Is There Any Evidence that the Lost Dutchman Mine really exists?


Here are Thomas Terry's actual words:

"The still existing records of Wells Fargo and the U.S. Mint at Sacramento show that $250,000 in gold was shipped by Waltz between 1881-1889. The records can not be denied. Dr. Chandler does deny that claim. No such records exist.
There has never been a "U.S. Mint at Sacramento."

The first printing of the first edition, which contains the above quote was printed in 1958. Terry does not give us "short sentences" concerning Waltz and the LDM. Instead he devotes 1/2 of a page (lrg. pages) to a story that quotes many false stories about Waltz.

Here is a story that does not attribute to someone else:

"Jacob Waltz was fired from the Vulture Mine in Wickenburg for highgrading and turned up in Phoenix....."

Terry also states as fact:

"The 8 gold mines of the Peralta brothers, in actual fact, really existed and are no myth......".

All of the quotes come from pages 58-59 in Volume 1, of Terry's "United States Treasure Atlas". The original "Atlas" was published in1974.

Much of his information obviously came from rumors that surfaced after Waltz's death.

I must stick with what Dr Chandler told me.

Take care,


Hmm you seem to have a habit of ALWAYS taking what a book says, verbatim, and if the facts do not match what the book says precisely, then in your eyes the entire thing is false. Didn't we run into this with Atlantis too? Yep Terry has it all wrong, there never was a US Mint at Sacramento. Does that mean that Waltz could not have shipped out gold, but NOT to the US Mint? Even to a smelter or assayer in Sacramento? Haven't we gone over it, that treasure LEGENDS often get things botched up in the re-telling, and Terry was a compiler, not a lawyer. He has included a number of items that are directly contradictory! His Treasure Atlas series is really a collection of treasure LEADS not an encyclopedia. Besides, Terry is not the only source concerning the shipping receipts - we have Higham's private letter which was NEVER intended for publication. "It is hard to deny facts when they are staring you in the face" <Higham>

You may certainly stick with what Dr Chandler told you, even though we have shown (repeatedly) that he is absolutely wrong about the Wells Fargo Express not operating in Arizona in the time period in question, even shipping out ORES as was so proudly listed in the newspapers of the day, and he seems to have taken the fact that they have NO records today, as proof that there never were any.

Perhaps if you sent your friend Dr. Chandler some of the news clippings that not only advertise for accepting shipments via Wells Fargo in Arizona but also the proud statistics listing the many tons shipped, he might change his view?

AZDave35 wrote
some of the other folks here that want to learn are 2 cabs i cut from different is from the silver king mine...the other is from another mine 7 miles away....they both appear identical and are identical in mineral composition....argentiferous galena,,argentiferous sphalerite..stromeyerite, white quartz and native silver....that pretty much blows your theory

Do you hold that a GEOLOGIST could not tell those two specimens you posted apart, IF they came from two different mines? I did not say that I personally am going to be the judge, I am not a geologist. Besides we have only your word that they came from two different mines, they could have been from the same mine OR even the same vein but cropped out at a different place.

AZDave35 also wrote
...and as far as court cases go...who would believe anything that goes on in court...lawyers can twist anything around to get their point across and win a case....

The ONLY reason I mentioned the court cases was that ore comparisons have been done to help determine the case where a blind lead is adjacent to another mine. You think that the ore comparison in a court case to settle whether two veins are from the same source, is "twisted" to suit a lawyer?

AZDave35 also wrote
another thing you seem to have a problem with is you think if someone finds the mine they should come forward and fess up and have the ore tested...that right there tells me you dont have anywhere near the experience you claim....the first thing you learn is to keep your mouth shut if you find something..unless you want to go to prison and lose everything you own....a few others here have tried to school you on that and it goes right over your head

You find fault that I have cited books - yet if I say something myself, well then you don't accept that for what do I know. That is the reason I bothered to even mention the books at all - because people like you don't take my word on anything. I can say the fricking sky is blue, and you will find fault with that. Where exactly did I say that I am the expert? Please direct me to that exact post.

