Silver Member
are you seeing map images, or just a pdf attachment? Or none of the above?
Nothing. But you can click in the blank space and download the pdf. Thanks.
are you seeing map images, or just a pdf attachment? Or none of the above?
Check your emailMy PDF is blank...yours?
p.s. broken promises are never forgotten.The one main problem that I see you all have, is you say the noss family, like they are so close to keep secrets from the world. there never has been what you would consider a family , these people really
didn't like each other, they all had there own sense of greed, they really shared nothing,not even doc's blood. doc only had one blood line, and it was never shared with anyone in this so called family except for lethra , who kept it a secret for a long time.time. np
Because the experts still to be silent , I will tell you some details of this map :
- This map has four (4) different maps attached on it .
- The rising sun is always the half sun .
- The setting sun has the Egyptian cross infront , which mean how is a east to west view .
- The symbols which were added with the other known in the treasure maps , are described at the left up corner .
These are some of the details on this map . This map and the green maps , describe the same region . The key to find this region is the lil map .
I hope these details wiil help a bit .
Nah, that stuff is nasty, but thanks for your concern! I don't recall mentioning what I believed, only what I read. That Decoder Ring enable you to read minds too?
-For you to know this map has four maps in it is AMAZING! Why aren't you there digging it all up?
-The rising sun is NOT always the half sun. A half sun with RAYS EMANATING is a SUNRISE (or EAST). A half sun with NO RAYS EMANATING is a SUNSET (or WEST). So, what this half sun is telling us is (there are EIGHT rays on it, one is not very evident though) something is eight days travel East.
-In Colonial Spanish times, it was common practice to orient maps so that East was at the top of the map (this is also denoted in the orientation of the rising sun bottom center)
-If you are so certain of your hypothesis, please explain each? To me, that's a jump.
Just to tell you, I have a lot of experience with Colonial Spanish Era maps and documents. I also know what a lot of the different coding means.
Mike, I welcome your input on any specific elements of the map you have an understanding of. I appreciate you verifying the top of the map is east as well. Still pondering the ankh, as well as the hashtag, capped hashtag, half circle with arrow, arrows, and roman numerals.
Wow ! My apologies for my effrontery to try to describe a map which is easy for the experts ( who never found the treasure ) to decrypt it .
Hmm - what leads you to think that this treasure was not found and removed? Thank you in advance;
PS Gollum has some excellent info on his site, I highly recommend it:
Victorio Peak Treasure
There is good reason to believe the treasure is not only found but was removed decades ago.
I never said that I knew all the meanings of every symbol. Your words seem to indicate that you do.
Based on the rising sun symbol, this is the correct map orientation: ---
Actually, I was looking at current GE maps when I saw a couple of islands. I need to do as you suggest and look at older, pre reservoir maps as well.
Doc supposedly got a map from an old Indian in lieu of payment he was treating as a podiatrist. No idea if that was this map or not.
Actually, I was looking at current GE maps when I saw a couple of islands. I need to do as you suggest and look at older, pre reservoir maps as well.
Doc supposedly got a map from an old Indian in lieu of payment he was treating as a podiatrist. No idea if that was this map or not.