Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

Hmmm... I reviewed my copy of the book, above... "Doc" WAS "into" John (J.) Frank Dalton; "handle with care"... J. Frank Dalton DID NOT have JJ's missing left hand digit. J.F. Dalton WAS a "Body Double" for JJ, tho... according to several sources.

Yeah, I saw that Reb...Thanks for letting us know here!! I appreciate you sharing multiple sources and giving members the opportunity to research themselves without stating things as fact. Below is research and the FACT that there is absolutely Nothing regarding TREASURE Depositories Associated with KGC, PRIOR to J.Frank Dalton and Orvus Lee Houk...

Only Jesse James Authors or People Trying To Sell A {KGC}Vault or Depository/Repository TREASURE BOOK, VIDEO, $10k MAP, Get A Reality Show, Host a Website or Try and Get Funding For A KGC Treasure Excavation HAVE TO SAY J. Frank Dalton was Jesse Woodson James. That's The Only Way KGC TREASURE Will Work. There is Absolutely Nothing Regarding {KGC}Depository TREASURE Referenced PRIOR TO HOUK and DALTON. Same thing for saying Jesse Woodson James was a Comptroller for KGC TREASURES. It's a reference to Dalton.

Knights of the Golden Circle {KGC}is REAL...{KGC}TREASURE VAULTS ARE FAKE. Anyone Wanting To Dispute That Just Show ANY EVIDENCE of KGC TREASURE PRIOR TO HOUK/DALTON. You can post it here. I would love to prove myself wrong!

CSA and CIVIL WAR Era Hidden and Buried Valuables {Vaults} Are Real. Sentinals/Watchers Are Real...

I've researched this from every possible source available, including elder trusted family and kin in 5 states that are keepers of the legacy and land. Yesterday was Veterans Day...I took an uncle and went to two civil war veterans cemeteries and one that's Union and Confederate and spoke to elders who do know and have the legacies of the south.

I think we should talk about this more to separate authors and others who promote Orvus Houk and J. Frank Dalton being Jesse James and the links to him regarding {KGC} Treasure and those who believe in Jesse W. James and the CSA/Confederate Funds that are located around the country.

Get Your Coffee Ready...I've got the Irish Cream!! Let's Share a Few Stories! I've heard some good ones in the last week!!


It's probably already been mentioned somewhere in this 67+ page thread, but in reading old diaries/accounts/journals of American explorers, it was not uncommon of them to bury supplies along their route to lighten the load (in hopes of recovering them for use on the return trip), but the catch is, when they returned, their burial spots had often been looted by Native Americans(just read a translated diary of one of the Louis and Clark expedition members who detailed this very thing). My personal feelings are that even if a small percentage of the old time buried treasure tales are true, good chance they were soon thereafter discovered first by Indians, followed by surviving gang members or family/friends and then by random landowners, loggers, ranchers etc in the preceding years. I think its why most North American Treasure found is either from ship wrecks or the "lone wolf" guy burying his own personal hoard on his back 40. In the meantime, I keep swinging in hopes of finding that buried coffee can of golden goodness on the back 40!

Yeah, I saw that Reb...Thanks for letting us know here!! I appreciate you sharing multiple sources and giving members the opportunity to research themselves without stating things as fact. Below is research and the FACT that there is absolutely Nothing regarding TREASURE Depositories Associated with KGC, PRIOR to J.Frank Dalton and Orvus Lee Houk...

Only Jesse James Authors or People Trying To Sell A {KGC}Vault or Depository/Repository TREASURE BOOK, VIDEO, $10k MAP, Get A Reality Show, Host a Website or Try and Get Funding For A KGC Treasure Excavation HAVE TO SAY J. Frank Dalton was Jesse Woodson James. That's The Only Way KGC TREASURE Will Work. There is Absolutely Nothing Regarding {KGC}Depository TREASURE Referenced PRIOR TO HOUK and DALTON. Same thing for saying Jesse Woodson James was a Comptroller for KGC TREASURES. It's a reference to Dalton.

Knights of the Golden Circle {KGC}is REAL...{KGC}TREASURE VAULTS ARE FAKE. Anyone Wanting To Dispute That Just Show ANY EVIDENCE of KGC TREASURE PRIOR TO HOUK/DALTON. You can post it here. I would love to prove myself wrong!

CSA and CIVIL WAR Era Hidden and Buried Valuables {Vaults} Are Real. Sentinals/Watchers Are Real...

