I don't believe they had the capacity to do what you are describing, in 1882. They would have removed the skull cap, just as described in the alleged autopsy account.
In any event, the autopsy account recorded does not match what you described upon the 1978 exhumation. Leaves too much room for speculation, and much fodder for Conspiracy Analysts, lol. With no way to confirm the autopsy, the facts will always be shrouded on this point. If there was indeed a conspiracy by leaking the alleged autopsy, it was a very well thought out strategy. Our only lead at this juncture would have come from any mention of the condition of the skull when disinterred in 1902. To my knowledge, no verifiable account has surfaced. Anyone here is welcome to correct me if I am mistaken... maybe someone else has better information?
I Agree...None of us were there in 1882 or 1902 and everyone that gave testimony had something to gain..ie; Yes it's Jesse or No it isn't Jesse. Anyone who cared about him or wanted to continue exploits with him would want him to be able to live without hiding. Anyone who didn't care would want capitalize on his death. Governor Crittendon wanted to preserve his position.
I always like 2-3 verifiable accounts of anything or anyone. Sometimes ya get it and sometimes ya don't!
The 1978 exhumation I witnessed did not prove it was Jesse Woodson James....It was a very decomposed skeleton. With an Undamaged Bullet. The casket matched the era, but so did every other casket of that era except some had a glass pane and others did not. What I saw was just Bones, Teeth, Bits of Fabric, A Bullet,Rotted Wood, Broken Glass and a Piece or two of Pot Metal? It Proved Nothing...Could of Been Anyone and Anyone can put Anything on a Tombstone.
This is what I told the Tnet member who contacted me....
I have Always had a very difficult time believing that Jesse W. James of Kearney, MO would have Two Brothers in his home that he didn't have a Long Trusting History with, knowing that he had a large, for the time, Bounty on his head.. Then turn his back on them when he knew they had loaded guns. It's hard for me to fathom that the Lengendary Jesse James was shot Dead in the back of the head in His Own Home. None of that makes sense to me. If I buy or sell something I Don't turn my back to people I don't know well. Same way with Friends of Friends/Family if we are in each other's homes. I don't think it's safe.
I Believe the most accepted photo (Posted on this Thread) of JWJ with the receding hairline is the Real...Original if you will Jesse James who rode with Quantrill and was KGC and Brother of Alexander Franklin James.
I Believe This JJ has Been in Many States during and after the Civil War.
Thankfully We Have Tnet Members Here Who Can Help With That. I Have More To Add On His Missouri and Kansas Travels.
I Believe This JJ Home Base Was Missouri.
I Do Not Believe The Man in The Casket or Death Photo is This Jesse James.
I Do Not Believe The Bullet Hole In The Wall in St Joseph, MO was The Kill Shot.
I Do Not Believe That Blood From a Cut or Whatever on The Mans Head in the Death Photo Is An Exit Wound. I've Seen Too Many Real Exit Wounds.
I have a hard time believing people who have something to gain by writing a book that can't be confirmed. Or doing plays based on events that can't be confirmed. Or Having YouTube Channels stating events that can't be confirmed. Or having Blogs without telling more than one side of a story...trying to capitalize on someone's fame. Or using someone that can't be confirmed to sell tickets at their sideshow.
That's just me.
The 1995 exhumation for mtDNA analysis was a Confirmed Match for Known Relatives of this JWJ. After the statute of limitations ran out Stephen Caruso who was involved in the exhumation and testing claimed that the hairs used for testing were Not From The Grave, But from someone in that office. He had some problems with Clay County and Most Believed He Was Just Trying To Get Back At Them Due To This Being So High Profile. I Don't Know. Then He pops up associated with Betty Dorset Duke, who says she was the GGrandaughter of Jesse Woodson James aka James L Courtney. Did he profit from her 3 books....I Don't Know. But, it made me think that he like many others had something to gain by claiming that. I'm Not Discounting BDD yet, Only that they teamed up to challenge the '95 testing.
The James Family Before or at the Height of Robberies Did Not Live A Lavish Life. It doesn't seem odd to me that they would open the farm to tourists or curiosity seekers for .50¢ or "sell" pieces of the Headstone....People were trespassing and chipping pieces off anyway. Why not make a few bucks and never leave the farm?
I think after all the input on the Jesse W. James of Kearney,MO which has All Been Great, reinforces my thoughts from the beginning on him. I Do Not Know For Sure Who Is In That Grave!
Like D...I Feel Like If Anyone Has More To Add on This Jesse James, Please Do!!
Until Then, I'm Thinking We Should Leave For Texas and See What James Lafayette Courtney and John Frank Dalton Have Done.
I'd love to hear others views on Jesse Woodson James of Kearney, MO!!
Once we get back from there let's see about finding the good stuff!
My Offer For Anyone Who Is Well Versed in Markings to Join Me For A Virtual Hunt this October-November In Missouri Still Stands. My Boots On The Ground Along With Otherwise Unobtainable Access and Info For Your Knowledge and We Split Anything Found. I'll Post A Couple Of Pictures Later To Show I'm Not On A Ghost Hunt or Fishing For Leads.
I Did Join This Thread Due To A Member Contacting Me and It Peaked My Interest Again. After Reading The Thread I Thought Why Not All Pool Our Otherwise Unobtainable Access And Information. We All Are Spread Out In Areas That Do Contain History Of The Civil War Era and After. I'm Not The Only One Of Us Who Has That. I Do Believe All Of Us Just Want To Know Fact From Fiction.
I'm Looking Forward To All of Your Views, Questions, Thoughts and Theories! I love reading them! I Think We Will Have Some More Folks From Texas And Oklahoma Joining This Facinating Thread When We Head South. I Personally Would Like To Go East After That. We Have Some Great Members With Stories and Information From Both Areas There.