Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

No, my partner and I found these treasure depositories ourselves with no help from anyone. I have seen a tree in Arkansas that had Frank and Jesse James names where the depository was in compass and distance, amount and the tree also had KGC Depository. Have not got to check that one out yet.

That's Awesome!

Did you read about the missing currency and depositories or was it family lore that made you and your partner start a search for them?

Was the Tree you saw in the Northeastern part of Arkansas? Have you ever searched or researched Missouri or Kansas?

Do you look for smaller cashes?

Not more than 50 years, I have searched for it along with every other treasure on the East Coast. Had a business doing it one time and went to fifteen different states. My license is still good in the State of Virginia.


I'm not asking for specifics, but did you find hard, tangible items that confirmed your belief in KGC depositories?

Or were you doing shipwrecks and other kinds of treasure hunting?

Do you believe Beale Treasure Exists?

Yes through the Masonic Lodge in Lynchburg, Va.
James Beverly Ward belong to the Masonic Lodge in Richmond.
Max Guggenheimer was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Lynchburg.
Not sure if John William Sherman was a Freemason.

I agree, I don't want to talk about Beale Treasure on this thread looks like you guys got that covered on other threads ;)....I'm more interested in talking about Trains and Steamships that carried Information and Funds during the Civil War that went missing and Who or What Livery might have helped them go missing and where they could of been hidden.

I'll check Buck Wright again and make double sure he is the same one in my history. It's either your William Wright or someone else from there that was regarded enough that still to this day keep that name going. I know that Pittsylvania County and Bedford County are in my history.. I'll check the others. The Virginia Ancestors Tie Into The Missouri Ancestors that I've always been told about and that I'm interested in here. Also those from Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky. I'm not doing Genealogy here.. I've got that... this has to do with the information and funds I mentioned.

These Questions are from memories from long ago that were brought back on my recent trip, I saw the names again. Id have to go through all the family records...but If you don't mind answering a few questions about areas that you've researched IN Virginia to help me with First Hand Knowledge to make sure I'm right, I'd really appreciate it. If you don't know, that's fine.

Do you know what any of this means in Virginia? Campbell County...Is that in Virginia? Danville County? Is that the same as the city of Danville? Does the Name Chatham mean anything to you? Augusta? Letcher? Hopewell? Is that somewhere in Virginia or a ship maybe?

Frank James and Buck Wright...People thought they were one in the same?? Really? I'll try and find pics of Buck online.

Frank and Jesse James went to Danville together for a short time, then Frank went to Lynchburg and Jesse went to Excelsior Springs, MO directly from Danville.

Thank You...I'm getting another cup of Tea

Campbell County... SOUTH of & adjacent to Lynchburg, Va. FACT: L'burg WAS Campbell County with MONACAN Nation ("Indians") along the James River. Across J.R. is Amherst County, where ANOTHER camp was, of the Monacan Nation (above Riverside Park, Amherst County). NO Danville County; think it is part of Pittsylvania County. Augusta County is in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Letcher...? Dunno. Hopewell is near Richmond, Va. (EAST side of the state; we are on the WEST side, think of Roanoke, Va.).

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Campbell County... SOUTH of & adjacent to Lynchburg, Va. FACT: L'burg WAS Campbell County with MONACAN Nation ("Indians") along the James River. Across J.R. is Amherst County, where ANOTHER camp was, of the Monacan Nation (above Riverside Park, Amherst County). NO Danville County; think it is part of Pittsylvania County, Where "Buck" W.T. Wright Cemetery is (in the woods, by a logging road). Augusta County is in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Letcher...? Dunno. Hopewell is near Richmond, Va. (EAST side of the state; we are on the WEST side, think of Roanoke, Va.).

THANK YOU!!! I'll get some current pics of our Wright cemetery when I go down next...

I 'think' Letcher was a person. I'll see if I can find someone named Letcher in Virginia during the war. I would of sworn Hopewell was a boat or ship...But its a County on the East Side of Virginia...huh..hmm

Thanks Reb!!!

Kace, Hopewell is not a county... it is a town/city, near Richmond, Va.

Kace, Hopewell is not a county... it is a town/city, near Richmond, Va.

Sorry...Town/City...I was spacing off thinking about the way that was worded...'Came By Hopewell'...I hadn't thought town/city.

Thanks for catching my mistake.

Kace, Hopewell is not a county... it is a town/city, near Richmond, Va.

Gotta Love Team Work...We Are Both Right! The City of Hopewell, Virginia was named after the passenger ship Hopewell. The writing I found on Hopewell could be either....


Thanks again for letting me know about the city


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Gotta Love Team Work...We Are Both Right! The City of Hopewell, Virginia was named after the passenger ship Hopewell. The writing I found on Hopewell could be either....

View attachment 1510217

Thanks again for letting me know about the city

YEP! It is SOUTH of Richmond, Va. on the OLD Road to Williamsburg, Va. (by the James River). BIG Civil War battle in that area; VERY interesting area.

