Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

Old "Gray-Beard" (Jesse James, as Jeremiah Mason James), was of the 2nd Degree KGC; a TRUE Knight of the TRUE FAITH; in charge of the state Level Financial Degree ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$!). Depositories... WOW! To build up the SOUTH, again... expanding into Mexico, Cuba, etc; like the old V. P. AARON BURR empire of 1803 or so. Prez Thomas Jefferson was NOT amused.

LOL! In VIRGINIA...? I read about 'em, & there are "legends"...

Do you ever hunt for smaller cashes?

Ever research stuff missing from railroads or steamships during the Civil War?

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Oliver Stone... TJB, JJ; LOL! I was just joking... he is BIG on conspiracies (JFK, Born on the 4th of July). I like his movies too; got 'em on DVD. Didn't see the Assassination of Jesse James; any good...?

lol! That would be a great movie!!

I do have the Assassination of Jesse James DVD... I watched it at the farm Again recently. It is good, very different than past Jesse James movies. Its narrated throughout the movie, which kinda makes it good...the narration spoke about the top of his finger missing and where he lived, Frank leaving the gang etc. Many facts we know. I wish they would of started earlier in his life, Union Militia, Quantrill and some of those high points. In the movie, he was married and had two kids already. It's worth watching a couple of times though, you oughta get it or Netflix it.

I've been an Oliver Stone fan since Platoon. JFK was one I had to watch 3 times to get it all.

Born on the Fourth of July was a bit whitewashed from what really happened...I don't know if Stone researched that story before making the movie or just read the book. Reality is completely opposite. Still a good movie from an entertainment point. I wondered after seeing it if someone would produce the story from a factual standpoint. Haven't ever heard of that though.

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Here we go, coffee "at the ready"... That young fellow, Jeremiah James looks MUCH like Jesse James; Could he REALLY be descended from Jesse James as "Jerry" Jeremiah Mason James...? Did Jeremiah James die at 30 years of age...? "One with nature" as his obit stated... was he shot by a KGC Sentinel...? Dying of his wound, later; $$$$$$$$$$$ Foundation created for his surviving kids...? Hmmm...

There is absolutely not a minuscule shred of circumstantial or hard evidence that the Jere Miah James family were related by blood or marriage to Jesse W James. Ive looked at Martha's family line too. Also, no one from that line that were ever reported missing if you look at LE and Newspaper archives. Everyone is accounted for...Very Large Family.

The 30yr old Jeremiah James is a different Jeremiah James than the Kansas one. That one is from Texas.

Look at your book that Pastore wrote, he says that those items in the museum that belonged to the Jere Miah James family should go to the James Farm in Kearney, MO. He also got an off the cuff dig in regarding the family saying "they were involved in court cases and lifestyle choices" whatever that means.

Pastore admitted in interviews he wanted some kind of TV or Movie Deal and those items should to go into a large Museum...He really is a modern day Dalton, Houk, Turilli and Dill...He wants Money and Attention and To Be The One Who Changes History By Twisting Facts. Sound Familiar?? He just hopes he gets paid before anyone finds out he has duped them. He couldn't get a publisher or producer of any kind to do the Jesse James book deal, he was told that he had to self publish it first, they obviously wanted to guage the response.

Some of the Jere Miah James family were against the exhumation and only agreed to it when Bill Kurtis got involved. They had blocked the exhumation. Kurtis was skeptical too but went ahead with it and then found out quite a bit of information had been misleading. He walked away. I don't think the family or Kurtis intentionally mislead anyone. Pastore wanted Attention and Money..He expanded on the lies in the Schrader/Houk book with more lies and phony photographs...look online and see the kids who were writing school papers based on that Phony Faux Factual Information and doing Wanted Posters Using The Wrong Photographs For Their Poster from Pastore's book...They were referencing that book and the lies in it. It's a bunch of Horse Ships and Wrong! It is an Entertainment Only Book.

That whole business of people using a literary platform in a book or online to state what they Want history to be, no matter what Facts prove their delusional beliefs and motives incorrect does affect kids and adults who think it must be right or it wouldn't be published as 'The True... or The Real..' or They think a Website wouldn't be hyped up as Factual if it wasn't true or Books like that wouldn't be published if they hadn't been researched.

It also really affects Reputable writers and other historians who have done their research and due diligence to prove something that Is Factual but against what everyone has been told...It makes it very hard to get publishers, grants, exhumations, access to sites or records and elected judges and government officials on any level are reluctant to listen to them based on what has happened in past cases of fraud and misrepresentation. Some of the elected officials are Gun Shy and rightfully so. A case that would stick out to you would be the Dalton exhumation. Look at all of those lies and misrepresentations that occurred...In Court. Reputable People Have Factual Stories To Tell and They Can't Get Them Out Due To All These Frauds That Have Sullied The Barrel.. Its Not Right.

