Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

Have you guys ever Dowsed ...used Divining Rods for precious metals?

I was just wondering, for you guys that get out in the woods or anywhere Detecting....What tools/equipment do you take with you other than a MD, Digging Tool of some sort, Pointer?

Those that Vault hunt, where it could be larger...Do you Dowse for that initially?
I'm sure GPR would be optimal, but if you don't have that with you, and if it's too deep for a MD?

If snakes or scorpions could be in hole in the ground or bluff that you've gotten a good signal on and want to check it out..
What do you use before putting your hands in?

Do you ever use a GoPro or something similar to look around a place before going in...Like a cellar, hole or underwater?

I'm just curious about what extra stuff you take with you...


Have you guys ever Dowsed ...used Divining Rods for precious metals?

Yes, brass rod from local hardware store for brazing, no flux coating. 36 inch rod cut in half, 5 inch handle,13 inch barrel, 1/8 inch dia. I think it was under 3.00 dollars.

I was just wondering, for you guys that get out in the woods or anywhere Detecting....What tools/equipment do you take with you other than a MD, Digging Tool of some sort, Pointer?

Those that Vault hunt, where it could be larger...Do you Dowse for that initially?
I'm sure GPR would be optimal, but if you don't have that with you, and if it's too deep for a MD?

If snakes or scorpions could be in hole in the ground or bluff that you've gotten a good signal on and want to check it out..
What do you use before putting your hands in?

Do you ever use a GoPro or something similar to look around a place before going in...Like a cellar, hole or underwater?

I'm just curious about what extra stuff you take with you...


Dowsing rods, The caches,vaults i hunt are too deep for detectors.

Probe with your digger,wear heavy gloves.

I would use a Gopro if i had one., I like seeing videos or photos of peoples hunts.

Gun, knife, first aid, cell phone, water, food. If digging , eye protection,respirator,rubber gloves under leather gloves, long sleeve shirt, preferably all camouflage,camouflage netting if needed. park beyond your site. Try not to leave a trail in.

Dowsing rods, The caches,vaults i hunt are too deep for detectors.

Probe with your digger,wear heavy gloves.

I would use a Gopro if i had one., I like seeing videos or photos of peoples hunts.

Gun, knife, first aid, cell phone, water, food. If digging , eye protection,respirator,rubber gloves under leather gloves, long sleeve shirt, preferably all camouflage,camouflage netting if needed. park beyond your site. Try not to leave a trail in.

Thanks Dog! Clearly, You operate on a Much larger scale than I do!! New Mexico is gorgeous, it would be fun to hunt I think.

I'm guessing that you hunt in mines, caves or in BIG rocky areas by taking eye protection,food and respirator. That isn't the type of hunting you would do alone is it?

I do carry a 4', 1/4" metal probe along with a digger. The probe could be seen as a walking stick from a distance. It goes in the ground and flips rocks easy.

For detecting more rural areas I do use a cheaper version of GoPro that has a waterproof case...Not to record myself, but to put it under structures and floorboards and down in wells to look around! HA! I don't like snakes!! lol! Don't laugh, but I've even mounted it on a medium size remote controlled off road type of truck to go down in cellars and in structures...Before I Do!.. It's my land drone. lol! I also carry an extendable mirror that adjusts to look around and under things.

There was a lot of noodling that went on here and the rivers and creeks have changed some, the holes in the banks along creeks, by old home places look like prime cottonmouth homes to me! I let the video look around before I do!

If I'm not in a city setting I go in on a Honda CT90.

You mentioned camo netting..Is that for mosquitoes and ticks or something else?

If you are in mines or caves...Do you use tac lighting or something else?

Thanks For Sharing Dog!

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Yes, brass rod from local hardware store for brazing, no flux coating. 36 inch rod cut in half, 5 inch handle,13 inch barrel, 1/8 inch dia. I think it was under 3.00 dollars.

How long have you been a Dowser? That's a fascinating art! I didn't know people used it to locate precious metals until reading about it on Tnet....Locating Water for wells and locating utility lines, I'm familiar with, just didn't know it would work treasure hunting.

I'd like to hear more about Dowsing for gold and silver.

I also read a thread about digital cameras being able to pick up buried gold...Have you ever tried that?


I hunt alone, I wasn't born or raised here,so i really don't know anyone into this cache hunting. Just hiking in is a pain from the trails. Being i am in the border desert area,your water is the biggest payload. I only use the respirator,eye protection when digging. You have to haul the tools in different trips and stash them,because of your water payload. Have not done the mines or caves yet,but iam getting ready to do a Aztec/Mayan type cave soon. The camo netting is used if iam working a site where i am exposed, hardy no ground or tree cover in the border region.Definitely will be using LED lighting. Did a little dowsing back east at old house foundations, mainly found cast iron stove parts or plowing parts. So i know it works for me.Try it,then verify with your metal detector. Then you will have confidence in it,and know where your pinpoint spot is. That CT 90 is a great bike. I had one when i was a young teen.Id love to get another one someday. There highly sought after. Every honda i had was a great bike. I tried the camera with the IR lens, i only got it to work once. But i really haven't tried it a lot.