I've researched this from every possible source available, including elder trusted family and kin in 5 states that are keepers of the legacy and land. Yesterday was Veterans Day...I took an uncle and went to two civil war veterans cemeteries and one that's Union and Confederate and spoke to elders who do know and have the legacies of the south.

I think we should talk about this more to separate authors and others who promote Orvus Houk and J. Frank Dalton being Jesse James and the links to him regarding {KGC} Treasure and those who believe in Jesse W. James and the CSA/Confederate Funds that are located around the country.

Get Your Coffee Ready...I've got the Irish Cream!! Let's Share a Few Stories! I've heard some good ones in the last week!!


Kace, The KGC or CSA Depositories are real. If I could dig today I could verify everything I say. But these depositories are large, larger and yet LARGER. No one with simple means such as a metal detector will ever get to dig. It took Patton's Third Army to dig up all of Hitler's plunder in the Merks Salt Mines. Get someone with millions to back my partner and I and I will fill Fort Knox with more gold than they have in the reserves today.

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Yeah, I saw that Reb...Thanks for letting us know here!! I appreciate you sharing multiple sources and giving members the opportunity to research themselves without stating things as fact. Below is research and the FACT that there is absolutely Nothing regarding TREASURE Depositories Associated with KGC, PRIOR to J.Frank Dalton and Orvus Lee Houk...

Only Jesse James Authors or People Trying To Sell A {KGC}Vault or Depository/Repository TREASURE BOOK, VIDEO, $10k MAP, Get A Reality Show, Host a Website or Try and Get Funding For A KGC Treasure Excavation HAVE TO SAY J. Frank Dalton was Jesse Woodson James. That's The Only Way KGC TREASURE Will Work. There is Absolutely Nothing Regarding {KGC}Depository TREASURE Referenced PRIOR TO HOUK and DALTON. Same thing for saying Jesse Woodson James was a Comptroller for KGC TREASURES. It's a reference to Dalton.

Knights of the Golden Circle {KGC}is REAL...{KGC}TREASURE VAULTS ARE FAKE. Anyone Wanting To Dispute That Just Show ANY EVIDENCE of KGC TREASURE PRIOR TO HOUK/DALTON. You can post it here. I would love to prove myself wrong!

CSA and CIVIL WAR Era Hidden and Buried Valuables {Vaults} Are Real. Sentinals/Watchers Are Real...

I've researched this from every possible source available, including elder trusted family and kin in 5 states that are keepers of the legacy and land. Yesterday was Veterans Day...I took an uncle and went to two civil war veterans cemeteries and one that's Union and Confederate and spoke to elders who do know and have the legacies of the south.

I think we should talk about this more to separate authors and others who promote Orvus Houk and J. Frank Dalton being Jesse James and the links to him regarding {KGC} Treasure and those who believe in Jesse W. James and the CSA/Confederate Funds that are located around the country.

Get Your Coffee Ready...I've got the Irish Cream!! Let's Share a Few Stories! I've heard some good ones in the last week!!

Getting POTS of coffee ready... share your stories/info; THANKS!

And NOW, where are the "pre-Houk/Dalton" stories...? WHAT are the "POST-Houk/Dalton" stories. Need MORE "pics" of JJ, too!

Kace, The KGC or CSA Depositories are real. If I could dig today I could verify everything I say. But these depositories are large, larger and yet LARGER. No one with simple means such as a metal detector will ever get to dig. It took Patton's Third Army to dig up all of Hitler's blunder in the Merks Salt Mines. Get someone with millions to back my partner and I and I will fill Fort Knox with more gold than they have in the reserves today.

I believe in the CSA Vaults....Not KGC.

I asked you before to show me a map Or Documentation that didn't have anything to do with Dalton/Houk/Schrader/Brewer etal. You showed a map that derived originally from Dalton/Houk schemes. You can PM anything different. I asked follow up questions and didn't get any answers.

What if you met a new best friend that had a Few things that would be of interest such as two Sub-Terrain highly secure buildings, Staff, Heavy and Commercial Building Equipment with Operators and Laborers, 4 railroad cars, Three Architects and Three Engineers. Two GPR units, different sizes. Ground water and soil sample testing are a given, no issue.

I deal in facts...Show me some Real Documentation. Not Houk or Dalton Related. I made up a BOD meeting to give you an outline of what I do. I also said I would be an investor.

What Else Is Needed?

