DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

whiskeyrat, autofull here. i cannot find the pics that i know i have with the sheave block and surrounding area. im going to pine grove pa. to one of my companions home and we are gonna dig through his pics. im sure they must be in his stash. he always said he never throws anything away and he has the pics in a large box in his kitchen, soo, here we go. i shall let ya know soon. kevin in pa.

Dear Friends,
I am sorry to have to tell you that Not Peralta has gone on his last treasure hunt.
He served his country in Viet Nam.
He studied the Beale Legend.
He lived for a time in the shadow of the Superstition Mountains.
He hiked the mountain trails of Jonathan Swift.
We met while he was working in the Caballo Mountain area of New Mexico.
He spent the last years of his life with me, following the clues on Spirit Mountain.
If there was a treasure story, he knew it!
He enjoyed his interaction with you all and was proud of the success of his threads.
He told me that I was his treasure.
I'm going to miss him.
Sincerely, Mrs Not Peratla :cat:

It was a pleasure to get to interact with him a bit, if even briefly.

Sounds like a good life, worthy of envy and emulation.

I bet he's inspired and encouraged many, many folks over the years.


whiskeyrat, autofull here. i cannot find the pics that i know i have with the sheave block and surrounding area. im going to pine grove pa. to one of my companions home and we are gonna dig through his pics. im sure they must be in his stash. he always said he never throws anything away and he has the pics in a large box in his kitchen, soo, here we go. i shall let ya know soon. kevin in pa.

I'm sure we would all love to see what you come up with!

whiskeyrat, autofull here. i cannot find the pics that i know i have with the sheave block and surrounding area. im going to pine grove pa. to one of my companions home and we are gonna dig through his pics. im sure they must be in his stash. he always said he never throws anything away and he has the pics in a large box in his kitchen, soo, here we go. i shall let ya know soon. kevin in pa.

HI Autofull,
Did you find anything yet?
thanks for your efforts.
I appreciate any leads and will reward anyone accordingly.

Was in the Organ mountains and went to the "Larue map rock" that Roger Snow had talked about.
It is right where Roger said it would be.
It does have steps leading under the rock into a small opening like room.
There has been some excavation under the north side of the rock.
The "odd looking W" is still there like Roger said, although someone has attempted to obsure it with spray paint.

CABALLOS 10-11-17 038.webpCABALLOS 10-11-17 024.webp

Also found a "Larue signature" inset into a rock about 1/4 mile away from the map rock.

CABALLOS 10-11-17 021.webp

This is the "W" on the map rock overhang. Excavation has been done below the W.

CABALLOS 10-11-17 056.webp

All other markings on the rock have been obsured with layers of paint and/or blown off the rock.

Nice work!
Looks like someone else followed Roger's directions before you.

Nice pictures WR. Don't think there's many places around there that someone hasn't already explored/trashed

Nice pictures WR. Don't think there's many places around there that someone hasn't already explored/trashed

yes i agree. well there are several other sites much more remote that RS has posted that I am now going for. some of them require a lot more climbing and challenge than most people will do, so Im hoping these more remote sites will yield more. time will tell.
this rock could have been accessed by almost anyone. kinda a tourist (hiking club) type area.

yes i agree. well there are several other sites much more remote that RS has posted that I am now going for. some of them require a lot more climbing and challenge than most people will do, so Im hoping these more remote sites will yield more. time will tell.
this rock could have been accessed by almost anyone. kinda a tourist (hiking club) type area.

Sometimes the best place to hide something is in plain sight.

I have enlarged the photo of the so called W,and Its my thinking that the letters are Two connenting Letter L"s, and engraved doubly to also show a Tunnel with Exit/Entrance. Could the L be for Larue/Padre,?Possible tunnels could be close in.

You are having way too much fun.

There may be some scrawlings down that hole. Like Doc written over some older stuff.

Some folks have got real worked up over that hole. Watch your back.

Also, consider stagnant air. Maybe take a candle to gauge airflow.

This map is a version of my vision of what ' larue' might have crafted underground after looking at and takeing apart the so called W... I also believe the tunnels/room are laid out outside any caves, and may also be caved in.


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Continued, I was interuppted during my posting, My thinking is the shallow caves that WR posted were used to excavate rocks to shore up the tunnels walls, most likely the celling were shored up by wood beams,. with the use of some sort of bonding agent like adobe...Earthquakes and rain could have weakened the tunnels to colabse
in some areas. Also the cap rocks might be identicle to each other in shape,cut and color.end.

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