Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
Per "Post" # 1158: I DID see where JJ/FJ were in the Butte, MO "area"; NOTHING about JJ Gang Treasure, tho.
Dunno if anything was found; do you...?Supposedly when Jesse and frank James were in the infancy of their legend they spent some time in Kentucky robbing banks around central And western Kentucky I’m not certain if any of these treasures are accounted for but their are several caves throughout the state believed to harbor treasure from the James gang and other famous robbers rebels and highwaymen
I hate to see you leave Dit! I was hoping you would start posting Here again...
Happy Thanksgiving To You!
Nah... NOT on wrong side of bed. YOU "knew" all along; wasting OUR time; YOU have the "solution"; NOTHING more to look into. EVERYTHING is FAKE to you; maps & all, eh...?
Nah... NOT on wrong side of bed. YOU "knew" all along; wasting OUR tilme; YOU have the "solution"; NOTHING more to look into. EVERYTHING is FAKE to you; maps & all, eh...?
James gang robbed a bank in Russellville in 1868 stole 9000 in paper bills and between 3000-5000 in gold and silver it is unknown where this went but he likely gave it to some of his family throughout Kentucky and possibly hid the silver and gold
Thank you, Kace. Hope your Wild Turkey went down smoothly as well.
Thank You Dit! The Wild Turkey was a hit like usual...I just have to blend it in with the store bought turkey on the platters so they can't tell it's the wild one! That side of the family won't eat wild game?? {Knowingly} lol!
Time is never wasted if you learn something.
Thank you, Kace...see ya down the trail...View attachment 1519666