Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

I wonder if "John Newman Edwards (who) owned THE KANSAS CITY TIMES, and wrote highly favorable articles of the "Robin Hoods of the West James brothers"...was in cahoots with James W. Buel, the reporter for Kansas City newspapers who allegedly leaked the unofficial report of JWJ's autopsy we have been questioning?

James William Buel, born in Illinois, 1849-1920 was a prolific dime novel writer, who claim to have spent time in jail with Cole Younger, contacted the relatives of dead gunfighters (Wild Bill Hickok is one example) and outlaws for storylines on which he would embellish.

John Newman Edwards was first and foremost a Confederate member of Shelby's IRON BRIGADE, knew the James and Youngers during the War years, and opposed Union imposed Reconstruction.

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Montezuma's Treasures were buried in Texas by the KGC with JJ in charge when they went down there to bring out Maximillan. I believe the KGC later removed these treasures to Arkansas. I have a pretty good idea where it is located?
Go for it, and keep in touch. Good hunting and good luck.

James William Buel, born in Illinois, 1849-1920 was a prolific dime novel writer, who claim to have spent time in jail with Cole Younger, contacted the relatives of dead gunfighters (Wild Bill Hickok is one example) and outlaws for storylines on which he would embellish.

John Newman Edwards was first and foremost a Confederate member of Shelby's IRON BRIGADE, knew the James and Youngers during the War years, and opposed Union imposed Reconstruction.

Both having a shared interest in keeping JJ safe, even in "death". Interesting.
This has nothing to do with JJ treasure or if they still exist.
I draw your attention to the first 25 or so pages of this link. It will give you background on James/Younger's. They both were in what was considered "Little Dixie", which had Southern sympathy. It was terrible in some of these area's, especially the "Burnt District" under Order Number 11, where Younger's were from. When they became Partisan Rangers they were considered by the Union as outlaws. After the war the way they lived was nothing new.
Jo Shelby did testify at Frank James trial. Twice. The first day he came to Court drunk and was pretty much asked to leave. The next day he apologized.
John Newman Edwards was Shelby's Adjutant and went to Mexico with him at the end of the war. Did print letters from JJ.

Reb- I think it was in Edwards book that before the 64' Campaign Gen. Price was approached in Arkansas by "Members of OAK" who put pressure on him for the campaign.

One thing you readers might get from this is that there were vast open lands in the western third of Missouri south of the Missouri River. Same with Northwest Arkansas. Sometimes 40 miles between people. This isn't the Great West. Before the war this area was very populated. Another is how far a man on a good horse could travel in one day, and this was without real roads.
I don't think any JJ treasures except maybe "road banks" are in this area. But there is no doubt there were family,friends and supporters all over the area. In those days, if YOUR Cousins Wife had family, they were sometimes considered "Kin". Not family but kin. You could pretty much count on their help.
During the Depression my Grandad was a hired man on a farm. the owner, Mr. P was a cousin to Cole Younger. When Mr. P was dying of cancer, Grandad sat up at night with him for a couple of months before his death. Grandad asked Mr. P if J. James had really been killed as there were stories of the Dalton guy going around. Mr. P would only smile and never did answer.

Hi Kace, uglymailman, Rebel, and members. Luckily, I just thought to check in on this site and noticed a private message from Ditlihi in my mailbox. It seems I'm not receiving notifications in my email box for this site so I need to check my settings I guess. I have a website for William C. "Bloody Bill" Anderson, one for the Knights of the Golden Circle, and our Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group on Yahoo where we discuss both topics, Jesse W. James, and all other related subjects. When you visit the first two sites, be sure to look over all of the sections - Blog, Photos, Links, and Videos as I have some very important stuff in each of them. If you want to view the extensive message board and other sections of our BBAM Yahoo group, you'll need to apply to join and I will approve your membership. I invite you all to join us at these sites where we've compiled information from some of the best KGC treasure hunters, genealogists, historians, and Jesse James authorities in the country.
Home - William C. "Bloody Bill" Anderson

Home - Knights of the Golden Circle

Thanks, and I look forward to talking about these topics with any of you who care to write.
~Texas Jay (Jay Longley)

I'm still here...with family and just reading or trying to, (they interrupt my concentration...I'd rather read this instead of listening to arguing...I mean discussion) the links everyone has posted to keep up to speed. lol! Very interesting stuff! All of it! Thanks For Posting Them!

