Found this at Bantam Lake , In Bantam C.T, What is it?

Is this a piece of junk metal or is it possible it something other then just junk

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why would i get a form from the goverment for that?

why would i get a form from the goverment for that?

... because what the Lord giveth , the Gubberment taketh away. .. it's the new law of the land.

well i found it i dont know what it is ,and i have it in a secret place not in my home where no will find it so im covered on that!!!

to me it is a piece of metel unless proven otherwise but i admit it is a strange piece of metal but who knows .....

well i dont think the lord giveth to me and i dont think it will be taken away what do you think it is a ufo? im sure if i had one they would deffinitly come and take that, but not the item in this thread kinda crazy!!!

Why did I click on this post? Oh, it's because I heard the theme song from . . . . rod serling twilight-zone.webp

:tongue3: Breezie

On a more serious note, I'm thinking someone tried to make a rasp file.

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I dont remember any mention of a lake the first time around.

weighs 1.5 pounds, really heavy, 7 1/2 inchs long.. dont know much about it , have any clues???????????

i still think it was a metal shop piece,remade/retooled for some other purpose,so i dont think
it can ever be figed out what it was,to begin with and what it was used for after the retooling
i think most thought it was early 20th century
good luck maybe you will find your answer someday

yes it was here B4,you did this once as username jeff
when he was jeff,jeffs posts

the above img that diaz posted is next to this one at link

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i still think it was a metal shop piece,remade/retooled for some other purpose,so i dont think
it can ever be figed out what it was,to begin with and what it was used for after the retooling
i think most thought it was early 20th century
good luck maybe you will find your answer someday

yes it was here B4,you did this once as username jeff
when he was jeff,jeffs posts

the above img that diaz posted is next to this one at link

Good sleuthing cw0909 .. Here is his original just for fun!


  • Screen shot 2013-01-27 at 3.30.53 PM.webp
    Screen shot 2013-01-27 at 3.30.53 PM.webp
    117.8 KB · Views: 256
yes i at first didnt want to tell where i exactly found it .... due to i wanted to do more searching myself so i said found in torrington....when in fact i actually found it at bantam lake in bantam ct...... as for my other account lost user name password ect so started new one oviously it is a one of a kind item im sure a bunch of them wont be found so of course some of you recognized it, put it back up to see if newer members may have any thoughts on it thats all. so if you have allready seen it and have put your input thankyou and let newer people comment maybe theres somebody out there on treasure net that might shed some light on this mystery?who knows

and also i never got to take it anywhere,because really where could you take it? i dont have hundreds of dollars to have it anylized e.c.t..... but if anyone can shed some light on it you are more then welcome!!!

I still think it's a 'mammy made' version of a rasp file. Also, STEAM PUNK comes to mind. Good luck in your endeavors to find out what it is. :) Breezie

ok thanks for your input i will keep that in mind!!

This is another case of a poster trying to get TN to say its a valuable find. The poster admitted to being broker than broke. Members spent a lot of time trying to help but to no avail. I believe the best ID came from SODABOTTLEBOB. The shape closely matches a blacksmith drift. Bob posted a great video on its use but I believe the poster deleted it.

The poster would prefer it to be something more dramatic and thus more valuable than a drift.... not necessarily in any order but the poster would prefer it to be:

1- a meteorite
2- a Viking dagger
3- a Roman artifact
4- a Middle Ages artifact
5- shot from a cannon during the Civil War
6- a knife made from a meteorite

On a hunch I did a quick search on Bantam Lake and guess what I found? Paranormal Searchers: The Mystery of the Bantam Lake UFO May Never Be Solved: No Official Investigation

who knows the one thing i do know is no one can tell me exactly what it is and it looks like a piece of space metal or in other words metal not of this earth,​

I remember we had to twist his arm to get him to go back and do more searching. We have a meteorite section and my suggestion was to post it there (maybe they can help because we did all we could here on the WII Forum.) Any new ideas are of course welcome.​

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Seriously take this too a metallurgist or a geologists and have it come from them that this is not from the twi-light zone, it seems to me you have gotten too attached to this object and now you are thinking it is from another world. and let me tell you my Dear Friend if somehow i am wrong and you got a piece from another place far far far away then you will be in the front page of New York Times or have three men in black suits and sunglasses standing outside your door! but judging from the "you haven't been visited by Area 51 since these postings" i am sure everything will be okay. Take it to a metallurgist and have them explain to you what this is then you can sleep at night... :occasion14:

I believe it was his first find. That may be one of the reasons he is so attached to it.

Boy howdy! I think I would be searching for the Paranormal Chicken that laid that egg!

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