DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

scdfia, i saw and sat next to it and took photos of the block in 1973 when four of us from pa went a snoopin around fer three months. it was real then but i cannot vouch for what happened to it now. would not doubt someone blew it up for fun. lotta odd people around there back then. yeah, different times and i miss them. kevin-- autofull

can you tell if it was above this "lunch tree" or below? This tree is very obvious right in the middle of cable canyon.
How about where the cable goes up the vertical cliff? Did you have to go around the cliff (to the right is the only choice, south) or was it before the cliff?

Ah, therein lies the rub. How to decide which rabbit?

well, so, almost finished with "the black book" (the first time, will definitely read it many times).
At this point, my mind is going toward the KGC rabbit.
Seems the treasure stories about the Caballos fit the KGC model to a tee. Put treasure stories out there to mark a certain area for the future.
At this time thinking, willie, noss, buster, maybe even reynolds were grunts processing the gold being smelted?????
Really fits the theme and the time 1930 to 1940.
Even Drolte fits in the modus opporandi.

Also, other locals I have met are strangely acting like KGC sentinels. Including the black (actually very dark green) helicopters that followed me down from my main target area.
Hard to believe they could still be active, but one of these caracters I have been spending time with is right out of the book.
My mind is still open and learning, but tonight I think we are chasing a KGC rabbit down multiple holes.
And that is good news. Just gotta crack the code.
Oh wait, gotta find the code chissled into rocks and trees first. Then we can crack it.

well, so, almost finished with "the black book" (the first time, will definitely read it many times).
At this point, my mind is going toward the KGC rabbit.
Seems the treasure stories about the Caballos fit the KGC model to a tee. Put treasure stories out there to mark a certain area for the future.
At this time thinking, willie, noss, buster, maybe even reynolds were grunts processing the gold being smelted?????
Really fits the theme and the time 1930 to 1940.
Even Drolte fits in the modus opporandi.

Also, other locals I have met are strangely acting like KGC sentinels. Including the black (actually very dark green) helicopters that followed me down from my main target area.
Hard to believe they could still be active, but one of these caracters I have been spending time with is right out of the book.
My mind is still open and learning, but tonight I think we are chasing a KGC rabbit down multiple holes.
And that is good news. Just gotta crack the code.
Oh wait, gotta find the code chissled into rocks and trees first. Then we can crack it.

This link might explain the green helicopters. Those pesky billionaires.

Having now finished the black book for the first time all I can say is "wow, did not see that coming".
difficult to even get my mind around it.
pretty much a complete rewrite of history of the old west and the civil war.
If everything in this book is true, old jesse james led the most amazing life ever lived.
the good news is that new mexico seems to be the 5th largest total deposit state with $630,000,000 in gold and silver buried at $15 per ounce.
at an average of $5M per cache, there could be about 126 KGC deposits thruout new mexico.

According to that article, spaceport america can barely keep the lights on.
I dont think they have the funds to follow me around.
sounds like the tax payers in new mexico got screwed on spaceport america.

The gross receipts tax (sales tax) was raised in Sierra and Dona Ana counties to help fund this fiasco. Their citizens' promised big payday is still on the back burner. I doubt the helicopters are coming from Spaceport America. Could be training flights from one of the military bases in Las Cruces, El Paso or Alamagordo, following you around for s&g.

well, so, almost finished with "the black book" (the first time, will definitely read it many times).
At this point, my mind is going toward the KGC rabbit.
Seems the treasure stories about the Caballos fit the KGC model to a tee. Put treasure stories out there to mark a certain area for the future.
At this time thinking, willie, noss, buster, maybe even reynolds were grunts processing the gold being smelted?????
Really fits the theme and the time 1930 to 1940.
Even Drolte fits in the modus opporandi.

Yeah, there's all those guys in the mix. If you want to add more to the mind blender, throw in the rumors that include Pancho Villa and Emil Holmdahl too. Who's to say who their pals were?

whiskeyrat, i must dig into my pics to answer your question. we were 18 at the time and spent alot of time looking at the ground. somehow i remember the bat cave being there and a big boy generator.. all my pics are in front of me and im a diggin. boy they were small little pics back then. kodak with a flashcube. i know it was up high and there was alot of old equipment around the area. i wish we would have had the info available now back then. we may have had a clue. my buddy from pa worked for an hvac company near socorro. that is why we were there. i remember the jack rabbits being so large they were scarry as they would have killed our little pa bunnies.

whiskeyrat, i must dig into my pics to answer your question. we were 18 at the time and spent alot of time looking at the ground. somehow i remember the bat cave being there and a big boy generator.. all my pics are in front of me and im a diggin. boy they were small little pics back then. kodak with a flashcube. i know it was up high and there was alot of old equipment around the area. i wish we would have had the info available now back then. we may have had a clue. my buddy from pa worked for an hvac company near socorro. that is why we were there. i remember the jack rabbits being so large they were scarry as they would have killed our little pa bunnies.

I really appreciate your effort and anything that could help narrow down the area to search for the sheave block would really help.
the "lunch tree" is a good reference as it has been there for many decades and is so obvious.
also, the vertical cliff that the cable goes over is very obvious location.
thanks in advance, keep digging.