D...No doubt JNE controlled what was in the KC papers...That has been proven Time and Again but he was a Southern Sympathizer for sure...No one in my family complained! lol

Thanks For Jumping in Texas J! I'm definitely going to read your site. Please don't leave here though!

I'm not versed enough in Maximilian to be more than a spectator yet...I'm working on that!

You did made it up, you just confuse.

Who and What are you talking about Samuel? I see you know how to use the quote button on one thing, please use it when making a one or two sentence comment that's vague.

All of the other participants in this thread have been contributing documented information as well as personal, family or area lore as NONE OF US were there at the time of the original incidents. There is No Way Anyone or Any Entity during the Civil War, especially KGC, JJ and Co or the Confederacy could of done what they did without Help From Trusted Family and Friends. It's Impossible.

I have No Idea Who or What your comment refers to but Please, Do Not Say 'You Did Made It Up, You Just Confuse' Ask the person a Direct Question, PM them, Contribute Your Information Or Say Nothing. As of yet you have not had more than a two short sentence commentary. If you have Anything At All Pertinent Or a Question to Contribute you like to say...Go For It.

I for one am not interested in attacking Anyone's Credibility or Their Family. No one here has done that. Which Makes It A Great Thread With Great Participants! Take what you will from any posts and learn something...Even if it's something You Have Never Heard Of....research it in anyway you want. Then Contribute or Ask.

I spent 15 minutes schooling you on Premature Burials. You could of easily researched any of that and then contributed like franklin and UMM did. I intentionally didn't include the Blue Prints of the Safety Coffins offered for sale, hoping YOU WOULD.

I'm researching Maximilian because I know very little of that history which is why I'm not participating on that topic yet. Pick an area of this thread that interests you and research it..These guys share links, which they don't have to, but they do share, to bring us all up to speed. That makes for a great thread.

If you are not sure what to research...It would be very helpful for us to have more information on John Newman Edwards and his influence or censure regarding JJ, AFJ, CY etal and Any CIVIL WAR Information that was reported in the KANSAS CITY POST..KANSAS CITY TIMES and KANSAS CITY STAR which is the most recent of the newspapers.

Looking Forward To See What You've Found!


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Then read JESSE JAMES HIDEOUT by Randy "Jesse James" Sumpter.

Then read JESSE JAMES HIDEOUT by Randy "Jesse James" Sumpter.

I Will For Sure Read Both Of Those! Thanks For Giving Us The Links Reb!!

An additional site with some useful info:
Codebreaking in the Civil War

Sweet! Between this and Rebs suggested site...Look Out Missouri!! hahaha!

Before these sites, Its been rivers,bridges, initials, turkey tracks, anchors,etc....And I was told to look for them. It wasn't anything Brilliant I Deciphered lol! Strange But Cool Story I'll Share Soon. I just don't want to miss anything if it's there and old paperwork and postcards that I come across all the time, I want to know if it is really saying anything else. If that makes sense. THANKS ECS!

I wonder if "John Newman Edwards (who) owned THE KANSAS CITY TIMES, and wrote highly favorable articles of the "Robin Hoods of the West James brothers"...was in cahoots with James W. Buel, the reporter for Kansas City newspapers who allegedly leaked the unofficial report of JWJ's autopsy we have been questioning?

Hmmm. :icon_scratch:

ONE FUN FACT ON THAT QUESTION: The Son of the Kearney, Missouri Jesse Woodson James

Little Jesse Jr.....Full Name Was: Jesse EDWARDS James. Not Edward... Daughter was Mary Elizabeth James who passed before Jr. A write up in the KC TIMES talking about her death said Jr lived in LA,CA at the time of her death.

