DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

quote WR
" not sure what your driving at here? you kinda chastised me in a post above for "its easy, just go here" speaking of the Organ mountains. Yes that one road is easy and it goes to a very small area that is still accessible.
I let that one pass. "

That's what I'm talking about . you let it pass .

doesn't matter , someone will go to it .
just that the one was for you and it's easy .
if you don't want it , it's fine .
I am not bashin
just asking why you didn't go for Soledad .

Soledad Crypto Script.webp

here is one i had posted that i thought you'd go to

I directed you to this painted petro

i wanted you to simply photo it

send the image pm
and I would tell you what it is saying , what the contents are , and where they are located .

this is serious , the Major Symbol in the glyph is the Regis ( 3 Prong Crown )
the cache had not been disturbed in 2006 .

so it may still be there .

you guys are looking at maps , that for one , you do not know who first owned them .
where they came from , what they go to .

the hand drawn Soledad Maps are my Dads , how other people got photos of them is the problem ,
always has been spies and thieves in all this .
Honey Traps are used for distractions while the pockets are picked .

yeah . lot's of bad stuff

no matter .

You can ignore the maps , you don't have all that came with them , the missing pieces are not about
to come out .

so you're just looking at Cartoons as it is .

point: Claim the Willie or Doc found the maps with a dead priest is an " Ova Noss Family Project " Production and is not true .
enough on that Team of Weasles

spent over 85 hours bed riden in and out of delirium , so , not ontop of things

but ,
my point is , I have already given direct routes into the Organs to Valid sites

The Cab's are way over worked ,

spent over 85 hours bed riden in and out of delirium , so , not ontop of things

but ,
my point is , I have already given direct routes into the Organs to Valid sites

The Cab's are way over worked ,

Man that sucks , sorry to here your not doing so well amigo .

quote WR
" not sure what your driving at here? you kinda chastised me in a post above for "its easy, just go here" speaking of the Organ mountains. Yes that one road is easy and it goes to a very small area that is still accessible.
I let that one pass. "

That's what I'm talking about . you let it pass .

doesn't matter , someone will go to it .
just that the one was for you and it's easy .
if you don't want it , it's fine .
I am not bashin
just asking why you didn't go for Soledad .

2DT: sorry I did not realize who you were. now i do.
I did not mean I was not going to this site, I meant I let it pass, cause you were right it is open and easy to get to.
I do plan on looking for the wire gold in quartz you said was in that area.

Been really busy with a search area in the Caballos, so only made one trip to Organs and was kinda turned off by the civilization, gated trails etc.
But have not given it up.

take care, hope you get to feeling better.

View attachment 1400667

here is one i had posted that i thought you'd go to

I directed you to this painted petro

i wanted you to simply photo it

send the image pm
and I would tell you what it is saying , what the contents are , and where they are located .

this is serious , the Major Symbol in the glyph is the Regis ( 3 Prong Crown )
the cache had not been disturbed in 2006 .

so it may still be there .

you guys are looking at maps , that for one , you do not know who first owned them .
where they came from , what they go to .

the hand drawn Soledad Maps are my Dads , how other people got photos of them is the problem ,
always has been spies and thieves in all this .
Honey Traps are used for distractions while the pockets are picked .

yeah . lot's of bad stuff

no matter .

You can ignore the maps , you don't have all that came with them , the missing pieces are not about
to come out .

so you're just looking at Cartoons as it is .

point: Claim the Willie or Doc found the maps with a dead priest is an " Ova Noss Family Project " Production and is not true .
enough on that Team of Weasles

Yes, I do have this one saved and plan on getting there if I can to email you the pic as we had talked.
sorry I did not realize who you were until now.


Looks like someone is back under a different profile...

quote WR

" Yes, I do have this one saved and plan on getting there if I can to email you the pic as we had talked.
sorry I did not realize who you were until now.

wr "

That Petro is the absolute last of the Best .
The Major Royal Cache .

The Maps claim ' Almacen " .

The Vault indicated in this " Regis " ,,,,,,,,,,,, is the Poppa Of Vaults .

Sad you cannot know where the Maps came from , how many places they were hidden , and how much
and many involved .

Everything worked backward on these .

instead of the Maps leading to sites , it was a treasure that was found by almost pure fluke , and in
the chest , were documents that led elsewhere ,,,,,,,,,,,,

BUT , most interesting , the Docs led a person to the site where the maps were stored , and those maps were
supposed to lead to these chest and treasure .

so as it happened , the first treasure He found , almost falling into it , led him to know there was more than one
and where to find the maps and letters to them.

with Clarence McDonnel

The treasure found them , ( for they were not seeking that particular treasure , and not there under those Boulders )
The Treasure showed them the maps ( Transverse Process )

the maps showed areas to seek mines , not repository .
so the maps were useless to them because they already knew what area's to search .

