?? The LDM Ravine ??
It’s been an interesting year and half since joining TNet and starting this thread ..... a year since I last posted on it.
I want to share something about the LDM clues, which ones I used and why.
Not saying others aren’t good ones, but these are the ones I went with with ...
I started off learning the clues associated with Bicknells article, as a youth in the early 1970’s.
I am not sure of exactly where we got the clue about the Red Hills, but learned it as important.
This is primarily all I had until going to the Phoenix library, around 1977/78, where came across stories . . lots of stories and of clues supposedly associated with LDM.
I held onto Bicknells stuff, and red hills .... and plotted out on a topo, until had things narrowed down to only a few possibles (from topo perspective). Almost all other clues and stories I was reading, did not have enough information to plot out onto a map, .... were more like a bunch of blips of info, vague.
Got down to the last of the possible locations I wanted to check, but life got busy .... it would be over 25 years before I would make it to check out the last spot. In mean time had moved out of AZ, and was living in Oregon.
By then, had heard enough about things from the Holmes Manuscript, and applied it to the last location .... it actually fit for getting to the same spot. I got excited and planned a trip.
The Holmes Manuscript, besides giving directions to the ravine site, also has a clue to verify if the Ravine is correct ravine ...
That clue is the one about the view of Four Peaks, as one peak, from the low ridge above the ravine. Very specific approach matched but had to go boots on the ground to actually see the view.
This was a very doable verification for me, and a chance to take by two younger boys, who were teenagers at the time, on a trip into the Superstitions. We went in over spring break.
They helped be collect samples from up and down needle canyon (to test presence of gold) ... collected quite a few. The other objective was to go up through the saddle, onto the high point of the low ridge above the ravine, and look to the North, and see what can be seen.
I got lucky guys, this is the correct spot according to the clues.
The clues from Bicknells, and from Holmes, ..... were both good enough to locate this ravine. And it has the Four Peaks viewable as 1 peak, just like it says.
There are other mines out there, and I have no doubt that there are clues that have been mixed in.
However, I think the clues from these two sources were for the LDM. BTW Red Hills clue does not do much unless taken in along with everything else. Still like the clue though...kind of lets you know you are closer than you were before seeing them
There is something I want to ask about, something that I noticed about a week ago, in that ravine ... but I need to spend just a little more time with it first. It is a good question, and I think you guys will enjoy it. I 'll work on it tomorrow and see if can get it together.
In the mean time,
Something to look at ... looking south . . . .
saddle is on the left and ties in with the low ridge.