Uh oh, dog. This may open a whole new chapter in the Caballo-Victorio conspiracies show. Sitting halfway between the two infamous peaks, right on the 33° 0' north latitude line, the spaceport certainly has "location, location, location," going for it. For the readers who are unfamiliar with New Mexico lore, we are allegedly underlaid with an extensive network of reptilian alien tunnels linking important subsurface sites - acknowledged and facilitated by USA Shadow Government and our Secret Space Program. Think Alchuleta Mesa near Dulce NM for starters. Someday I'll tell you my own boring-machine/tunnel story originating in the Burro Mountains at Gold Gulch south of Silver City. For that matter, all we have to do is read Willie Douthit's book, which establishes the weird alien-gold association. Is Spaceport America actually a surface facility that accesses the tunnels linking the Caballo Mountains with Victorio Peak, White Sands Misslle Range and Holloman Air Force Base?
Sure, you could say that the place was just a huge money scam foisted on the sleeping New Mexico taxpayers by our ex-governor Bill Richardson, that - ooops - failed miserably as a joyride-into-space playground for the rich and famous. On the other hand, Richardson was/is tight with the Bush-Clinton cabal too, and, well, we know all about them. As you know, dog, truth is stranger than fiction.
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I brought up to one of the guys, who seemed to be interested in a Phoenician connection, that Oasis, New Mexico and Victorio Peak have the same latitude as Acre, Israel. Over the centuries, Acre has been an important trading center for the Phoenicians and many others. During the Crusades, the Templars, as well as other Catholic orders, had strongholds at Acre.
There was more about Oasis. Five miles east of Oasis is a place named Brushy Mountain. Brushy is a place name that pops up frequently in my treasure legend mapping research. On google earth, if you run a line from the dot that shows Oasis to the mountain symbol at Brushy Mountain, you get a reading of almost 85 deg. I found the 85 degree bearing in Steve Clark's book New Mexico Confidential and I have found it repeated often in my mapping research. So, because of the latitude, the location of Brushy Mountain and the 85 degree bearing, I consider Oasis a place of importance in a treasure legend.
Now, still on google earth, run a line from Oasis to Victorio Peak and find the center point of that line. Center point is a place name that readers of the Black Book might recognize. After you find the center point between Oasis and Victorio Peak, run another line from that center point to my favorite treasure place in Colorado.....Treasure Mountain in Mineral County. Now look at that line and see if it passes close to Spaceport. Something else that is kinda interesting is that the distances, from Spaceport to Oasis and from Spaceport to Victorio Peak, are almost the same.
I know, I know, it is probably just coincidence. That could very well be. But it's right there on the map.
So what we have is a link between Spaceport, the Phoenicians, the Templars, the KGC and three treasure legends....and 24/7 security to boot.

Whenever I bring this stuff up, it always turns out to be a real conversation killer. It's my opinion that treasure legends, at setups like this, are fraudulent. But...I'm not on site.