DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Uh oh, dog. This may open a whole new chapter in the Caballo-Victorio conspiracies show. Sitting halfway between the two infamous peaks, right on the 33° 0' north latitude line, the spaceport certainly has "location, location, location," going for it. For the readers who are unfamiliar with New Mexico lore, we are allegedly underlaid with an extensive network of reptilian alien tunnels linking important subsurface sites - acknowledged and facilitated by USA Shadow Government and our Secret Space Program. Think Alchuleta Mesa near Dulce NM for starters. Someday I'll tell you my own boring-machine/tunnel story originating in the Burro Mountains at Gold Gulch south of Silver City. For that matter, all we have to do is read Willie Douthit's book, which establishes the weird alien-gold association. Is Spaceport America actually a surface facility that accesses the tunnels linking the Caballo Mountains with Victorio Peak, White Sands Misslle Range and Holloman Air Force Base?

Sure, you could say that the place was just a huge money scam foisted on the sleeping New Mexico taxpayers by our ex-governor Bill Richardson, that - ooops - failed miserably as a joyride-into-space playground for the rich and famous. On the other hand, Richardson was/is tight with the Bush-Clinton cabal too, and, well, we know all about them. As you know, dog, truth is stranger than fiction.

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:alien::alien::alien: :laughing7: Nope, nothing to do with aliens or underground bases. However, you do know how I like to play around with google earth. I hate to add to the conspiracies but this stuff is something you can look at right on the map.

I brought up to one of the guys, who seemed to be interested in a Phoenician connection, that Oasis, New Mexico and Victorio Peak have the same latitude as Acre, Israel. Over the centuries, Acre has been an important trading center for the Phoenicians and many others. During the Crusades, the Templars, as well as other Catholic orders, had strongholds at Acre.

There was more about Oasis. Five miles east of Oasis is a place named Brushy Mountain. Brushy is a place name that pops up frequently in my treasure legend mapping research. On google earth, if you run a line from the dot that shows Oasis to the mountain symbol at Brushy Mountain, you get a reading of almost 85 deg. I found the 85 degree bearing in Steve Clark's book New Mexico Confidential and I have found it repeated often in my mapping research. So, because of the latitude, the location of Brushy Mountain and the 85 degree bearing, I consider Oasis a place of importance in a treasure legend.

Now, still on google earth, run a line from Oasis to Victorio Peak and find the center point of that line. Center point is a place name that readers of the Black Book might recognize. After you find the center point between Oasis and Victorio Peak, run another line from that center point to my favorite treasure place in Colorado.....Treasure Mountain in Mineral County. Now look at that line and see if it passes close to Spaceport. Something else that is kinda interesting is that the distances, from Spaceport to Oasis and from Spaceport to Victorio Peak, are almost the same.

I know, I know, it is probably just coincidence. That could very well be. But it's right there on the map.

So what we have is a link between Spaceport, the Phoenicians, the Templars, the KGC and three treasure legends....and 24/7 security to boot. :dontknow:

Whenever I bring this stuff up, it always turns out to be a real conversation killer. It's my opinion that treasure legends, at setups like this, are fraudulent. But...I'm not on site.

:alien::alien::alien: :laughing7: Nope, nothing to do with aliens or underground bases. However, you do know how I like to play around with google earth. I hate to add to the conspiracies but this stuff is something you can look at right on the map.

I brought up to one of the guys, who seemed to be interested in a Phoenician connection, that Oasis, New Mexico and Victorio Peak have the same latitude as Acre, Israel. Over the centuries, Acre has been an important trading center for the Phoenicians and many others. During the Crusades, the Templars, as well as other Catholic orders, had strongholds at Acre.

There was more about Oasis. Five miles east of Oasis is a place named Brushy Mountain. Brushy is a place name that pops up frequently in my treasure legend mapping research. On google earth, if you run a line from the dot that shows Oasis to the mountain symbol at Brushy Mountain, you get a reading of almost 85 deg. I found the 85 degree bearing in Steve Clark's book New Mexico Confidential and I have found it repeated often in my mapping research. So, because of the latitude, the location of Brushy Mountain and the 85 degree bearing, I consider Oasis a place of importance in a treasure legend.

Now, still on google earth, run a line from Oasis to Victorio Peak and find the center point of that line. Center point is a place name that readers of the Black Book might recognize. After you find the center point between Oasis and Victorio Peak, run another line from that center point to my favorite treasure place in Colorado.....Treasure Mountain in Mineral County. Now look at that line and see if it passes close to Spaceport. Something else that is kinda interesting is that the distances, from Spaceport to Oasis and from Spaceport to Victorio Peak, are almost the same.

