There he lays
Grave next to him ?
his 17 year old Daughter , Murdered by Home Invaders who were after the Maps you
have seen posted here by Not Peralta .
Tell me NP ,,, do you think those Maps were worth that little Girls Life ?
Did I ever tell you the Story about her Murder ?
4 Men watching our Home , when Dad drove off with the Kids
they swooped in thinking the House was empty .
Eleda Marie Snow , 17 yo , Home alone ,
3 Men Jumped out of the Car and rush the door
she Runs down the hall , to Dads Bedroom , grabs his S.W #36 Snub .38spec
One man comes don the hall towards her , she surprised him , she was FREAKING OUT SCREAMING FOR HELP
no Help there , just more invaders , She shot the first ,,
The second shot her in the Chest , exploding here Heart . Killing here ...
They left without ,,, I said ;;;;; WITHOUT ,, the Maps .
They left with a Co-hort shot in the Chest , and a Dead Murdered young girl laying on her Daddies Bed .
You're a Female , right NP
ever been Trapped alone in a House when Men invade it ?
For maps that lead to NOTHING ,,,
ever been so scared to death , you couldn't scream for help ?
over maps that lead to NOTHING
ever have that happen ? a Home invasion and you have to KILL to survive ?
over maps and Photos that lead to NOTHING ?
I have , my Little sister's murder was avenged .
I have had to KILL Animals that look human , to save my life .
Who finds treasure and Walks away from it ?
I do . for a DAMNED GOOD REASON . I got Tired of Killing animals , just so I could sleep in Peace .
That , is the type of MAN , who walks away from the Insanity of Treasure .
Think about it NP ,,, imagine yourself trapped in your home alone ,,,
3 men invade , they're inside now ,,, they are armed ,,, they are coming right at you ,,, you have no idea why ,,,
what do you think you'd feel ?
would you be afraid ?
Over Maps that lead to NOTHING
Grave after Grave was filled
That's The Politics of Treasure , Hillary was involved in attempted theft of the one I found .
You own me ? " Leave Politics out of it "
You speak civil to me .
Graves everywhere , over maps that lead to nothing .
Doc did not have those maps
willie did not
ONFP bought the maps way after Doc and Ova were dead
Goldfinder 1 and 2 ,,, Ova nor Letha , brought out Maps .
because they didn't have any Maps to bring out .
Those Maps became props for the Next Round of Investor Fraud after VP produced nothing .
I know the maps , I know the history of them .
and I know YOU , cannot find treasure with those Cartoons .
what ya think ,,, Think those Cartoon Maps were worth the Life of a 17 year old Girl , home alone , when FREAKS came to steal
those Cartoon Maps ?