Morning Dave
Seems you're not bad at writing yourself ,, good post indeed , I say .
Back story on that Nugget as told
The Nugget was extricated during a mining operation in the Sierra Nevada , California side ( West side )
A load was to be shipped along a Trade route , The nugget in the load of trade goods .
Determined it would require some security in transport , it was dipped in Molten Galena to coat it ,
The engravings were done after the nugget reached the vault .
admittedly , Good idea , for the nugget looks nothing more than a Rock after the dip .
who would tax a rock , or steal it ?
Hmmm ?
good idea .
Once at the Repository , the symbols were engraved ( note the shine of Gold wherever the Galena was craved through )
Purpose for the engraving of the symbols is as stated , as a Legend for the Marks to look for in seeking out the other
Vaults .
as told , that's about it .
Interesting is , those symbols are indeed carved into areas in the Mountain Range this Nugget was found .
So , we have the nugget leaving The Mother Lode of the Sierra Nevada , across and into New Mexico , where
it is added to other articles of wealth .
Stored there , it set beneath a hand laid flag stone floor of one room in the Cavern .
When I asked who put all this stuff in there , The comment was : The Nights Templar .
ergo , my fictional story based on an unknown fact .
So , as we find , it was a good idea to disguise it with Galena for transport , for it did make the 800 mile
journey to the Vault .
Was the Vault Templar ?
From artifacts within , unless those were faked and the entire set up was nothing more than a Staged Theatrical display
( Long story that one, wait for the book )
I'd say : Had to be , Templar artifacts were indeed in there , those can be faked as anything can be .
Convincing enough for me to believe it was a Templar Vault .
Was it real ?
Well , the photos I took sure got the D.I.A. thinking it was all real .
Seems you're not bad at writing yourself ,, good post indeed , I say .
Back story on that Nugget as told
The Nugget was extricated during a mining operation in the Sierra Nevada , California side ( West side )
A load was to be shipped along a Trade route , The nugget in the load of trade goods .
Determined it would require some security in transport , it was dipped in Molten Galena to coat it ,
The engravings were done after the nugget reached the vault .
admittedly , Good idea , for the nugget looks nothing more than a Rock after the dip .
who would tax a rock , or steal it ?
Hmmm ?
good idea .
Once at the Repository , the symbols were engraved ( note the shine of Gold wherever the Galena was craved through )
Purpose for the engraving of the symbols is as stated , as a Legend for the Marks to look for in seeking out the other
Vaults .
as told , that's about it .
Interesting is , those symbols are indeed carved into areas in the Mountain Range this Nugget was found .
So , we have the nugget leaving The Mother Lode of the Sierra Nevada , across and into New Mexico , where
it is added to other articles of wealth .
Stored there , it set beneath a hand laid flag stone floor of one room in the Cavern .
When I asked who put all this stuff in there , The comment was : The Nights Templar .
ergo , my fictional story based on an unknown fact .
So , as we find , it was a good idea to disguise it with Galena for transport , for it did make the 800 mile
journey to the Vault .
Was the Vault Templar ?
From artifacts within , unless those were faked and the entire set up was nothing more than a Staged Theatrical display
( Long story that one, wait for the book )
I'd say : Had to be , Templar artifacts were indeed in there , those can be faked as anything can be .
Convincing enough for me to believe it was a Templar Vault .
Was it real ?
Well , the photos I took sure got the D.I.A. thinking it was all real .