Good God man! What are you smoking? Get rid of that batch cause it's causing paranoia! Go get something a bit more mellow! Jeez.
I don't need to.
And those classes they put you guys through now make you think that everyone in the US is now on something, don't they? All the more to make you "drug busters"

The "modern" USCG is a nightmare and a disgrace to what it USED to, SHOULD be and was DESIGNED to be.
You have been duped with promises of sexy toys, being a hero.. Kevlar and happy switches.

It is sad.

Good God man! Keep it coming!
Why do you keep changing **** like nobody will notice?
Why don't you man up, take your lumps and say your piece?

Changing things along the same lines of your original thought is cool, and if not at least indicate that you did so, but to change your whole meaning and try to make it look like something else is desperate and weak.
Don't they teach you guys that anymore?
Or did THAT go as well when they told you guys you were Law Enforcers?

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So tell me how different is the modern USCG to what it used to be? We still do what we used to do because none of our missions were taken away. We just have had more missions added over the years. Please enlighten me.

EDIT: Read the history. We were always Law Enforcers.

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So tell me how different is the modern USCG to what it used to be? We still do what we used to do because none of our missions were taken away. We just have had more missions added over the years.
Then you get it.

You THINK you are Law Enforcers now.
i bet they issue badges and you have your ID card in your wallet now, don't you?
the "Homeland security" one?

If you don't know, then it is obvious.
You should get a siren and lights for your vehicle.
you know, for when the "terrorists" attack... Oh that's right..the "terrorists" are slowly being morped into US citizens now, aren't they?

This is like telling a SA or Brown Shirt about why they no longer serve the German people.
You're just going to have to look at the people in the RIV now..
Do they look more like fuzzy headed 20 something SWAT/SeAL wannabes who can't wait to "wax some Tango", or like people who want to save lives?
Or are you now in a "patrol car" or 'armored vehicle?'


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EDIT: Read the history. We were always Law Enforcers.
That statement is truly telling.
You are the "new generation" of brainwashed paramilitary feds.
Well, at least you said "Edit" this time.
But still weak and a preemptive attempt.

I'm done playing with you.

If you want to fight "the enemy" join the MILITARY, not homeland security.
If you want to "stop drugs" join the Sheriff's department.
That blurring of the differentiation has been intentional.
Your enemy does not lie here.
How old are you Coastguardsman? (whoops, I mean homeland security law enforcement agent)

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I am in the Military. I did my tour in the Persian Gulf during OEF and OND. My rank is the same as my Navy counter part as well as my paycheck. I am a Chief Machinery Technician with 1 month shy of 20 years of active duty service, 23 years of combined service. I will be 42 this month. How about you if you don't mind me asking?

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I am in the Military. I did my tour in the Persian Gulf during OEF and OND. My rank is the same as my Navy counter part as well as my paycheck. I am a Chief Machinery Technician with 1 month shy of 20 years of active duty service, 23 years of combined service. I will be 42 this month. How about you if you don't mind me asking?
Um. No.
You are not in the military.
maybe at one TIME you served in a branch of the military, but it is now a branch of Motherland Security.
The military works FOR the people and fights against foreign interests as directed by the department of defense.
Stop shitting yourself.
You can't have it both ways.
You are a waterborne TSA agent.

"combined service"
Blur that line boy....
Well thank you for your service.
Against the ENEMIES of this country.
I was in the MILITARY. Perhaps you heard about it, Law Enforcer.
Doing real time in real places. Not against my countrymen.
I have shed more blood in more mud than you have flexed for snow birds and pogues in Floridistan.
And you don't get to know what or where freshie.
Operation New Dawn? You're kidding right? :D
Those of us who have fought against foreign enemies don't brag about what and where.
We don't flash badges and ID cards.

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Fair enough and thank you for your service.

Fair enough and thank you for your service.
Look man, all those of us who have served our country ask is that those of you in federal law enforcement don't try to get the best of both worlds.
Either you are a cop, or you are in the military.
You don't get it both ways.
that's it.
The Coast Guard IS a hard job.
But don't let what they are trying to do to it go to your head.
Pay attention.
Look at what they are doing, and the shift and scope of the mission.
The spirit of the coast guard does NOT coincide with what this administration is trying to do with and to it.
We sacrificed and my shipmates and team mates died and suffered so that the people in this country could be free UNDER their government, not in spite of it.

