Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

That "pic" of his gGrandson was INTERESTING! (Jeremiah James) Whatever happened to him...?

He's still out there...He was at that museum walking around and talking to people while it was open, dressed in 1800's attire...That deal turned out bad with them and Pastore...

Pastore is trying to get a show like Brewer's, the 5 episodes that have aired, that I've seen, he alludes they are out by Neodosho, but other reports say No he isn't. You might find them on YouTube...I don't think it's a large production company filming it, so it's hard to tell.

Tell "us" MORE about Jeremiah Mason James/Jere Miah James; haven't seen that grave site "pic", yet.

There really isn't much to tell, just a normal family...He had been married for a long time to his wife Martha who died the year before him in 1934, the family said he was heartbroken and he died in 1935...They had 8 kids I think it was..He Farmed and was well respected in the community. He went by the name Jerry. He was a family man and devoted to his wife.


If Jesse James "became" Jeremiah Mason James after 1882, I can see where JJ could do his KGC "worK" (2nd Degree - KGC). NO ONE, except his KGC Brethren would know...

JWJ maybe could of assumed a Jeremiah Mason James alias, but it/he wasn't THE Jere 'Jerry' Miah James of Neodosho, KS.

Jere Miah James and his wife Martha were longtime members of that community. He wasn't related to Jesse W. James of Kearney, MO.

JFD, FD, JWJ, JRJ, JD, JMJ, ???, ??? At Peace.. Final Photo...


Index Finger Nail Looks Good After The Hammer Hit....Middle Finger Still Whole...

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JWJ maybe could of assumed a Jeremiah Mason James alias, but it/he wasn't THE Jere 'Jerry' Miah James of Neodosho, KS.

Jere Miah James and his wife Martha were longtime members of that community. He wasn't related to Jesse W. James of Kearney, MO.
LOL! OF COURSE! THE (REAL) Jeremiah Mason James (aka John Howard), was the one killed in 1882, according to several sources. Not sure how Martha went along with the RUSE... MAYBE, it was REALLY Jesse James that died in 1935... dunno. THANKS for the "pic" of the "flat stone" at grave-site.

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You are welcome for the photograph Reb!

Was John D. Howard (aka TOM Howard) REALLY Jeremiah Mason James...? No REAL "kin" to Jesse James... thus, EASY to "knock off"...? Did the REAL James family (JJ) have KGC/CSA Sentinels, thus putting Pastore's JJ Museum "under"...? Enquiring Minds wanna KNOW!

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Think that OS is currently working on his movie, TJB... dunno, tho. It WOULD "fit"!

Was John D. Howard (aka TOM Howard) REALLY Jeremiah Mason James...? No REAL "kin" to Jesse James... thus, EASY to "knock off"...? Did the REAL James family (JJ) have KGC/CSA Sentinels, thus putting Pastore's JJ Museum "under"...? Enquiring Minds wanna KNOW!

Thomas Benton Howard is who the home in St Joseph, MO was leased to. Tom Howard and Ben Woodson are who were listed on the 1880 Tennessee census. To me, that was not an accident they were listed under that name. From what I could find John Howard was another alias like John Davies was.

My opinion based on all of the testing on Jere Miah James, the community and property found is that he really was just Jere Miah James. HE never said anything to anyone regarding being Jesse James, that came much later when one of his sisters died and survivors found a box or trunk that had a Louis IV pocket watch (that could be the wrong number) in it along with other 'Similar Jewelry' that had been photographed while being worn by Jesse James and family members. The watch was the one supposedly stolen in the stagecoach robbery from the judge...Not all of the family thought that he could of been Jesse James.

The items were analyzed and compared to the jewelry in the photos and they were not the same. Similar but different. Look at the MOTHERS Pin in Pastore's book and you can see the differences easily. Even the watch fob is different. The pictures of people are in most cases wrong and some are modern and staged to look like old photographs. Look at the Sepia Tone and Petina in the photos...They are the same. Done by the same computer generated photographic software.

Pastore claimed J. Frank Dalton was Jesse James, when that blew up he found a Jere Miah James in Kansas who's family wondered publicly, based on the James name, JMJ's age and items found and whos family had made the same Scots-Irish western migration from Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia that Jesse James family had. Some of the family had just wondered innocently if it could be.

It was a lie and he just expanded on the lies Houk, Shrader, Turilli, Dill and Dalton told. See the profound similarities in Pastore's book compared to Shrader's...He just expanded on the high point lies of Shrader's, Houk's, Dalton's Jesse James Book. Complete with KGC claims.

I Don't believe KGC Sentinals were watching anything Pastore did, even though for the show they had badges and guns LOL! Gunshots in the background etc. Pastore is just like all the others who claim to be Jesse James experts. He is selling hyped up lies to fund his scatterbrained claims of finding KGC Treasure.

His cover story about how he has inside information is to say 'Confidential Sources'. The claims/sources are always wrong.

Wouldn't he be one of the last people you would trust with anything KGC or Treasure related?

Personally, I think to find JWJ movements looking at RR and the Chiles family of Lake City, Jackson County, MO. That Includes Independence and Blue Springs, MO as well as Kansas City, MO Is a strong possibility and then back to Crittended...Railroad

You read about Gould...Take a look at Chiles and then Quantrill's Roster.

I don't know who was killed to take JWJ place...I don't think it was family.. I think possibilities will show up looking at Railroad and other Big Business of the day. Those will be KGC. There was a reason that body was put in just a wooden coffin and buried quickly.

The bullet hole in the St Joe Home...It never hit anything before the wall...That was staged. Whoever was in the death photo wasn't JWJ..That was staged. The bullet/slug in the coffin didn't hit anything.

Do a quick read on Chiles in Jackson County in regards to Jesse and Frank James first. Then Quantrill

I didn't know Oliver Stone was doing a new movie...TJB? Beale? I like his movies. Did you see the Assassination of Jesse James?

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Do you guys ever look for smaller cache sites?

Large Depositories?

I didn't know Oliver Stone was doing a new movie...TJB? Beale? I like his movies. Did you see the Assination of Jesse James?
Oliver Stone... TJB, JJ; LOL! I was just joking... he is BIG on conspiracies (JFK, Born on the 4th of July). I like his movies too; got 'em on DVD. Didn't see the Assassination of Jesse James; any good...?

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MORE questions to come... make/get LOTS of coffee, heh.
Here we go, coffee "at the ready"... That young fellow, Jeremiah James looks MUCH like Jesse James; Could he REALLY be descended from Jesse James as "Jerry" Jeremiah Mason James...? Did Jeremiah James die at 30 years of age...? "One with nature" as his obit stated... was he shot by a KGC Sentinel...? Dying of his wound, later; $$$$$$$$$$$ Foundation created for his surviving kids...? Hmmm...

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