Hi all,

For the doubters of Govt. coming after our gun rights...You might be right! The US Dept of Homeland Security is buying up all the ammo so the guns will be usless and this process is underway as I speak, just heard it on the news! But since the Govt contorls the news it won't be talked about much longer. Then maybe "Just like they did for alochol" a long time ago(most likely) or limit it big time. While a small part of what I'm saying is speculation about the scenerios of events coming our way, think of this...absolute power leads to absolute corropution and how many times have we caught them lying? I don't like thinking this way...for real but wheres theres smoke theres fire as I've always been told...dang now y'all gonna think I'm paranoid, LOL I'm just paying attention and it'd do us all well to do so. Just my humble opinion :)

"Distraction, And The Manufacture Of Relevance: Sometimes the truth wells up into the public awareness regardless of what the media does to bury it. When this occurs their only recourse is to attempt to change the public’s focus and thereby distract them from the truth they were so close to grasping. The media accomplishes this by “over-reporting” on a subject that has nothing to do with the more important issues at hand. Ironically, the media can take an unimportant story, and by reporting on it ad nauseum, cause many Americans to assume that because the media won’t shut-up about it, it must be important!"

Listen dude should the govt decide they want to declare war on civilans do you want a pea shooter or a machine gun. The president has a limited ability to deploy and use drone attacks on American soil on Americans should he decided to do so in the event they might be "terrorist" with out a whole lot of intervention because the govt. decides what the defination of terriorism. Different branches of the govt do different things and restrict the rights of people based on their opinion not the general populus view. Prohibition for instance...they took away alcohol and pot. The general public would have stopped that had it been a national vote I would assume since alcohol is now legal in most places. State govt's are now putting pot to a vote and guess what pot's making a comeback too. The fed's have pot listed in the same category as LSD, heiron, oxycodone, coccaine and such do you personally believe that pot is as bad as any of those? Tax payers have to house these people it makes up most of our prison system especially in state where you have that three strike program and first time felony for any amount. Not that I do either anymore but in my younger days I did drink and once in awhile smoke some. Hell even our current president has and a sizable list before him have. George Washington was famous for his moonshine, think you can actually find his recipe on the internet. The point I'm making is it takes a lot of effort and decades to regain freedom of choice and rights lost to new laws that limit individual freedom once the govt makes changes like they're trying to impliment I don't think they're out to get I'm not a politican or I don't belong to any of the right wing groups or civial groups or gangs, unless GPAA I'm not a criminal. Past events like Ruby Ridge, Waco and some more current events like the rabid x-cop man hunt in California. Had the police told the truth about burning the place down instead of lying about it I would have been good with that, if they said something like "he was way to dangerous and to prevent further loss of life we did what we had to"...I'm good with that to I think he got what he deserved but not due process. I happened to be watching that day when they had him cornered with the news crew there I heard a cop in the background say burn it down, thats how I know they lied. I remember several year ago and I don't remember who stated it but they were from Austraila, I think one of those A nations anyway. said to not let them take your gun rights away as they have here, being a natural skeptic I blew it off now look whats happening, they talk about gun control not that I think it's emenient at this moment in time but really we need to protect what our forefathers wrote because they all dealt with tyranny face to face that's why its wrote the way it is...
Guys I'm not radical at all even if it sounds like I may be...but there is no reason for any public offical to lie about what they did when so many people heard it with their own ears. They didn't know anyone was listening it was a live breaking news event. Now if that sounds radical I'm sorry but when you put blind faith in them and scoff at the idea that it might be happening, by the time you realize you were wrong its gonna be too late. No matter what branch you served or didn't serve in you are still American and have a right to bear arms with all the ammo you can afford....just don't go to my local wal-mart they don't have any or their out I don't know which and no one would tell me when anymore was coming I check the service desk just to make sure yesterday. Just think of this why does everything need a permit? Thats a simple answer for me, its a form of control limiting your rights to do something in a public place that was once totally legal for those who came before us...Permits can be revoked at any time for any reason.

