Logic breaks down with a lot of this stuff, lol. Hell, some of these treasure legends are complete BS, from the git go. The exalted by many KvM himself flatly stated that the LDM is complete fiction. But, go back to your post with the picture where you mentioned the Masonic links. People will argue whether it means anything or not, but what is undeniable about it is that the very real potential for behind the scenes schemes and plans exists - one would think some in-depth looking and discussion should occur about these ties, but getting a conversation like that going can be like pulling teeth.
People are trying to figure this out based solely upon Doc and Willie, their actions and supposed intent. Those two are NOT the whole story with Vicky and the Caballos. Not even close. A lot of people's focus is simply following their footsteps, instead of looking behind the scenes to see if they were being told where to walk ...
With Doc, he either stumbles upon Vicky (the BS deer hunting story), ends up with a map to Vicky (purportedly from a stint in jail and an Apache in jail hooked him up with it), or some type of Willie/Caballo connection with, the gold originating in the Caballos and Doc relocating some to Vicky to claim he found it there, or Doc abandoning Vicky to go work a separate Caballo cache, or Doc maybe finding a map to the Caballos in Vicky.
And whatever other theories I am missing. And for whatever other theories I am missing, there is something missing from all of these theories. A common thing they are missing. They won't delve into the associations of these two, like you are questioning, or the associations of anyone, like the talked about Reynolds kid. Or too far into what other players may have been associated with these caches in the past.
Two examples being the Masonic link (I'm not indicting Freemasonry - many Masons belong to other Secret Societies though, with Freemasonry being kind of an entrance point to invitations to other Societies, with their Masonic link being the first clue) you are pointing out and Señor Gringo's Tayopa ties that he makes a legitimate case for. If people want to figure this stuff out, this needs as much, or more, discussion than what house Willie lived in in SoCal decades later. Not to disregard that type of research, for it is important and can lead to other ties and better things, but it is only the entrance point. People don't ask about the 'kidnappers', either, namely looking for their identities and ties.
Who put the cache there to begin with? The hard to pinpoint Padre La Rue, also mentioned as Le Ruz from Rome associated with the 7 Cities letter? Maximillion? KGC? Señor's Jesuits? Aztec? Spanish? Templar? Phonecian? Some combination of those parties? Other?
Want to, as an outsider, have any chance of figuring it out? Gotta ask those questions, and a lot more, for without inside, privileged information on most of these stories, good luck getting anywhere meaningful ...
There's a lot of asking about how Willie found the map, but how in the hell could he or Doc actually decipher and read such maps? What information and research materials were available in that part of New Mexico in the 30's? Just a couple average Joes circa the Depression who, one way or another, come across maps and manage to decipher them? Maps that if you see what Señor Gringo and I see in reference to a crosier, were very potentially authored by Jesuits - some of the most intelligent and well educated men in the world. Both at Tayopa time and today.
And 'ol Doc the chiropodist and his pal Willie crack their code in no time flat.
L ... O ... L
Finding a map and then knowing what to do with it are entirely different things. They had more than a map. They had inside information, NOT just a map and a sextant. Whether stolen, inherited, or bequeathed information, they had it. Let's not forget that Doc got whacked, too. I think it more likely that Doc was headed back to his truck to get the hell outta there, as he figured out he was in trouble, not to get the gun.