I have an MP5SD and I can assure you its not really that easy...5 maybe, but not twelve....and thanks for all the ammo....I am done here...Good luck to you..
the SD is ok. The suppressor makes the forend thick.
But I like the Navy trigger group.

And if you think that it is "hard" to consistently put rounds into torso sized targets at room distances with that SMG, your department DOES need practice.

obama has a flag?
< flies no flags but the jolly roger ( and the iron brigade) ( best unit in the war of northern aggression)

Up here we call it the war of southern treason.

So what are we going to do, fight it again?

It happened.

And it is going to happen again.
and it will AGAIN be about states' rights and one group thinking that another group needs to live the same way they do.
We never learn.

<img src=""/><img src=""/>
<img src=""/>

Huh. That's strange. I guess the hundreds of pictures and the one I saw last weekend on a flatbed were all Photoshopped?

And trusting "snopes" and "factcheck" to not be the lapdogs of liberalism and this administration is ludicrous.
It would be like trusting pravda to have "the facts" about Stalin in 1950.

But you enjoy that Kool Aid.

CR you know that plenty of surplus and old military equip has always been refurbed and handed over to gov agencies or even police departments. This happens all the time and has happened for decades and decades. A lot of Iraq theater m4s have already made there way to police forces around the country. You also know that plenty of fed agencies and even urban police forces have always used APCs going back to the m113 which some still use today. Some hardware in the past would even end up in town parks and local vfw posts. Would people rather we mothball this taxpayer funded hardware? We got plenty of real problems to worry about and deal with.

CR you know that plenty of surplus and old military equip has always been refurbed and handed over to gov agencies or even police departments. This happens all the time and has happened for decades and decades. A lot of Iraq theater m4s have already made there way to police forces around the country. You also know that plenty of fed agencies and even urban police forces have always used APCs going back to the m113 which some still use today. Some hardware in the past would even end up in town parks and local vfw posts. Would people rather we mothball this taxpayer funded hardware? We got plenty of real problems to worry about and deal with.
So the West jerkwater PD needs 3 round select fire M4s and M113 Gavins to go with their black BDUs masks and helmets?
I am curious as to how many "crimes" these sexy toys have actually prevented.
Bull. They are toys and are used to intimidate and to be waved around AFTER the fact.

If the police want to play soldier, then they can join the military and serve their country.

They want the toys and the swagger but they don't want the sacrifice.

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it's not THAT hard to pump 12 rounds into someone with your full auto MP5 in the dark of their bedroom from behind a shield as they wonder why you are in their house dressed like a ninja at 4 am with your 20 friends looking for illegal plants.

Sorry my friend but, as a Coast Guard member I ain't looking for your plants on land! I'm looking for everthing else trying to make our shores illegally and at the same time save lives when the occasion presents itself. Oh and the MP5 is not standard equipment for us. CBP, ICE, Secret Service and TSA ain't looking for your plants either. You must be confusing DEA with DHS.

So what are we going to do, fight it again?

It happened.

And it is going to happen again.
and it will AGAIN be about states' rights and one group thinking that another group needs to live the same way they do.
We never learn.

Yeh, I'm not much of an anarchist so I believe that in a society everyone just can't do whatever they want. It would make for a nice ultra liberal utopia though. We have rules and regs and laws and everyone is always going to feel to a greater or lessor extent they are being restrained by the government. This is certainly nothing new and has been happening since day one of this country. Imagined how upset those farmers were when they found out that washington had the stones to go and tax their shine .... And it's been all downhill from there!

you know what part of the problem is...i actually put that in general discussion so that people would be informed because theres no law protecting ammunition and not allowing it in general discussion just keeps people from being informed because if it doesn't effect them then they won't care enough to look!!!

So the West jerkwater PD needs 3 round select fire M4s and M113 Gavins to go with their black BDUs masks and helmets?
I am curious as to how many "crimes" these sexy toys have actually prevented.
Bull. They are toys and are used to intimidate and to be waved around AFTER the fact.

