Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

Here's a web site that has a rock with JJ and AFC,Anthony Frank James carved on it. Just look on the left side of page,under Blog, scroll to May 4th,click it. Then go to 2016 click, then Dec.2nd click. Scroll past Butch/Sundace. It shows a Supposed JJ cache. I hope it some new stuff.Tuscoro

My bad Alexander Frank James. Opps.

This guy is looking for some help to find this JJ related cache. Help with this map.

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Here's a web site that has a rock with JJ and AFC,Anthony Frank James carved on it. Just look on the left side of page,under Blog, scroll to May 4th,click it. Then go to 2016 click, then Dec.2nd click. Scroll past Butch/Sundace. It shows a Supposed JJ cache. I hope it some new stuff.Tuscoro

My bad Alexander Frank James. Opps.

This guy is looking for some help to find this JJ related cache. Help with this map.

There a lot of cool stuff on that site! Thanks for the link!

Yea, a lot of history left out of the school books. Keep yours eyes open for worked stones from Ancient times.

There is a lot left out of the school books for sure!

I try and watch for different stones and tools. Where I am, at least one full Mastodon skeleton and several partial skeletons have been found. I find petrified wasps nests, nests, petrified animal skeletons in rocks, petrified turtles, arrowheads and tools pretty frequently.

Supposedly, there is a giant river and lake under this area...and because of the constant movement, rocks and other specimens are pushed to the top or ground surface. I have no idea if this is true, but I do know that no matter how well the yards, fields and gardens are cleared of rocks, it's a given that in a few months tops of rocks will be high enough to hit it's the mower blades, tillers and plows. It's the strangest thing, but sometimes really cool stuff comes up.

It's really fascinating to me. I'm not well versed about most of it. I had a neighbor that was, but he passed on so I just keep the stuff to have a friends father who is a geologist look at it when he's in town.


I'd love to hear about your coma experiences! Being open to those portals helps in hunting. I told about my grandmothers perfume....that's just one thing. I am a firm believer in visits and messages from the other side. Thats another reason I want to try dowsing again.

How old was your sis when she passed?

Have you read the book '90 Minutes In Heaven'? If not, you should. You could really relate to that story. It's true with many witnesses.

"Off-Topic"... BUT! You asked; NOT gonna repeat here. Go to Treasure Net Forum - Psychics, Mediums, Paranormal; Near Death Experience, I had a "chat" with an interested person about my NDE, After-Life, Other Side "adventures", "Sis" was born & died the next day in 1948, of complications of Rh Negative "factors". I was born in 1951 with the SAME "problems" & went straight to UVA hospital for the first 3 months of my life; Grandma held me in her arms, when I FIRST died (she said), then jerked back to Life. Don't remember ANYTHING about that; hospital records stated that I was a CRANKY baby, & had a "stormy course in the hospital"... LOL! SECOND death was in Nov., 1992; I remember LOTS of that, & it is in the TN Forum. I DID read "90 Minutes In Heaven"... wasn't impressed. Read the TN Forum... that is all. BTW, "Sis" is my Guardian Angel...

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lol! No roll huh? lol!

I've read that's got a lot of disbelievers in the art of dowsing. I know it works on water and Dad did it on a gas line, but I didn't know it worked on precious metals til I saw it on Tnet...Meaning that I didn't know that people had used it to locate gold and they said they've had success doing it. I've not actually seen that yet or tried it, but I'm going to try it.

I asked the question here to get first hand experiences, not to get responses from people who haven't seen it work, so since they haven't seen it, it must not work.

With you have an unusually high electric current in your body? Do your homes or vehicles electric systems act up when you are in them? Do you have lot or iron?

I ask that because Unc has the same response and he zaps Everything! Even trailers the trucks are pulling...every type of vehicle he gets in has to be vintage, electric options disabled or ordered bare bones as far as electric options. He even zapped my 4wheeler! The mechanics were asking WTH happened? Unc, happened... Got him a lifted CC to use without lights! Ignition acts up all the time when he uses it, but not anyone else. Weirdest thing??

Hydraulics... He can be around that with no issue. TVs and Radios static when he's near.

I've asked many times if he was ever hit by lightning... I stay away from him in storms.

Thanks for sharing Reb!

Yes, I am very "sensitive" getting shocked or shocking ppl when I touch 'em; getting TV/Radio/COMPUTER "interference" at times; I do have "act ups" as you stated... BUT! NEVER thought that I was to "blame"; wife would NOT be amused...

NO point in getting "fancy" MD/TH'ing equipment, then... would PROBABLY just "blow 'em out", heh!

