Found this at Bantam Lake , In Bantam C.T, What is it?

Is this a piece of junk metal or is it possible it something other then just junk

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Time for this rubbish to be removed...waist of good T.Net space.


if it is such rubbish and a waist of time why are you waisting your time posting on it ?!!!! just wondering

lol lol lol lol:dontknow:

so in other words you silver searcher are saying every tn member that posted on this thread is waisting their time, and that they need to move on ok and i thought i was crazy!!!!!!!!lol

if it is such rubbish and a waist of time why are you waisting your time posting on it ?!!!! just wondering
Why did you repost it, under a different name.

like i said lost username password e.c.t never memorized it and laptop had crashed so i got new laptop and couldnt remember the information i used so i just did it again but through my wifes email instead but i am the same person

I also believe its a blacksmith's drift. The wedge like item is hammered in to open the eye of a pickaxe when the metal is forged. There are different shapes. Value in good condition would be $2- $20. SODABOTTLEBOB worked hard to find an exact match and posted a great video on its use but DIAZ deleted it. Its certainly too thick to be a dagger or knife, Viking or otherwise.

drift blacksmith.webp

As far as I remember you (DIAZ) broke off the tip with pliers to have it tested so it wont hurt any possible value by taking Pats advice and break another piece off the tip, if needed, and have it tested again. Talk of a Roman/Viking/Middle Ages find in Connecticut is pure imagination gone wild and if you now want to insist its from another world, you need to post some test results. Maybe the UFO forum will not need such proof. If you really believe its from another world then take it to a news station or the newspaper. We have a member that did just that to seek publicity. A Tampa area newspaper wrote an article on him and he never even found anything lol.

but if tn members think this is b.s then remove the thread as i recall i got treated like i was crazy last time and everyone seemed against my thread then also, whatever get ove it if you do not like this thread my deepest apologies to al tn members i have apparantly offended by posting this in the what is it forum my bad......

like i said lost username password e.c.t never memorized it and laptop had crashed so i got new laptop and couldnt remember the information i used so i just did it again but through my wifes email instead but i am the same person
I doubt you could not remember your email address, which is all you would need, the Mods would have supplied the forgotten password, I think you used your wifes email address because you thought it would be a different IP address and would'nt be reconized. And Like Creskol said why are there are so many inconsistencies between your posts. All this is is a lump of Pig Iron with casting flaws, fashioned proberbly with a angle grinder...and proberbly in your back yard.


if it is such rubbish and a waist of time why are you waisting your time posting on it ?!!!! just wondering
Because these types of crazy threads attract attention. Its like stopping for a trainwreck. You could probably drag this thread on for years. Piggy did it with his worthless Gonji stones. Lottarocks was great.. several others come to mind. Someone else found an item that could see into the future. It attracted a lot of attention.

I believe you are looking for publicity so you can sell your item and its possible you will get it.

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and no i did not break the whole tip off there was a very tiny piece at end that was fractured not the whole tip ,that was already gone when found just a little piece the size of a pea and i did not remove soda bottle bobs video.......but thanks for your input!!!!!:BangHead:

ok this item in question could you really try to hide it im sure their are not too many like it i posted the same pic with the same pillow there is no hiding that but i see where your coming really was just loss of information on my part my computer crasshed and all that info was stored on it.................

i understand where you are coming from but that is not my intention

yes they do have boats that people bring to the lake just loike any other lake!!! but the item contains no zink thats the problem!!!
How do you know?

and no i did not break the whole tip off there was a very tiny piece at end that was fractured not the whole tip ,that was already gone when found just a little piece the size of a pea and i did not remove soda bottle bobs video.......but thanks for your input!!!!!:BangHead:
I was under the impression that it was deleted. Can you find the video and post the link so we can all see it?

No thats the 2nd or 3rd thread. I cannot find the original with SBBs video. In the original thread he claims its a Viking artifact, hence the Viking jokes. Thanks for helping SS.

I bumped up your post in the meteorite section to get more comments to try and help you DIAz. Thats about all I have time for.

It's the anti magnetic needle the vikings used for navigation. They were intending to rape and pillage in Ireland or Scotland, but the needle screwed up and they rowed against the prevailing wind all the way to BatMan lake, and of course once they got out of the ocean it wore the bottom out of their boat, which made them mad and they threw the anti magnetic needle away, and they stayed in CT for years and years, teaching the natives to never trust anti magnetic needles, to use only stone for tools, becoming very wealthy in the process, so they moved to Florida and retired. When they ran out of money they tried to be pirates, but the bottom of their boat never did get properly repaired and a gator ate their clock. Bummer, I'm getting mixed up between stories of vikings and space junk. Have any sputniks fell out of orbit and landed in BatMan lake. Turn it over to NASA, they will really be tickled to get it and when they get the funds they can study what the Russians are using in orbit. Earth signing off.

thanks for the help and once again apologize if i am driving everone nuts about it.......

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