You think that it is smarter to be mining illegally, and then not reporting your income. And then talk about it online? It can be done legally, although you have to pay taxes on the income. You can "school" me all you want on that idea, and you are sure welcome to go mine illegally all you like. Not interested. As to that "keeping your mouth shut" well your acquaintance sure blabbed about it to YOU, and you blabbed it to ME on the internet where anyone (including the IRS can read) the guys who worked in the Pit mine sure blabbed to their friends, and even have hinted at it on live TV. Not exactly keeping their mouths shut are they?

So convince me that the Lost Dutchman's gold mine WAS found and all mined out as you claimed earlier. Proceed. I want some kind of proof, not just the word of someone on the internet.

I guess we are NOT going to move on to other aspects. Some members here don't want anyone out looking for the Lost Dutchman's gold mine. Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

oroblanco wrote:
"Do you hold that a GEOLOGIST could not tell those two specimens you posted apart, IF they came from two different mines? I did not say that I personally am going to be the judge, I am not a geologist. Besides we have only your word that they came from two different mines, they could have been from the same mine OR even the same vein but cropped out at a different place."

roy..if you are going to call me a liar we are done.....dont bother me just tears you out of the frame that someone would question your knowledge.....i dont much care if you or anyone else believes me or not...i put the facts out there and they can take it or leave it....makes no difference to me...impose your theories on someone else...i have my own theories..and they are based on years of boots on the ground research...not books


Please do not put words in my mouth. I did not say nor infer that "the entire thing is false." If you look in all ten volumes of Terry's work, there is tons of good information. Actually, almost everything that he writes about Waltz is, as I stated, from rumors that surfaced after Waltz's death, and is historically false.

If you want to believe otherwise, that's ok by me. There is a very long list of people who don't agree with Joe Ribaudo. In that regard, you are in good company.:lurk: Join the crowd.:happysmiley:

Are you getting that white stuff? (Snow) Living in Lake Havasu I have been cured of that malady.

Take care,


oroblanco wrote:
"Do you hold that a GEOLOGIST could not tell those two specimens you posted apart, IF they came from two different mines? I did not say that I personally am going to be the judge, I am not a geologist. Besides we have only your word that they came from two different mines, they could have been from the same mine OR even the same vein but cropped out at a different place."

roy..if you are going to call me a liar we are done.....dont bother me just tears you out of the frame that someone would question your knowledge.....i dont much care if you or anyone else believes me or not...i put the facts out there and they can take it or leave it....makes no difference to me...impose your theories on someone else...i have my own theories..and they are based on years of boots on the ground research...not books

I did NOT call you a liar. I said that all we have is YOUR WORD. You don't want to take my word on anything, you don't like it if books or geologists are brought in so I want to see more than just your say-so. Actually your two specimens of ore, may really be proving the ore comparison true, if they came from only 7 miles apart (Silver King and another site) there is a good chance they ARE from the same vein, and this shows how the ore from each vein is unique. I do not force my theories on anyone - this is a public forum, we all are free to post our views and theories. Sorry you don't like mine - and I don't like yours. Apparently you don't want me posting any of this information for our readers if it doesn't agree with your own.

Cactusjumper wrote

Please do not put words in my mouth. I did not say nor infer that "the entire thing is false." If you look in all ten volumes of Terry's work, there is tons of good information. Actually, almost everything that he writes about Waltz is, as I stated, from rumors that surfaced after Waltz's death, and is historically false.

If you want to believe otherwise, that's ok by me. There is a very long list of people who don't agree with Joe Ribaudo. In that regard, you are in good company.
Join the crowd.

Are you getting that white stuff? (Snow) Living in Lake Havasu I have been cured of that malady.

Take care,

Our snow is all gone, except for a spot at a neighbors where the sun rarely shines. Husky dogs would strongly disagree that it is a malady in any way.

You have also again lumped nearly EVERY thing that Terry wrote on Waltz as "false". Some of it doubtless is. Your sentence:
Actually, almost everything that he writes about Waltz is, as I stated, from rumors that surfaced after Waltz's death, and is historically false.

How fair is that assessment?
604a The Lost Dutchman mine is undoubtedly the most publicized lost mine story of all time...
True or false?

<ibid> ..and has gained a reputation far out of context in the history of lost mines.
True or false?

