Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

Way too much red tape and hoops to jump through. You will be tied up in court proceedings for years. Oh, and they will want to do a 2 year study on the habitat of the blind albino cave cricket that has now taken up residence inside your vault.

Just my opinion.

They wanted us to pay for studies of endangered trees, bushes, bugs, or anything else when we wanted to dig for the Beale Treasure on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I still have copies and the originals they sent us. You have to pay for all these studies. You have to tell them how you are going to enter this area without damaging any trees of the forest and how you are going to protect the water species crossing branches, creeks or rivers. And how you are going to keep and reclaim the properties back to it's original habitat without any mud or water run offs. You name it they can keep you tied up for ten or twelve years before you ever get to dig.

I forgot they also want to know when the treasure is recovered how you are going to protect it until they take custody of the treasure which is two or three years. How your security for all of this and how you are going to have experts analyze and document the relics or coins found. If there are any documents or papers found they have to be preserved as well by experts and all of this is to be paid by the finders.

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It is sad to say, that ANY of these large underground depositories that we want to believe truly exist, have been well thought out, planned, executed, and maintained over time to keep our hands off period. These are not for you and me to claim as property. It is actually safer where it's at in the first place. Some very smart people.

I've been researching the Knights of the Golden Circle...

The first that I can find any mention of KGC Treasure/Vaults/Depositories is with Schrader/Houk..

Where would I find anything about KGC vaults/depositories prior to the Schrader/Houk book(s)?


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Where im from in Missouri is where he robbed his first train, legends says they took too much loot and had to bury some of it on gads hill.

Where im from in Missouri is where he robbed his first train, legends says they took too much loot and had to bury some of it on gads hill.

What part of Missouri are you in? I've heard of the Gads Hill hidden money...

What part of Missouri are you in? I've heard of the Gads Hill hidden money...

I'm from Ironton, probably 45 minutes north of Gads Hill. I imagine if the story is true then the treasure would have been destroyed by now, Gads Hill is a quarry, unless the location is in an untouched spot.

That is very likely as they do not dig the area out one hundred percent. I would dowse the area to see if it is gone.

I'm from Ironton, probably 45 minutes north of Gads Hill. I imagine if the story is true then the treasure would have been destroyed by now, Gads Hill is a quarry, unless the location is in an untouched spot.
Funny thing is... SOME quarries start out as a hole dug looking for treasure... it gets bigger & BIGGER. I can think of two, now... one in Rockingham County, Va. (GERMAN Treasure) & one in Bedford County, Va. (Beale Treasure). Heh...

I'm from Ironton, probably 45 minutes north of Gads Hill. I imagine if the story is true then the treasure would have been destroyed by now, Gads Hill is a quarry, unless the location is in an untouched spot.
Sounds like IRONville in Bedford County, Va. LOTS of IRON Mines "in those hills"... heh.

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Funny thing is... SOME quarries start out as a hole dug looking for treasure... it gets bigger & BIGGER. I can think of two, now... one in Rockingham County, Va. (GERMAN Treasure) & one in Bedford County, Va. (Beale Treasure). Heh...
I forgot about the quarry near Elkton, Va. (Mundy's Quarry) on old Rt. 602; (German Treasure)... took it EVERYDAY going to Blue Ridge Community College, then Madison College/James Madison University (1972-1977). There was a cave near-by, that I explored, too... (singing) "Those were the days, my friend"... :laughing7:

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The other story is they hid it on Des Arc Mountain which is a few miles east of Gads Hill, if that is where it is then it is on federal land.

The other story is they hid it on Des Arc Mountain which is a few miles east of Gads Hill, if that is where it is then it is on federal land.

I just noticed you are a new member to Tnet...Welcome John!!

Tell us a little about your interests and type(s) of hunting you like to do, if your comfortable with sharing. I'm assuming Jesse James etal interests you. That works here!!



Yep, where all Jesse and Frank visited and lived in Virginia and Tennessee. Local and family lore and such..Whatever you've got stored from your years of research and living in the epicenter of the southerners who migrated west but didn't cut ties with kin who stayed back east. Lots of Midwesterners have family back in your area, like Jesse and Frank James, William Wright etc.

I've got my Coffee and Irish Creme Ready!! lol!!


The other story is they hid it on Des Arc Mountain which is a few miles east of Gads Hill, if that is where it is then it is on federal land.

Figures, seems to be a common denominator, a deterrent for sure.

The other story is they hid it on Des Arc Mountain which is a few miles east of Gads Hill, if that is where it is then it is on federal land.

I have no way of knowing of course, but if the accounts were true of the posse who found one of the Posse Members Horses they took, the witnesses who said they stopped overnight for supper and sleep several places and the witnesses who said they went through Boliver, then the witnesses who said they ended up in St.Clair, County at Roscoe and the Youngers stayed there and the James' headed North to Kearney, they had to have headed West to do all of that...But we all know what gets lost in translation!! lol!

The Glads Hill folks and the train passengers said they were wearing Union Over Coats. Wasn't that the robbery where they wrote their own press?

What was the local lore on how much was stolen from the store and train? I've heard anywhere from 2k-22k?

Are there many caves around Glads Hill?

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Yep, where all Jesse and Frank visited and lived in Virginia and Tennessee. Local and family lore and such..Whatever you've got stored from your years of research and living in the epicenter of the southerners who migrated west but didn't cut ties with kin who stayed back east. Lots of Midwesterners have family back in your area, like Jesse and Frank James, William Wright etc.

I've got my Coffee and Irish Creme Ready!! lol!!

Top of the night to ya, then... JJ/FK were "buried" within the Knights of the Golden Circle involvements Of BIG Depositories, with individual visits to kin in Tenn./Va. NC also has "rumors" of KGC/JJ/FJ "involvements". After 1882, JJ was KGC "all the way" with KGC as "Gray-beard", 2nd Degree KGC, (Financial) Brother of the "Lasting Faith". FJ & family were living in Lynchburg, Va. when news of JJ being murdered in 1882 (not); FJ was James E. (Ed) Warren (JEW), & even the Sheriff knew who he was. NO ONE bothered him, as he was "tired of running"... even his trial transcript said so. MORE later...

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