I know, I know, it is probably just coincidence. That could very well be. But it's right there on the map.

So what we have is a link between Spaceport, the Phoenicians, the Templars, the KGC and three treasure legends....and 24/7 security to boot. :dontknow:

Whenever I bring this stuff up, it always turns out to be a real conversation killer. It's my opinion that treasure legends, at setups like this, are fraudulent. But...I'm not on site.

Let's look at a couple more mapping coincidences that tie in Spaceport America, a large manmade structure in the middle of nowhere. The top of Treasure Mountain CO is N 1.7° E from the center of SA's main building. That's pretty darn close to due north, considering the distance is 308 miles. If we assume there is a buried treasure somewhere on TM, on its western slope, it could be even closer - maybe exact.

The top of Brushy Mountain in the Caballo Mountains NM (above Bat Cave) is N 89.1° W from Victorio Peak NM, 34 miles away. If there is a large Caballo cache somewhere near this point, maybe a little south, the alignment could possibly be exactly E-W.

Now, tie these together and you have a very close, maybe perfect right triangle set up on a due E-W, due N-S grid connecting Victorio Peak NM, Treasure Mountain CO (somewhere west of the top) and a possible cache site in the Caballo Mountains, all controlled by Spaceport America. This would be a similar situation to the geometric alignments created when you use the International Peace Garden (another manmade creation in the middle of nowhere). The IPG connects to a number of very interesting sites all over the USA. Anyway, if this would be the case, there might be other treasure sites that use SA as a mapping hub as sorts - maybe tying in the IPG as well. That will take some time to figure out. Of course, in order to make this NM-CO association a perfect fit, the Caballo cache site would need to be located a little south of the top of Brushy Mountain and about 2-1/2 miles west. This would be due east of Oasis NM, uphill on the east side of the lake. Are you listening, rat?

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Google Earth can't even locate Tayopa visually even if I give the coordinates to you. Don't rely too much* on Google earth, it can be handy though

Co-ord (1).webp

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Let's look at a couple more mapping coincidences that tie in Spaceport America, a large manmade structure in the middle of nowhere. The top of Treasure Mountain CO is N 1.7° E from the center of SA's main building. That's pretty darn close to due north, considering the distance is 308 miles. If we assume there is a buried treasure somewhere on TM, on its western slope, it could be even closer - maybe exact.

The top of Brushy Mountain in the Caballo Mountains NM (above Bat Cave) is N 89.1° W from Victorio Peak NM, 34 miles away. If there is a large Caballo cache somewhere near this point, maybe a little south, the alignment could possibly be exactly E-W.

Now, tie these together and you have a very close, maybe perfect right triangle set up on a due E-W, due N-S grid connecting Victorio Peak NM, Treasure Mountain CO (somewhere west of the top) and a possible cache site in the Caballo Mountains, all controlled by Spaceport America. This would be a similar situation to the geometric alignments created when you use the International Peace Garden (another manmade creation in the middle of nowhere). The IPG connects to a number of very interesting sites all over the USA. Anyway, if this would be the case, there might be other treasure sites that use SA as a mapping hub as sorts - maybe tying in the IPG as well. That will take some time to figure out. Of course, in order to make this NM-CO association a perfect fit, the Caballo cache site would need to be located a little south of the top of Brushy Mountain and about 2-1/2 miles west. This would be due east of Oasis NM, uphill on the east side of the lake. Are you listening, rat?

That's a real good post, sdcfia, and some great observations. I hope the weather is cool down in New Mexico.

Google Earth can't even locate Tayopa visually even if I give the coordinatestot to you. Don't rely too much* on Google earth, it can be handy though

View attachment 1459873
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There's too much of this stuff around the country for it to be a coincidence, Don Jose. There is something more important than the town or mountain on google earth, it's the placement of the symbols on google earth. I've seen landmark symbols, on google earth, placed in such a way as to make near perfect 90 degree angles or place a town within a mile of an important line. And it's been going on long before google earth was even thought of. Back in the mid 1800's, a group of men, all strangers, showed up in a midwestern town and offered to buy free drinks, for all the men in town, if they voted to change the name of their town. They did and that made a near perfect alignment with two other towns of the same name. The town in the middle was less than 2 miles off the alignment, and the towns were seperated by hundreds of miles.

