Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!


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Any Ideas ??ImageUploadedByTapatalk1378141081.124595.webpImageUploadedByTapatalk1378141081.124595.webpImageUploadedByTapatalk1378141176.238426.webpImageUploadedByTapatalk1378141213.227924.webpImageUploadedByTapatalk1378141257.590327.webpImageUploadedByTapatalk1378141277.063316.webp

Thank You in Advance !!

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OK, I'm new to this and my wife got a rock saw and tumbler so I am trying to look for rocks for her also. See if my guess are even close.
1st pic, my guess is limestone, but has a crystalline structure so might be a kind of quartz. Dont think this will polish.
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2nd pic my guess is quartz from a vien, is this what I look for to find gold? Should polish nicely
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3rd pic Not sure if it is quartz or limestone, but has iron pyrite, and could it be a little gold?
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4th pic I think this is classic hematite, should polish up nicely.
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5th pic I think this may be a kind of hematite, but it has a definite grain structure (see the top). Also looks like some pyrite.
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6th pic Definitely shiny and crumbly in layers.. I think this is all iron pyrite, but has no gold coloring.
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pict :
#1 Granite Quartz aka Granophyre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
#2 Red and smoky Quartz (will tumble very nicely!)
#3 again a GranoPhyre with good mineralization.
#4 hematite (might have pyrite gold also conglomerates with it)
#5 compressed Shale with heavy mineralization, and yes ive seen this with a ton of pyrite in it.
#6 the odd ball its a type of schist with a sulfide (pyrite is one of them) but read up on your sulfides Sulfide minerals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia as this also can have wealth in it. (this rock will never tumble it will
Nice finds!

Hi Dustedyou - please can you identify this for me?

I found it near a stream where the is a lot of quartz. It is heavier than a normal rock of its size and scratches red. I have put a magnet from a stereo to it and it doesnt stick to it, if anything there is a very very faint repellent.

Any ideas?
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its Iron ore, but what the romans called "Ballista" kicked up from a volcano cooling as it fell, itll have enough Iron in it to make a detector go off, but not enough to be a real find.. sorry but pretty, I'd Polish it up let that ruby red shine out thru the quartz in it!

First time hardrock newbie here. I was out looking at a new area and collected some sample rocks to take home, crush and hopefully find some gold (or silver although I'm not quite sure how to get the silver out). Although there are multiples of each kind laying about, I figured I would mix it up with different looking rocks since it was my first time in this spot, and if I find gold in one, that will give me a better idea what type of rocks to look for. Here are some pics. A few of the pics are of the same rocks at different angles. The rock I am most curious about is the first one that is bluish with quarts veins circling it. I put my boot there so you could see the size. The rest of the rocks are a little bigger than a clenched fist except for the last pic of multiple rocks, those are a bit smaller. All of the shots of rocks on the paper plate were taken using flash.

Pictures #3, 4, and 5 are the same rock at different angles
Pictures #6, 7, and 8 are the same rock at different angles
Pictures #11 and 12 are the same rock at different angles

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WOW ok so I've seen the rock in the first several picts.. its a quartz that melded with a copperitic schist Heavy mineralization alot of sulfides Sulfide minerals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia these will yield a little gold (as many sulfides will) but will be alot of (I have scorned many a ton of this rock) you want to find "Peacocking" in this alot of Pyrite is a good place to start, then look for other mineralizations like crysacolla, or turquoise..etc etc.. there will be a line of gold in this but you have to find the origination.

ok that being said #10 is sweet its Quartz with a heavy iron mineralization, I would probably just clean this one up. #11 12,13 I would crush to paste and pan out, the red Quartz in #14 is pretty and probably not going to yield any gold but cleaned it might make a very nice piece on a coffee table. and the last one has good mineralization Grind it to paste and pan this bunch up! ... Shoot me a Picture of the area your in (wide view) and Ill point you in the right direction! GL and may you be blessed with GOLD!

Sorry hit the wrong button. Here is what I found.

OK so hard to tell on this one It has the appearance of glass...but IT also looks like Jadeite Jadeite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the more i look at it it looks like a type of jade.. This is just my guess but jade really isnt that rare so your rock might not be glass.might be yummy! either way nice find! Check out Found glass on a beach in google.

OK so hard to tell on this one It has the appearance of glass...but IT also looks like Jadeite Jadeite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the more i look at it it looks like a type of jade.. This is just my guess but jade really isnt that rare so your rock might not be glass.might be yummy! either way nice find! Check out Found glass on a beach in google.

Thank you. I did find another piece the next day.

hi there dusted

you forgot to reply on my post at the beginning of this page

hope you find time to do so...

thank you....

Hi all!
I still have some trouble identifying this rock.
All the pics are from the same piece of rock.
THANK ALL !IMAG0123 (17).webpIMAG0126 (25).webpIMAG0127 (15).webpphoto (84).webpphoto (85).webpphoto (86).webp

Hey Dusted I read you sayin with pics you could point in the direction of were the gold might be? Im in Southern California heres some quartz vains I found. But I havent found the mineralized quartz part with the gold yet there is a lot of pyrite in some of that white and rose stuff though can you give me an idea of were and maybe how deep? Maybe ill get lucky and nobody else has found it before me. lol. TP8190316.webpP8190321.webpP8190323.webpweres gold.webphank you.

What's this?



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I thought, "look at all that cheddar"

Hey Dustedyou, I drove by this a couple of times. The otherday I stoped and Wow (it looked like cheddar) a lot better than I thought It is mostly Quartz from what Im seeing I grabbed some for A sample but of course I didnt find any gold grrr.. I dont know if the pics are good enough but could you tell me what these rocks areunbelievable.webp and maybe why im not finding any gold Im a noob so my panning skills arent all that great any info would do wonders. Thank You.


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Give me a call. I messaged you my number. I'm willing to help you out.

Cracking rocks on the hillside and these are a few. Some of them [mainly the ones with black] smell of sulfur when broken. The first pic was found on a pegmatite mine dump. Thanks in advance Dusted


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