Up on that saddle, just west a little from the dip in the crest of the saddle, is, or was a dozen years ago, a monument, that I thought was probably a claim marker, but only saw one. Was Harnish eventually forced to give up his claims?
Both that ravine, straight above that red circle, that veers slightly right,
and the steep draw, at the west base of the large outcropping, Separating the two areas ....
Those two areas have been of interest, .... places I wanted to crawl around in.
Always thought a cache, on the saddle side, but just down a little, was a handy location, for some somewhat concealed retrieval.
Up all the way in that draw on the right, to where the face of the low ridge starts, is also an area I would want to check out.
As a side note:
Those peculiar looking large rocks, on the right side of the draw, almost at top of draw, ...... can’t tell if their shapes, are natural or not. Are they GE illusion, or was the one, a statue of some sort, other rock looks like big shield.
Probably just some big rocks, but is peculiar to me.
Too bad we don’t know what the stuff looked like that those two gathered up from there.