The nice thing about finding alignments is that you can look at them and see how the elements of the alignment fit in with the treasure legends. You can look at NP's little map and see if there is anything about the Spaceport setup that will help you interpret what NP has. It's just another research tool to be considered and either used or discarded. :icon_thumleft:

My post #3234 is the entire story as was told to me in about 1982. No actual name was given for the canyon with the sheave block in it. From what I hear, most folks seem to assume it was in the canyon with the long old cable in it. I don't know if that's true - no mention was made of a cable, just the block. I would think there might be several locations in those hills where a sheave block may have been bolted into a rock wall to anchor a steel cable (or a rope, for that matter). Could be used with a shaft hoist, a loading bucket, or other things.

When I first got involved, I was merely asked to put together a list of all the current claims within certain sections provided by the nephew. This was no big deal, since I did a lot of courthouse research in those days and I did it as a favor for my friend, who worked with the nephew at the time. So I made a trip over to T or C with my girlfriend, went through the records in the Clerk's office, put together the list, soaked in the hot springs and returned to Silver City the next day. No big deal. There were some familiar names on the claim documents, but I didn't even keep a copy of the list. I wasn't at all familiar with the Caballos then (or now for that matter) - all I knew was there were treasure legends somewhere around there and a bunch of shady characters roaming around.

About a month or so later is when my pal told me the whole story. It sounded plausible, but I was always too busy with stuff in Silver City to mess with it, especially when the nephew passed on trying to find it. My friend was clear about where they took the photos - it was in the canyon below the big cave, but a little south of the cave. The sheave block was near the end of an old mining road and bolted into a rock wall by an abandoned mine. The hidden opening was close to the block and a little south. That's all I know about it. Keep in mind that when people say "a little bit south", or "not far away", it might mean different things to different people.

From what you've posted, it seems like the area you're in pretty much matches the story, more or less. I don't even know where "Cable Canyon" is.

Ok, this is sounding more like its not up in cable canyon.
The start of cable canyon is about the same altitude (maybe 200 feet lower) as bat cave and then cable canyon goes up from there.
If the nephew is saying "in the canyon below bat cave" I would not think that is cable canyon. Cable canyon is not really "below bat cave".
Kinda would put the target area about where the yellow caterpillar generator is currently sitting. Below the big cave and a little south south.
There are 2 old roads leading up to the area where the generator is currently sitting.
I think that general area would warrant some attention.
thanks again

Uh oh, dog. This may open a whole new chapter in the Caballo-Victorio conspiracies show. Sitting halfway between the two infamous peaks, right on the 33° 0' north latitude line, the spaceport certainly has "location, location, location," going for it. For the readers who are unfamiliar with New Mexico lore, we are allegedly underlaid with an extensive network of reptilian alien tunnels linking important subsurface sites - acknowledged and facilitated by USA Shadow Government and our Secret Space Program. Think Alchuleta Mesa near Dulce NM for starters. Someday I'll tell you my own boring-machine/tunnel story originating in the Burro Mountains at Gold Gulch south of Silver City. For that matter, all we have to do is read Willie Douthit's book, which establishes the weird alien-gold association. Is Spaceport America actually a surface facility that accesses the tunnels linking the Caballo Mountains with Victorio Peak, White Sands Misslle Range and Holloman Air Force Base?

Sure, you could say that the place was just a huge money scam foisted on the sleeping New Mexico taxpayers by our ex-governor Bill Richardson, that - ooops - failed miserably as a joyride-into-space playground for the rich and famous. On the other hand, Richardson was/is tight with the Bush-Clinton cabal too, and, well, we know all about them. As you know, dog, truth is stranger than fiction.

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Yeah, so, the first time i went to the spaceport, I said to myself, self "why in the hell would anyone build a spaceport 15 miles from the nearest paved road". (the road south from 51 to the spaceport was not paved at that time, it is now)>
So I thought, hmmmm not a coincidence, that some billionaire decides to build this thing literally on the "33 parallel".
At that time I was not into the KGC thing, but I still knew that 33 was precious to the Masons.
At that time I thought the spaceport was a Richard Branson thing, I did not realize the state of NM had been sucked into the scheme.
Just some thoughts.
good day

Google Earth can't even locate Tayopa visually even if I give the coordinatestot to you. Don't rely too much* on Google earth, it can be handy though

View attachment 1459873
View attachment 1459874

google earth is very "location dependent". there are areas that are extremely accurate (most large cities) and areas that are fuzzy at best and completely wrong at worst. Some of the areas we are dealing with are questionable on GE.

Let's look at a couple more mapping coincidences that tie in Spaceport America, a large manmade structure in the middle of nowhere. The top of Treasure Mountain CO is N 1.7° E from the center of SA's main building. That's pretty darn close to due north, considering the distance is 308 miles. If we assume there is a buried treasure somewhere on TM, on its western slope, it could be even closer - maybe exact.