Like I mentioned before, Pastore alluded to his KGC Treasure Hunt being filmed in Kansas..Others say he wasn't but the pasture, woods and terrain could very well be in the Midwest, a lot of the stuff in the episodes is fluff and looked staged. If you weren't a Detector or Historian of the Civil War area and weren't familiar with buried cashe or treasure locating you probably wouldn't catch the problems with the show.

No doubt where he was filming, the draws or gulches in pastures..any halfway decent marksman or deer hunter with an .06 or similar could of picked him off if they wanted to and been long gone...Those handguns and badges would be of no use...He just wanted it to look official and dangerous. Sensationalism Pastore Style! lol!

Check out Chiles Family in Jackson County Missouri...If you like researching Civil War, Quantrill, KGC, Jesse James and Masons...You get the bundle pack getting on that train.


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Treasure Net has the "Beale Codes" forum, which I have "posted" on MANY times; NOT gonna repeat ANYTHING here. There is even info about W.T. "Buck" Wright, REBEL/KGC Sentinel Mountain Man of Upper Goose Creek Valley of Bedford County, Va. He had the SCARS of a Frank/Jesse James & wore a Masonic Ring; MANY thought that he was FRANK JAMES. "Pics" that I have seen of W.T. "Buck" Wright & OLDER "Buck" Frank James (white hair) are IDENTICAL. (MHO). :coffee2:

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There is absolutely not a minuscule shred of circumstantial or hard evidence that the Jere Miah James family were related by blood or marriage to Jesse W James. Ive looked at Martha's family line too. Also, no one from that line that were ever reported missing if you look at LE and Newspaper archives. Everyone is accounted for...Very Large Family.

The 30yr old Jeremiah James is a different Jeremiah James than the Kansas one. That one is from Texas.

Look at your book that Pastore wrote, he says that those items in the museum that belonged to the Jere Miah James family should go to the James Farm in Kearney, MO. He also got an off the cuff dig in regarding the family saying "they were involved in court cases and lifestyle choices" whatever that means.

Pastore admitted in interviews he wanted some kind of TV or Movie Deal and those items should to go into a large Museum...He really is a modern day Dalton, Houk, Turilli and Dill...He wants Money and Attention and To Be The One Who Changes History By Twisting Facts. Sound Familiar?? He just hopes he gets paid before anyone finds out he has duped them. He couldn't get a publisher or producer of any kind to do the Jesse James book deal, he was told that he had to self publish it first, they obviously wanted to guage the response.

Some of the Jere Miah James family were against the exhumation and only agreed to it when Bill Kurtis got involved. They had blocked the exhumation. Kurtis was skeptical too but went ahead with it and then found out quite a bit of information had been misleading. He walked away. I don't think the family or Kurtis intentionally mislead anyone. Pastore wanted Attention and Money..He expanded on the lies in the Schrader/Houk book with more lies and phony photographs...look online and see the kids who were writing school papers based on that Phony Faux Factual Information and doing Wanted Posters Using The Wrong Photographs For Their Poster from Pastore's book...They were referencing that book and the lies in it. It's a bunch of Horse Ships and Wrong! It is an Entertainment Only Book.

That whole business of people using a literary platform in a book or online to state what they Want history to be, no matter what Facts prove their delusional beliefs and motives incorrect does affect kids and adults who think it must be right or it wouldn't be published as 'The True... or The Real..' or They think a Website wouldn't be hyped up as Factual if it wasn't true or Books like that wouldn't be published if they hadn't been researched.

It also really affects Reputable writers and other historians who have done their research and due diligence to prove something that Is Factual but against what everyone has been told...It makes it very hard to get publishers, grants, exhumations, access to sites or records and elected judges and government officials on any level are reluctant to listen to them based on what has happened in past cases of fraud and misrepresentation. Some of the elected officials are Gun Shy and rightfully so. A case that would stick out to you would be the Dalton exhumation. Look at all of those lies and misrepresentations that occurred...In Court. Reputable People Have Factual Stories To Tell and They Can't Get Them Out Due To All These Frauds That Have Sullied The Barrel.. Its Not Right.

Like I mentioned before, Pastore alluded to his KGC Treasure Hunt being filmed in Kansas..Others say he wasn't but the pasture, woods and terrain could very well be in the Midwest, a lot of the stuff in the episodes is fluff and looked staged. If you weren't a Detector or Historian of the Civil War area and weren't familiar with buried cashe or treasure locating you probably wouldn't catch the problems with the show.

No doubt where he was filming, the draws or gulches in pastures..any halfway decent marksman or deer hunter with an .06 or similar could of picked him off if they wanted to and been long gone...Those handguns and badges would be of no use...He just wanted it to look official and dangerous. Sensationalism Pastore Style! lol!

Check out Chiles Family in Jackson County Missouri...If you like researching Civil War, Quantrill, KGC, Jesse James and Masons...You get the bundle pack getting on that train.


I still believe J. Frank Dalton was Jesse Woodson James.