<ibid> The facts are so clouded by the many writers who have printed their own opinions that the true story is hard to find.
True or not?

<ibid> In 1891 Waltz died in the home of his landlady and there has also been much controversy as to whether he revealed the mine's location to her.
True or not? <The room belonged to Julia, so in a sense could be his "landlady", especially as Waltz was no longer living at his own home>

<ibid> Since then literally thousands of expeditions have proven futile and in many instances resulted in the death of the searcher.
True or false?

So yes Terry was including every tale and newspaper account he found, but is it fair to describe it as "almost everything is historically false"?

You seem to have MIS-read what I had posted earlier too, for when I said that Terry had "few sentences" it was few sentences about the shipping receipts. There are a grand total of TWO sentences about this point, and that is what I said. I would also say that one page of his ten books, even if entirely on the LDM legend, is a far cry from the hundreds of full length books and multi page articles that have been published on the topic by comparison.

I get the impression it is not OK to write things in support of a real Lost Dutchman mine that remains lost. I used too many words too. So here is a real short version.

Waltz had real gold, his friends searched for it, no one has found a mine that matches that gold. No book(s) cited, just fact.

I did NOT call you a liar. I said that all we have is YOUR WORD. You don't want to take my word on anything, you don't like it if books or geologists are brought in so I want to see more than just your say-so. Actually your two specimens of ore, may really be proving the ore comparison true, if they came from only 7 miles apart (Silver King and another site) there is a good chance they ARE from the same vein, and this shows how the ore from each vein is unique. I do not force my theories on anyone - this is a public forum, we all are free to post our views and theories. Sorry you don't like mine - and I don't like yours. Apparently you don't want me posting any of this information for our readers if it doesn't agree with your own.

Cactusjumper wrote

Our snow is all gone, except for a spot at a neighbors where the sun rarely shines. Husky dogs would strongly disagree that it is a malady in any way.

You have also again lumped nearly EVERY thing that Terry wrote on Waltz as "false". Some of it doubtless is. Your sentence:

How fair is that assessment?
604a The Lost Dutchman mine is undoubtedly the most publicized lost mine story of all time...
True or false?

<ibid> ..and has gained a reputation far out of context in the history of lost mines.
True or false?

<ibid> The facts are so clouded by the many writers who have printed their own opinions that the true story is hard to find.
True or not?

<ibid> In 1891 Waltz died in the home of his landlady and there has also been much controversy as to whether he revealed the mine's location to her.
True or not? <The room belonged to Julia, so in a sense could be his "landlady", especially as Waltz was no longer living at his own home>

<ibid> Since then literally thousands of expeditions have proven futile and in many instances resulted in the death of the searcher.
True or false?

So yes Terry was including every tale and newspaper account he found, but is it fair to describe it as "almost everything is historically false"?

You seem to have MIS-read what I had posted earlier too, for when I said that Terry had "few sentences" it was few sentences about the shipping receipts. There are a grand total of TWO sentences about this point, and that is what I said. I would also say that one page of his ten books, even if entirely on the LDM legend, is a far cry from the hundreds of full length books and multi page articles that have been published on the topic by comparison.

I get the impression it is not OK to write things in support of a real Lost Dutchman mine that remains lost. I used too many words too. So here is a real short version.

Waltz had real gold, his friends searched for it, no one has found a mine that matches that gold. No book(s) cited, just fact.
you did call me a liar as far as i'm concerned...and i dont care what you you is a public forum...the problem i have with you bookworms is that all you do is get on here and quote books..copy and paste from the net..the same old junk that has been on these forums for 15 years and as soon as someone comes on here with some fresh info or something actually useful all you bookworms gang up on him like a pack of howling injuns out for hair and beat his brains out...after that he quits posting and any info he had is not going on the forum...i've been on these forums for 15 years and i've seen you run all the knowledgeable people off...even if they did post anything ...after a few rounds with you guys he gets upset and deletes everything he no roy...i dont really listen to what you write......i read all those b.s. books when i was 17 and i dont really care to have them rehashed time and time again...matter of fact if anyone wants to know what you know all they have to do is get a few books from the local authors such as kollenborn...carlson...corbin..feldman...ely and barry bark notes and holmes manuscript...sort through all the forums on the dutchman and they will know what you know..should take them a couple months and they can be experts too

Azdave, end the attacks. He did not call you a liar nor imply you are a liar....If you feel someone is attacked report it.