What they needed , which has not been displayed in these pages , was the formula by which Vaults were set down .

For that
They had to Turn to the Stones , and learn to read their script .

2 days, the only map that really interests me is the lil map that NP posted, It has information on the Tayopa treasure/mine and the clandestine route to Rome, it definitely has the mark of the jesuits written all over it.. The path is very twisted, WB. :coffee2::coffee2:

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The concern was not who hides wealth

but rather how to find and retrieve it , then get clean away before the Organized Criminal Cartels catch you .

One or two Docs state that a slew of different personalities secreted wealth away in the same area over
a very long time period .

Clarence began his search with a lost padre treasure , word of mouth straight from a member of the family that buried it .

He came across Aztec , Spanish Bandit , Mexican Bandit , Apache Loot , Jesuit , Franciscan as well probably ( Church for sure , no matter
which Sect of Cloaked Geeks were involved )

and in the end , with Harvey and Dwayne , Land of Ophir Stores , Pre-Columbian .

it matters nothing who shoved what ,,,,, into which hole .

Bragging rights don't feed the starving .

Important : Two sites given by TM2 , are still intact and should be recovered immediately .

1. The Wild Cat Cave ( Tunnel with stone Wall 100 yards inside it , blocking the way to the goods )

2. The " Regis " of Soledad Canyon ( Known per documents to be the richest Treasure in Ophir : New Mexico )

what those maps show , will keep a mindless man busy .

the Documents that these maps were meant to back up , are not here for you to use , without the Letters , you can stand
on a deposit and never know you're the Hood Ornament for Fools .

bottom line

maps so far are useless garbage without the keys .

next :::

no matter who , when ,,, how or why , these deposits were made , those that are left of them , are known to me .

the vaults were set almost on level ground , before the entrance to a canyon , or in the case of Soledad which is a pass , set where
you had a view for miles of incoming raiding parties .
The Vaults were set where you could ride right up to them and uncover them without putting yourself into a Trap
such as deep inside a narrow Canyon would be .

This formula is the same for all Vaults in the South West United States .

Some have been opened and re-closed several times ,,,, OVER CENTURIES ,,, NOT JUST DECADES .

Do not think a Vault is up High on a Peak .

NOPE , and in only a few out of 52 vaults , have I seen where they built a Vault on the side of a Peak at all .
and in those cases , the Fissure was already there and convenient for the deposit , the deposit as well as recovery could be
done without sticking their heads in a Trap .

On Aztec
In their case , I did see where they took a Token way up to the Apex of a Peak and set it in an Alcove ( blow hole Cave )
with a few offerings beside it ,,,,
but this as a Sentinel only .

NEVER , an entire Treasure taken HIGH and set away .

These are built to Facilitate Fast Easy Recovery .

When you seek , look the lay of the Land over , Imagine you have to avoid sneaks who will sink and Arrow into ya .

if you are on a spot where a Sneak can get you ,,,,,,,,,,, you're not on-top of a Vault .

A very interesting read as usual 2Days. I have found that same Aztec set up. Lots to be seen and found out here. Thanks again for the great free info. 2Days.

it matters nothing who shoved what ,,,,, into which hole .

Important : Two sites given by TM2 , are still intact and should be recovered immediately .

1. The Wild Cat Cave ( Tunnel with stone Wall 100 yards inside it , blocking the way to the goods )

2. The " Regis " of Soledad Canyon ( Known per documents to be the richest Treasure in Ophir : New Mexico )

what those maps show , will keep a mindless man busy .

the Documents that these maps were meant to back up , are not here for you to use , without the Letters , you can stand
on a deposit and never know you're the Hood Ornament for Fools .

First, some are more "discriminating"... or at least they say!

Second, for 1. and 2., problem is, these are on WSMR/Bliss, IIRC.

Third - hood ornament! Good stuff!

I like your general advice better than this particular specific advice. How you gonna spend your fortune when you are in the pokey or with your foot blown off by some UXO?

I got some big boulders with rocks on top (and stuff waaaay more diagnostic than that) elsewhere to check out before I even remotely consider poking around where I'm not wanted to that degree.

For the adventurous, you CAN get a recreation pass (to some areas) for Bliss and WSMR. TM2 has provided this advice previously. Maybe I just like my solitude more than will o' wisps, no matter how sweet their siren song may be.