Treasure Net has the "Beale Codes" forum, which I have "posted" on MANY times; NOT gonna repeat ANYTHING here. There is even info about W.T. "Buck" Wright, REBEL/KGC Sentinel Mountain Man of Upper Goose Creek Valley of Bedford County, Va. He had the SCARS of a Frank/Jesse James & wore a Masonic Ring; MANY thought that he was FRANK JAMES. "Pics" that I have seen of W.T. "Buck" Wright & OLDER "Buck" Frank James (white hair) are IDENTICAL. (MHO). :coffee2:

I believe Frank James and the KGC made up the Beale Treasure Codes as a decoy to keep treasure hunters from searching in the right direction. Just my two cents.

Treasure Net has the "Beale Codes" forum, which I have "posted" on MANY times; NOT gonna repeat ANYTHING here. There is even info about W.T. "Buck" Wright, REBEL/KGC Sentinel Mountain Man of Upper Goose Creek Valley of Bedford County, Va. He had the SCARS of a Frank/Jesse James & wore a Masonic Ring; MANY thought that he was FRANK JAMES. "Pics" that I have seen of W.T. "Buck" Wright & OLDER "Buck" Frank James (white hair) are IDENTICAL. (MHO). :coffee2:

I agree, I don't want to talk about Beale Treasure on this thread looks like you guys got that covered on other threads ;)....I'm more interested in talking about Trains and Steamships that carried Information and Funds during the Civil War that went missing and Who or What Livery might have helped them go missing and where they could of been hidden.

I'll check Buck Wright again and make double sure he is the same one in my history. It's either your William Wright or someone else from there that was regarded enough that still to this day keep that name going. I know that Pittsylvania County and Bedford County are in my history.. I'll check the others. The Virginia Ancestors Tie Into The Missouri Ancestors that I've always been told about and that I'm interested in here. Also those from Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky. I'm not doing Genealogy here.. I've got that... this has to do with the information and funds I mentioned.

These Questions are from memories from long ago that were brought back on my recent trip, I saw the names again. Id have to go through all the family records...but If you don't mind answering a few questions about areas that you've researched IN Virginia to help me with First Hand Knowledge to make sure I'm right, I'd really appreciate it. If you don't know, that's fine.

Do you know what any of this means in Virginia? Campbell County...Is that in Virginia? Danville County? Is that the same as the city of Danville? Does the Name Chatham mean anything to you? Augusta? Letcher? Hopewell? Is that somewhere in Virginia or a ship maybe?

Frank James and Buck Wright...People thought they were one in the same?? Really? I'll try and find pics of Buck online.

Frank and Jesse James went to Danville together for a short time, then Frank went to Lynchburg and Jesse went to Excelsior Springs, MO directly from Danville.

Thank You...I'm getting another cup of Tea


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I still believe J. Frank Dalton was Jesse Woodson James.

I know you do franklin and I Respect Your Beliefs...I only care when people state J. Frank Dalton was Jesse Woodson James As A Fact and Try To Profit From It. Believing something personally and Stating That Belief As Fact For Profit are two completely different things.

We do not have to Agree or Understand Others Beliefs, We just have to Respect Others Beliefs..

I think that you had mentioned you had found the location of several Confederate Depositories or Maps to them... And that some level of government was blocking you from going further...Did I say that correctly?

Did the information or clue to search a certain location for maps or a depository come from Dalton or Houk?


I believe Frank James and the KGC made up the Beale Treasure Codes as a decoy to keep treasure hunters from searching in the right direction. Just my two cents.

I think that's a good possibility. Was that 1884?

Does that mean you do not believe the Beale Treasure Exists?

Have you ever searched for it?

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I know you do franklin and I Respect Your Beliefs...I only care when people state J. Frank Dalton was Jesse Woodson James As A Fact and Try To Profit From It. Believing something personally and Stating That Belief As Fact For Profit are two completely different things.

We do not have to Agree or Understand Others Beliefs, We just have to Respect Others Beliefs..

I think that you had mentioned you had found the location of several Confederate Depositories or Maps to them... And that some level of government was blocking you from going further...Did I say that correctly?

Did the information or clue to search a certain location for maps or a depository come from Dalton or Houk?


No, my partner and I found these treasure depositories ourselves with no help from anyone. I have seen a tree in Arkansas that had Frank and Jesse James names where the depository was in compass and distance, amount and the tree also had KGC Depository. Have not got to check that one out yet.

I think that's a good possibility. Was that 1884?

Does that mean you do not believe the Beale Treasure Exists?

Have you ever searched for it?

Not more than 50 years, I have searched for it along with every other treasure on the East Coast. Had a business doing it one time and went to fifteen different states. My license is still good in the State of Virginia.

I believe Frank James and the KGC made up the Beale Treasure Codes as a decoy to keep treasure hunters from searching in the right direction. Just my two cents.
Is there a record of James Beverly Ward and John William Sherman being involved with Frank James or the KGC?

Is there a record of James Beverly Ward and John William Sherman being involved with Frank James or the KGC?

Yes through the Masonic Lodge in Lynchburg, Va.

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