link


There is another here, infact there are dozens on the net, but the one I posted was from the correct era.


I found them looking for info on a doctor who worked there, take a look at Tuesdays with Morrie and you will understand. I believe Morrie must have worked with Ely (medically speaking)


Please note the Peerless Rockville preservation Ltd advertisement half way down the page is nothing to do with me :laughing9:


Thanks Peerless - I had run across a couple of those myself recently. I have to admit that just about every source I've seen seems to imply that the Chestnut Lodge was primarily a sanitarium for treating mentally ill persons during the years that Sims Ely was there. I haven't been able to find any sources that suggest a portion of the residents may have just been elderly needing typical nursing home help.

CF, I also was unable to find any such references, infact most of the litrature I have read tends to lean toward Chestnut Lodge as treating the more severe mental illnesses.
However in among all that reading something I learned was that on the whole the staff and doctors and in some cases patients seem to give the place a good review. But perhaps the thing that stood out most was the fact that so many ex patients had gone on to write books about their experiences and their recovery.
This tends to lead me to believe that even though someone may be suffering mental illness, it is in no way indicative of their power to process and retain information and indeed to record and recall events.
My deduction thus far is that even if Ely was severely mentally ill (which I do not know) that in itself would not be enough to conclude he was unable to draw on his half a centuries worth of work looking for the LDM. For what it is worth I do not believe the fact he was resident at Chestnut Lodge really can be used to undermine his work or writings. On the other hand who knows how much of an effect the place may have had on him ?


Peerless67 said:
CF, I also was unable to find any such references, infact most of the litrature I have read tends to lean toward Chestnut Lodge as treating the more severe mental illnesses.
However in among all that reading something I learned was that on the whole the staff and doctors and in some cases patients seem to give the place a good review. But perhaps the thing that stood out most was the fact that so many ex patients had gone on to write books about their experiences and their recovery.
This tends to lead me to believe that even though someone may be suffering mental illness, it is in no way indicative of their power to process and retain information and indeed to record and recall events.
My deduction thus far is that even if Ely was severely mentally ill (which I do not know) that in itself would not be enough to conclude he was unable to draw on his half a centuries worth of work looking for the LDM. For what it is worth I do not believe the fact he was resident at Chestnut Lodge really can be used to undermine his work or writings. On the other hand who knows how much of an effect the place may have had on him ?



I think that's a pretty fair assessment of the situation from everything I've seen so far as well. Like everything else "dutchman," it leads to more questions than answers :)

cactusjumper said:

I think you need to reread Dr. Glover's notes.

Take care,


Quite possibly Joe, but that depends on what your definition of IS IS! ;D



I normally just go with the standard English definition of whatever I am reading. I leave the fancy interpretations to those with higher educations in their background.

While I have high respect for Dr. Glover, an author is only as good as his sources. In this case, Bob Crandall, his source, got the story from Mr. Tull who was in his eighties at the time. IMHO, many of the old timers who might have been alive around Waltz's time suffer from the "Hell I Was There" syndrome. That's exactly how some of these stories originated.

I read every written account with some healthy skepticism. The farther, in time, from the events, the greater the chances are for fabrication, or the repetition of fictional stories. That goes for every modern day author.

Just my opinion, based on 52 years of stumbling around this legend.

Take care,


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