DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Put yourself in the mindset of the era. Remember, there were no dams. The Colorado River was WILD.
Think of the challenge of getting any kind of watercraft farther north than El Dorado canyon.
Think of the logistics involved in moving such a treasure.
Remember, this whole area was part of their homeland.
I have considered the terrain, the river and the entrance to the canyon. And yes, I too, have been through out the canyon.
The Aztecs would have cached their treasures somewhere difficult to retrieve but not impossible to access.

Since we have come this far in our discussion and have reached the Colorado River, let me share some excerpts from some correspondence that I received in 2013.
They are from a friend who is a retired geologist.
For obvious reasons, the names and places are omitted.

"I was hiking close to _______, in a place that was, geologically speaking, interesting. It was a hot day and I decided to take a break and rest for a moment. When I noticed a boulder up against a hill that looked odd and when I walked over to examine it, I found a cross above it. Not a normal cross but one with two cross bars. I was able to move it with only a small amount of pressure. The boulder had been positioned such that pivot points were established to respond to a moderate amount of pressure. I was able to move the boulder and behind it was a tunnel that lead upward, where I could not see. I was stupid, took my flashlight and camera and entered the tunnel. I walked for about 15 minutes and found myself in a chamber that was massive. The sunlight came in from several portals in the mountain above the roof. In the middle was a temple and several structures that had __________, Latin and a language that I did not recognize. I took about 80 pictures and then turned to make my way out." "Really, I do not have a clue what to do."

"Thanks for the suggestions. I have a friend with the __________ in Washington, D.C., who know that I am a serious person. I spoke with him today and faxed him a number of pictures. He just called me and they are flying out two folks who I will meet with on Sunday and take them to the site. I was really surprised how they urgently wanted to get control of the site. I will keep you in the loop and thanks for all the help.

"My friend from Washington called last night, he said they are bringing a small military contingent with them to guard the site. He said my pictures have caused quite a stir. I hope I did the right thing. This is all getting a bit strange."

"This is getting stranger and stranger. I just got a call at home from a _______ agent. I was asked to stop using my computer until they take control of the site. How did they know? I agreed. I will let you know how all this goes."

"What an incredible weekend. We got to the site early Sunday morning before dawn. The helicopter ride was mind blowing. There were about 20 _____ people including a number that were armed. Once we entered the site, they set up monitoring stations in several places outside and had 2 men monitor the area from the main cavern. I underwent a lot of questioning about the people I met and my knowledge of the site. I am not sure they believed me. For now only their folks will be allowed in there and the site is under 24 hour guard. There are several agents parked across the street from my residence and I have been told not to communicate with anyone for now. I will get back to you when I can."

"Apparently, the public is becoming aware of what is going on up there. I told those jokers that they could not do too much in the open. Helicopters all over the place. What did they expect. Just the other night, they woke me up, flew me up there and wanted to know if the stuff they had was most of what was in there. Told them I did not know. Hell they blew a damn hole in the ceiling, dropped cables down and flew stuff out during the night in the biggest helicopter I had ever seen. I am afraid this place will never see the light of day at least not in our lifetimes. One guy told me they were flying it into the Nevada desert at a certain location."

"I am OK but this is getting on my nerves. I have answered their questions on several occasions. But they still keep on me. I am beginning to feel like a damn criminal. Whatever they have found has really shook them up. And no one will talk to me. A few days ago, a couple of hikers were near the site. I was in there answering what I could. The hikers got too close and they were taken somewhere for questioning. These guys are hiding in the rocks like Apaches. I am afraid these people just make people disappear if needed. Hopefully, in a few days this crap with my house will end."

"Why these folks are still parked outside my house is getting on my nerves. Do they expect me to run? What in the world did they find in there that has them so scared?"