You either protect the borders or you go after the citizens.

The current scope of the USCG has it under "homeland security"

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:icon_scratch::icon_scratch:Thats all I been trying to say thx critical at least one other person truely understands the impact of whats going on around us. I served in the USMC btw and lost friends too. i'm not anti govt, i'm pro freedom and I realize the sacrafice of those who came before us...Thank you to all our servicemen btw! I like our constitution the way it is, our fore fathers wrote it that way for a reason and the second ammendment says to "keep and bear arms and not to be infringed" and the govt thinks that ammo isn't part of that right but with out ammo you have a club. "I will defend the constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies foregin or domestic*...that is the sworn oath of all servicemen and women no matter wether they are feds or cilivian!!!

Does anyone know why the EPA carries firearms? I had first hand account of this fact too. It happened while I was at work. They came on unfounded accusations from a manager that got fired. When they showed up there was three agents per employee various law enforcement agencys mostly EPA.

LOL guess they didn't want to be out gunned when they decended on a place of work in the count seat 1min from hwy patrol station:laughing7:

Rafdog - Ignore him, he just has an overblown sense of himself and a terminal illness called "knowing more than everyone else"! Seen him say this crap often:

"I was in the MILITARY. Perhaps you heard about it, Law Enforcer.
Doing real time in real places. Not against my countrymen.
I have shed more blood in more mud than you have flexed for snow birds and pogues in Floridistan.
And you don't get to know what or where freshie.
Operation New Dawn? You're kidding right?

Those of us who have fought against foreign enemies don't brag about what and where.
We don't flash badges and ID cards."

Yet refuses to ever say where he served, who he served with, etc etc. The great excuse of the "keyboard warrior". Question him too much and he conveniently puts you on "ignore". ;)

wow! ........ I bet the ammo/gun manfacturers spin alot of this "hyper they are going to take us over" it GREAT for sales!........

If one takes the time to understand "checks and balances" no matter any goverment branch's "intent" there is another branch that puts it in "check"
our wise founding fathers did it that way on purpose..remember they where fighting the "King" at the time can't get more uber one man controlling than that.....

I hope that we have the domestic ability to fight...

you dont think that "the bad guys" are not slipping numbers of their people here? to some time pull a "tet offencive" type raid country wide?
they would lose but it would be a big black eye for the USA.....

as far as bad laws...sure lots of them but if you dont like a law get organized and get it changed! vote! and nothing any law maker listens too more than a LARGE group that votes...plain and simple....ever thought about putting political pressure or the anti-metal dectector crowd? if its education go over there head...if your an alum.....BETTER YET! nothing shuts up a prof like pizzin off the your foe... take sure all the MD companys would chime right in........

that lets go find cool stuff!

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Does it really make sense that the government is buying up all the ammo just so the public wouldn't have any? Wouldn't it just be easier to outlaw the sale of ammo to the public instead of spending all that money? That being said, does anyone think that the government is not capable of producing their own ammunition or importing it from another country?

Way too logical that mate lol. It's a simple fact....way too many guns to bother about, so yep they ever WANT to curb gun crime they'd just ban the public and private sale of ammo. Wouldn't help for a long time, but eventually (100 years) every gun today becomes an "antique", and probably far behind what's available then!
10,000+ per year of your grandkids kids may actually survive!

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I find it hilarious that the guy from the country where the people have to get a permit for a sword and will go to jail for having a 3" pocket knife that locks (apparently a pocket knife that has a safety feature is too dangerous) seems to have so much to say about our gun laws.

I find it hilarious that the guy from the country where the people have to get a permit for a sword and will go to jail for having a 3" pocket knife that locks (apparently a pocket knife that has a safety feature is too dangerous) seems to have so much to say about our gun laws.

What is the rate of firearm homicides in the UK vs in the US - its much higher right? Because they don't have guns to defend themselves?

What is the rate of firearm homicides in the UK vs in the US - its much higher right? Because they don't have guns to defend themselves?

There are and always have been less of that particular object because of the very nature of the subjectivity of the people.
Their government does not trust them to be equally prepared to resist tyranny.
That is like comparing the rate of vehicular deaths between the city of LA and the Congo.

Your sociopolitically object fearing driven attempt at logic fails.

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