Ley Lines in Nova Scotia found in New Ross at Castle site

Morning Dave
Seems you're not bad at writing yourself ,, good post indeed , I say .

Back story on that Nugget as told

The Nugget was extricated during a mining operation in the Sierra Nevada , California side ( West side )

A load was to be shipped along a Trade route , The nugget in the load of trade goods .

Determined it would require some security in transport , it was dipped in Molten Galena to coat it ,
The engravings were done after the nugget reached the vault .

admittedly , Good idea , for the nugget looks nothing more than a Rock after the dip .

who would tax a rock , or steal it ?

Hmmm ?
good idea .

Once at the Repository , the symbols were engraved ( note the shine of Gold wherever the Galena was craved through )

Purpose for the engraving of the symbols is as stated , as a Legend for the Marks to look for in seeking out the other
Vaults .
as told , that's about it .

Interesting is , those symbols are indeed carved into areas in the Mountain Range this Nugget was found .

So , we have the nugget leaving The Mother Lode of the Sierra Nevada , across and into New Mexico , where
it is added to other articles of wealth .

Stored there , it set beneath a hand laid flag stone floor of one room in the Cavern .
When I asked who put all this stuff in there , The comment was : The Nights Templar .

ergo , my fictional story based on an unknown fact .

So , as we find , it was a good idea to disguise it with Galena for transport , for it did make the 800 mile
journey to the Vault .

Was the Vault Templar ?

From artifacts within , unless those were faked and the entire set up was nothing more than a Staged Theatrical display
( Long story that one, wait for the book )

I'd say : Had to be , Templar artifacts were indeed in there , those can be faked as anything can be .

Convincing enough for me to believe it was a Templar Vault .

Was it real ?

Well , the photos I took sure got the D.I.A. thinking it was all real .

I said it before, you are one sick dude. You need help . I do not know you and I do not want to know you. Get a life.

I said it before , simple question requires nothing more than a simple answer .

sick dude ?
is not a simple answer .

Insults ?

that's sick .
Heh heh


this is not an assault on you , it is as stated , a simple question I'm asking .

Now please , without your insults ( whomever you're directing them at ) can you just answer the question .

ok ?

read it
Maternal side of my Ancestry , Perry and Lane Merchants , London England .

The Money Pit was a Merchants Vault for a group of British Capt.'s and Merchants , used as a vault
for money collected for trade goods bought and sold without the Kings Knowledge .

The Money was removed when the Operation was closed down .

A document ( Map ) Valid and archived , Designates Oak Island : Brittany Vault , ( close translation , for it is not in English )

Just google : Perry and Lane merchants london england ,

One of my Cousins has done the research on our Linage , Maternal side .

Interestingly , We held the exclusive shipping route through the Mediterranean , the same route and ports ,
That the Knights Templar used for trade from LaRochelle .

the only contemporary statement made by a witness ; " I saw Villers with 50 horses ,,, he was headed to ships to set out to sea"

No where does this witness mention LaRochelle , and it was this single testimony , that people have postulated
that 13 to 18 ships left La Rochelle with Templar Treasure .

No known valid , recorded , document exist to back that THEORY .

Oak Island was solved the day the English Merchants Pulled their money from a co-vert non registered vault , that is now
referred to as : ' The Money Pit "

so far as researchers can find , That is all there is to the story of The Pit and it's pupose .

Knights Templar site , was my Fiction , not fact .

just that simple .

It was an Illegal Bank for Trade merchants who wished to dodge the Kings Tax .

that is all that can be found for contemporary writing or maps on it .

simple question is still in need of an answer .
thank you kindly

here's the link I forgot to add above

Lane Son and Fraser - 1793

Perry and Lane Merchants
We owned a fleet of merchant ships , The Gramps were Capt.'s and ran trade goods until ,,, well ,,,
you can read it on the links

so , owing to my FICTIONAL postings stating that Oak Island was a Templar Vault , being the first mention of , on any
Text that can be found anywhere , owing as well , that through research , no text referring to the Knights Templar
arrived by ship in this Hemisphere .