Yeah, there's all those guys in the mix. If you want to add more to the mind blender, throw in the rumors that include Pancho Villa and Emil Holmdahl too. Who's to say who their pals were?

According to the "black book" the Poncho Villa is not a rumor it is fact that JJ rescued PV from Mexico when PV tried to overthrow Dias, and JJ set up PV on a ranch in southern new mexico under a false name (very common) and he lived there the rest of his days. would be awesome to find that ranch location.

Same for Maxmillian. Did not die from the firing squad. Peons that were burying him noticed a movement of his arm, took him to JJ and JJ set him up with a ranch in southern new mexico (false name) and went to Europe and brought Charlatta (his wife) to him in new mexico where they lived happily. The KGC received 12.5 Million in gold from Max for doing this and buried it.

Would love to find that ranch area.

any body have a line on either of these ranches?????


So whats with this sheave block? There a lot people running around the caballos looking for treasure?

So whats with this sheave block? There a lot people running around the caballos looking for treasure?

Naw, there is no treasure in the Caballos.
Save yourself and get out now before you get sucked into this mess.


i find it interesting all the research folks on here have done. I grew up in Deming. I remember when i was about 10 going with my father and looking for treasure there, but it was just for a day. I love the pictures of all the old stuff people have found out there. I watched a couple videos about DOC Noss and Tony Jolly. I wish i would have explored that place when i was active duty. Would of been a lot easier.

So whats with this sheave block? There a lot people running around the caballos looking for treasure?

All right, here's the story for those who haven't heard it before. It's been 35 years since the story emerged, but I found an old email that I sent to a well-known person (now deceased) in Las Cruces in 2000 that includes it. Here's the part you're interested in - take it for what it's worth:

... One of my oldest friends (and a search partner) worked at Chino Mines in Hurley, NM in the early 1980’s and worked with a young guy from Texas who told him about his mysterious uncle, the black sheep of his family, who revealed a story to the nephew about his own experiences in New Mexico.

The uncle was a prospector/searcher who had been hanging out in T or C for several months in the 1960's. He was exploring in the area around that mine at the end of the dirt road that leads up the mountain from the dam at Caballo Lake. I can't remember the mine's name, but I do know the claims were still being kept up in the 1980's because I checked on it myself at the courthouse in T or C as a favor to the nephew. I think the Fingados were involved, also that one-armed private eye from El Paso. A bunch of folks had claims up there - all in the same vicinity. It’s a bit south of that big open cave you can see from the highway.

The uncle was working the rim rock and stopped for a blow. He noticed a snake hole where he was sitting. He poked it with a rock hammer and the hole started to collapse. He dug out a crawl space into a cave/drift that had been backfilled. Inside he counted about 1200 bars of crude-smelted gold bars, a bunch of skeletons, a big nest of rattlesnakes, and "the smell of death". He tossed out some bars (don't know how many). As he was getting ready to cover up the hole again, two guys surprised him. He was armed, so were they. He killed them both and shoved their bodies into the hole, covered it back up and immediately went back to Texas where he bought a big house, closed the shades and stayed drunk for 20 years. None of his family knew where he got his money — they thought maybe he'd robbed a bank or something. The nephew was the only one in the family that the uncle would talk to and in the 1980's, when the nephew was in his 20's or so, he told him the story. He told the kid he would never go back to New Mexico but if the nephew was interested, he'd help him find the cave.

The uncle sent the nephew up the dirt road to the mine and told him to get some photographs of the area. He told him to be sure to take some shots around an old sheave block that was bolted into the side of the hill - it was his landmark. The nephew went up there with my friend to get the pictures and some guys who were apparently patrolling the road threatened them. The uncle told him ahead of time that they might be hassled - he claimed that the mountain was always being watched through a telescope from a bar in Arrey, I believe. The kid returned to Texas with the photos and the uncle put a pin through one of them and told him that was the spot.

The nephew said the pinpoint would never be found unless you knew exactly where to dig - it was well hidden and camouflaged. The nephew was afraid to go up there because of things his uncle told him and also because of the guys who threatened him the day he took the pictures. He took the pictures about 15-18 years ago. I don't know if the uncle is still alive or not. The nephew left the area shortly after all this and the last I heard he was working for some big mining company in South America.

If that sheave block is still there, you'll be reasonably close to the hot spot (at least according to the uncle's story). Who knows, maybe the uncle was full of baloney. However, I know that the nephew believed him. I've never been up that road where the kid got his pictures, but I've always been curious about it. To the best of my knowledge, the nephew never showed the picture with the pinhole to anyone or went back up there before he left the country. ...