Do not attack Oroblanco or any members here, if you don't want to read what members post don't read it......

Azdave, end the attacks. He did not call you a liar nor imply you are a liar....If you feel someone is attacked report it.

Do not attack Oroblanco or any members here, if you don't want to read what members post don't read it......


Dave is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. On top of that he, along with Roy is someone who knows mining and knows rocks. They are both good men and will work this out.

Joe Ribaudo

Hmm you seem to have a habit of ALWAYS taking what a book says, verbatim, and if the facts do not match what the book says precisely, then in your eyes the entire thing is false. Didn't we run into this with Atlantis too? Yep Terry has it all wrong, there never was a US Mint at Sacramento. Does that mean that Waltz could not have shipped out gold, but NOT to the US Mint? Even to a smelter or assayer in Sacramento? Haven't we gone over it, that treasure LEGENDS often get things botched up in the re-telling, and Terry was a compiler, not a lawyer. He has included a number of items that are directly contradictory! His Treasure Atlas series is really a collection of treasure LEADS not an encyclopedia. Besides, Terry is not the only source concerning the shipping receipts - we have Higham's private letter which was NEVER intended for publication. "It is hard to deny facts when they are staring you in the face" <Higham>

You may certainly stick with what Dr Chandler told you, even though we have shown (repeatedly) that he is absolutely wrong about the Wells Fargo Express not operating in Arizona in the time period in question, even shipping out ORES as was so proudly listed in the newspapers of the day, and he seems to have taken the fact that they have NO records today, as proof that there never were any.

Perhaps if you sent your friend Dr. Chandler some of the news clippings that not only advertise for accepting shipments via Wells Fargo in Arizona but also the proud statistics listing the many tons shipped, he might change his view?

AZDave35 wrote

Do you hold that a GEOLOGIST could not tell those two specimens you posted apart, IF they came from two different mines? I did not say that I personally am going to be the judge, I am not a geologist. Besides we have only your word that they came from two different mines, they could have been from the same mine OR even the same vein but cropped out at a different place.

AZDave35 also wrote

The ONLY reason I mentioned the court cases was that ore comparisons have been done to help determine the case where a blind lead is adjacent to another mine. You think that the ore comparison in a court case to settle whether two veins are from the same source, is "twisted" to suit a lawyer?

AZDave35 also wrote

You find fault that I have cited books - yet if I say something myself, well then you don't accept that for what do I know. That is the reason I bothered to even mention the books at all - because people like you don't take my word on anything. I can say the fricking sky is blue, and you will find fault with that. Where exactly did I say that I am the expert? Please direct me to that exact post.

You think that it is smarter to be mining illegally, and then not reporting your income. And then talk about it online? It can be done legally, although you have to pay taxes on the income. You can "school" me all you want on that idea, and you are sure welcome to go mine illegally all you like. Not interested. As to that "keeping your mouth shut" well your acquaintance sure blabbed about it to YOU, and you blabbed it to ME on the internet where anyone (including the IRS can read) the guys who worked in the Pit mine sure blabbed to their friends, and even have hinted at it on live TV. Not exactly keeping their mouths shut are they?

So convince me that the Lost Dutchman's gold mine WAS found and all mined out as you claimed earlier. Proceed. I want some kind of proof, not just the word of someone on the internet.

I guess we are NOT going to move on to other aspects. Some members here don't want anyone out looking for the Lost Dutchman's gold mine. Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


OK, you win! Waltz did ship $250,000 in gold to the U.S. Mint in Sacramento California. He shipped it on Wells Fargo coaches from 1881-1889 from Arizona. I was wrong.:BangHead:

Take care,



Dave is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. On top of that he, along with Roy is someone who knows mining and knows rocks. They are both good men and will work this out.

Joe Ribaudo
Then it can be worked out behind the scene via pm or phone, when it is posted on the forums it is subject to TN rules.


