Is the Pit Mine really the Lost Dutchman mine?

"Anyone who hears the story of how he (Dave) found the mine and explored it, should also have confidence in his conclusions."

May have been mentioned before, but what is the title of the book which tells Dave's Pit Mine story?


Not all of my repeated stories come out of books. As far as I know, there is no such book. Dave told me the story face to face at his home in Peralta NM. Although I have mentioned parts of that story from time to time, it's not mine to tell. Over the years I have become too comfortable with the story and, no doubt, have overstepped the line in repeating it. Bad habit of mine.

I try hard not to offend my friends, but not everything that comes to mind these days should be put down in print. I believe most of my friends understand my challenges in that respect.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Earnie, there are several versions of "the story". At least, the front end story. Some portions of the front end story have been woven into fictional works where its hard to discern where the actual facts stop and the fiction picks up. Since the purported reopening of this site numerous ore specimens have been displayed in various mediums, including national TV shows, as either coming from this site or "the" LDM, take your pick.

Pit mine gold.webpLots of visible gold in quartz in a sample Ron Feldman says came from the Lost Dutchman Mine_.webp

What Joe (Cactus) is telling you is the "back story". The back story has not changed. It has been consistent in every detail regardless of first hand teller or down line teller. It puts the who, what, where and when in perspective. I've been fortunate enough to have also heard that story. Probably not in the detail that Joe has heard. To my knowledge there isn't a book..........probably never will be.

There is a video "out there" that has a good many photos with detail shots of the site, the trash debris, and labeled photos of the surrounding "clues". You can find it if you look hard enough. I can't post it here......and no......we don't need to get into that!

I did considerable research into a related site which was the subject of what I believe is the only Federally issued Treasure Trove Permit in the area. My research dove tailed into this story and includes information secured by means of a FOIA request. This isn't conjecture, this is fact. Fact is stranger than fiction.

Real, you might find those photo clues interesting to say the least. That video was still public, last time I checked.


Not all of my repeated stories come out of books. As far as I know, there is no such book. Dave told me the story face to face at his home in Peralta NM. Although I have mentioned parts of that story from time to time, it's not mine to tell. Over the years I have become too comfortable with the story and, no doubt, have overstepped the line in repeating it. Bad habit of mine.

I try hard not to offend my friends, but not everything that comes to mind these days should be put down in print. I believe most of my friends understand my challenges in that respect.

Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo

No problem Joe, I just thought a book with the Pit mine story had been mentioned before.

Hope all is well with your recovery.
Take care.

Thanks Old,

I believe I did search (quickly) for that video before but with no luck. Interesting, no doubt.
Often times my words do not well represent my thoughts, I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes concerning any Pit mine stories, front, back or otherwise.

Thanks for the info,

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No problem Joe, I just thought a book with the Pit mine story had been mentioned before.

Hope all is well with your recovery.
Take care.


Actually, there is a book that leads directly to the Pit Mine. I would suggest you read a fictional novel by Ron Feldman. That book is "Crooked Mountain: The Legend Continues......". It can be found at the Museum, I believe, or here: Crooked Mountain by Feldman, Ron: Ron Feldman 9781930685086 - Book Deals

Take care,


Bill, she's of the age where she should be taught to never point a firearm at anything she doesn't intend to shoot. as for the other, well some things happen, you were lucky. Eyes are NOT expendable, nor are grand daughters.

From your descripton, you will have trouble with that eye later, take care of it promptly..

Thanks Tramp. I read that somewhere. About five days later it can bleed again and could go into "8 Ball Eye". When I was younger Pool was my thing. I used to compete in tournaments. If I get up there and get into trouble I could be behind that 8 ball. Pain is something I can take, hell, I've been married for 38 years you want to talk about pain! I just got results of my neck xray and everything's normal. My brain MRI showed nothing in there. My wife agreed with that diagnostic!

There is a old house foundation near the Pitt mine. If there is a Waltz cache I suspect it would be near that area. There is a photo of it in Jacks new book, Lost El Dorado of Jacob Waltz. If your going to hit that area I would get a copy of the book first. There are photos and tags of all the Pitt mine locations.

"There is an ancient proverb that says a man can never forgive you for a wrong he has done you." From a wise friend.

That wise friend is Roy Decker, who seldom posts here these days. Roy is recovering from a medical misfortune, and I really miss our exchanges. I hope our friend is doing better and learning all he can about The Battle of the Little Big Horn. I learn something new every day, and stand ready to pass along what I can, even though I doubt I know much that he hasn't seen.

Best to all,

Joe Ribaudo

joe...what happened to roy?...i hope he is getting better..i miss butting heads with him

I believe I found the video you were referring to.
Dah! It's one I had seen previously and then totally forgotten about!
The one done by "He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named".
Is that the right one? Where he talks about the 1998 date on the soda bottle?

Guess there's not a big chance in me finding any legendary gold mine when I have that much trouble finding a video that I've already seen. :BangHead:

Don't go back there if there is a threat of rain. Don't drive off the mountain after dark unless you have good roof top lights. Oh off road tires with at least 2 spares!

Thank you Sarge, I have real thick mud terrain oversized tires and I've been in some bad places before! I have two spares and will take your expert advice you know the place better than I.