Anyway no more long winded talks for me here justifying my thoughts. This nation is only as great as the body of people within it's borders and we have to work together to keep it strong and free....enough said about that.
Spring is almost here happy hunting all hope you hit the motherload and it has no historical value :laughing7:

on federal land that is :)

Listen dude should the govt decide they want to declare war on civilans do you want a pea shooter or a machine gun. The president has a limited ability to deploy and use drone attacks on American soil on Americans should he decided to do so in the event they might be "terrorist" with out a whole lot of intervention because the govt. decides what the defination of terriorism. Different branches of the govt do different things and restrict the rights of people based on their opinion not the general populus view. Prohibition for instance...they took away alcohol and pot. The general public would have stopped that had it been a national vote I would assume since alcohol is now legal in most places. State govt's are now putting pot to a vote and guess what pot's making a comeback too. The fed's have pot listed in the same category as LSD, heiron, oxycodone, coccaine and such do you personally believe that pot is as bad as any of those? Tax payers have to house these people it makes up most of our prison system especially in state where you have that three strike program and first time felony for any amount. Not that I do either anymore but in my younger days I did drink and once in awhile smoke some. Hell even our current president has and a sizable list before him have. George Washington was famous for his moonshine, think you can actually find his recipe on the internet. The point I'm making is it takes a lot of effort and decades to regain freedom of choice and rights lost to new laws that limit individual freedom once the govt makes changes like they're trying to impliment I don't think they're out to get I'm not a politican or I don't belong to any of the right wing groups or civial groups or gangs, unless GPAA I'm not a criminal. Past events like Ruby Ridge, Waco and some more current events like the rabid x-cop man hunt in California. Had the police told the truth about burning the place down instead of lying about it I would have been good with that, if they said something like "he was way to dangerous and to prevent further loss of life we did what we had to"...I'm good with that to I think he got what he deserved but not due process. I happened to be watching that day when they had him cornered with the news crew there I heard a cop in the background say burn it down, thats how I know they lied. I remember several year ago and I don't remember who stated it but they were from Austraila, I think one of those A nations anyway. said to not let them take your gun rights away as they have here, being a natural skeptic I blew it off now look whats happening, they talk about gun control not that I think it's emenient at this moment in time but really we need to protect what our forefathers wrote because they all dealt with tyranny face to face that's why its wrote the way it is...
Guys I'm not radical at all even if it sounds like I may be...but there is no reason for any public offical to lie about what they did when so many people heard it with their own ears. They didn't know anyone was listening it was a live breaking news event. Now if that sounds radical I'm sorry but when you put blind faith in them and scoff at the idea that it might be happening, by the time you realize you were wrong its gonna be too late. No matter what branch you served or didn't serve in you are still American and have a right to bear arms with all the ammo you can afford....just don't go to my local wal-mart they don't have any or their out I don't know which and no one would tell me when anymore was coming I check the service desk just to make sure yesterday. Just think of this why does everything need a permit? Thats a simple answer for me, its a form of control limiting your rights to do something in a public place that was once totally legal for those who came before us...Permits can be revoked at any time for any reason.

1. Weed is nowhere near as bad for people as the other drugs you listed. In fact, Spice and K2 are downright dangerous. I have seen them quickly ruin people's lives. I think we should legalize pot, put a tax on it, and be done with it. I don't smoke it and I have no desire to. If people can slowly kill themselves with cigs and alcohol then why should pot be any different?
2. Unfortunately, politicians and media constantly lie. They go to school to learn how to lie and take regular seminars that help them freshen up on lying. This has been going on since the beginning of time.
3. You should be more worried about being hit by a meteor then having the government open fire on the people. If for no other reason, what would they gain? Things are pretty darn good here for Americans. Politicians are at the top of the pecking order. Why would they want to disrupt that....what is it you have that they want?
4. Guns and ammo are out at Wal-Mart because the NRA is making a fortune off of the slaughter of children. Tragic.


Yea our system is pretty good I just hate being lied to so much, then using the lies told to launch gun control propaganda clearly defined by the second amendant not to be infringed...
Hey have you found any pirate treasure down there...I was in S. Carolina over Christmas and at local bait shop I went into the guy had found a mollusk shell that formed around a large pirate about treasure findings envy lol

Your country is facing forwards, while walking backwards! Without a change in direction it will crumble. Many on here, on other sites, and in reality will accelerate the process for whatever reasons, mainly stubbornness and selfishness. Way of the world!

The guns and ammo are out of stock at Walmart and other stores because of all the anti-gun bills being thrown about. A buddy of mine and I went out shooting today but we were very conservative on how much ammo we went through......

The guns and ammo are out of stock at Walmart and other stores because of all the anti-gun bills being thrown about. A buddy of mine and I went out shooting today but we were very conservative on how much ammo we went through......