So, do you think if something was found any one would ever know? np:cat:

hi np , no i have not been ignoring you ,i got banned from the treasure net , first time in 15 years , oh well . tell your friend i feel his pain .
seems that's the way it goes , but it still does not settle well with me ,
what are they so afraid. of the truth ?

the truth will set you free ....

hi np , no i have not been ignoring you ,i got banned from the treasure net , first time in 15 years , oh well . tell your friend i feel his pain .
seems that's the way it goes , but it still does not settle well with me ,
what are they so afraid. of the truth ?

the truth will set you free ....
You earned timeout for insult and language directed at another member and acknowledge you would be banned when you posted it...

GE doesn't quite do it justice, now does it?

I am curious, has anyone heard of a mission located on the ridge east of Dark Canyon?

What no one deems to understand is that the bars - of gold - weighed approx 50 # each. Carrying then up a cliff such as that would require superman. Not practical.

When one of the other deposits is found, it will probably be in a more humane location.

Incidentally for those that doubt the former ability of the Tayopa complex to supply the metal, The Tayopa main vein Was stopped out in a two tiered block approx. 200' ft long x 300 '# high. They were working in almost pure silver. Can you imagine how any bars that could and did produce?? The other mines of Tayopa were the Gold producers, They are in the same complex as Tayopa. ( 17 besides Tayopa )

Now you see why that lil map of NP's was soo important to me. it confirmed the shipments to Matamoros for trans shipment to Rome. El senor "No-body-also confirmed that the map was prob Jesuit also.. My eternal thanks to both.

Is anyone posting here associated with tesorodealma group?

Is anyone posting here associated with tesorodealma group?

From what I have understood , Casca is a friend with the guy who have claimed the Tesoro del Alma .

I was referring to the company who filed mining claims in the Caballos, and has a bunch of videos posted on youtube. Is that who you are referring to?

I was referring to the company who filed mining claims in the Caballos, and has a bunch of videos posted on youtube. Is that who you are referring to?

No is not , but now you have been more explicit .

Same guy. He used to post here, but got called out a lot, so he quit.


I'm still curious about reports of a mission existing at some point on the ridge east of Dark Canyon. Anyone know any details on that?

You earned timeout for insult and language directed at another member and acknowledge you would be banned when you posted it...

my apologies for the post last night , after reading it today , i can see how it looks like i was whining about the ban ,
no i don't care about the ban , i earned it .

i do however feel bad for np's friend who tried to do he right thing , as the story goes , only to get his eyes opened to what it is really like when you graduate from treasure hunter to treasure finder .

that is the part that does not settle well , sorry about the confusion .

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hi real try this , its even got a lesson for students of such things lol
always learning in this hobby we are , from the cradle to the grave ...
at least the name of it is here at this link .Arts Curriculum
probably nothing too earth shattering , but the Spanish sure wanted to know how to read the" native "stuff .
maybe it comes in handy

Au contraire, Uncle Matt. The visits by several "gods" were fully described by the Aztecs and Cholulans. In fact, Quetzacoatl left on a raft of serpants. So my question now is, did the timelines of the last KT's overlap with those of the Vikings, and could they have paid the Vikings to assist in moving their trove of artifacts. If they were looking for a depository, they would not have stayed in populated Mexico very long. So they went north to the Rio Grande, and with the Vikings, integrated themselves into a tribe in the American SW. With the absence of iron in Mexico, they would not have been able to pass on much knowledge of tool and weapon making, but they did pass on their artistic knowledge to the Cholulans, who actually accepted Quetzacoatl as their god, not the Aztecs.

Another there any resemblance between the design of the Vikings serpents head and those adorning the buildings of the ancient Mexica's. How old are those structures, anyway. Do they date back to the first alien visits, who also had much to do with the development of the west coast of S. America.

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Au contraire? Exactly what post of mine are you responding to? I scrolled back through my recent posts here, and couldn't find anything that fit your post.

Ah, I think you were responding to my post about metallurgy a couple of pages ago. But I didn't mention "gods", Knights Templar, Vikings, etc. Where did all that come from? And my point still remains: if cultures with advanced metallurgy skills had passed those skills onto the Indians in the SW, we would see accounts from the Spanish about them having metal tools or weapons. I am not aware of a single report saying that, but please feel free to post if you have something. In fact, the Spanish made a lot of money trading such metal goods to the Indians, because they had none...

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