I hunt alone, I wasn't born or raised here,so i really don't know anyone into this cache hunting. Just hiking in is a pain from the trails. Being i am in the border desert area,your water is the biggest payload. I only use the respirator,eye protection when digging. You have to haul the tools in different trips and stash them,because of your water payload. Have not done the mines or caves yet,but iam getting ready to do a Aztec/Mayan type cave soon. The camo netting is used if iam working a site where i am exposed, hardy no ground or tree cover in the border region.Definitely will be using LED lighting. Did a little dowsing back east at old house foundations, mainly found cast iron stove parts or plowing parts. So i know it works for me.Try it,then verify with your metal detector. Then you will have confidence in it,and know where your pinpoint spot is. That CT 90 is a great bike. I had one when i was a young teen.Id love to get another one someday. There highly sought after. Every honda i had was a great bike. I tried the camera with the IR lens, i only got it to work once. But i really haven't tried it a lot.

That sounds difficult, but fun having to pack all your gear in and stash it for a hunt like that! After you get everything there, can you stay and hunt a few days or do you leave? The Aztec/Mayan cave sounds awesome to explore and hunt.

I bet you would be pretty exposed in the border areas without netting! Is that dangerous as far as being that close to the border THhunting or hiking? Meaning people that might be up to no good.

I've been able to locate water by dowsing, my dad and grandfather were very good at it. Dad was telling me about locating utilities using the rods and decided to show me at our company building since we knew where a gas line was located. The rods crossed exactly over the line for him...I tried it and it didn't work for me. I'd like to try it again.. I think I'll get the brass rods like you use and follow your suggestion and locate with the Detector first, then use the rods. Great Idea! I'll use them over that gas line too since I know where it is. How deep does dowsing typically work in your area for metals?

I love the CT90...The altitude settings and having hi-low make for a great bike. I've always been a CT70 fan too... Those are a blast, but the 90 and 110 are so versatile and durable, they are hard to beat. I have a 62/63 c102's never been touched except for plugs and oil, it still runs like new...same as the 90. The c102 is not the bike the 90/110's are as far as off-off road, but still a bulletproof little bike. If you get a chance, look that one up on YouTube and see how many of those are still in use in Asian countries. There's a few videos of 4-5 people from a family and a chicken coop on one bike riding the dirt roads!! Unreal...They are the family station wagon in some areas! lol!

If you have awhile check out the link's an Amazing Story and Testament to the Vintage Honda CT 90 and 110's. Definetly worth the read if you are a vintage Honda Fan. My CT90 is a '71. His CT110 is a later model, Postie Bike. He rode it from Sydney to London.

Nathan did write a book about this trip too..


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Gotten WWWAAAYYY "off topic"; I will be back in a week...

What's off topic?

If you are talking about the CT90 that I brought up, I do use it's geared to crawl so I can look at things better than a 3-4 wheeler or the s x s and can go through and over just about anything and is extremely light. It also has racks for carrying stuff. Sorry I linked Dog to a site about them, he said he liked them and used to have one.

Actually, since you broke your ankle, a CT90-110 would be perfect for you to get out in the field again. Google them...

Dog hunts in NM...JJ was there apparently according to what you've said about KGC...and we know for a fact he was in MO.

I'd like to get proficient in Dowsing for metals? Have you ever done that Reb?

What equipment did you used to hunt with?


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LOL! Swiss Army Knife; as a 11-12 year old is when I did my hunting... now, do R & I. Being in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with MANY battlefields, Indian campgrounds, frontier communities, mountain communities, etc. I found CW relics like cannon balls, minnie balls, 58 Cal. bullets (both Reb & Yank), buttons, bits of iron/metall relics, etc; gave MOST of it to buddies (being a KID!). Currently see remains of Mountain Communities in the Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park areas; CURRENTLY do R & I on Beale Treasure, Swift Silver Mines, Jamestown & Powhatan "Indians", Blackbeard & treasures of Outer-banks (NC). I have found ALL the "treasure(s)" I need/want. Wife & I have made good $$$$$$$$$ Investments & I am just "killing time". Already (died/"clinically dead" in a locked-in state coma of 2 1/2 months with a AFTER-LIFE experience) of being with OLDER sister & family/friends ALREADY "deceased"; I AM "jaded" to this LIFE, HA!