OK, you win! Waltz did ship $250,000 in gold to the U.S. Mint in Sacramento California. He shipped it on Wells Fargo coaches from 1881-1889 from Arizona. I was wrong.:BangHead:

Take care,


Is that what I said? Or was it just that the stories of Waltz having shipped ore (valuable, with that $250,000 figure bandied about) was POSSIBLE?

You on the other hand have repeatedly insisted that it "debunked" and could never have happened, because Dr Chandler said they had no records, and Terry's facts are not 100% accurate. Something convinced the Petrasches to keep hunting for the mine.

TH I have no ill will toward AZDave35, just some differences of opinions. He is welcome to his. He thinks that all I know came from books but does not know a thing about me.

To all:
I am not going to post a personal bio every time I want to post something just to satisfy someone that lives in Apache Jct. I DO post things from books because some people will not listen to anything from someone just on their word. I have made a living at prospecting and at mining, and have been in a lot of mines over the years in a lot of places not just Arizona. Books can be wrong too but many people put a lot of faith in something from a book, while not willing to grant any credence to someone saying the very same things. You can not make a living prospecting or mining in books.

To TRY to get back on topic, so far we have this much in favor of Waltz having a real gold mine:

He was an experienced prospector, had found or helped discover at least three good gold mines in the Bradshaws. Here is a photo of the Big Rebel mine which he filed claim to in the Walnut Grove mining district of Arizona on Jan 8, 1865.
So Waltz was certainly CAPABLE of finding a rich gold mine. IMHO this is important, although others have found rich mines with no prospecting experience whatsoever, the Superstition mountains area is a most unpromising LOOKING area.

Next - Waltz had a respectable amount of rich gold ore which he used to help Julia Thomas. Something around $1500, and also had some left over which was kept in a candle box under his bed. This gold ore came from a mine, not a bunch of gold coins or bars, and not placer gold. Several witnesses saw Waltz sell two burro loads of ore in Tucson for $500, which may not seem like a fortune but in todays money that would be more like $30,000. Many prospectors would be happy to sell two burro loads of rocks for that much. We don't know about the Wells Fargo shipments, but it is POSSIBLE. Not proven OR disproven. Here is another ad for accepting Wells Fargo Express shipments, run in the Tucson Arizona Citizen paper
This dates from 1877 - and note that they ship from Florence, three times per week. Florence is a key point, more below.

Next - All three of the people linked to Waltz in his last days, went looking for that mine and a remaining cache of ore he said was stored near it. Certainly all of them believed he had a mine or they would not have done this.

Next - several people attempted to trail Waltz to his mine, Holmes by the route north of the Salt to the flank of Four peaks and then across the river and up Tortilla creek before getting caught, and Poston and others up Queen creek losing Waltz near the old Whitlow ranch.

Next - Waltz was fairly well known in Florence as a successful prospector, and his having a rich mine was at that time not a big secret in that place.

And - we have the story from Tom Weedin, which he stated was from Dr John Walker, of a parallel story with a prospector named Weisner (or Wiser, Wisner, Weiser etc) that certainly appears to be the very same mine. It is a point of interest that Weiser's story had his partner go to Adams Mill (near Florence) for supplies to replace what the errant mule destroyed, and Waltz's story also had him going to the very same place for the very same reason. Both Weiser and Waltz assumed the other partner were killed by the Indians.

We have the facts of geology, that right across the Apache Trail highway from the Superstitions, are several good gold mines that produced millions in gold, and one of them even has a vein of gold that runs under the highway and into the boundaries of the Lost Dutchman state park - proving that gold does exist even in the most unpromising part of the Superstition mountains, the western end. There are several other gold mines like the Palmer or the Blue Bird which are not across the highway, and the over 30 silver mines in the Randolph/Rogers district, not to mention the silver mines around Silver King to the east. In Pinto Creek you can pan gold, as you can in Fish creek, Tortilla creek and several other places in the Superstitions including right inside the Wilderness Area. Even the USGS mineral studies got a positive result in one test (the mercury vapor test) which points to a large gold deposit in the Superstitions, though it may be deeply buried. All this is good evidence that one or more gold mines may be in the Superstition mountains because there are mines almost in a ring around them, and you can find gold in some of the canyons and creeks.

