DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Otherwise, we would never hear the story.

In the black book, Jesse James III explains that the "stories" "the treasure legends" (the lies) were put out there to purposefully "mark" that area in history for future KGC seekers. These KGC insiders would know what to do with the clues left in plain site in the newspapers and treasure legends.

So, did willie find gold bars at Granite Peak?? Did Doc and Tony find a cave full in cable canyon? Did Jack Renolds die in Dark Canyon? Did Drolte get 27 bars at the drolte hole? Did Buster ward rent 10 trucks and drive to just past the smoke hole?
Does not matter, the "markers" are there.
And were those above named persons just "grunts" for the organization in charge of smelting coins down into bullion for the higher ups to stash and then the grunts got paid a few bars for their silence?
If the black book is reality, these legends fit the mo of the organization to a tee.

The markers seem to have worked, we all found them, discuss them publicly, further marking it, and so those who know what to do with it will have no problem getting in the general vicinity to find the final clues to the real location.

Ah yes, the rabbit hole is sucking me in.

Rumor has it some are getting close.. One of them died earlier this year .. his partner is still after it and from what I can tell is convinced they will have some treasure soon. Myself I'm a sceptic but sure wouldn't mind them finding it .. he wants to buy some land from me lol

Rumor has it some are getting close.. One of them died earlier this year .. his partner is still after it and from what I can tell is convinced they will have some treasure soon. Myself I'm a sceptic but sure wouldn't mind them finding it .. he wants to buy some land from me lol

Welcome to treasurenet, CBV. Do you have any stories about the Caballo Mountains or Victorio Peak?

From 1964 to 1996 (?) I used to fish CARPballo with my family a lot. I could see those many cables stretching across various locations in the mountains, but I wasn't allowed to go exploring in that direction as a kid, my father didn't want us kids going to far away from the camp. Never in my wildest dreams did I know what mysteries were really up there in those mountains. I also remember when exploring near by I'd run into a dirt road with "No Trespassing" signs ,plus a gate. If those cables are now gone I'd be very surprised. Why take that effort to remove them? From fishing angles I could only see the western face of the Caballos anyhow, from the lake.
Whiskey Rat, in one of your latest post you mentioned an old generator. At the UPTON turn off north I-25 just beyond the Border Patrol Check point if you have noticed there are some "minor mountains " that line the river to the west of that Border Patrol point, I have found many abandoned generators in those crevices/cave/mines that dot that area, and lots of Indian Petrologyphs. There was a lot of mining in that location.

Last I heard Gollum was writing a book that was not related to treasure hunting.

Welcome to treasurenet, CBV. Do you have any stories about the Caballo Mountains or Victorio Peak?

None really that haven't already been talked about in this thread.. I probably shouldn't repeat what these guys told me on a public forum but like most they are convinced. I have spent some time in the Caballos and what we call the little Caballos all the way to Red House, Point of Rocks,Upham and all the way over to White Sands. I hunt Mountain Lions and get to see places most don't ever get too. When I was younger I got the treasure bug like these guys .. read all the stuff out there.. And when I came across a treasure book about the Lost Dutchman Mine "The Sterling Legend" by Estee Conatser that had some drawing of some tablets they found that looked like they pertained to this part of the country I kinda got the bug again. Anyway I try to keep up on all the stories so when I'm out and about that if I see something that I might recognize I can investigate.. lol hard to get it out of your system once its there.

And I have to say a guy can sure run into some strange people out there.. I have ran into them ..even way out in the flats.. Talking about alien underground bases and such.. and not just your everyday run of the mill crazy .. guys with money lol

oasis is where the restaurant is that NP says has a telescope and keeps a constant eye on the Caballos.

But they can only see the west side, the depositories are on the East side ??? Yes, you are correct.

oasis is where the restaurant is that NP says has a telescope and keeps a constant eye on the Caballos.

I don't think that restaurant is there any longer, I covered that ground earlier in the thread.

Not to derail the thread. The Air Force has several underground facilities in the continental US. Built originally to survive a nuclear attack. I have been in the most famous one, NORAD. There is more there than you can imagine. An underground city inside of a mountain in Colorado. Would not be surprised with all the military ops in New Mexico if there Are abandoned and even current underground govt operations ongoing in the state.

I agree with you Dirt. But they nerd fairly olid mteriel to build in,

I agree with you Dirt. But they nerd fairly olid mteriel to build in,

Not necessarily. These tunnel boring machines can eat through anything from sand to the hardest rock. The subsurface steel/concrete structures (some quite deep) are built and stabilized around the machine as they proceed. All they need is a secure surface facility to supply materials and remove the muck from, and it's a secure operation - say, from off-limits government land. Whistleblowers have claimed that there's a whole city under Denver International Airport. I don't know if that's true, but it's possible.


Those stories about the Denver airport were debunked long ago

Of course they were debunked. Cheyenne Mountain was debunked too, decades previously, until it's existence was finally admitted to be true. Those things are peanuts compared to the strongly denied allegations of the Orwellian society that we now know we live in. I could probably give you a laundry list of slam-dunk failed denials, but what's the point? Beginning before you were born, I learned a valuable lesson in critical thinking: don't accept anything the government states as fact. Your results may vary.


Not to get off the subject, but why is their a Navy base in the Nevada desert ?

For more mysterys check out Secrets of the Mojave.

Following the Old Rio-Grande, may yeild old Spanish campsites.

Not to get off the subject, but why is their a Navy base in the Nevada desert ?

For more mysterys check out Secrets of the Mojave.

Following the Old Rio-Grande, may yeild old Spanish campsites.

Short answer to why navy is in Nevada? Navy fighter pilot training. Open free unlimited air space. Google Fallon naval air station for history.

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