Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

Thank you Kace, for realizing the humor implied. :thumbsup:

No thanks necessary E...The thing is, what you said I never thought a thing about it being insulting.... I didn't respond with 'Knights of the' because I thought THAT would of been taken as an insult! Even though I intended it as humor...if Reb wouldn't have posted what he did, I wouldn't have ever known that in his area it's a slam.

It's hard to know what's okay to say anywhere...I have to have HR do sensitivity training regularly to avoid issues and it's amazing to me if I sit in on a couple of those even three months apart what else has been added that isn't acceptable.

Times have changed so much, you have to have a diversified workplace and you're in trouble if you don't, yet the only way I've found to make it work is to have like minded individuals work together...lots of people looking for a lawsuit due to spoken words. You can't ask certain questions in interviews or in checking references so it's almost an art to read a persons personality and body language...that isn't always an accurate assessment either in placement.

I read on Tnet a comment that said in part 'Before the queers took over the world'...I thought someone would jump on that, but no one did and the thread continued on. Can't say that word at work...!

Anyway, I'll try and just 'talk', not joke, cause it might not be funny to some. I sent an email to HR to research Southern Ingenuity and Southern Intuition and any other slang saying like that to see what implications it can have at work. If Bubba has to be added as a NoNo...I'll really have problems!


Kace, Sensitivity is good to know; "Bubba" in Virginia can be one of two things... 1) "Name of Endearment" applied to family/friend, who is a bit over-weight & eager to please... becoming TRUSTWORTHY; 2) "Bubba" is sorta like a "slur" to indicate a person is stupid, "backwards", & over-all, a NASTY "meaning". It is ALL within the "context" of the "conversation"; a TRUE example will do; I had a neighbor once, whose brother was white & had friends, who were black... white boy among among friends used the "N" word (as they do among friends)... BUT! "Out-siders, who were black, didn't like the white boy saying that, so they beat him up, resulting in VERY serious head injury/brain damage. The white boy lived, of course; a VERY damaged life... it was a "situation specific" event. SOME of these "Rednecks" around here, would react in the SAME way, to "Bubba".

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Kace, Sensitivity is good to know; "Bubba" in Virginia can be one of two things... 1) "Name of Endearment" applied to family/friend, who is a bit over-weight & eager to please... becoming TRUSTWORTHY; 2) "Bubba" is sorta like a "slur" to indicate a person is stupid, "backwards", & over-all, a NASTY "meaning". It is ALL within the "context" of the "conversation"; a TRUE example will do; I had a neighbor once, whose brother was white & had friends, who were black... white boy among among friends used the "N" word (as they do among friends)... BUT! "Out-siders, who were black, didn't like the white boy saying that, so they beat him up, resulting in VERY serious head injury/brain damage. The white boy lived, of course; a VERY damaged life... it was a "situation specific" event. SOME of these "Rednecks" around here, would react in the SAME way, to "Bubba".

I agree on sensitivity being addressed! I've been around the same situations as you described with your neighbor's brother although they didn't escalate to that extreme. You are right, it is situation specific.

Bubba..Here isn't regulated to overweight, eager to please, semi-slow folks...In fact I have two cousins that have been called Bubba and Bub since birth. I have to stop and think of their Christian names. One is a very accomplished country music singer/musician and the other is well known Cattleman and Horse Breeder in Virginia. Both are very good looking, average weight men.

The Horse Breeder even puts L. Bubba _______ on his farm, truck and trailer names. His Brand is a combination of a B and his sir name initial and he introduces himself as Bubba ______.

I guess having family and friends that go by Bubba blinded me to the insulting side of the name. Thanks for pointing that out!

Personally...I think the N word should be outlawed for EVERY you said, white Friends to black one thinks about it. White folks slipping and saying it in public, it's another story. No one should use it.

I had a very proper and well read great uncle who would say things like "Well, That's a very queer situation indeed". I grew up thinking that word was fine to use...Because he meant 'a peculiar situation' Now it isn't acceptable in any context. Same as the N word. I grew up thinking it was slang for Negro. Then I learned it isn't at around 12-13yrs old. I didn't grow up around or go to school with black people close to my age. The older blacks that I was around were called Miss_____ or Mr_____ using their first name.

Anyway, thanks for pointing out the other side of names and sharing that story!


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It's hard to know what's okay to say anywhere...

Anyway, I'll try and just 'talk', not joke, cause it might not be funny to some. I sent an email to HR to research Southern Ingenuity and Southern Intuition and any other slang saying like that to see what implications it can have at work. If Bubba has to be added as a NoNo...I'll really have problems!

Just send in the duct tape engineers to patch things up. :icon_thumright:

Just send in the duct tape engineers to patch things up. :icon_thumright:

I can't afford as much duct tape as it would take...

This time of year is stressful regarding these PC topics due to Christmas...'Happy Holidays' instead of Merry Christmas...I really do not judge anyone's beliefs and I think everyone should respect each other, but that doesn't always happen.