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It's probably already been mentioned somewhere in this 67+ page thread, but in reading old diaries/accounts/journals of American explorers, it was not uncommon of them to bury supplies along their route to lighten the load (in hopes of recovering them for use on the return trip), but the catch is, when they returned, their burial spots had often been looted by Native Americans(just read a translated diary of one of the Louis and Clark expedition members who detailed this very thing). My personal feelings are that even if a small percentage of the old time buried treasure tales are true, good chance they were soon thereafter discovered first by Indians, followed by surviving gang members or family/friends and then by random landowners, loggers, ranchers etc in the preceding years. I think its why most North American Treasure found is either from ship wrecks or the "lone wolf" guy burying his own personal hoard on his back 40. In the meantime, I keep swinging in hopes of finding that buried coffee can of golden goodness on the back 40!

As a rule, I completely agree G.

When you talk of Southern Civil War era Towns/Communities and even during Prohibition...and Moonshiners...Most everyone was related in some way or they migrated from the same areas...They did combine and bury heirlooms, coins, cash, jewelry and even candlesticks and such. That's not to say there are not individual burials of valuables as well.

Where are you located?

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Getting POTS of coffee ready... share your stories/info; THANKS!

Out of the 58 Depositories that my partner and I have found, we only know what is the contents of 8 of them. But these 8 smaller depositories contain 1,778 large gold bricks and over $50 Million face value in gold coins. This is a total of about 115 tons in bullion alone. The numismatic value and the bricks are worth about $20 Billion Dollars. The other 50 Depositories are LARGER than these 8, all total about $3 to $40 Trillion Dollars. That does not include the depositories of Jesse James III.

MORE "pics" of JWJ found! "Google" Photos of Jesse W. James, Page 3.

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And NOW, where are the "pre-Houk/Dalton" stories...? WHAT are the "POST-Houk/Dalton" stories. Need MORE "pics" of JJ, too!

Coming up Reb!

Reference Any Book Or Publication About Jesse James and Knights of the Golden Circle. Check the date of Publication. There is nothing anywhere prior to Houk/Dalton. They concocted the {KGC}Treasure stories. If they were real, they would of been killed.

Treasure related to KGC is what I'm talking about. Masonic Symbols and Rituals would be very familiar to you. Knights of Columbus Symbols and Rituals familiar to Catholics. You've Noticed The Similar Symbolism that authors use in referencing KGC.

Remember I asked about Masonic Ranks? If someone is lucky enough to have family or close friends involved in Masonic teachings and beliefs you can easily see where Houk/Dalton got their ideas. If you don't have that, some information is online I think. Family and Friends elaborated on symbolism for me as did Daughters and Sons of the Confederacy members. Great Groups...Check if you have those there...DAR {I Know DAR is big in VA} can have great information and members with historical information on almost every Organization in existence now and past. Confederate Funds Under Different Names, Yes...KGC Funds...No.

Knights of the Golden Circle was/is comprised, like you know, of members of every economic class there is. Same as Sons of Liberty and other Similar Groups. Succession is the goal. Construction, Cattle, Politics, RR, Water, Overland Liveries are necessary...Remember who I asked you to research? Their vacation destinations and hobbies are called networking today. They have overlapping business interests.

Jesse and Frank James were/are a Brand almost every Southern Sympathizer/Confederate family got behind and supported. Quantrell too. Their family story resonated with many, many people. I'll post a portion of my history for you to see the similarities..Of course people combined valuables to support the cause and trusted members of the community to guard those and all keep the land entrusted to future generations for safeguarding.

If authors would of not used Houk/Dalton and KGC as a reference and stuck with actual researching of the less exciting and sensationalized facts of the Confederate funds hidden across the Southern states, they might of made headway. That was never the intention though. Reality and History is fascinating, but it's not nearly as action packed as these people want to write about. Get enough false information out there and some people start to believe it and they make money from it. Look at the National Treasure movies, Very Exciting, complete with little KGC PINS! lol! I wonder if Meremac sells those too along with little gold coin replica medallions that Jesse James stole from Gads Hill?? lol!

No one that has the actual locations of large Confederate Vaults would tell that. It is Not One Person/Family to One Area Specific. It's generational and active today, but with problems concerning drugs {meth} being used and manufactured on properties things have to change.

One thing I was told was to read the papers about some of the Hunting and Farming accidents that happen. I know what that means to me. What does it mean to you?