If the police want to play soldier, then they can join the military and serve their country.

They want the toys and the swagger but they don't want the sacrifice.

Not disagreeing with you one single bit. You know they drool over that type of hardware. My only point is that this is nothing unusual, this is not a sign that the FEMA camps are coming and this is not an "Obama" thing. This is biz are usual - rightly or wrongly. But they might as well get some use out if the equip as oppose to mothballing it all in the desert. That's our tax dollars there.

Sorry my friend but, as a Coast Guard member I ain't looking for your plants on land! I'm looking for everthing else trying to make our shores illegally and at the same time save lives when the occasion presents itself. Oh and the MP5 is not standard equipment for us. CBP, ICE, Secret Service and TSA ain't looking for your plants either. You must be confusing DEA with DHS.
I like how you threw "save lives when the occasion presents itself" in there, almost as an afterthought.
And they are all the same.
Alphabet agencies overrun with bullies who are wannabe SeALs.

You're in the Coast Guard?
Guard the coast.
Rescue people.
The USCG is a great organization...well it WAS until they became another excuse to give feds machine guns to be used against the people.
You were not DESIGNED as law Enforcement.
You were chartered as a revenue collection agency, and then as a lifesaving and maritime border patrol agency.
But, like every OTHER federal entity that could wangle it, you pleaded and pushed and wormed your way into becoming some kind of "Strike Force"
The same reason the USDA and NOAA supposedly have "Law enforcement' and "special response" teams.
Look at the FACTS. The STATISTICS. Tell me how many "law enforcement" people have been "outgunned" since an incident in Miami where they panicked in one in California where the people wore head to toe body armor and had weapons that were ALREADY "illegal"
It. Is. Not. Preventive. Nor is it necessary. nor is it lifesaving.
It is for intimidation.

It's getting out of hand.

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Jeffery you have a sex change operation? I liked your hat before:laughing7:

Trust me, saving lives is higher on our stats than all the other missions we do.

The CG did not transition from revenue collection to life saving then maritime border patrol. The CG was born from combining three seperate services into one and calling it the U.S. Coast Guard. The Revenue Cutter Service was a law enforcement agency, the Light House Service dealt with aids to navigation and the U.S. Life Saving Service was about search and rescue. So upon creation we were a Law Enforcement Agency as well as a Search and Rescue and Aids to Navigation Agency. Try reading this United States Military - Coast Guard

The Coast Guard did not push nor plead to become the so called "Strike Force" you talk about. After 911, there was a need and, we were identified as the best resource to take on the mission of Maritime Security because of our expertise in the Maritime Environment and our legal authority. Congress asked and we rogered up!

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The CG did not transition from revenue collection to life saving then maritime border patrol. The CG was born from combining three seperate services into one and calling it the U.S. Coast Guard. The Revenue Cutter Service was a law enforcement agency, the Light House Service dealt with aids to navigation and the U.S. Life Saving Service was about search and rescue. So upon creation we were a Law Enforcement Agency as well as a Search and Rescue and Aids to Navigation Agency.
lol. "Rogered up?"
You've never heard a shot fired in anger in your life.
It shows.
Oh dear.
You not only believe the **** that they have pumped into your head, but you just repeated what I said.

You go play with your BDUs and Kevlar and Automatic weapons ok?
The actions of your agency are tied into all of the other alphabet agencies that will finally push this country into Civil War 2.
You are a pawn and you don't even know it.
While you are out playing "I want to be a SeAL with arrest authority and I don't care WHERE or WHO, even if it's my own country." People are drowning.
You shame me.
You need to look up Semper Paratus and think about if that EVER meant " kill americans"

EDIT: And I like how you threw that quote about "lifesaving" up at the top there after the fact. Nice try.

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Wish CR was my neighbor.
Thank you Bos'n Mate.
And thank you for your service.
What kind of shoes do you wear?

And let me know if you think I am being hard on the Coastie. I will stand down.

Good God man! Keep it coming!

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