Your comment, My response and Rebs revelation just started my anxiety a week early...I usually try not to think about it til after Thanksgiving.

Rare photo shows Jesse James with his killer, says forensic artist | Fox News


New photo shows Jessie James with his killer Robert Ford. According to this story, the photo has been authenticated and could be worth 2 million dollars. It seems to me that only one person authenticated it and she based her opinion on other photos of Jessie. Sounds pretty subjective to me but...maybe it is real...who knows?


Rare photo shows Jesse James with his killer, says forensic artist | Fox News

View attachment 1517175

New photo shows Jessie James with his killer Robert Ford. According to this story, the photo has been authenticated and could be worth 2 million dollars. It seems to me that only one person authenticated it and she based her opinion on other photos of Jessie. Sounds pretty subjective to me but...maybe it is real...who knows?


You're absolutely right's not Jesse James. Thanks for posting it though.

I watched The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford a few days ago. A real shame that it flew under the radar at its release because it is a great film with wonderful performances and production value. The actors Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck do look very similar to their counterparts shown in the photo that PirateLabs posted !

I watched The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford a few days ago. A real shame that it flew under the radar at its release because it is a great film with wonderful performances and production value. The actors Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck do look very similar to their counterparts shown in the photo that PirateLabs posted !

I like the movie too Ry...The easiest way to tell if it's an authentic Jesse James photo without FR, ears, eyes, hairline etc is Jesse James accidentally shot his left middle finger almost halfway off as a teenager while cleaning his gun.

I liked that the movie touched on that fact.


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I like the movie too Ry...The easiest way to tell if it's an authentic Jesse James photo without FR, ears, eyes, hairline etc is Jesse James accidentally shot his left middle finger almost halfway off as a teenager while cleaning his gun.

I liked that the movie touched on that fact.

Hmmm; WILL get that movie...

You're absolutely right's not Jesse James. Thanks for posting it though.
Wonder if that "JJ" is REALLY John/Tom Howard (Jeremiah M. James - NO direct kin of "JJ"); mmm...

Wonder if that "JJ" is REALLY John/Tom Howard (Jeremiah M. James - NO direct kin of "JJ"); mmm...

I know for a fact it isn't Jeremiah James of Kansas...We've got his young pic too. I'll post it again. This first pic is a grid comparison from the pic two men pic Bill posted and Jesse James Outlaw. The second pic is Young Jeremiah James of Kansas.


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Hmmm; WILL get that movie...

You will like the movie. It's narrated throughout, which I liked. It did talk about part of his finger being gone and how he would try and hide that. The movie starts at Blue Cut...I wish it would of started at the farm when the militia showed up, but it's still a good and worth either buying or DVRing to watch a few times. I watched it at the farm in October again.

I like the movie too Ry...The easiest way to tell if it's an authentic Jesse James photo without FR, ears, eyes, hairline etc is Jesse James accidentally shot his left middle finger almost halfway off as a teenager while cleaning his gun.

I liked that the movie touched on that fact.


Well, for what it is worth, I enlarged that photo quite a bit and zoomed in on his "right" hand and his middle finger on that hand looks very short as to what it should be. This could easily be explained if they reversed the negative which is easy to do with no frame of ref. as to which is left or right in the photo. (Newspapers used to do that all the time in the old days) That photo is not good enough to blow up a great amount, but look and see what you think of his "right" middle finger. Just a thought to ponder. I spent 12 years a a Private Investigator and I guess I can't help myself, ha ha.


Well, for what it is worth, I enlarged that photo quite a bit and zoomed in on his "right" hand and his middle finger on that hand looks very short as to what it should be. This could easily be explained if they reversed the negative which is easy to do with no frame of ref. as to which is left or right in the photo. (Newspapers used to do that all the time in the old days) That photo is not good enough to blow up a great amount, but look and see what you think of his "right" middle finger. Just a thought to ponder. I spent 12 years a a Private Investigator and I guess I can't help myself, ha ha.


Hey Bill, I hear what you are saying...I've done the private sector, SAR, Hard to Locate and facial recognition including photos for as long as that's been available in software.

That photo you posted Is a reversed TinType. Compare it facially using a known photo of JWJ to the other guy in your pic. Check the hairline, ears and eyes and on JWJ, he has a slightly turned up nose. If you don't have any known photos of him other than the grid photo that I posted, let me know and I'll post a couple. JWJ's missing digit is Very Noticeable. I'd call it a stump.

I don't know how much you read Pastore types of books, but he uses a couple of the same guys as JWJ, but JWJ wasn't cross eyed like this guy either.

See what you have and let me know. If you're bored, there's a bunch of pics posted on this thread from September til Now.



ANYWAY, back to JJ's Caches/Stashes/Mines...

Since I can't really contribute much as far as super-mega vaults or mines, here is the crock
{mini-vault} lol! I told about the other day that I found from the watch winder, using a probe. The rock that was on top was fitted very tight. Sorry the pic is dark.


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