DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Some of those examples are acceptable only up to a point. The cowboys (names?), Willie, Jolley, Samaniego, yes, they all likely saw or had gold. However, as the title of this thread implies, it is the source of that gold that is in question. Yes, some folks, including one of Noss's wives, claim to have seen him bring metal bars out of the top of the peak, which obviously could have been staged events to validate Doc's allegations to gullible witnesses.

Benny claims to have been in the treasure chamber, but we already proved he lied as to where that chamber is.

The Fiege event is looking more and more bizarre. Fiege claims the bars of metal were gold. Was he a metallurgist? Did he have them assayed? Swearigen claims Noss stashed those bars himself. Why did he say that? Were they copper bars? The "lie detector results?" Based on the GI's statements of his and others' activities all over VP in the mid-50s following publication of the James book, I'm thinking that with a trusty old typewriter, anybody could have produced that two-page document you posted. No letterhead, no signatures, no certifications, etc.

I've noticed that you haven't addressed the statements from Swearigen and the 1956 GI, even though I've called them to your attention three times. Willie's and Benny's sudden wealth is not the question here. Where that wealth originated is: VP or the Caballos? Or, with the Noss/Holmdahl connection, maybe Mexico?

the "james" book has been mentioned a couple times. Can you tell me the author etc, I might want to read this.

goodday whiskey Rat, I know that they vary considerably, but what size were the ''dore bars, or were they the same approx,?

goodday whiskey Rat, I know that they vary considerably, but what size were the ''dore bars, or were they the same approx,?

the "dore" bars that I have seen the photograph of on the pickup tailgate were very rough shaped.
I think the photo had dimensions on it. Judging by the size relative to the pickup tailgate I would say they were around 8 to 10 inches long, 1.5 to 2 inches wide, and maybe 3/4 inch thick.
very rough edges and rough surfaces.

If you saw them laying in the gravel somewhere, you wouldnt think they were anything. Might not even pick them up.
Not the pretty gold colored trapezoidal bars we all think of when we think gold bars.
When I see the owner of the pictures again, if he does not mind, I will take a picture of the picture and post it on here.

any word from NP?
Have not heard from NP since mid december.


the "dore" bars that I have seen the photograph of on the pickup tailgate were very rough shaped.
I think the photo had dimensions on it. Judging by the size relative to the pickup tailgate I would say they were around 8 to 10 inches long, 1.5 to 2 inches wide, and maybe 3/4 inch thick.
very rough edges and rough surfaces.

If you saw them laying in the gravel somewhere, you wouldnt think they were anything. Might not even pick them up.
Not the pretty gold colored trapezoidal bars we all think of when we think gold bars.
When I see the owner of the pictures again, if he does not mind, I will take a picture of the picture and post it on here.

any word from NP?
Have not heard from NP since mid december.


The bars that Doc Noss possessed and tried to sell on many occasions looked like "pig iron" - his description. These bars were likely similar or the same as those that he had assayed in 1939. That assayer's report is shown on another TNet post here: The bars' iron-like appearance was likely the tarnish on the bars, which were 70% copper.

I have heard some dore bars used depressions in sand as a mold. Can anyone confirm or offer alternate mold types?

I have heard some dore bars used depressions in sand as a mold. Can anyone confirm or offer alternate mold types?

Lengths of large yucca stalks pressed into sand made a depression for a nicely stackable poured bar - round on one side and flat on the other.

Doplar radar only works on things that are moving, which is why it is used for creating weather maps.

May be talking about FM-CW radar, which is Doppler-like, in that a frequency offset indicates range. So reading the relative spectral response tells you the strength of a reflection at a given distance. Actually, quite relevant to situations involving required ground-penetrating signal qualities. Good skepticism without the technical interpretation from someone directly versed "in the field". Shiny.

The reason that I asked about the bars, is that they often are associated with a particular mine.One that I tried to aquire,in northern Sonora It was famous in that it was robbed so many times. Finally the owners became so frustrated that they formed moulds next to the crucible and just upended the molten silver into the moulds for approx, 600 lbs, that required a two wheel cart to transport them. Sure enough they were hit,but found the wagon few hundred meters from here it was stolen, still intact, although one could easily see where the torrers had tried to hack off some silver, Effectiely the robberies stoped since the robbers had no way to reduce the size for easy transportation.