YEP! It is SOUTH of Richmond, Va. on the OLD Road to Williamsburg, Va. (by the James River). BIG Civil War battle in that area; VERY interesting area.

Good To Know!! I found Letcher... John LETCHER Governor of Virginia 1860-1864

Gotta Love Team Work...We Are Both Right! The City of Hopewell, Virginia was named after the passenger ship Hopewell. The writing I found on Hopewell could be either....

View attachment 1510217

Thanks again for letting me know about the city


They say a large confederate depository is near Hopewell. Hopewell's name was used because "Hope of the South to Rise Again" Spies in Richmond, Va. before Richmond fell to the Yankees reported large heavy wagon headed south and not to the railroad depot.

I have other thoughts on this depository and believe that it is opposite of Hopewell at the Berkeley Plantation where the first Thanksgiving Dinner was held.

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They say a large confederate depository is near Hopewell. Hopewell's name was used because "Hope of the South to Rise Again" Spies in Richmond, Va. before Richmond fell to the Yankees reported large heavy wagon headed south and not to the railroad depot.

I have other thoughts on this depository and believe that it is opposite of Hopewell at the Berkeley Plantation where the first Thanksgiving Dinner was held.
Well, Mulberry Island Treasure by Blackbeard MAY be a "cover" for that one, franklin... dunno. That area is now a US Army Base, Ft. Eustis. Go figures... "FED-LAND"! There is a "thread" on this already, on Treasure Net. HH! Good Luck!

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Well, Mulberry Island Treasure by Blackbeard MAY be a "cover" for that one, franklin... dunno. That area is now a US Army Base, Ft. Eustis. Go figures... "FED-LAND"! There is a "thread" on this already, on Treasure Net. HH! Good Luck!

I just made a post on the other thread. No need to bring it on this thread.

They say a large confederate depository is near Hopewell. Hopewell's name was used because "Hope of the South to Rise Again" Spies in Richmond, Va. before Richmond fell to the Yankees reported large heavy wagon headed south and not to the railroad depot.

I have other thoughts on this depository and believe that it is opposite of Hopewell at the Berkeley Plantation where the first Thanksgiving Dinner was held.

That's Really Interesting to know about Hopewell and Hope of the South to Rise Again. Thanks for sharing that. H

Have you posted on the Berekely Plantation in other threads?

I'll read on Mulberry Island.

Do you in your treasure hunts only looks for large depositories or do you look for smaller cashes too?


I have not hunted for the smaller caches in over 25 years back when I did it as a business. Once I started hunting for the larger caches it seems like the fun stopped. You do hundreds of times more research and less time digging. I miss finding the quick rewards. I have not recovered one single large cache. So not much digging in the past 25 years.

MEANWHILE, BACK to Jesse James... are we ready to go "EAST" to Tenn. & Va., now...? Jesse & Frank in Tenn.; Nashville, Tenn. as the FIRST HQ of KGC; Jesse in Tenn. & Frank in Va.; HUGE "depositories" in Tenn. & Va.; "legends" abound!

I have not hunted for the smaller caches in over 25 years back when I did it as a business. Once I started hunting for the larger caches it seems like the fun stopped. You do hundreds of times more research and less time digging. I miss finding the quick rewards. I have not recovered one single large cache. So not much digging in the past 25 years.

I'm sure your research is very time consuming and probably causes a few headaches and sleepless nights! ;) I'd like to hear about what you and your partner found that you are having trouble accessing..You've mentioned a little of it, I might of missed if you found the location of the maps/depositories through family history or through other research. If you feel like sharing your story...If you've posted it on another thread, I'll read that. If you don't feel like sharing, that's ok too.

Virginia interests me due to my family ties and what I've found that shows how strong the ties were between the part of the family that stayed in Virginia and the part that came to Missouri. One branch of the family that I'm also interested in were in Talladega, Alabama, DAR marker and later parts of that family came to Missouri.

You mentioned Arkansas...Were you ever in Marion County? ...SWMO?...Kansas, Close to the Missouri Border?

Railroads, Riverboats and Overland Liveries and their Owners are Very Interesting to me.. It's Amazing what all went missing from them to further the Southern Cause...and the Women...wives, mothers and daughters of soldiers who operated under the radar during the war to further the southern cause.

Right now my biggest interest is the Skilled Trades of people in the communities and how they pooled together their skills, resources and knowledge to protect each other, necessities and valuables along with using the land that God gave us. Blacksmiths/Undertakers, Gristmill owners, Stonemasons etc. These things are where I believe JWJ and those like him came into play.

I'm sure you miss the the quick rewards of finding the smaller stuff, I know I would! When you do get access to those depositories you will have more excitement than you'll know what to do with!! Just the small amount of stuff I've read about it, it sounds like National Treasure!!! ;)

I read everything about Mulberry Island that I could find. I'll try and find Berkeley Plantation information.


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