Thread seems to be Vic Peak OR Caballos OR Organs again - at least my deer story and pics were from the Caballos.

I think we need a TM2 Organs + Cookes + ? Thread - I'll read it!

There is a Third site

I'll wait to see if folks really go to the Picto and take a time stamped pic of it .

That will show me they are serious about retrieval and I'll roll forward with the rest , through Private Com.

To answer Uncle Matt

for the same reason the people who deposited the Vaults .walked away from them .

logistics , over load , no need for more , and down right draws very Ugly out in People .

( political comment deleted )

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quote the Boss Matt

"if someone tells you where to find treasure they never bothered to recover themselves, what does that tell you? "

Willie found treasure
walked away from it

Jack Rynolds found treasure
walked away from it

Doc found treasure
walked away from it

Fiegie/Prather/Wessel/Berchet ,,,,,,,,,, found treasure
walked away from it

Claude Suddereth found Treasure
walked away from it

Joe Newman found Treasure
walked away from it

Rosco Parr found treasure
walked away from it

Harvey Snow found treasure
walked away from it

Roger Snow found treasure
walked away from it

Bud Ward found Treasure
walked away from it

Clarence McDonnel found treasure
walked away from it

Jim Methvin with Havey Snow found two Treasures with each other
Walked away from them

Benny Strawbridge with Harvey Snow found a Bandit Cache
walked away from it

YOU Unkie Matt
Stood within inches of a Stone Cabin Roger Snow gave directions to

YOU ,,, walked away from it , you couldn't even see it and you were standing right ontop of it ,
looking like a Hood Ornament for Fools .

Instigating again Matt ?
trying to get me banned again Matt ?

hmmm ?

They all , even YOU ,,, walked away from Treasure .

What's that tell You ?

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Harvey Snow.webp

There he lays

Grave next to him ?

his 17 year old Daughter , Murdered by Home Invaders who were after the Maps you
have seen posted here by Not Peralta .

Tell me NP ,,, do you think those Maps were worth that little Girls Life ?

Did I ever tell you the Story about her Murder ?

4 Men watching our Home , when Dad drove off with the Kids

they swooped in thinking the House was empty .

Eleda Marie Snow , 17 yo , Home alone ,

3 Men Jumped out of the Car and rush the door

she Runs down the hall , to Dads Bedroom , grabs his S.W #36 Snub .38spec

One man comes don the hall towards her , she surprised him , she was FREAKING OUT SCREAMING FOR HELP

no Help there , just more invaders , She shot the first ,,
The second shot her in the Chest , exploding here Heart . Killing here ...

They left without ,,, I said ;;;;; WITHOUT ,, the Maps .
They left with a Co-hort shot in the Chest , and a Dead Murdered young girl laying on her Daddies Bed .

You're a Female , right NP

ever been Trapped alone in a House when Men invade it ?

For maps that lead to NOTHING ,,,

ever been so scared to death , you couldn't scream for help ?

over maps that lead to NOTHING

ever have that happen ? a Home invasion and you have to KILL to survive ?

over maps and Photos that lead to NOTHING ?

I have , my Little sister's murder was avenged .

I have had to KILL Animals that look human , to save my life .

Who finds treasure and Walks away from it ?

I do . for a DAMNED GOOD REASON . I got Tired of Killing animals , just so I could sleep in Peace .

That , is the type of MAN , who walks away from the Insanity of Treasure .

Think about it NP ,,, imagine yourself trapped in your home alone ,,,

3 men invade , they're inside now ,,, they are armed ,,, they are coming right at you ,,, you have no idea why ,,,

what do you think you'd feel ?

would you be afraid ?

Over Maps that lead to NOTHING

Grave after Grave was filled

That's The Politics of Treasure , Hillary was involved in attempted theft of the one I found .

You own me ? " Leave Politics out of it "

You speak civil to me .

Graves everywhere , over maps that lead to nothing .


Doc did not have those maps
willie did not

ONFP bought the maps way after Doc and Ova were dead

Goldfinder 1 and 2 ,,, Ova nor Letha , brought out Maps .

because they didn't have any Maps to bring out .

Those Maps became props for the Next Round of Investor Fraud after VP produced nothing .

I know the maps , I know the history of them .

and I know YOU , cannot find treasure with those Cartoons .

what ya think ,,, Think those Cartoon Maps were worth the Life of a 17 year old Girl , home alone , when FREAKS came to steal
those Cartoon Maps ?

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