My question is simple , owing again to finderskeeprs claims , is finders working on information of an earlier date ( Time Stamp )
than that of mine .

for , as shown , My fictional account cannot be based in Historical Fact from any known valid contemporary documents .

as well , finders seems to have so many of the details in his post , that replicate many of those as found in my fictional
account of the Knights Templar here .

Just struck me odd , that if finders found references to the Knights In this Hemisphere , that my fiction would
have mimic History .
That is a coincidence I just have a hard time with .

so again I ask : " can you state where and when you came across material that would lead you to believe The Knights Templar
reached these shores and built vaults per your assumptions "

Your threads posted here , claims , I imagine , are open to questions are they not ?

If so , that's all I'm up to , just asking , seeking an answer , enjoying the ride as I await an answer .

so , owing to my FICTIONAL postings stating that Oak Island was a Templar Vault , being the first mention of , on any
Text that can be found anywhere , owing as well , that through research , no text referring to the Knights Templar
arrived by ship in this Hemisphere .

My question is simple , owing again to finderskeeprs claims , is finders working on information of an earlier date ( Time Stamp )
than that of mine .

for , as shown , My fictional account cannot be based in Historical Fact from any known valid contemporary documents .

as well , finders seems to have so many of the details in his post , that replicate many of those as found in my fictional
account of the Knights Templar here .

Just struck me odd , that if finders found references to the Knights In this Hemisphere , that my fiction would
have mimic History .
That is a coincidence I just have a hard time with .

so again I ask : " can you state where and when you came across material that would lead you to believe The Knights Templar
reached these shores and built vaults per your assumptions "

Your threads posted here , claims , I imagine , are open to questions are they not ?

If so , that's all I'm up to , just asking , seeking an answer , enjoying the ride as I await an answer .

I believe you have been taking my ideas and putting them on your post. You are sick, why post here, why not start your own post if you are so good. Ya because no one will read it :laughing7:. I am done answering your stupid questions :icon_scratch:. Have a good day.

The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar: Solving the Oak Island Mystery Paperback – February 1, 1999 https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Treasure-Knights-Templar-Solving/dp/0892817100/?tag=treasurenet01-20
Unless Steven Sora is yet another of your nom de plumes. The book predates your claims from 2003. But as you say, never depend on other people's claims to research.

Perfect smithbrown

that's all I asked ,

you found Sora easy enough wasn't it .

There's other literature even earlier , that claims the Knights Templar crossed the Atlantic .

However , none claim they set vaults on Oak Island using the Golden Mean for laying out the site of deposit .

Vortex , ley lines ,

No , that solely my set of funky details to the so called mystery .

Thank you Smithbrown for a cool answer .

" He is a regular contributor to Atlantis Rising Magazine "

Steve would engage in our threads on : ancientlosttreasures.com forum

back in the day , we exchanged many emails discussing everything from Atlantis to Rennes .

You can find our threads by a search engine term : atlantis rising + ancientlosttreasures

element #47 of book #1 ,,,,,,, Euclids Elements , type in , Pythagoras

you'll find something interesting to read

again smithbrown , thank you for seeking ,

My Geometry Concept attached to the Vaults , was conceived born out of my studies into the Mystery School .

Geometry , Pyth , Euclid , sacred oaths , all in the Masonic vein .

it was an easy Fiction to compile .

as stated , had I known it would take wings , I'd of remained a dummy .

Rog check our own Atlantis forum here in Treasure net. It does / did exist It was a gigantic three ringed Caldera, that was located on the junction of three plates, the center of tectonic activity. it was not a volcanic explosion but a subsidence that ended it..


Atlantis 2b ©@.webp

appol. for inserting this, but the timing was critical. back to Oak Island.

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well , here it is , the email from History Channel trying to get more Knights Templar info and sites from me

they wore out Oak Island and lost all Validity , so they came back seeking more

copy pasted email

~~~~~~~~~~~~ begin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

PaulaE has sent you a private message on Feb 13 , 2015 08:52PM
Hi Roger,

My name is Paula Engelking. I'm Senior Writer for American Unearthed, a History Channel/H2 show about unusual sites and artifacts. We're interested in the Templar imagery and artifacts you wrote about--the ones found in Johnson and Soledad Canyons in New Mexico.

We might want to include the Templar/New Mexico connections in our show. Please call me at -------(cell.) My manager really wants to see what you've seen. Do you have pictures you could email to me showing what you located? How did you find out about the artifacts? Did you read about it somewhere else?