Jacob Waltz was a real person, an immigrant from Germany. Julia Thomas, Reinhardt Petrasch, Dick Holmes were all real people too. This is not a tale made up from whole cloth.

We also have a regular mountain of stories, clues and maps (and hundreds of books and articles) that have been published since. I contend that a great deal of mixing of other lost mine stories has been going on. It is not impossible to sort this out.

For many this is not enough, they want hard records and other absolute proof. It is a lost mine legend, these kinds of evidence are not going to turn up. I contend that in many other lost mine legends, we have far less evidence than we have in the LDM. The lost Breyfogle (mentioned several times already and I am sure some people are sick of hearing it) we don't even have a piece of the ore or a PHOTO of the ore to do any comparison, but thankfully one was able to be compared to the Amargosa mine ore and settles the question that it is a real mine and we do not have to spend any time hunting for it. Breyfogle was not even an experienced prospector, and had no previous record of having discovered gold mines or mines of any kind previous to his stumbling onto his now famous gold.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. Apologies for the distraction earlier.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Here is a piece announcing that another express company had better expand operations into Arizona, because Wells Fargo is already planning to:
from the Weekly Arizona Miner, 7-3-1869

I contend that Wells Fargo was indeed handling express shipments out of Arizona territory, during the time period when Jacob Waltz was supposed to have discovered his famous mine. I don't know how much proof is required to establish this.


Going to put in my 2 cents ----

A: From My mine you can see the mlitary road / but you cannot see my mine from the military road

This suggests that it is in a hidden small valley high up on the western side. according to other data.

B: t is a small working , so the ore would be constant, Oro is correct.

My 3 1/3 , thought,:laughing7: why not every one have a double shot and some iced :coffee2:and chill out, np:cat:

Going to put in my 2 cents ----

A: From My mine you can see the mlitary road / but you cannot see my mine from the military road

This suggests that it is in a hidden small valley high up on the western side. according to other data.

Well this is from the clues, and one that is particularly hard to pin down exactly where it originates. But if the mine is on the western side, then another clue which states the setting sun shines in the entrance of the mine, would not fit very well would it? There is also the clue about a 'north trending' canyon, which is also hard to pinpoint exactly where this originates. I don't know how much reliance we should put on the clues when some of them probably apply to other mines. :dontknow:

Not Peralta I second the motion, more coffee:

:coffee2: :coffee2:

He was an experienced prospector, had found or helped discover at least three good gold mines in the Bradshaws.
Which is exactly why I don't believe he ever had a "mine" in the Supers. One of the first things you did back in the day upon discovery of a rich ore body is to post a notice of location and plant your boundary markers. You then high tailed it to town to register your claim. That was SOP back in the day. If you've done your research, you'd discover that many "claims" wether lode or placer were usually high graded and then immediately put up for sale to hopefully somebody (usually Easterners) with deep pockets. I'm totally amazed at how many of the mines and rich placers back in the day changed hands. Some several times just within a years time. In fact, a lot of mines were shut down just because of all the legal BS of previous owners suing the new owners for non payment, or partners suing partners, or investors suing the principals, etc. etc.

My opinion... given he was a prospector/miner and was getting up in age, if he'd have found something worth mining in the Supers, he'd have filed a claim, high graded it, and then probably would have tried to sell the property just like many of the other miners in the area did back in the day.

Well this is from the clues, and one that is particularly hard to pin down exactly where it originates. But if the mine is on the western side, then another clue which states the setting sun shines in the entrance of the mine, would not fit very well would it? There is also the clue about a 'north trending' canyon, which is also hard to pinpoint exactly where this originates. I don't know how much reliance we should put on the clues when some of them probably apply to other mines. :dontknow:

Not Peralta I second the motion, more coffee:

:coffee2: :coffee2:


The clue says : " The setting sun shines through a break in the mountain and glitters upon the ore and shaft "
This is a very important clue because the break in the mountain shows the mine region . So , this small valley up , should has a peak/cliff to the west .

Just my 1/4 $ .

:BangHead:The bottom line is, theres just no solid factual evidence.:dontknow: NP:cat:

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