Dowsing...? Yes, I did water-witching as a teenager, looking for water-lines; and FOUND 'em. My WHOLE body was like a dowsing rod... humming, shaking, rattling; never had to ROLL, tho. There IS a forum "thread" here on Treasure Net; you may get ideas from THAT... :hello2:

We've found about a dozen marked stones thus far. When they were originally placed, they were easy to find as the mountains were all but stripped bare - the trees used for mining timbers, and the smaller stuff used as fuel wood. Now the mountains are covered with Ponderosa Pine, Juniper and extremely dense oak brush - making it difficult to locate some of the stones. I'll try to take some pics in order to show what these marked stones look like.

Update: below is a marked stone we located this morning. The numbers and letters are not an arcane treasure code, but as you can see by referring to the accompanying portion of Mineral Survey No. 1353, the carving indicates that the rock is a common corner shared by two mining claims: corner 4 of the "Forrest Queen" (MS 1353) and corner 6 of the "Atlas" (MS 1211). "BR" means "bearing rock." Mineral and other types of land surveys can be researched online at Lots of eager searchers have been fooled by "signs" of an innocent nature.

By the way, this carving was made by J.C. McKee in May 1908. Looks fresh.

claim corner.webp


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LOL! Swiss Army Knife; as a 11-12 year old is when I did my hunting... now, do R & I. Being in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with MANY battlefields, Indian campgrounds, frontier communities, mountain communities, etc. I found CW relics like cannon balls, minnie balls, 58 Cal. bullets (both Reb & Yank), buttons, bits of iron/metall relics, etc; gave MOST of it to buddies (being a KID!). Currently see remains of Mountain Communities in the Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park areas; CURRENTLY do R & I on Beale Treasure, Swift Silver Mines, Jamestown & Powhatan "Indians", Blackbeard & treasures of Outer-banks (NC). I have found ALL the "treasure(s)" I need/want. Wife & I have made good $$$$$$$$$ Investments & I am just "killing time". Already (died/"clinically dead" in a locked-in state coma of 2 1/2 months with a AFTER-LIFE experience) of being with OLDER sister & family/friends ALREADY "deceased"; I AM "jaded" to this LIFE, HA!

I'd love to hear about your coma experiences! Being open to those portals helps in hunting. I told about my grandmothers perfume....that's just one thing. I am a firm believer in visits and messages from the other side. Thats another reason I want to try dowsing again.

How old was your sis when she passed?

Have you read the book '90 Minutes In Heaven'? If not, you should. You could really relate to that story. It's true with many witnesses.


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Dowsing...? Yes, I did water-witching as a teenager, looking for water-lines; and FOUND 'em. My WHOLE body was like a dowsing rod... humming, shaking, rattling; never had to ROLL, tho. There IS a forum "thread" here on Treasure Net; you may get ideas from THAT... :hello2:

lol! No roll huh? lol!

I've read that's got a lot of disbelievers in the art of dowsing. I know it works on water and Dad did it on a gas line, but I didn't know it worked on precious metals til I saw it on Tnet...Meaning that I didn't know that people had used it to locate gold and they said they've had success doing it. I've not actually seen that yet or tried it, but I'm going to try it.

I asked the question here to get first hand experiences, not to get responses from people who haven't seen it work, so since they haven't seen it, it must not work.

With you have an unusually high electric current in your body? Do your homes or vehicles electric systems act up when you are in them? Do you have lot or iron?

I ask that because Unc has the same response and he zaps Everything! Even trailers the trucks are pulling...every type of vehicle he gets in has to be vintage, electric options disabled or ordered bare bones as far as electric options. He even zapped my 4wheeler! The mechanics were asking WTH happened? Unc, happened... Got him a lifted CC to use without lights! Ignition acts up all the time when he uses it, but not anyone else. Weirdest thing??

Hydraulics... He can be around that with no issue. TVs and Radios static when he's near.

I've asked many times if he was ever hit by lightning... I stay away from him in storms.

Thanks for sharing Reb!


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Update: below is a marked stone we located this morning. The numbers and letters are not an arcane treasure code, but as you can see by referring to the accompanying portion of Mineral Survey No. 1353, the carving indicates that the rock is a common corner shared by two mining claims: corner 4 of the "Forrest Queen" (MS 1353) and corner 6 of the "Atlas" (MS 1211). "BR" means "bearing rock." Mineral and other types of land surveys can be researched online at Lots of eager searchers have been fooled by "signs" of an innocent nature.

By the way, this carving was made by J.C. McKee in May 1908. Looks fresh.

View attachment 1518168

View attachment 1518169

That's Very interesting! You're right, they look very recent! I don't believe all writings on rocks and trees are treasure related.

I'm glad you posted that, SD

Thank You,

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