The top of Brushy Mountain in the Caballo Mountains NM (above Bat Cave) is N 89.1° W from Victorio Peak NM, 34 miles away. If there is a large Caballo cache somewhere near this point, maybe a little south, the alignment could possibly be exactly E-W.

Now, tie these together and you have a very close, maybe perfect right triangle set up on a due E-W, due N-S grid connecting Victorio Peak NM, Treasure Mountain CO (somewhere west of the top) and a possible cache site in the Caballo Mountains, all controlled by Spaceport America. This would be a similar situation to the geometric alignments created when you use the International Peace Garden (another manmade creation in the middle of nowhere). The IPG connects to a number of very interesting sites all over the USA. Anyway, if this would be the case, there might be other treasure sites that use SA as a mapping hub as sorts - maybe tying in the IPG as well. That will take some time to figure out. Of course, in order to make this NM-CO association a perfect fit, the Caballo cache site would need to be located a little south of the top of Brushy Mountain and about 2-1/2 miles west. This would be due east of Oasis NM, uphill on the east side of the lake. Are you listening, rat?

Oh yes I am listening.
Everything you just posted converges very close to another "line of interest" I have plotted on my google earth which comes from a very credible and obscure source.
Also it is in an area of interest I am following because of a very different line of thinking.
Several things seem to be converging on this small area.

I have been in canyons that are completely missing from Goggle Earth and curernt topo. You can get lost in canyons that dont even show up on Goggle Earth or the current Topo Maps.
whats up with that?????
I think we all know why.
I have what I think is the best electronic navigational setup to take me anywhere on this planet in live real time with satellite imagery.
Yet there are massive areas in the Caballos that do not match the current topo maps and "current" satellite images. You gotta watch yourself cause it will completely lead you astray.
I always have compass and star backup which cannot be manipulated by man.
I think many areas of interest in the US are this same way. The data we get is way messed up.
Been there done that, its not a weird theory but fact. There are massive canyons with sub canyons that dont show on anything?????

That's a real good post, sdcfia, and some great observations. I hope the weather is cool down in New Mexico.

Well, dog, you're the map guy, and coming from you, that's a nice complement. Thanks.

Yes, it appears we might have missed our normal hot, dry June and gone straight into the monsoon season here. In fact, right now we're coming to the end of a cold rain storm that has dropped 2" of rain and hail so far this afternoon. I had to run out and throw a couple quilts on the car to prevent hail dents.

Google Earth is best using the sun throughout the day that it offers, The reason is that it shows a flat face, essentially no effective depth. Whereas that picture of The Tayopa complex is an aerial photograph, which is generally picked for the time of the day to show max detail with the lighting

Whisky Rat, a good topag map is very good Question for you, how do they draw such accurate maps even if no one has been there? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Hmmm, aw no.
I have had lunch under that tree many times in the last 3 years and there is nothing there now.
What year was that picture taken?
Something was obviously going on at that time.
Nothing but a lot of cow dung under the tree now.

Polly mid 2000's.

Let me know if you find the iron door if you take the trail I mentioned before.

sdcfia: Burros! Do tell someday! On the edge of good areas, they are. One old mine I hunted down there was so far in the middle of nowhere that I actually started going toward somewhere before I got to it.

sdcfia: Burros! Do tell someday! On the edge of good areas, they are. One old mine I hunted down there was so far in the middle of nowhere that I actually started going toward somewhere before I got to it.

I'm reluctant to admit I've ever been lost in those hills, but a few times I've found myself wondering just where the hell I was.

:alien::alien::alien: :laughing7: Nope, nothing to do with aliens or underground bases. However, you do know how I like to play around with google earth. I hate to add to the conspiracies but this stuff is something you can look at right on the map.

I brought up to one of the guys, who seemed to be interested in a Phoenician connection, that Oasis, New Mexico and Victorio Peak have the same latitude as Acre, Israel. Over the centuries, Acre has been an important trading center for the Phoenicians and many others. During the Crusades, the Templars, as well as other Catholic orders, had strongholds at Acre.

There was more about Oasis. Five miles east of Oasis is a place named Brushy Mountain. Brushy is a place name that pops up frequently in my treasure legend mapping research. On google earth, if you run a line from the dot that shows Oasis to the mountain symbol at Brushy Mountain, you get a reading of almost 85 deg. I found the 85 degree bearing in Steve Clark's book New Mexico Confidential and I have found it repeated often in my mapping research. So, because of the latitude, the location of Brushy Mountain and the 85 degree bearing, I consider Oasis a place of importance in a treasure legend.

