Why is it that some of you ridicule others for voicing their opinion...why wait till the govt enacts a law that goes against every fiber of the parchment the Constitution is written on...if they enact a law against ammo it will take decades to change it. Have you been watching the news, are you wearing blinders? Or is it that it's not effecting you at the moment and you don't care, so all the chatter must be from parinoid pot smoking hippies. There's outcry for change by people that don't understand what their asking for!! There's laws in place to deal with people that murder other people in this country using guns to do it, without out restricting law abiding citizens. The President decided to put gun control at the top of his list, Joe Biden has had it on his list for years and "News that doesn't reflect the white house's opinion doesn't air very long" then the news changes their story and rams partial facts down our throats for days on end. Someone once said if you tell a good enough lie no one will remember the truth. I orginally posted this in general discussion for a reason, if they can keep y'all stupid your easy to control. The only thing I agree with new, is the medical background checks for gun purchasers. How many new laws do we need to be communist?? granted we're aways away from that I think but if just one person is more informed by this posting and the replies it's recieves, its worth all the condesending bs that comes with it, Dano and friends...

I find it hilarious that the guy from the country where the people have to get a permit for a sword and will go to jail for having a 3" pocket knife that locks (apparently a pocket knife that has a safety feature is too dangerous) seems to have so much to say about our gun laws.

See what i mean Rafdog? lol...even if he turns out to be something he claims to be, it was his choice to go "bleed in the mud" (something i also find dubious as the US has only attacked warm sunny places for decades) and your choice to sail around on a boat where they issue you with guns. Who got the better deal?
He's no better than you, i'm no better than you, you do the job you're asked and paid to do and it's a job that helps your country and it's people just as much as his (apparently) did! Just ignore his condescending, bitter "nobody deserves my respect" outlook on life and enjoy yours! ;)

There are and always have been less of that particular object because of the very nature of the subjectivity of the people.
Their government does not trust them to be equally prepared to resist tyranny.
That is like comparing the rate of vehicular deaths between the city of LA and the Congo.

Your sociopolitically object fearing driven attempt at logic fails.

And this speculative and self opinionated post of his....doesn't i suppose? lol.

Hi, Dano. How you doing today? I see your ruffling his feathers so to speak today lol. It must be great fun for you...rafdog is serving his country doing what he is told to do just like I did as a Marine. At that time in the 80's there was a them and a us...I speculate that it's still the case. I know there left wing and right wing and a middle ground. I like to think I can objectively be in the middle or neutral viewing from both sides and looking at valid points from boths sides then determine which side is right based on my upbringing. I know your not prevy to the news of this country but I find it quite disturbing when I hear law enforcement say things like superior fire power we have them out maned and out gunned. A big part of this posting is based on those comments from law enforcment spokes person in Cincinnati, Ohio the same day I posted this. I commend them for what they did doing their job, risking their lives to keep the streets free of psychosomatic drugs...but a lot can be drawn from that statement. Considering all we're hearing is talk of gun control...The second ammendant is cut and dry no middle ground at all. Law abiding citizens have a right to defend themselves with the same weapons our govt uses to enforce the law. "Thats a checks and balance thingy" Criminals accept what they are doing is wrong but they don't care or they wouldn't do it in the first place, unless they have a mental disability. I think it should be an eye for an eye so to speak, if everytime a criminal broke into a house or got caught raping someone in the comission of their crime was faced with deadly force they'd change their way of thinking. The laws are in place to deal with criminals already. This country already has the highest per capita prison rate of any country in the world, some deserving some not so much. As far as elected officals...very few people really know who or what their voting for in the first place because they don't choose to be informed. A for instance...we all know smoking is bad for the body its a fact but when it showed up on the ballot here in Ohio "the starting place" all the ads talked about was which one to choose no one and I mean no one publically said you don't have to vote for either if your indifferent. These officals are just like you and me some good some bad. They didn't fly into their pants and if they did its not every day I'm sure. Our Constitution provides us with equality not morals...