"Off-Topic"... BUT! You asked; NOT gonna repeat here. Go to Treasure Net Forum - Psychics, Mediums, Paranormal; Near Death Experience, I had a "chat" with interested a person about my NDE, After-Life, Other Side "adventures", "Sis" was born & died the next day in 1948, of complications of Rh Negative "factors". I was born in 1951 of the SAME "problems" & went straight to UVA hospital for the first 3 months of my life; Grandma held me in her arms, when I FIRST died (she said), then jerked back to Life. Don't remember ANYTHING about that; hospital records stated that I was a CRANKY baby, & had a "stormy course in the hospital"... LOL! SECOND death was in Nov., 1992; I remember LOTS of that, & it is in the TN Forum. I DID read "90 Minutes In Heaven"... wasn't impressed. Read the TN Forum... that is all. BTW, "Sis" is my Guardian Angel...

Did you start the thread or someone else?

I'm still reading that Paranormal section of Tnet. I haven't found your story yet except for a brief Free Mason post you made. Still reading...very interesting stuff. I like it.


Yes, I am very "sensitive" getting shocked or shocking ppl when I touch 'em; getting TV/Radio/COMPUTER "interference" at times; I do have "act ups" as you stated... BUT! NEVER thought that I was to "blame"; wife would NOT be amused...

Hate to break it to ya....You Are to Blame! lol! Your Wife has lived with it this long, what's another 40 yrs! Just keep enough $$$$ back for repair and replacement!

Do not get a MD...You will zap it! Unc/Aunt can't even have a digital thermostat in their home...Has to be the Honeywell manual adjustable kind and she won't let him even touch that...I don't blame her!


Did you start the thread or someone else?

I'm still reading that Paranormal section of Tnet. I haven't found your story yet except for a brief Free Mason post you made. Still reading...very interesting stuff. I like it.

Some one else started it...

ANYWAY, back to JJ!

Pretty much everything as far as, how we research, how we hunt, what we've learned personally in all of our lives, what we sense, tools we use, what others share and see is connected to following JJ's legacy.

It's sharing knowledge of many things and areas that would be impossible for each of us to know all of it.

Hopefully people will see SD's pictures and post and learn that piece of knowledge regarding Surveyors marks on a semi pointed stone is not an Arrow Rock telling them to Go East to a Cemetery.

Too many people take Rebel Gold/Shadow of a Sentinal literally, they think it's fact and think everything they see is KGC/JJ related. You can always tell who has a copy and doesn't bother to research the history of the land or community first.

Personally I think those Pics SD posted should be at the top of the Marker Tree, KGC, Money Bank, Hoot Owl Trail etc threads. It would sure help landowners. THunters too to see other options for 'sign' Bent Trees are not always pointer trees.

These topics we get on Are learning tools to help us in our hunts...From Masons to Motorcycles...

I read online where Bob Brewer had solved the Danville, Virginia Cemetery Confederate Treasure Depository Maps and will be opening them soon publicly. He's moved on to bigger things it looks like. Made enough money and got enough of the right attention off Rebel Gold to Git-R-Done as LCG likes to say!


Pretty much everything as far as, how we research, how we hunt, what we've learned personally in all of our lives, what we sense, tools we use, what others share and see is connected to following JJ's legacy.

It's sharing knowledge of many things and areas that would be impossible for each of us to know all of it.

Hopefully people will see SD's pictures and post and learn that piece of knowledge regarding Surveyors marks on a semi pointed stone is not an Arrow Rock telling them to Go East to a Cemetery.

Too many people take Rebel Gold/Shadow of a Sentinal literally, they think it's fact and think everything they see is KGC/JJ related. You can always tell who has a copy and doesn't bother to research the history of the land or community first.

Personally I think those Pics SD posted should be at the top of the Marker Tree, KGC, Money Bank, Hoot Owl Trail etc threads. It would sure help landowners. THunters too to see other options for 'sign' Bent Trees are not always pointer trees.

These topics we get on Are learning tools to help us in our hunts...From Masons to Motorcycles...

I read online where Bob Brewer had solved the Danville, Virginia Cemetery Confederate Treasure Depository Maps and will be opening them soon publicly. He's moved on to bigger things it looks like. Made enough money and got enough of the right attention off Rebel Gold to Git-R-Done as LCG likes to say!


HBB has solved nothing on the Danville Va. Cemetery properties. My partner and I however have solved this mystery. The last I heard HBB had gone blind?