I wonder if I could find a Baptismal Record of Jr. ....That sounds like a middle name of a Godparent or someone you admire. I'm not an expert on that but both sides and branches of my family do name their children in that fashion.
One of my gGrandfathers was named ROBERT LEE ______! My direct lineage and extended family could of been its own Confederate Unit! Or Two.. Wait till you see the names and family cemetery...Don't wear a Blue Hat when we get there!! hahaha

Montezuma's Treasures were buried in Texas by the KGC with JJ in charge when they went down there to bring out Maximillan. I believe the KGC later removed these treasures to Arkansas. I have a pretty good idea where it is located?
This version of Maximilian's treasure begins when Carlotta is back in Europe seeking military aid for her husband, and Maximilian knows his time as Emperor is coming to end by Juarez's revolutionary forces, decides to ship his fortune back to Austria.
He places a trusted Austrian aide in charge of the 15 wagons filled with gold, silver, and jewelry, and along with loyal Mexican teamsters, the unnamed Austrian with his young daughter, set out for the Texas port at Galveston.
While still in Mexico, the Austrian hears rumors of Comanche raiding parties, so he hires 6 Missouri ex-Confederates who just happen to still be in Mexico.
The ex-Confederates being curious of what needed guarding in these wagons, discovered that it was Maximilian's treasure as camp was set at the pass of Castle Gap, and slit the throats of the Austrian, his daughter, and the Mexican teamsters while they slept. Without the teamsters to drive the wagons, those ex-Confederates buried the contents, including the wagons, at Castle Gap, noting and marking landmarks.
Then they rode off to San Antonia to find a buyer for these ill gotten gains. On the way, one member took ill, Bill Murdock, and was left at Fort Concho, San Angelo, Texas. After he recovered, Murdock attempted to rejoin his partners, but found their massacred bodies, left in the sun by the Comanche. Riding on, with the intention of contacting Jesse James for help in recovering the buried treasure wagons, he shared a campfire with three horse thieves, and was arrested along with the three by the Denton sheriff and posse, and placed in the towns jail.
No one believes that he is not with the horse thieves, and takes ill again while in the Denton jail, and Dr Black is called to treat him. Knowing that he is going to die, this last surviving member of the six Missouri ex-Confederates tell the story to the doctor, mentioning the landmarks at Castle Gap, then dies.
Dr Black then enlists the help of Denton lawyer, O'Conner, and off they go to find the treasure, after many trips, they never find the location or the landmarks.

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Sounds like a well thought story. Do you have any links or facts to back all of that up with?

Sounds like a well thought story. Do you have any links or facts to back all of that up with?
Well yes I do, my friend.
One version of this story appeared in the July 1978 issues of LOST TREASURE magazine, and of course, made the rounds in the others of that time.
For your consideration:
The Mexican Adventure: Legend of the Lost Treasure of Emperor Maximilian

I do agree that it is a well thought story- the trifecta of gold, silver, jewels buried in an remote area, historical references and the story told by the surviving witness on his deathbed to only one person.
How many treasure stories fit this same pattern?

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Well yes I do, my friend.
One version of this story appeared in the July 1978 issues of LOST TREASURE magazine, and of course, made the rounds in the others of that time.
For your consideration:
The Mexican Adventure: Legend of the Lost Treasure of Emperor Maximilian

I do agree that it is a well thought story- the trifecta of gold, silver, jewels buried in an remote area, historical references and the story told by the surviving witness on his deathbed to only one person.
How many treasure stories fit this same pattern?

Yea you are right someone made them about sixty bucks if they had any photos to go with the story. I do not believe it. I believe J. Frank Dalton's story more.

ONE FUN FACT ON THAT QUESTION: The Son of the Kearney, Missouri Jesse Woodson James

Little Jesse Jr.....Full Name Was: Jesse EDWARDS James. Not Edward... Daughter was Mary Elizabeth James who passed before Jr. A write up in the KC TIMES talking about her death said Jr lived in LA,CA at the time of her death.

I wonder if I could find a Baptismal Record of Jr. ....That sounds like a middle name of a Godparent or someone you admire. I'm not an expert on that but both sides and branches of my family do name their children in that fashion.
One of my gGrandfathers was named ROBERT LEE ______! My direct lineage and extended family could of been its own Confederate Unit! Or Two.. Wait till you see the names and family cemetery...Don't wear a Blue Hat when we get there!! hahaha

That IS rather interesting! Would like to see that record myself.

And my family is the same...we had not just a couple but several William T's sitting in the tree. And I had a brother named John Wesley. On the other side I have GGG's named George Washington ____, Christopher Columbus ____, and Isaac Newton ____. Strange world back then, eh?

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