Montezuma's Treasures were buried in Texas by the KGC with JJ in charge when they went down there to bring out Maximillan. I believe the KGC later removed these treasures to Arkansas. I have a pretty good idea where it is located?
This version of Maximilian's treasure begins when Carlotta is back in Europe seeking military aid for her husband, and Maximilian knows his time as Emperor is coming to end by Juarez's revolutionary forces, decides to ship his fortune back to Austria.
He places a trusted Austrian aide in charge of the 15 wagons filled with gold, silver, and jewelry, and along with loyal Mexican teamsters, the unnamed Austrian with his young daughter, set out for the Texas port at Galveston.
While still in Mexico, the Austrian hears rumors of Comanche raiding parties, so he hires 6 Missouri ex-Confederates who just happen to still be in Mexico.
The ex-Confederates being curious of what needed guarding in these wagons, discovered that it was Maximilian's treasure as camp was set at the pass of Castle Gap, and slit the throats of the Austrian, his daughter, and the Mexican teamsters while they slept. Without the teamsters to drive the wagons, those ex-Confederates buried the contents, including the wagons, at Castle Gap, noting and marking landmarks.
Then they rode off to San Antonia to find a buyer for these ill gotten gains. On the way, one member took ill, Bill Murdock, and was left at Fort Concho, San Angelo, Texas. After he recovered, Murdock attempted to rejoin his partners, but found their massacred bodies, left in the sun by the Comanche. Riding on, with the intention of contacting Jesse James for help in recovering the buried treasure wagons, he shared a campfire with three horse thieves, and was arrested along with the three by the Denton sheriff and posse, and placed in the towns jail.
No one believes that he is not with the horse thieves, and takes ill again while in the Denton jail, and Dr Black is called to treat him. Knowing that he is going to die, this last surviving member of the six Missouri ex-Confederates tell the story to the doctor, mentioning the landmarks at Castle Gap, then dies.
Dr Black then enlists the help of Denton lawyer, O'Conner, and off they go to find the treasure, after many trips, they never find the location or the landmarks.