Now, still on google earth, run a line from Oasis to Victorio Peak and find the center point of that line. Center point is a place name that readers of the Black Book might recognize. After you find the center point between Oasis and Victorio Peak, run another line from that center point to my favorite treasure place in Colorado.....Treasure Mountain in Mineral County. Now look at that line and see if it passes close to Spaceport. Something else that is kinda interesting is that the distances, from Spaceport to Oasis and from Spaceport to Victorio Peak, are almost the same.

I know, I know, it is probably just coincidence. That could very well be. But it's right there on the map.

So what we have is a link between Spaceport, the Phoenicians, the Templars, the KGC and three treasure legends....and 24/7 security to boot. :dontknow:

Whenever I bring this stuff up, it always turns out to be a real conversation killer. It's my opinion that treasure legends, at setups like this, are fraudulent. But...I'm not on site.

Heres another coincidence for your line due east of Oasis:
I have the locations of 3 of Doc Noss's campsites from a reliable source who was involved with Letha back in the day.
All 3 campsites are within 300 feet of that line.

:alien::alien::alien: :laughing7: Nope, nothing to do with aliens or underground bases. However, you do know how I like to play around with google earth. I hate to add to the conspiracies but this stuff is something you can look at right on the map.

I brought up to one of the guys, who seemed to be interested in a Phoenician connection, that Oasis, New Mexico and Victorio Peak have the same latitude as Acre, Israel. Over the centuries, Acre has been an important trading center for the Phoenicians and many others. During the Crusades, the Templars, as well as other Catholic orders, had strongholds at Acre.

There was more about Oasis. Five miles east of Oasis is a place named Brushy Mountain. Brushy is a place name that pops up frequently in my treasure legend mapping research. On google earth, if you run a line from the dot that shows Oasis to the mountain symbol at Brushy Mountain, you get a reading of almost 85 deg. I found the 85 degree bearing in Steve Clark's book New Mexico Confidential and I have found it repeated often in my mapping research. So, because of the latitude, the location of Brushy Mountain and the 85 degree bearing, I consider Oasis a place of importance in a treasure legend.

Now, still on google earth, run a line from Oasis to Victorio Peak and find the center point of that line. Center point is a place name that readers of the Black Book might recognize. After you find the center point between Oasis and Victorio Peak, run another line from that center point to my favorite treasure place in Colorado.....Treasure Mountain in Mineral County. Now look at that line and see if it passes close to Spaceport. Something else that is kinda interesting is that the distances, from Spaceport to Oasis and from Spaceport to Victorio Peak, are almost the same.

I know, I know, it is probably just coincidence. That could very well be. But it's right there on the map.

So what we have is a link between Spaceport, the Phoenicians, the Templars, the KGC and three treasure legends....and 24/7 security to boot. :dontknow:

Whenever I bring this stuff up, it always turns out to be a real conversation killer. It's my opinion that treasure legends, at setups like this, are fraudulent. But...I'm not on site.

Not seeing anything i recoginize from teh black book at the centerpoint of that line between oasis and vic peak?
Prisor Hill is noted on a topo map near the center and Upham is about 4 miles south of the centerpoint??
Maybe i will see it as i read the book again.

Not seeing anything i recoginize from teh black book at the centerpoint of that line between oasis and vic peak?
Prisor Hill is noted on a topo map near the center and Upham is about 4 miles south of the centerpoint??
Maybe i will see it as i read the book again.

In the black book, Centerpoint was a town close to Wildcat Bluff where the Confederates hid some loot they took from some Union soldiers. Center Point can be the name of a place of importance or can be used to give guidance when you're trying to figure out the mapping. I used it as a point between Oasis and Victorio Peak to help figure out the mapping.

I don't trust any of these legends. One of the things they usually have in common is, somebody is a liar.

Heres another coincidence for your line due east of Oasis:
I have the locations of 3 of Doc Noss's campsites from a reliable source who was involved with Letha back in the day.
All 3 campsites are within 300 feet of that line.

Welcome to the rabbit hole.

In the black book, Centerpoint was a town close to Wildcat Bluff where the Confederates hid some loot they took from some Union soldiers. Center Point can be the name of a place of importance or can be used to give guidance when you're trying to figure out the mapping. I used it as a point between Oasis and Victorio Peak to help figure out the mapping.

I don't trust any of these legends. One of the things they usually have in common is, somebody is a liar.

Otherwise, we would never hear the story.

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