PotBelly Jim
Hero Member
Howdy Jim,
The problem with the view of Weaver's Needle from the Pit Mine, is that on Waltz's drawing, the high side of Weaver's Needle is on the left while looking at it from the Pit Mine, the high side is on the right. The other problem is the it is not a Dutchman clue, David Leach made that clue up. It was David who assumed Waltz drawing was what could be seen from his mine. It was he who started to call it the gunsight clue. Waltz never said that, but still it does not fit, it is miles away on the opposite side.
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Hey Homar, I have no idea which way Waltz supposedly drew the map...I've seen it both ways...In the end I don't think it matters anyway...if I had to draw the Needle from memory, I doubt I could get it right...