Ok, i understand now. I supposed you have to be armed when you go around there. I suppose if there ever was a sheave block its long gone, like a lot of other things from that place.

what about old houses around the lake, close to I-25? Any stories on them, like old coins gold? My father and i checked one out when i was young, claimed he and my mother knew the old lady. i remember meeting her a couple times, she was pretty old. Said here husband had found gold in the mts and buried it around the house somewhere. Years later when my dad and i went to take a look there were holes everywhere on that property. My dad said many years ago when they knew her the bushes were cut a certain way. By the time we got around to it was several years later. I always wondered about it. Old adobe house

oh, there was or is a sheave block. i may have been young but i knew what it was. there was alot of old cable there. looked like it was attached to a large cave at one time. someone told me they were pulling bat guano outta a cave. oh, im still diggin through the pics. im starting to remember more but we were not treasure hunting back then. i knew about the peak story but it was a story back then. now i feel alot different. jack staley is a personal friend. i do not believe all im told, but he wrote a book, i did not.

oh, there was or is a sheave block. i may have been young but i knew what it was. there was alot of old cable there. looked like it was attached to a large cave at one time. someone told me they were pulling bat guano outta a cave. oh, im still diggin through the pics. im starting to remember more but we were not treasure hunting back then. i knew about the peak story but it was a story back then. now i feel alot different. jack staley is a personal friend. i do not believe all im told, but he wrote a book, i did not.

A large cave from which they were getting bat guano sounds like bat cave. Maybe the sheave block you saw was below bat cave not the sheave block in cable canyon?

The entrance to Cable canyon is about .34 miles south of bat cave. Then you go east up into cable canyon.
Cable canyon has the long cable (still there) running pretty much the full length of the canyon from west to east. on the east end of cable canyon it goes up a vertical cliff about 100 feet high and appears to continue.
No cave visible in this entire stretch of the cable at this time.

SDCfia: what in your story ties this to cable canyon? Was it that people saw a sheave block in cable canyon for sure?
Could it have been below (south of) bat cave that the sheave block was located and not up in cable canyon?
I have walked the entire bottom of the cliff from bat cave to the entrance of cable canyon (both directions) and have seen no cable and no sheave blocks.


SDCfia: what in your story ties this to cable canyon? Was it that people saw a sheave block in cable canyon for sure?
Could it have been below (south of) bat cave that the sheave block was located and not up in cable canyon?
I have walked the entire bottom of the cliff from bat cave to the entrance of cable canyon (both directions) and have seen no cable and no sheave blocks.


My post #3234 is the entire story as was told to me in about 1982. No actual name was given for the canyon with the sheave block in it. From what I hear, most folks seem to assume it was in the canyon with the long old cable in it. I don't know if that's true - no mention was made of a cable, just the block. I would think there might be several locations in those hills where a sheave block may have been bolted into a rock wall to anchor a steel cable (or a rope, for that matter). Could be used with a shaft hoist, a loading bucket, or other things.

When I first got involved, I was merely asked to put together a list of all the current claims within certain sections provided by the nephew. This was no big deal, since I did a lot of courthouse research in those days and I did it as a favor for my friend, who worked with the nephew at the time. So I made a trip over to T or C with my girlfriend, went through the records in the Clerk's office, put together the list, soaked in the hot springs and returned to Silver City the next day. No big deal. There were some familiar names on the claim documents, but I didn't even keep a copy of the list. I wasn't at all familiar with the Caballos then (or now for that matter) - all I knew was there were treasure legends somewhere around there and a bunch of shady characters roaming around.

About a month or so later is when my pal told me the whole story. It sounded plausible, but I was always too busy with stuff in Silver City to mess with it, especially when the nephew passed on trying to find it. My friend was clear about where they took the photos - it was in the canyon below the big cave, but a little south of the cave. The sheave block was near the end of an old mining road and bolted into a rock wall by an abandoned mine. The hidden opening was close to the block and a little south. That's all I know about it. Keep in mind that when people say "a little bit south", or "not far away", it might mean different things to different people.

From what you've posted, it seems like the area you're in pretty much matches the story, more or less. I don't even know where "Cable Canyon" is.

According to that article, spaceport america can barely keep the lights on.
I dont think they have the funds to follow me around.
sounds like the tax payers in new mexico got screwed on spaceport america.

I think Spaceport is linked to your area of interest.

I think Spaceport is linked to your area of interest.

Uh oh, dog. This may open a whole new chapter in the Caballo-Victorio conspiracies show. Sitting halfway between the two infamous peaks, right on the 33° 0' north latitude line, the spaceport certainly has "location, location, location," going for it. For the readers who are unfamiliar with New Mexico lore, we are allegedly underlaid with an extensive network of reptilian alien tunnels linking important subsurface sites - acknowledged and facilitated by USA Shadow Government and our Secret Space Program. Think Alchuleta Mesa near Dulce NM for starters. Someday I'll tell you my own boring-machine/tunnel story originating in the Burro Mountains at Gold Gulch south of Silver City. For that matter, all we have to do is read Willie Douthit's book, which establishes the weird alien-gold association. Is Spaceport America actually a surface facility that accesses the tunnels linking the Caballo Mountains with Victorio Peak, White Sands Misslle Range and Holloman Air Force Base?

Sure, you could say that the place was just a huge money scam foisted on the sleeping New Mexico taxpayers by our ex-governor Bill Richardson, that - ooops - failed miserably as a joyride-into-space playground for the rich and famous. On the other hand, Richardson was/is tight with the Bush-Clinton cabal too, and, well, we know all about them. As you know, dog, truth is stranger than fiction.


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