Found this at Bantam Lake , In Bantam C.T, What is it?

Is this a piece of junk metal or is it possible it something other then just junk

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and also i never got to take it anywhere,because really where could you take it? i dont have hundreds of dollars to have it anylized e.c.t..... but if anyone can shed some light on it you are more then welcome!!!
Thought I suggested this in your last post but maybe not, Take it to one of the bigger scrap yards they have handheld xrf analyzers tell them you have a ton or so of it and want to know what its worth. They will show a readout of the exact alloy its made of and will Cost you nothing. Takes less than a minute. Just make sure to tell them you want it analyzed to show the alloy, not a spark test were some worker hits it with a grinder.
Most likely Its only value is for scrap anyways.

If the lake is deep I say it's trolling sinker.

Could it be a piece of trim or a part of an old wooden ski boat ?

This is another case of a poster trying to get TN to say its a valuable find. The poster admitted to being broker than broke. Members spent a lot of time trying to help but to no avail. I believe the best ID came from SODABOTTLEBOB. The shape closely matches a blacksmith drift. Bob posted a great video on its use but I believe the poster deleted it.

The poster would prefer it to be something more dramatic and thus more valuable than a drift.... not necessarily in any order but the poster would prefer it to be:

1- a meteorite
2- a Viking dagger
3- a Roman artifact
4- a Middle Ages artifact
5- shot from a cannon during the Civil War
6- a knife made from a meteorite

On a hunch I did a quick search on Bantam Lake and guess what I found? Paranormal Searchers: The Mystery of the Bantam Lake UFO May Never Be Solved: No Official Investigation

BCH, After going to the above website and seeing all the UFO junk, I agree with you 100%. Originally I said this looked like a homemade rasp file, and was thinking someone legitimately tried to make a file. BUT after reading your post and seeing the UFO website, it looks like someone took a strip of metal, perhaps steel and put it under a drill press to make it look 'funky,' like a UFO piece of metal. Breezie

yes i at first didnt want to tell where i exactly found it .... due to i wanted to do more searching myself so i said found in torrington....when in fact i actually found it at bantam lake in bantam ct......
You should have told the truth from the beginning. How do we know you are not still lying now?

I seem to remember having to twist your arm to get you to go back and search for other items to help identify the site because this was the only item you found. You reluctantly went back to the site and you found some rusted clumps of iron in "animal shapes"..

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i did not make the item look like it does .....the item was that way when i found it.....and the ufo junk i never went on and on about a ufo, so thaks for your input!!!!!

exactly i found rusted clumps of metal in animal shapes.....did they look anything like the item in question, no so you cant say they are from the same thing. or that they have anything to do with the item i found and i never never never went on about how i found a piece of ufo

and im not lying i found the item in bantam , not torrington... did not want to blow the spot up. wanted to search to see if i could find anything else.....

and nothing else turned up just that and the just that is very interesting...item was as is when i found it...very strange looking and like nothing i have seen before

This item is obviously a scrap of metal that was used as a "drill-stop" in a drill press. You have to put something under the piece you are drilling to prevent the bit from damaging the press-bed. I have many similar looking pieces in my shop. After there are no more blank places left, you toss it in the scrap bin. Maybe that one was recycled again as a sinker or buoy anchor. :icon_scratch:

....i never never never went on about how i found a piece of ufo

you did say its
"....not like metal from this earth"
"I think this metal is not from this world beacause it does look extraterestrial in nature thats my opinion..."

But hey lets not talk UFOs

updated list of possibilities:

1- a meteorite
2- a Viking dagger
3- a Roman artifact
4- a Middle Ages artifact
5- shot from a cannon during the Civil War
6- a knife made from a meteorite
7- extraterestrial

Its more likely a:

1- blacksmith driift
2- fishing weight
3- scrap of metal.

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if i were too choose from your list id say blacksmith drift, or id say extraterestrial metal, space metal.......but who knows its whatever you want it to be!!!!!

yea its a scrap of metal shaped like a dagger or whatever you said sure your right thanks for the input lol!!!!!!

Diaz..... metallurgist metallurgist metallurgist metallurgist metallurgist metallurgist!!!!!!!!

i know, that is the only way to positivly id what kind of metal it is,ive done that it is nickel, iron ,thats what i was told...

Now if that was light weight and felt like you were picking up a tin foil can then you may have reason too get excited. I had a friend of mine come back from a relic hunting trip out west and dug something like what you did, however the metal looked to be really heavy but when you picked it up it was as light as a feather, never seen anything like it. Never knew what came outta it since I lost contact with him years ago, of course i do not think it was from another world just some sort of experimental metal the air force may been using.. Good luck.

Oh I also know of a story of a guy who found a piece of metal i guess like this and when he touched the metal it would turn into somewhat like rainbow colors.. So there are some odd things being found on this planet indeed! :occasion14:

it weighs 1.5 pounds, it is actually the opposite it seems heavier then 1.5 pounds thats the weird part it only weighs 1.5 pounds but feels like it weighs more than that when holding it...sounds like your freind found a weird piece of metal too!!

i agree i wonder if they ever figured out why the metal did that? weird , but cool, thanks for the input very much appreciated!!

no idea this was back in the late 80s in a treasure hunting newsletter, if i recall it was said it had something to do with radioactive stuff since he dug it out in Nevada near those secret military bases, guess it would kinda make sense since they use to do a-lot of nuclear testing type stuff out there. I don't think you could pay me enough money to dig out near those sites but apparently there are still some spots that aren't off limits where they use to do who knows what back in the 50s thru the 70s.

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