Hi, Dano. How you doing today? I see your ruffling his feathers so to speak today lol. It must be great fun for you...rafdog is serving his country doing what he is told to do just like I did as a Marine. At that time in the 80's there was a them and a us...I speculate that it's still the case. I know there left wing and right wing and a middle ground. I like to think I can objectively be in the middle or neutral viewing from both sides and looking at valid points from boths sides then determine which side is right based on my upbringing. I know your not prevy to the news of this country but I find it quite disturbing when I hear law enforcement say things like superior fire power we have them out maned and out gunned. A big part of this posting is based on those comments from law enforcment spokes person in Cincinnati, Ohio the same day I posted this. I commend them for what they did doing their job, risking their lives to keep the streets free of psychosomatic drugs...but a lot can be drawn from that statement. Considering all we're hearing is talk of gun control...The second ammendant is cut and dry no middle ground at all. Law abiding citizens have a right to defend themselves with the same weapons our govt uses to enforce the law. "Thats a checks and balance thingy" Criminals accept what they are doing is wrong but they don't care or they wouldn't do it in the first place, unless they have a mental disability. I think it should be an eye for an eye so to speak, if everytime a criminal broke into a house or got caught raping someone in the comission of their crime was faced with deadly force they'd change their way of thinking. The laws are in place to deal with criminals already. This country already has the highest per capita prison rate of any country in the world, some deserving some not so much. As far as elected officals...very few people really know who or what their voting for in the first place because they don't choose to be informed. A for instance...we all know smoking is bad for the body its a fact but when it showed up on the ballot here in Ohio "the starting place" all the ads talked about was which one to choose no one and I mean no one publically said you don't have to vote for either if your indifferent. These officals are just like you and me some good some bad. They didn't fly into their pants and if they did its not every day I'm sure. Our Constitution provides us with equality not morals...

"".The second ammendant is cut and dry no middle ground at all. Law abiding citizens have a right to defend themselves with the same weapons our govt uses to enforce the law.""

Dude, you must have a very diff version of the bill of rights than the rest of us please share??

ok lets hash out the second amendant word for word again and the sworn oath of office..."A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." It was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights.....oath of office....Under the laws of a state it may be considered treason or a high crime to betray a sworn oath of office...the one I took as a Marine....I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Sorry stockpicker I should have put correct references earlier but it means the same thing to me, it was just easier to try and convey it to someone who probably hasn't read all of it. I'm not currently enlisted. I still believe in the premise behind the oath though and hold elected officals to that oath and thats where my issue lie...if they want gun control its a conflict of interest if you believe in the bill of rights which I do...civilian or military we are all responsible to the constitution and bill of rights, if we want to stay free. I didn't give up those rights when my service ended and I don't want to lose them now.

I saw a fact based movie once where only the police and the military had guns.

It was called Schindler's List.

ok lets hash out the second amendant word for word again and the sworn oath of office..."A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." It was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights.....oath of office....Under the laws of a state it may be considered treason or a high crime to betray a sworn oath of office...the one I took as a Marine....I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Sorry stockpicker I should have put correct references earlier but it means the same thing to me, it was just easier to try and convey it to someone who probably hasn't read all of it. I'm not currently enlisted. I still believe in the premise behind the oath though and hold elected officals to that oath and thats where my issue lie...if they want gun control its a conflict of interest if you believe in the bill of rights which I do...civilian or military we are all responsible to the constitution and bill of rights, if we want to stay free. I didn't give up those rights when my service ended and I don't want to lose them now.

This is what my version of the second says - maybe a misprint?

""A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""
My version is missing the part that you mentioned was in your version about people having the right to have the same guns as the police/gov etc etc??

And what makes you think if they were armed the outcome would have been any different?

I tell you what.
We are different. I believe in some things, and you believe in another.
I will have a gun, and you have your smug feeling of self importance.

Tell me how that will turn out for you.

Nobody is telling you that you have to buy an object.
But if you try to tell me that just because you don't, that I can't, just because you don't want something doesn't give you the right to take mine.

We will have a problem.

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I tell you what.
We are different. I believe in some things, and you believe in another.
I will have a gun, and you have your smug feeling of self importance.

Tell me how that will turn out for you.

