Springfield said:
mrs.oroblanco said:
...... We have been losing our rights, one right after the other - and we do nothing - in fact, we help - because everyone has something they don't think is right - so, its ok to make a law on that - trouble is, with all the millions of folks thinking one thing is ok, we end up with 20 million laws that restrict everything we do - from whether or not you can pat your kid on the butt, to what you can use your own home for, to what color you can paint it - to what time you have to turn your music off - to the government - federal, state and local, controlling every single little thing you do. .....
Right you are, Beth. Ever hear about the happy frog in the stewpot? Start with tepid water and heat it up, increasing the temperature ever so slowly. Eventually, before he knows it, the frog is cooked.
The rights and freedoms we Americans esteem were granted to our forebears because those in charge at the time knew it was the most expedient way to claim, conquer and develop the 'empty' continent. 'Go west, young man'. No restrictions, few laws, free land. Go get it - discover the minerals, construct the railroads, harvest the timber, build the cities. The feeding frenzy essentially ended in 1913 when all lands were controlled, the resources were seized, the natives had been removed and the Credit and Interest money machine was cranked up to bleed the descendents of those worker bees who did all the heavy lifting (us). The fire was lit under the stewpot. Now, 100 years later, guess what? Those rights and freedoms have slowly been eroded, the powers that be have tightened their leashes here (for some good reasons), the worker bees are hopelessly in debt with little recourse and the focus has relocated to the Far East where there is a new continent to develop. Laws and regulations? The Man has been pi$$ing on your leg so long, you think it's just raining.
I have known a few con-artists, of various types, over the years. The one thing they all have in common is their motto: "If anyone is stupid enough to believe me, then they deserve to lose their money."
Their second one is: "People get ripped off only because of their own greed."
While true, these sayings are merely self-excuses for a person to harm others.
It takes two to make a crime, a perpetrator and a victim. When each try to put the total blame on the other, it just continues the whole thing. When people begin to take full responsibility, this stuff begins to disappear.
But everyone has been taught, for such a long time, that it's all the criminals' fault, that it gets to the point that the concept of responsibility has pretty much been stomped out. Our society has come to the point of considering, essentially, that "God created government to control us all because we cannot control ourselves." But that just makes it worse. And results in all the ridiculous laws we now have, and the necessity of having to pay specialists just to know and interpret all of those laws, because there are so many that it's impossible for any average person even have the time to become familiar with all of them.
But I think that people in general are starting to wake up these days. It's to the point that governments have to invent problems, to try and make people believe that they are absolutely necessary. So much so that it is becoming obvious.
Meanwhile, if the LDM did exist, I think it's possible to locate it, if the chaff can be separated. My opinion is that if it can be established where Waltz entered the Supers, and how long he was in there to pick up some ore, and where he exited, that these are probably among the best clues. Even though he may have had a few different entrances and exits, for use at various times and for various reasons, the best clues are probably there.
The Apache Junction Public Library maps might provide some general clues to the area, but if they show the LDM, it would mean that several different people, at different times, would have had to know where it was, which presents a problem in itself. But since several of them seem to agree on whatever it is that they show, it tends to corroborate that
something of interest was in that area. Whether one of these "somethings" was the LDM, is anybody's guess, but there is
some probability of it being among these sites.
Unless it has already been found elsewhere.