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The reason that I asked about the bars, is that they often are associated with a particular mine.One that I tried to aquire,in northern Sonora It was famous in that it was robbed so many times. Finally the owners became so frustrated that they formed moulds next to the crucible and just upended the molten silver into the moulds for approx, 600 lbs, that required a two wheel cart to transport them. Sure enough they were hit,but found the wagon few hundred meters from here it was stolen, still intact, although one could easily see where the torrers had tried to hack off some silver, Effectiely the robberies stoped since the robbers had no way to reduce the size for easy transportation.

I see. I knew that the chemistry of bars might indicate where the bar was from.
Interesting that even the look of the bar might give a hint as to a particular mine or maybe area?


This one?

This was copied from a website associated with the Burrow's cave. It is listed as "A Most Special Tablet (Public Premier)" the site can be found by googling illinoisecaves or Harry Hubard burrows cave website or some combination thereof. It can then be found within the link titled assorted artifacts then click on Gallery of Artifacts (posted April MMIII) and you can find it there.


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This one?

This was copied from a website associated with the Burrow's cave. It is listed as "A Most Special Tablet (Public Premier)" the site can be found by googling illinoisecaves or Harry Hubard burrows cave website or some combination thereof. It can then be found within the link titled assorted artifacts then click on Gallery of Artifacts (posted April MMIII) and you can find it there.

View attachment 1410031

Yeah, pick your fraud site - Little Egypt in Southern Illinois, or the Organ Mountains in New Mexico. Whichever one suits your rant. Let this be a lesson to those who believe everything they read in the Victorio Peak/Caballo Mountains/Organ Mountains threads.

Yes, that's it. you can see the mounting pin in the first picture, it even casts a shadow. A slender pin at that.

Yes, that's it. you can see the mounting pin in the first picture, it even casts a shadow. A slender pin at that. However the Caballo were Jesuit depositores waiting for trans shipment to Rome via a jesuit ship after traveling by raft down the Rio del Norte

Yes, that's it. you can see the mounting pin in the first picture, it even casts a shadow. A slender pin at that. However the Caballo were Jesuit depositores waiting for trans shipment to Rome via a jesuit ship after traveling by raft down the Rio del Norte

Well, let's go really nuts and expand your idea. Perhaps those rafts were built and put into the Rio Grande further north - say up in the San Luis Valley in Colorado. Yeah, that's where the French Jesuits loaded the boats with their bullion from Treasure Mountain, and then floated south. Sure. When they reached the Caballos, the Spanish Jesuits took over, added their ingots and continued to the Gulf. They merely bribed the Spanish and the Franciscans (their co-conspirators ... shhh) during the entire caper, and the Utes and Apaches also let them pass unimpeded. Probably converted them. Easy. It's all spelled out on Doc's map. He would never deceive, would he?

Well, let's go really nuts and expand your idea. Perhaps those rafts were built and put into the Rio Grande further north - say up in the San Luis Valley in Colorado. Yeah, that's where the French Jesuits loaded the boats with their bullion from Treasure Mountain, and then floated south. Sure. When they reached the Caballos, the Spanish Jesuits took over, added their ingots and continued to the Gulf. They merely bribed the Spanish and the Franciscans (their co-conspirators ... shhh) during the entire caper, and the Utes and Apaches also let them pass unimpeded. Probably converted them. Easy. It's all spelled out on Doc's map. He would never deceive, would he?

I like your story. Works for the Phoenicians too.

If we could all somehow get along and work together and actually go find and explore one (just one) of these "vaults" we could answer a lot of these questions and theories.
Until then, everything is just a theory and a story and a bunch of maps of unknown provinance. (sorry, need spell check on this site)
So, when I find the vault (and I am getting really close) I will be sure to post all the evidence to resolve all this.
just one more canyon to check, im sure thats the one, cause I already checked all the others.:icon_thumleft:

If we could all somehow get along and work together and actually go find and explore one (just one) of these "vaults" we could answer a lot of these questions and theories.
Until then, everything is just a theory and a story and a bunch of maps of unknown provinance. (sorry, need spell check on this site)
So, when I find the vault (and I am getting really close) I will be sure to post all the evidence to resolve all this.
just one more canyon to check, im sure thats the one, cause I already checked all the others.:icon_thumleft:

Rat, when you find it, one thing's for sure - it'll be in the last place you look.

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