Nobody is telling you that you have to buy an object.
But if you try to tell me that just because you don't, that I can't, just because you don't want something doesn't give you the right to take mine.

We will have a problem.

Who is trying to tell you anything? you seem to feel very persecuted? no one is coming to take your guns or talking about taking your guns? Im sorry if you feel that i have a "smug feeling of self importance", not sure were that came from. You seem very quick to insult others which is usually a sign of someone suffering from very low self esteem. If owning a gun and therefore thinking it makes you more like a man - "Tell me how that will turn out for you" - than all the more power to you. Those are the types of statements I expect from children in the playground talking about who can beat the other one up. If you were one of those bullied as a child i am sorry.

and it will turn out that you will be standing there with a gun and i will be standing there without - so whats your point. Best

Why is it that some of you ridicule others for voicing their opinion...why wait till the govt enacts a law that goes against every fiber of the parchment the Constitution is written on...if they enact a law against ammo it will take decades to change it. Have you been watching the news, are you wearing blinders? Or is it that it's not effecting you at the moment and you don't care, so all the chatter must be from parinoid pot smoking hippies. There's outcry for change by people that don't understand what their asking for!! There's laws in place to deal with people that murder other people in this country using guns to do it, without out restricting law abiding citizens. The President decided to put gun control at the top of his list, Joe Biden has had it on his list for years and "News that doesn't reflect the white house's opinion doesn't air very long" then the news changes their story and rams partial facts down our throats for days on end. Someone once said if you tell a good enough lie no one will remember the truth. I orginally posted this in general discussion for a reason, if they can keep y'all stupid your easy to control. The only thing I agree with new, is the medical background checks for gun purchasers. How many new laws do we need to be communist?? granted we're aways away from that I think but if just one person is more informed by this posting and the replies it's recieves, its worth all the condesending bs that comes with it, Dano and friends...

Don,You struck a chord with the word communist,let me relay a story to you about that.I had a friend from Poland,Arthur,at the time He was 36,and,He had lived here 6 years.I asked Him one day how it was that He came to America,Chris He said,Communism got so bad I had to get out of there,I come to America and I see it here too.Now who is best qualified to identify the problem than someone that has lived it all there lives. I rest my case.

Don,You struck a chord with the word communist,let me relay a story to you about that.I had a friend from Poland,Arthur,at the time He was 36,and,He had lived here 6 years.I asked Him one day how it was that He came to America,Chris He said,Communism got so bad I had to get out of there,I come to America and I see it here too.Now who is best qualified to identify the problem than someone that has lived it all there lives. I rest my case.

World in case you havnt noticed we have been a socialist country since FDR - plain and simple. Definitionally do you understand the difference between economic socialism and economic communism? And are you confusing what governments might call themselves compared to what they are. Ie do you think Marx would consider china today to be communist?

That being extremely well armed and willing to fight didnt do much to help out their cause now did it??

Your indoctrination and mindbogglingly naive assessment that just because you have political feelings about a certain object that others should not posses it is obtuse in devastatingly exasperating ways.

I don't think that you should have a metal detector.
I think metal detectors make people dig without permission and destroy artifacts, don't need one.
Now who the hell am I to tell you that?

You keep thinking that way, but I guarantee you when somebody kicks in your door at 3 am you would feel better with a gun in your hand than the 20 minutes for the police to get there.

Sit there for 20 minutes.
Think about how much you could do to another person in 20 minutes.

Your particular belief that an object is somehow inherently bad is awesome. You go with that.
Don't buy one.
Nobody is making you.

But you don't get to tell me that I can't.
And I'm not going to waste any more finger power typing stuff to try to batter through the wall of ignorance that you have been stuffed with.

Guys, don't get me wrong. I am a big supporter of our 2nd Ammendment rights. At the beginning of this thread all I stated were the reasons DHS had placed a large order of ammunition. From my experience it was the same order that was placed last year. No more no less.

Critical went on an internet rage and, you know what? That is his right under 1A, no matter how informed or misinformed he may be.

