cactusjumper said:
Thanks for the links but, having been banned for life from DesertUSA, I won't be able to see what you are talking about. It's refreshing not to be the one you think has an opposing agenda with Jim Hatt.....or vice versa.
Take care,
It may surprise you to learn, that I often agree with your stand on certain issues relating to the spread of disinformation, concerning the Lost Dutchman Mine. Probably a lot more often than you realize. It pained me considerably to Ban "i-tsarl-tsu- i" from the member list on the DUSA forums. You brought with that character, a vast knowledge and background, that from time to time, contributed a lot of valuable information to the forums.
Regrettably, that character also brought out an attitude from time to time, that was very disruptive to the general exchange of information, in some discussions. That created an atmosphere in the forums that made a lot of people uncomfortable in expressing their own views and opinions.
Every member of that forum, has just as much right to express their disagreement with your opinions, as you had to express them in the first place. When you refused to accept the fact that not everyone agrees with you, and tried to bully your way into getting people to accept your opinions, (as the only truth in a matter). You were given warning (several times), and finally told straight out, that it was time to agree to disagree, and move on to something else. You chose to ignore that, pick up right where you had left off, and suffered the "Boot" for it.
You have called that a violation of your Freedom of Speech. I believe Beth Decker said it best when she made the statement "
like most rights guaranteed by the constitution, your freedom ends where it impedes someone elses". (Quoted from another forum)
For the record... It was not you personally "Joe Ribaudo" that was banned from the forums. I have a fair ampunt of respect for the man "Joe Ribaudo". What I banned from the forums, was the attitude of the character portrayed by "i-tsarl-tsu- i" and the abusive and disrespectful way that character often chose to get it's point across.
As I have told other membesr of that forum, that have been banned, and requested that they be reinstated. I will not reinstate a username that has been banned. However, if that member wishes to re-register using another name, and refrains from the past behavior, (that got them banned before). I will probably not even notice they have returned.
Some have come back, and become valued contributors to the forums. Others have ended up just getting the "Boot" again. I did not write the rules of the DUSA Forums. They were there long before I became a moderator there. I just do my best to enforce them, as I understand them, and maintain a comfortable atmosphere for every member of the forum, no matter what their opinion is on any issue.
(As I am sure is the same goal for the Moderators here on T-Net).
Jim Hatt