Are you sure? Could just be old man winter reaking havoc giving us to much time to think lol

Ask away,you may not like the answer,no need to get upset,you just don't agree,upset opens the door to the devil.

So - I'm inquiring.

Where's the UN troops?

sorry worldtalker someone else brought your name into this one lol...I was talking about them getting organized UN or NATO. I got a lot of spoof about it but since world govt don't ask our opinion b4 they do stuff it's not outta the realm of possibility in my humble opinion

sorry worldtalker someone else brought your name into this one lol...I was talking about them getting organized UN or NATO. I got a lot of spoof about it but since world govt don't ask our opinion b4 they do stuff it's not outta the realm of possibility in my humble opinion

EVERYTHING is possible,just have to keep open minded.

LOL I know I think outside the box :) not much point dwelling on the possibilitys of it happening I suppose. The people we vote in make decisions w/o asking for opinions except from other decision makers, Honestly I would rather have a politican with good common sence over one with all the brains of the world. Most things we vote on have so much legal mumbo jumbo that by the time we get to the end of of proposed legislation no one remembers what they're actually voting for, I don't get confused by it very often but it does get muttled a lot.

Where did I say there was???

Tell him the one about the 650 German Aircrew in NM was it? who were preparing to take all your guns and conquer the USA! Loved that one. Laughed for days!

You have totally lost me,have you been sniffing glue again???

You posted it a few weeks ago. I was still on my ban so couldn't say anything then. It was all about how German pilots (26 of) and their groundcrew were being trained on an airbase in New Mexico or somewhere, with the sole purpose of carrying out a UN "gun grab" operation and follow ups nationwide.
The girlie reporter even went to Germany and met 3 Soldiers on a train station who admitted ..."Ja! We come take America from you very see...very hush hush though so no quote us ja?" etc etc lol.
Hilarious stuff. Up until RJC's "cyber warriors for Obama " thread yesterday it held the #1 spot in the "Fruitloop thread of the year" competition! :laughing9:

You posted it a few weeks ago. I was still on my ban so couldn't say anything then. It was all about how German pilots (26 of) and their groundcrew were being trained on an airbase in New Mexico or somewhere, with the sole purpose of carrying out a UN "gun grab" operation and follow ups nationwide.
The girlie reporter even went to Germany and met 3 Soldiers on a train station who admitted ..."Ja! We come take America from you very see...very hush hush though so no quote us ja?" etc etc lol.
Hilarious stuff. Up until RJC's "cyber warriors for Obama " thread yesterday it held the #1 spot in the "Fruitloop thread of the year" competition! :laughing9:

I,ve looked and I am not able to find it.Someone??

I'm seeing some great candidates on this thread for our list! Remember, only one qualification: You must not be worried about a government takeover. As long as you are civil and polite all other opinions are welcome.


Ps. We have a bunch of different positions that need to get filled. Apply for yours today!

It vanished 3 days after posting for some reason. But it was yours :tongue3:

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