After all is said and done, my goal of continuing the banter with Critical was so that he would take the time to check the links I posted so that he could gather a better understanding of the U.S. Coast Guard. We wear many hats and just because Critical believes we can't be a military and a law enforcement entity, we are, as designated by law. The five uniformed services that make up the Armed Forces are defined in 10 U.S.C. § 101(a)(4).

The Coast Guard is further defined by 14 U.S.C. § 1:

The Coast Guard as established 28 January 1915, shall be a military service and a branch of the armed forces of the United States at all times. The Coast Guard shall be a service in the Department of Homeland Security, except when operating as a service in the Navy.

@Critical - if you really "shed blood in the mud" as you say and your "shipmates" and "team mates" suffered and died to ensure that U.S. citizens lived free under their government, then to you I say, "Thank you for the sacrifices." It's the same thanks I give my father (U.S. Airforce), uncle (U.S. Marine Corp) who both served in Vietnam, grandfather (U.S. Army) and his brother (U.S. Army) who served during the Korean War and WWII and finally my great grandfather who served in the Spanish American War.


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Your indoctrination and mindbogglingly naive assessment that just because you have political feelings about a certain object that others should not posses it is obtuse in devastatingly exasperating ways.

I don't think that you should have a metal detector.
I think metal detectors make people dig without permission and destroy artifacts, don't need one.
Now who the hell am I to tell you that?

You keep thinking that way, but I guarantee you when somebody kicks in your door at 3 am you would feel better with a gun in your hand than the 20 minutes for the police to get there.

Sit there for 20 minutes.
Think about how much you could do to another person in 20 minutes.

Your particular belief that an object is somehow inherently bad is awesome. You go with that.
Don't buy one.
Nobody is making you.

But you don't get to tell me that I can't.
And I'm not going to waste any more finger power typing stuff to try to batter through the wall of ignorance that you have been stuffed with.

I am pro second amendment - always have been always will be. I do not have anything against people owning a gun. Nothing at all. Eat wild game all the time. I'm not sure why you think differently.

And I'm sorry if you feel that your life is on constant danger. No one should have to be made to feel that way. If you truly believe and ate constantly thinking that "some night at 3am your door will be kicked and you will be killed" I'm sorry. I hope some day you can move to an area that you will feel much safer.

Guys, don't get me wrong. I am a big supporter of our 2nd Ammendment rights. At the beginning of this thread all I stated were the reasons DHS had placed a large order of ammunition. From my experience it was the same order that was placed last year. No more no less.

Critical went on an internet rage and, you know what? That is his right under 1A, no matter how informed or misinformed he may be.

After all is said and done, my goal of continuing the banter with Critical was so that he would take the time to check the links I posted so that he could gather a better understanding of the U.S. Coast Guard. We wear many hats and just because Critical believes we can't be a military and a law enforcement entity, we are, as designated by law. The five uniformed services that make up the Armed Forces are defined in 10 U.S.C. § 101(a)(4).

The Coast Guard is further defined by 14 U.S.C. § 1:

The Coast Guard as established 28 January 1915, shall be a military service and a branch of the armed forces of the United States at all times. The Coast Guard shall be a service in the Department of Homeland Security, except when operating as a service in the Navy.

@Critical - if you really "shed blood in the mud" as you say and your "shipmates" and "team mates" suffered and died to ensure that U.S. citizens lived free under their government, then to you I say thank you for the sacrifices. It's the same thanks I give my father (U.S. Airforce), uncle (U.S. Marine Corp) who both served in Vietnam, grandfather (U.S. Army) and his brother (U.S. Army) who served during the Korean War and WWII and finally my great grandfather who served in the Spanish American War.


Rag, absolutely no need to explain yourself. Most, if not all, of us here support the second amendment. But on this board if you are not ultra extreme and think the UN and the government is out to enslave the world than you are just a dirty liberal with a capital L. It's actually pretty funny. I've shown a bunch of my relatives and neighbors - who when we debate politics think im the evil conservative - some of the posts on this board calling me a liberal ( and much much worse). Its pretty funny. But as they say its all relative. Look at it this way if you consider yourself sane, than consider yourself a liberal as far as this site goes!! And by the way CR's responses to you were completely out of line and certainly not the views shared by many. Best

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