~~~~~~~~~~~ End email ~~~~~~~~~~~

yeah right , do I have pictures to send them

christ , these people have no sense of dignity

just pure pimps

well folks
plenty of data stored on this theft of intellectual property these people are selling air time with

more to come , even if I'm banned here
others will be in to post it

see ya fraudsters

and as Treasminder2 makes his exit , he once again provides the only provable evidence of what's really
behind the story of Knights Templar on Oak Island .

and that is : His fiction writing was turned into a Commercial Enterprise by several Con-Artist in the Film Industry .

and as Treasminder2 makes his exit , he once again provides the only provable evidence of what's really
behind the story of Knights Templar on Oak Island .

and that is : His fiction writing was turned into a Commercial Enterprise by several Con-Artist in the Film Industry .

Possible but I give a chance to FK for the New Ross site.

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We are meeting with a film crew this week to film us in New Ross this summer. The weather is getting better and soon the red ants, spiders, and blood sucking ticks will be ready to.

We are meeting with a film crew this week to film us in New Ross this summer. The weather is getting better and soon the red ants, spiders, and blood sucking ticks will be ready to.

I will give you credit for getting a one show spot on H2 but you also have a habit of making empty claims for future tv shows.
Here are 2 times that I could find quickly right off the top of my memory.

Good luck with your tv show.
But I have serious doubts that it ever comes to fruition

March 10 2015
"Ok we got a offer to do a TV show on the Beale Codes".....FK

September 24 2011
" The Discovery Channel will be on site to film us working for a trailer for a possible TV series. We will have some kind of film crew or camers on site just in case we core drill gold. ".....FK

I will give you credit for getting a one show spot on H2 but you also have a habit of making empty claims for future tv shows.
Here are 2 times that I could find quickly right off the top of my memory.

Good luck with your tv show.
But I have serious doubts that it ever comes to fruition

Look its nothing we have control of , we get calls from film crews that want to pitch a TV show to a Network and they shoot us for the show. There are many film crews doing this every day . Some make it and a lot don't. WE have sign contracts before and after we sign the show gets zapped. Discovery Channel drop a lot of treasure hunting shows when History Channel gave treasure hunting a bad name.
Discovery likes gold mining or under water gold mining. This film crew called us , we did not call them and its their time and money spent not ours. They are coming to my town to film us this week . They want to set things and get ready for anything that could happen in New Ross. They want to have a foot in the door just incase we hit it big then they are the ones to film us. Look no matter what , I stick to everything I posted on this site. I will not change anything . Not many people here will do that. In a few weeks we will see who and what was here, then we can talk again but how many members will still be here to eat crow when I start posting , That is the bigger question.

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I love eating crow. I know you are not going to find anything. Just another reality show with excuses for not finding a treasure. Waste of time, film and money but at least it is not your money.

Crows are WONDERFUL "Birds of Warning" (of danger, etc.). I have 3 "pet" crows...

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One post says they are filming you in New Ross this summer and the other that they are coming to your home to film you.
Which is it?

Anyhow since you are operating as a mining company in Nova Scotia.Do you think it is a good idea having people film you talking about treasure hunting instead of actually mining for minerals.That might be something for that army of lawyers that you have to look into.

Scroll up a little bit and click on that red link "Dents Run Show and tell all invite Oct 1-2
In that thread you promised to show evidence of over a ton of gold bars buried in PA.

You even set up a 2 day press conference and invited the public to attend......did this ever happen?
Read that thread and notice how when a poster asked about this show and tell of yours you directed them to check out the castle you found in Nova Scotia.Now if anyone asks about the castle you will direct them somewhere else.

You also just stated above that you stand behind anything you post.....and have stated in a couple weeks you will show who was right.
Is it fair to say then if by the end of May you have nothing to show to prove any of your claims that you are really nothing more then a charlatan trying
to do whatever it takes to score their own tv series?

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