Same thing happened after Obama was elected the first time / right?

Same thing happened after Obama was elected the first time / right?
Not this bad and not for this long...However I do see a pattern, instead of him being the great unifyer he is the great divider. Agree?

Every politician is the "great divider" correct?? That's what we call politics right. The populace of this country is greatly divided and that is being reflected by the politicians we elect, the news we watch, our views on chat boards, etc, etc.

Yes I agree we are deeply divided, however did he not run as a great unifier?

Yes I agree we are deeply divided, however did he not run as a great unifier?

What a president said something on the campaign trail and didnt follow through on it - your kidding me???

I think the easier thing to do is to look at every president since Washington and count the number of times they actually did fulfill a campaign promise. One hand needed, maybe two?? Do you even listen to anything any of them promise on the campaign trail?

What a president said something on the campaign trail and didnt follow through on it - your kidding me???

I think the easier thing to do is to look at every president since Washington and count the number of times they actually did fulfill a campaign promise. One hand needed, maybe two?? Do you even listen to anything any of them promise on the campaign trail?
Listen? Yes. Believe? NO. I know what you are saying about campaign promises but why do you give Obama a pass? If it was Bush would you give him a pass....did you? We all know the media gives Obama a golden pass and does the opposite to a republican. They even made up scenarios before obama's first campaign about Bush. Remember Joe the Plumber?

Listen? Yes. Believe? NO. I know what you are saying about campaign promises but why do you give Obama a pass? If it was Bush would you give him a pass....did you? We all know the media gives Obama a golden pass and does the opposite to a republican. They even made up scenarios before obama's first campaign about Bush. Remember Joe the Plumber?

Who is giving Obama a pass - I voted for Romney and every republican candidate for pres since I could vote?? I think most all politicians lie and worse. That's why they are politicians of they could prob be televangelists?! You guys dislike Obama so vehemently you think anyone who is not calling for his execution or worse is a bleeding heart liberal. I'm a fiscal conservative and social moderate so on some social issues my views are prob not as extreme. When it comes to international relations and national protection I'm probably more right wing than most of you as I have no problem with drones killing terrorists anywhere in the world or using the CIA and spec ops to do the same.

Who is giving Obama a pass - I voted for Romney and every republican candidate for pres since I could vote?? I think most all politicians lie and worse. That's why they are politicians of they could prob be televangelists?! You guys dislike Obama so vehemently you think anyone who is not calling for his execution or worse is a bleeding heart liberal. I'm a fiscal conservative and social moderate so on some social issues my views are prob not as extreme. When it comes to international relations and national protection I'm probably more right wing than most of you as I have no problem with drones killing terrorists anywhere in the world or using the CIA and spec ops to do the same.
What I meant by giving him a pass is why do you accept the numbers HIS administration has put out?

What I meant by giving him a pass is why do you accept the numbers HIS administration has put out?

I don't. I believe that all government statistics under any administration is as accurate as under any other administration. They all have margins of error, need tweaking and adjustments. But they are not more or less biased under any administration compared to another. Government stats are out of the hands of partisan players and are in the hands of long term bureaucrats. Believe me they are extremely well scrutinized by hundreds of thousands of professions with big big money on the line. It's not like anyone is "pulling a fast one" with the unemployment number.

I don't. I believe that all government statistics under any administration is as accurate as under any other administration. They all have margins of error, need tweaking and adjustments. But they are not more or less biased under any administration compared to another. Government stats are out of the hands of partisan players and are in the hands of long term bureaucrats. Believe me they are extremely well scrutinized by hundreds of thousands of professions with big big money on the line. It's not like anyone is "pulling a fast one" with the unemployment number.

LOL! Are you serious? LOL! And the Libya attack was all about a little watched youtube video to! LOL! Oh and lets not forget that Fast and Furious didn't happen......but oh wait they changed their position on that too!!!!!! :BangHead::laughing7::laughing7: Always consider your source!:icon_thumright:

LOL! Are you serious? LOL! And the Libya attack was all about a little watched youtube video to! LOL! Oh and lets not forget that Fast and Furious didn't happen......but oh wait they changed their position on that too!!!!!! :BangHead::laughing7::laughing7: Always consider your source!:icon_thumright:

Do you know how these statistics are generated and who does it? It is not the "Obama" administration.

Do you know how these statistics are generated and who does it? It is not the "Obama" administration.
Yeah and Erik Holder works independently from Obama's agenda.......

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