HBB has solved nothing on the Danville Va. Cemetery properties. My partner and I however have solved this mystery. The last I heard HBB had gone blind?

Not my field of expertise obviously, but he has a partner, supposedly the right name and the right connections to get it done.

I've heard about his eyesight problems too. His partner and his wife both can see fine and before his sight went from bad to worse they all worked this out. From my take on this, the master map is specific on where the others are and he has the right connections to make it happen.

Who knows? It would be exciting to see it happen, no matter who does it.

How long ago did you solve this? So, you have the Master Map?

I have no idea why I answer you and then you ignore me. You log out after reading my post and come back on as a guest.

It just came to me why...Respect and Disrespect. I Got It.

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Pretty much everything as far as, how we research, how we hunt, what we've learned personally in all of our lives, what we sense, tools we use, what others share and see is connected to following JJ's legacy.

It's sharing knowledge of many things and areas that would be impossible for each of us to know all of it.

Hopefully people will see SD's pictures and post and learn that piece of knowledge regarding Surveyors marks on a semi pointed stone is not an Arrow Rock telling them to Go East to a Cemetery.

Too many people take Rebel Gold/Shadow of a Sentinal literally, they think it's fact and think everything they see is KGC/JJ related. You can always tell who has a copy and doesn't bother to research the history of the land or community first.

Personally I think those Pics SD posted should be at the top of the Marker Tree, KGC, Money Bank, Hoot Owl Trail etc threads. It would sure help landowners. THunters too to see other options for 'sign' Bent Trees are not always pointer trees.

These topics we get on Are learning tools to help us in our hunts...From Masons to Motorcycles...

I read online where Bob Brewer had solved the Danville, Virginia Cemetery Confederate Treasure Depository Maps and will be opening them soon publicly. He's moved on to bigger things it looks like. Made enough money and got enough of the right attention off Rebel Gold to Git-R-Done as LCG likes to say!

Finished with JJ, then...?

Not my field of expertise obviously, but he has a partner, supposedly the right name and the right connections to get it done.

I've heard about his eyesight problems too. His partner and his wife both can see fine and before his sight went from bad to worse they all worked this out. From my take on this, the master map is specific on where the others are and he has the right connections to make it happen.

Who knows? It would be exciting to see it happen, no matter who does it.

How long ago did you solve this? So, you have the Master Map?

I have no idea why I answer you and then you ignore me. You log out after reading my post and come back on as a guest.

It just came to me why...Respect and Disrespect. I Got It.

No Kace, no disrespect intended. My partner and I just know what we know and we are not going to share it with anyone. As far as HBB and his Master Map it is a worthless piece of plexiglass. My partner wanted one so badly I made him one but to tell you the truth they are worthless. HBB knows no more about Danville than he did when he was down there with DECODED. He only knew what my ex-partner told him and that was very little. If opportunity never arises for my partner and I the treasures can stay where they are for another 152 years.

Finished with JJ, then...?

Nooo, I doubt JJ will ever end...Its been 135 years since the shooting and his presence/legacy is stronger than ever.

We have discussed him and will continue to but we should incorporate Hunting possibly associated with him too...Don't you think?

Did you read the link Dog posted about JJ in Montana? Researching those things is your department as you stated. Then we can investigate it during and after the research. I did a cursory search and I do think that's in the 'Litte' Butte area. Let us know what you think. I briefly looked on the genealogical side and old Plat Maps. That's It. You can probably find more details.


No Kace, no disrespect intended. My partner and I just know what we know and we are not going to share it with anyone. As far as HBB and his Master Map it is a worthless piece of plexiglass. My partner wanted one so badly I made him one but to tell you the truth they are worthless. HBB knows no more about Danville than he did when he was down there with DECODED. He only knew what my ex-partner told him and that was very little. If opportunity never arises for my partner and I the treasures can stay where they are for another 152 years.

Thank You franklin...I didn't see the DECODED episode on Danville..I have seen the show but I've never seen them DECODE Anything so it's not on my DVR anymore. I might see if I can find it on YouTube.

I just saw your and E 'B' P's story. Is he your current or past partner? It doesn't sound the same as what I read on BB. Maybe hitting it from different angles, I don't know. The story on him sounded like the MM To That was found somewhere else specific, that led to a specific grave in that cemetery.

I'm not sure what you meant as far as making your partner a plexiglass map that B.B. has thats worthless, but If you are referring to that template he has used in his writings, that wasn't it. I've seen the template he sells...
It's like the Pet Rock of Hoot Owl Hunters.

I'll try and find it again and if I took it wrong I'll put it on this post.


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