How come if the tunnel in the bottom of the pit was already 90 foot back no one noticed the vein inside it was running thick with gold? I'm sure other miners had been in there and seem the vein so why did David Leach all of a sudden find it was full of gold? The pit was well known as being there before he said he worked it.

I hate four wheeling in the dark but you're wrong about the light bar. The lights need to be under the front and rear of the truck so you can see what you're running over or getting into at ground level. Otherwise you'll take a dive off the road or get into a serious rut.

If he found it and it was covered that would explain it but I read somewhere about the pit tunnel already being there long before it was said to be found as new. So which is it? I guess unless we uncover the pit again we'll never know. I believe the same people that worked it covered it as they know it has more gold to offer for later when mineral exploration opens up again.

In the trash left behind at the Pit mine site was camouflage netting.
Now why in the world would anyone need something like that? Hmmmm.
Other trash left behind were hand tools, ladders, piping.
It was like someone got what they came after and vamonosed!

On the other hand there is the story that someone was hired to install piping from an underground water source within the mine to supply water for stock on the surface? Still, why the camouflage?

There is a old house foundation near the Pitt mine. If there is a Waltz cache I suspect it would be near that area. There is a photo of it in Jacks new book, Lost El Dorado of Jacob Waltz. If your going to hit that area I would get a copy of the book first. There are photos and tags of all the Pitt mine locations.

All the Pit Mine Locations?

I haven't got no time for more than one!

I would sure like to do a VLF up there. I believe it's legal no ground disturbance at all.

Even a Beep Matt would be useful for finding the pinched out vein.

Thanks for the advice. Should I take a weapon? It seems to be a touchy subject.


On the other hand there is the story that someone was hired to install piping from an underground water source within the mine to supply water for stock on the surface? Still, why the camouflage?

Two different sites, one legal the other .............

"There is an ancient proverb that says a man can never forgive you for a wrong he has done you." From a wise friend.

That wise friend is Roy Decker, who seldom posts here these days. Roy is recovering from a medical misfortune, and I really miss our exchanges. I hope our friend is doing better and learning all he can about The Battle of the Little Big Horn. I learn something new every day, and stand ready to pass along what I can, even though I doubt I know much that he hasn't seen.

Best to all,

Joe Ribaudo

Very sorry to read about Roy. I enjoy his long-winded posts. Really hope he gets better and gets back with us.

In the trash left behind at the Pit mine site was camouflage netting.
Now why in the world would anyone need something like that? Hmmmm.
Other trash left behind were hand tools, ladders, piping.
It was like someone got what they came after and vamonosed!

On the other hand there is the story that someone was hired to install piping from an underground water source within the mine to supply water for stock on the surface? Still, why the camouflage?

That's where they filmed Deep Shaft the X rated mine movie.

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There is a old house foundation near the Pitt mine. If there is a Waltz cache I suspect it would be near that area. There is a photo of it in Jacks new book, Lost El Dorado of Jacob Waltz. If your going to hit that area I would get a copy of the book first. There are photos and tags of all the Pitt mine locations.


Before that mine was reopened, three men rode up there for a tour. On the way, they were shown the location of two caches that were empty. Two of them were not involved in the work that would be done. I personally got that story from two of the riders, face to face. I was told the third man on that ride, was dying to open the Pit Mine. All of what I have just written is.....just a story. Some will find it interesting, I'm sure.

I have serious doubts there are any more caches there, but you can never be sure. The tunnel below the pit, seems like a good clue to the truthfulness of the Waltz story.

My personal belief is that the worked out silver mine was a storehouse for gold that was mined in the area. That could have been Waltz's "mine".

Take care,


Bill, I do not practice what I preach, as so many do.:laughing7:

About a year ago I woke up with nothing but red vision in my left eye , yes, a macular hemmorage'.

The va had all kinds of treatnment for it, basically Laser, but after reviewing them and the wait for the appointent I decided to let my self and nature take care off it a calculated risk.

It peid off, now approxx a year later the red vision is completely gone and my left eye is amost perfect again, just a slight downward drooping of the central area of vision,, in other words when I look at a chart in the middle the letters tend to droop about 1/2 the size of the letters, but perfectly clear. That is two or three letters on the same line do., the others are fine. COMES FROM Trying to look through the scar tissue,

I was lucky, the same for the terminl neck cancer and the other two. elsewhere I opted for the system of mental control because of my past experiments.I found that mental healing, combined with Yoga techniques,worked. It Paid off except fo the nerk surgery, I have had no treatmens from the VA, i figured that their are others that need the appointments far worse than I.

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Thank you all for the kind words and thoughts, I am doing well and trying to catch up on all the interesting discussions that I have missed.

To try to tie this back in to the topic, we might look at Joe's point about the silver mine being a store house or cache for the gold of Jacob Waltz. If this were true, then would it not still mean that the gold ore came from a mine, even if not that particular mine? It would be an ingenious place to hide a cache of gold ore, for who would look for gold in a silver mine?

Please do continue, thanks again and Joe we have much more to debate! <eg the original route of the first Americans, Atlantis, the LBH etc>


:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

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