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Out of the 58 Depositories that my partner and I have found, we only know what is the contents of 8 of them. But these 8 smaller depositories contain 1,778 large gold bricks and over $50 Million face value in gold coins. This is a total of about 115 tons in bullion alone. The numismatic value and the bricks are worth about $20 Billion Dollars. The other 50 Depositories are LARGER than these 8, all total about $3 to $40 Trillion Dollars. That does not include the depositories of Jesse James III.

Where/Who did your information originate from and when did this information become available?

Jesse James lll aka Orvus Lee Houk Did Not Have Any Depositories. In the '30's he was arrested for stealing other people's check books and forging their names, so I seriously doubt if he even had his own checking deposit account.

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And NOW, where are the "pre-Houk/Dalton" stories...? WHAT are the "POST-Houk/Dalton" stories. Need MORE "pics" of JJ, too!

PRE Houk/Dalton {KGC TREASURE}...There are None.

POST Houk/Dalton...Reality Is Confederate Era Treasure Is Not KGC...Those would all be Southern Sympathizer, Confederate Affiliated, Area Defined, Militia, Community, Family. Remember who I said to research? From Now, Go Back. Start in MO....then you will go North before Coming Back South.

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Here are the comparison photos.
I isolated the first photo from the 'Barrel Factory Picture'. This is who fiction writer Frank Triplett uses as JWJ as does Pastore...And Others. This is one of the same guys we compared JWJ to.

No Doubt Jesse W. and A. Franklin James were in Nashville and Virginia.

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Out of the 58 Depositories that my partner and I have found, we only know what is the contents of 8 of them. But these 8 smaller depositories contain 1,778 large gold bricks and over $50 Million face value in gold coins. This is a total of about 115 tons in bullion alone. The numismatic value and the bricks are worth about $20 Billion Dollars. The other 50 Depositories are LARGER than these 8, all total about $3 to $40 Trillion Dollars. That does not include the depositories of Jesse James III.

That's a massive amount of money. How do you know for sure the contents of 8 of them? How do you know the other 50 are larger?

Is your partner someone who you have been with from the beginning of your discoveries? Only one partner? Or are there others involved now or in the past that could have a claim on Anything? Has anyone invested in this that would require a buyout?

Have you tried to get permits to recover or excavate any locations before regarding Any of this? If yes, where? Did you attempt any recoveries?

Were you denied permission? If so, Why?

You mentioned that you had a treasure recovery business, worked in 15 states and are licensed in Virginia still. Are these things in Virginia? Other States? What other states did you work your recovery business in? You also mentioned you had not recovered anything tangible... Did that mean on these 8 or 58 depositories you referenced? Or something else?

I guess I'm trying to understand what the big issues are. If these are proven to be real, who wouldn't invest in a recovery? Im assuming you did try to get investors by that question.

Do you have proposals with verifiable documentation and all details to give investors?
Do you have attorneys that will give out pertinent, documented information to investors?

What exactly is blocking any of these to be recovered?

Money? Equipment? Security? Transportation? Property Ownership? Specialists?

You said before to leave it to the Professionals...What did you mean by that? Who are the Professionals?

I get that a few people with metal detectors and shovels would be a bit understaffed with 230,000 lbs of bullion, that you said requires digging/excavation as well, but there are other options like I've mentioned if the research, documentation and locations are solid.

What did you mean by 'That Does Not Include The Depositories of Jesse James lll'. ??

Thank You and looking forward to hearing back!


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View attachment 1515210

Here are the comparison photos.
I isolated the first photo from the 'Barrel Factory Picture'. This is who fiction writer Frank Triplett uses as JWJ as does Pastore...And Others. This is one of the same guys we compared JWJ to.

No Doubt Jesse W. and A. Franklin James were in Nashville and Virginia.

Geeze, to me the guy on the right looks like Doc Holiday. What do I know? Probably nothing so you can ignore this.


Geeze, to me the guy on the right looks like Doc Holiday. What do I know? Probably nothing so you can ignore this.


LOL!!!....That's Funny!

Clearly, with some of these Authors of Outlaws and Western Gunfighters, The man can be whoever they want him to be!

If you have a Doc Holiday book, you might find him there too!

Thanks for the Laugh Bill!


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Geeze, to me the guy on the right looks like Doc Holiday. What do I know? Probably nothing so you can ignore this.

LOL! THAT was Jess James in disguise as Doc Holiday... rather Dapper, don't ya think...? Heh... MHO is that "pic" looks sorta like the "base-line pic" of the "BFP".

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