Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

Top of the night to ya, then... JJ/FK were "buried" within the Knights of the Golden Circle involvements Of BIG Depositories, with individual visits to kin in Tenn./Va. NC also has "rumors" of KGC/JJ/FJ "involvements". After 1882, JJ was KGC "all the way" with KGC as "Gray-beard", 2nd Degree KGC, (Financial) Brother of the "Lasting Faith". FJ & family were living in Lynchburg, Va. when news of JJ being murdered in 1882 (not); FJ was James E. (Ed) Warren (JEW), & even the Sheriff knew who he was. NO ONE bothered him, as he was "tired of running"... even his trial transcript said so. MORE later...

lol! Top o' the night to you!!

I'm with you except the first part of "buried"...You are saying that figuratively and not literally, right?

They both showed on the 1880census in Tennessee. I Don't Think That Was An Accident They Were On Census Records Or That The Census Taker Remembered Their Aliases.

Looking forward to 'More Later'!!

I have no way of knowing of course, but if the accounts were true of the posse who found one of the Posse Members Horses they took, the witnesses who said they stopped overnight for supper and sleep several places and the witnesses who said they went through Boliver, then the witnesses who said they ended up in St.Clair, County at Roscoe and the Youngers stayed there and the James' headed North to Kearney, they had to have headed West to do all of that...But we all know what gets lost in translation!! lol!

The Glads Hill folks and the train passengers said they were wearing Union Over Coats. Wasn't that the robbery where they wrote their own press?

What was the local lore on how much was stolen from the store and train? I've heard anywhere from 2k-22k?

Are there many caves around Glads Hill?

There are a lot of caves around this area the were formed during the last eruption of Taum Saum mountain. All the mountains here Gads Hill, Des Arc mountain, St. Francois mountain were all formed, most of it is over grown by now. Our local lore in ?Iron county is they stole roughly $12,000 in gold and silver, no one knows for sure how much the jewelry they stole, other local lore was they they took the conductors watch and Jesse gave it back because it belonged to the conductors dad who gave it to him before he passed. Today the $12,000 that is supposedly buried is worth $246,828.51, if they even buried it.

There are a lot of caves around this area the were formed during the last eruption of Taum Saum mountain. All the mountains here Gads Hill, Des Arc mountain, St. Francois mountain were all formed, most of it is over grown by now. Our local lore in ?Iron county is they stole roughly $12,000 in gold and silver, no one knows for sure how much the jewelry they stole, other local lore was they they took the conductors watch and Jesse gave it back because it belonged to the conductors dad who gave it to him before he passed. Today the $12,000 that is supposedly buried is worth $246,828.51, if they even buried it.

THAT Would Be A Sweet Find!! Do you Metal Detect?

Thanks for the information on that area! Sounds like some cool caves to explore!


THAT Would Be A Sweet Find!! Do you Metal Detect?

Thanks for the information on that area! Sounds like some cool caves to explore!


Yes, my town had a civil war battle. The Gen. Price was suppose to invade Saint Louis but heard of a Union fort in Pilot Knob, he thought he would take the fort he could use it as a supply depot and small out post. after a day of bombarding the fort with cannon fire, and small skirmishes all over town, he thought he had a victory. He ended up running a frontal assault on the fort, but seeing as Fort Davidson was a earth fort, he realized it was hard to penetrate so he retreated his army, and starting bombarding the fort again with cannon fire. During the nigh Union Gen. Ewing decided instead of surrendering the fort because he was out numbered why not destroy it himself. The union loaded lightly only took smaller cannons and some infantry equipment and enough powder they could carry, they set fire to the magazine chamber, which blew up 10 minutes after destroying the fort. Price and the Confederate army thought an accident happen and the remaining Union soldiers would surrender in the morning. The next morning Price discovered he was played by a smart tactician, even though Price won the battle, he gained nothing, Ewing and his men headed west to Jefferson City.
Friends of Fort Davidson | Battle of Pilot Knob | Missouri Civil War

I will post pictures sometime of some stuff i found, have a few cannon balls found in my backyard, some bullets, found a neat bone saw that was in good condition cleaned up nicely out of my churches property it was used to treat wounded soldiers after the union retreat, and found a teeth pulling pliers in my back yard where the Confederacy camped out at.

Yes, my town had a civil war battle. The Gen. Price was suppose to invade Saint Louis but heard of a Union fort in Pilot Knob, he thought he would take the fort he could use it as a supply depot and small out post. after a day of bombarding the fort with cannon fire, and small skirmishes all over town, he thought he had a victory. He ended up running a frontal assault on the fort, but seeing as Fort Davidson was a earth fort, he realized it was hard to penetrate so he retreated his army, and starting bombarding the fort again with cannon fire. During the nigh Union Gen. Ewing decided instead of surrendering the fort because he was out numbered why not destroy it himself. The union loaded lightly only took smaller cannons and some infantry equipment and enough powder they could carry, they set fire to the magazine chamber, which blew up 10 minutes after destroying the fort. Price and the Confederate army thought an accident happen and the remaining Union soldiers would surrender in the morning. The next morning Price discovered he was played by a smart tactician, even though Price won the battle, he gained nothing, Ewing and his men headed west to Jefferson City.
Friends of Fort Davidson | Battle of Pilot Knob | Missouri Civil War

I will post pictures sometime of some stuff i found, have a few cannon balls found in my backyard, some bullets, found a neat bone saw that was in good condition cleaned up nicely out of my churches property it was used to treat wounded soldiers after the union retreat, and found a teeth pulling pliers in my back yard where the Confederacy camped out at.

