Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

Sadly, Betty Duke never got the DNA samples... OTHERS will have to "carry on with her mission"...
Her son is taking over where she stop account of her passing I talked with him on the phone the other day

Amigo's,:coffee2::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:wav::wav::director:Not a chance,No way or shape,Do you need:help::help::help::argue::lurk:NP:cat:

I was out metal detecting in some remote hills in SD I found this buried about 7" down. Was watching the show "Expedition Unknown" and the subject came up about coded copper treasure maps. When I found this, about a year ago, I wrote it off as someone practicing etching but now kinda curious. It measures 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches. Any thoughts?Click image for larger version.

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I know there are many posts like this but I followed some leads on so called buried cash etc by gangsters in the St Louis MO area and I had some good leads and along with my metal detector after extensive research I went looking. I found an old farm and woods they talked about. When I hunted the area I found an old still site and some copper parts that were part of a still. I dug every target in the woods I could find. It was said that one gangster buried money in mason jars. He would have his driver take him to the woods then tell his driver to stay in the car while he went into the woods with a shovel to bury the loot. Well he was murdered and supposedly no one ever found the loot. After digging no less than 400 targets in the woods I came to the conclusion the driver went back to the woods after his gangster boss was murdered. I did a bit of research on the driver and he lived in a pretty nice place for having such a menial job. I did find tops to mason jars but nothing I could put a pattern to which would have gave me a clue I was on to something.

A far as other legends i have followed and so many seem to be about gold. If it was gold it would have to be gold coin and it's not likely a gang would leave it buried for very long. They liked to live good and would spend until broke and if one was captured it is highly likely someone else would retrieve the gold. I followed a lead about Indian gold in S. IL. Well there is no gold in S. IL anyway not any appreciable amount to be panned . Indians never traveled out of their local tribal area and would not have had a use for gold until the white man came and even then they wouldn't know it had any worth unless they wore gold trinkets. If they went to trade or buy anything with gold I am pretty sure the white man would try and screw them out of it anyway the could.

In a nutshell I think if you think the legend through and use common sense most legends are just that a legend. I enjoy chasing legends but in most cases I see holes in the legend which makes me back off. Whenever i start research on a legend I get kind of a gold fever euphoria and follow every lead i can. In many cases the stories are started by a journalist writing for a newspaper on the East coast and that is usually a big clue the story is made up of 10% fact and 90% fiction. With the internet it is quite easy to track down a legend.

I just wanted to add my 2 cents worth. I have been told i am full of BS and every other thing but believe me if I think there is a thread of truth I chase it. Even if a treasure was buried 100 yrs ago it is likely it would have been buried in a jar or metal box which you can pic up with a detector. It wouldn't be very deep either because if they want to retrieve it they don't want to spend much time doing it. Many people look for markers on trees but they forget trees grow and also die in a 100 year span. so unless the tree is 2-1/2 to 3' in diameter it wouldn't have been there 100 yrs ago and not likely to have any kind of visible mark anyway.

One last note it is more likely that any kind of marker used for buried treasure it would be stones laid in a pattern on the ground or a pie of stones to look like a property marker.

I wish you success

When you boys think of finding Jessies Treasures, Consider this

The amounts he supposedly robbed from banks thought to be robbed by him and his gang, were supplied by the bankers who were known to, when having their amounts insured, inflate the amount stolen, just to get back from the insurance companies MORE than James robbed.

Those amounts, most of them were fantastic amounts of money, especially right after a war which brought a nation finantually near to its knees in debt. I would take a zero off of EACH of the amounts to be able to reach a more realistic amount, and, in near 1/2 would still be in the high range.

Upon his death, or supposed death, he left his wife and family with nothing. She lived and died in poverty. IF there was ever any money to be had that was hid, Im sure that Frank would have used some of it to take care of his brothers family.

Jessie paid off ALOT of people, but likely never worried about it as, when the money ran low, there was always another bank to be tipped over.

It amazes me that he didn't try to rob a bank in St Joe. He had the lay of the city in his goings and comings, and THOSE banks in St Joe, the big ones, had the cash.

Platt City was a 1 horse town in his day. It likely didn't have 2000 people in it in 1950, Ive been by it from around 74 to 84, Yes, its a big town now as its tied in with KC, and as a suburb its filled with KCidians wanting to move out of the downtown part of KC, but, it wasn't always that way. That's likely why Bonnie and Clyde and gang hid out there.

Has anyone heard of or seen a signature of either of the James boys? I mean did they write there names in caves that they hid out in? Has anyone heard of this, recently heard of a person who found a cave and supposedly there are their names in the cave far back?

Has anyone heard of or seen a signature of either of the James boys? I mean did they write there names in caves that they hid out in? Has anyone heard of this, recently heard of a person who found a cave and supposedly there are their names in the cave far back?
Nah; only "JJ"...

I wish I could do some Mding at that place where he suppose have lived in Blevins Tx . The land belongs to my wifes uncle brother and he won't let anybody on it.

I wish they would do a DNA on that grave in Blevins to see if that really was J James like Betty Duke claimed

I wonder if they had signed their names ever, after they got out of school. When
would that have possibly been, say when signing up to ride with Bloody Bill Anderson,
or William Quantrill? Maybe for making a little bank deposit or withdrawal? Other than
Jesse carving their names on the brass kettle, that Frank had likely wanted to recover.
But it was later found instead, by a treasure hunter, long after Frank gave up and left,
and sometime later died...

Would Jesse really have let Frank give up, on very possibly, the biggest bulk of their
cached gold in the Wichita's? Supposedly the famed gold bars, they had taken with
the capture of a Mexican federale's pack train in Chihuahua, when they visited there
without permission, slipped past the border patrol, and overstayed their lost visas?

If Jesse was still alive then, wouldn't he have gotten the needed map clue info for
anything there to Frank, or went there himself, to be sure it was recovered to use
for his supposed new family, or maybe even for "the cause"?

Where did Frank likely live, after he recovered the crocks of gold in the Wichita's? Just
there on the family farm, selling replaceable pebbles off of Jesse's grave for .25 cents?
Why wasn't he investigated by the government, or was he perhaps immune to that?
He did live a few years after he left Fletcher, but it is doubtful, that he ever went
back east to live in VA.

... :sunny: :fish:

HA! "Thread" is NOT about FRANK JAMES...

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