WOW...GREAT INFO JOHN!! All of those finds in the Church and In your back yard!! lol!! I definitely want to see your finds! Sounds like You are in a Perfect Spot to get a lot of amazing and Rare artifacts!!

I've been looking for an Intact Confederate Belt Buckle for years!! Hopefully I'll find one within a year! I'm sure where you are located You Will Find One!!

Thanks For Posting The Information!

History Of The Tree Tombstone...Very Interesting



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Kace, L.C. Baker on the KGC threads started his treasure trail with one of these tree tombstones (Juluis Sterling Morton) father of Arbor Day in Nebraska City NE.
L.C. even wrote a book about his discovery and research, titled "The Ones That Got Away". I recommend reading his book and reading his threads, good information.

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Kace, L.C. Baker on the KGC threads started his treasure trail with one of these tree tombstones (Juluis Sterling Morton) father of Arbor Day in Nebraska City NE.
L.C. even wrote a book about his discovery and research, titled "The Ones That Got Away". I recommend reading his book and reading his threads, good information.

Thanks for the suggestion Ben!...I will definitely check out his thread and his book....Is L.C. Baker his pen name? Is that his real name?

I know some people, and I'm one of them that believe that sometimes there are messages left on tombstones..

I am a taphophile for sure! I've always loved walking around old cemeteries, looking at and reading the old tombstones...

The history of the Woodmen of the World Tree Tombstone and MWA is interesting to me because of the way it came out at the perfect time for the Order of the American Knights to utilize it to convey a final, everlasting message...even with the different animals and symbols that were available to be added to anyone's tombstone.

Obviously many people Not Associated with OAK had these same tombstones which allowed the OAK members that had these tombstones to leave a message and blend in without question.

Gotta Love History!


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Must be L.C.'s real name... same as his book; descendant of a Knight or something...

Thanks for the suggestion Ben!...I will definitely check out his thread and his book....Is L.C. Baker his pen name? Is that his real name?

I know some people, and I'm one of them that believe that sometimes there are messages left on tombstones..

I am a taphophile for sure! I've always loved walking around old cemeteries, looking at and reading the old tombstones...

The history of the Woodworkers of America Tree Tombstone and MWA is interesting to me because of the way it came out at the perfect time for the Order of the American Knights to utilize it to convey a final, everlasting message...even with the different animals and symbols that were available to be added to anyone's tombstone.

Obviously many people Not Associated with OAK had these same tombstones which allowed the OAK members that had these tombstones to leave a message and blend in without question.

Gotta Love History!

WOW/KGC/OAK ARE "connected"... gotta understand the "symbolism". Woodmen of the World (WOW), honored the Trees, especially the Oak. Now, LOOK at this... Oak TREE, OAK (Order of American Knight); ALSO FAMILY TREES (ppl). Person dies & "tree" is cut down... BUT! All the "Branches" continue on... ppl, organizations (like OAK), institutions like Banks. Pagan "influences" from legends of the MIGHTY Oak Tree, to Order out of Chaos. OoC is an old Albert Pike (33rd) "teaching" of the SR/SJ in the Masonic "branch"... even, TODAY! I KNOW! (32nd).

FURTHER info...? "Google" Ordo Ab Chao - Albert Pike, 33rd.:hello2:

Thanks for the suggestion Ben!...I will definitely check out his thread and his book....Is L.C. Baker his pen name? Is that his real name?

I know some people, and I'm one of them that believe that sometimes there are messages left on tombstones..

I am a taphophile for sure! I've always loved walking around old cemeteries, looking at and reading the old tombstones...

The history of the Woodworkers of America Tree Tombstone and MWA is interesting to me because of the way it came out at the perfect time for the Order of the American Knights to utilize it to convey a final, everlasting message...even with the different animals and symbols that were available to be added to anyone's tombstone.

Obviously many people Not Associated with OAK had these same tombstones which allowed the OAK members that had these tombstones to leave a message and blend in without question.

Gotta Love History!


I believe L.C. Baker is a pen name. Since the book deals with Lincoln's assassination.

Must be L.C.'s real name... same as his book; descendant of a Knight or something...

Thanks Reb, I didn't know...The Original or Most well known LC Baker was Lafayette C. Baker an Investigator for the United States Government and a Union Spy.

I guess this one either has the same first initials and last name or is a descendant of Lafayette C. Baker and they kept the name going..


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Reb, I read the Oreo Ab Chao... Thanks!

Ben Gates, I've read some of L.C. Bakers threads and posts....Interesting thoughts and some of the people he is speaking of are very close to me. Thanks for suggesting I read those. I'm not done yet, but I've made progress!!

Does Anyone Know Where I would find a photo of the lead medallion that he talks about in connection with Morton's Tree Stone. I couldn't find a pic online of it associated with an L.C. Baker.

I've had some interesting things pop up connected to tombstones and names. I'd like to see if what he is talking about is similar to mine with the tombstone and medallion or if it's completely different.

Thanks Guys!

Reb, I read the Oreo Ab Chao... Thanks!

Ben Gates, I've read some of L.C. Bakers threads and posts....Interesting thoughts and some of the people he is speaking of are very close to me. Thanks for suggesting I read those. I'm not done yet, but I've made progress!!

Does Anyone Know Where I would find a photo of the lead medallion that he talks about in connection with Morton's Tree Stone. I couldn't find a pic online of it associated with an L.C. Baker.

I've had some interesting things pop up connected to tombstones and names. I'd like to see if what he is talking about is similar to mine with the tombstone and medallion or if it's completely different.

Thanks Guys!

Another L.C. Baker thread.

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