DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

You are posting on a site with rules against posting about politics. Follow the rules.

Perhaps you should read what the rule states before trying to moderate this topic .

You may not.... Start a thread to specifically promote or discuss politics or religion or respond in a political or religious fashion to a post if it's not somehow tied to treasure hunting.

As far as the Clintons go I for one can vouch for Rogers attitude towards them in regards to stealing treasures.

Political comments not directly related to treasure hunting violates our rules. Please post by our rules.

To any concerned, it also violates our rules to use another name while under a temp ban.

January 20, 2017 A New Beginning!

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2 days, I think that your invictive remarks to and about NP were uncalled for. NP IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SISTERS DEATH any more than Harvey was for leaving her alone, knowing that that information was freely available. And yes, the lil map is Jesuit, with information that was not available until long after it was made public, AND it is 'not; a treasure map, but merely a route map.

You posted "You're a Female , right NP" a question or fact? aren't you even sure ? This tends to invalidate much of your information..

I feel that you owe NP an appoloy,


2 days, I think that your invictive remarks to and about NP were uncalled for. NP IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SISTERS DEATH any more than Harvey was for leaving her alone, knowing that that information was freely available. And yes, the lil map is Jesuit, with information that was not available until long after it was made public, AND it is 'not; a treasure map, but merely a route map.

You posted "You're a Female , right NP" a question or fact? aren't you even sure ? This tends to invalidate much of your information..

I feel that you owe NP an appoloy,

2days is unable to answer, he is banned and his original user name ban will double.

January 20, 2017 A New Beginning!

Hello NP:
are you still out there?
We have not heard from you in a long time.
hope you are healthy and ok.
Can you answer the insinuation from 2DT that you are a woman? Seems he was unsure, some of us are curious and not sure if anyone knows the truth. Or does it matter any more?

So, many people check in this post with knowledge from sources close to Doc, Willie, Perrone, etc. Seem to know a lot of info that if all put together could lead to discovery.
However, without exception, none of them are active searches. Usually not from New Mexico.
When I contact them no one answers. They just seem to disappear.
I am active, i am searching, I am digging, I am investing time and dollars and will gladly partner to put info together, and have no problems splitting the find with anyone providing info.
Yet when I offer to take the risk, invest the resources, do the climbing, do the digging, and split the findings, each and every "person with knowledge" just never replies and seems to disappear.
So, anyway, not to whine, but if anyone is real and has real info, contact me and maybe together we can find something. Or I will find it myself if you are unable, and you will be well rewarded.
Yeah I know its hard to trust anyone, but why titillate people on this blog and then just disappear. Who benefits from that???
Keeping your secrets till you die? why?
If you need a partner to do the ground work, lets do it.
Just saying.

So, many people check in this post with knowledge from sources close to Doc, Willie, Perrone, etc. Seem to know a lot of info that if all put together could lead to discovery.
However, without exception, none of them are active searches. Usually not from New Mexico.
When I contact them no one answers. They just seem to disappear.
I am active, i am searching, I am digging, I am investing time and dollars and will gladly partner to put info together, and have no problems splitting the find with anyone providing info.
Yet when I offer to take the risk, invest the resources, do the climbing, do the digging, and split the findings, each and every "person with knowledge" just never replies and seems to disappear.
So, anyway, not to whine, but if anyone is real and has real info, contact me and maybe together we can find something. Or I will find it myself if you are unable, and you will be well rewarded.
Yeah I know its hard to trust anyone, but why titillate people on this blog and then just disappear. Who benefits from that???
Keeping your secrets till you die? why?
If you need a partner to do the ground work, lets do it.
Just saying.

I have encountered the same kind of thing. Its sad to say that many people who post such things are not being factual, and when people press them for further details, they run for the hills. Some people just want to get attention, its one of the reasons that treasure tales get created and then spread in the first place. Most don't really know anything, but just want people to think they know something.

Whiskyrat, their have been some really good clues to find treasure in this thread/topic. Those that are in the know which maybe only 1 person, has been more than generous in posting imfo.,directions,and maps, even on a gold rock. Their not going to take your hand and lead you to the pot of gold like a child...Its possible that some of these cache locations are still being emptied a little bit at a time...Any person who cashes in gold bars has to be careful, how they handle their $$$, as not to bring to much attention to themselves...If TWO persons have a secret,its no longer a SECRET...Their are other easier Treasures/Caches to find..I personally think your wasteing your time in your currant search area, good luck though.

Because a person posts a lot with "information" that has never been verified by them or anyone else doesn't mean they are being generous. If they know where treasure IS, why don't they HAVE any treasure?

MONEY to move and work with :tongue3::coffee2::coffee2: I personally have given several locations of lost mines. etc, but they are in Mexico. I guess that I enjoy finding them most. Never had much money, except when I sold a mine to Noront in Canada,, family burned that up in less than two years., so I never miss it.

La Tarasca. Las Pimas, La Gloria Pan, And Tayopa, then there is still El Naranjo, but need Oro to finalize it's actual location, Then there is the Apache gold Placer, also in Mexico. Morgans loot from panama, buried between Quintanaroo and Belize, in the bay.

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Well seems to me,the person I refer to in my above post,posted a photo of a 80 pound Gold Nuggett with a engraved map on it,that dated to sometime in the 1700"s. I Would call that found treasure,haven"t heard of another. Other data he posted has a ring of truth to it in my he put out a lot of key data I never saw posted anywhere,including books,and I"ve been at this treasure hunting since 1985, and reading books on same since at least
1964, 1st maybe was book by Robert Louis Stevension.

No one other than the original poster ever confirmed the 80 pound engraved nugget is real or in his possession. This goes back to the early 2000s on other treasure hunting websites. I PM'd with that person. Provided me with a lot of his family history as relates to his treasure story. Then recanted and said he made it all up. Wasted a lot of my time This dog don't hunt that trail any more.


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I hope NP is ok.
seems to have disappeared.
If your out there NP please let us know your ok, even if we pissed you off and you decided to stop posting.
we care.

Real, amigo, have you or anyone else on here ever seen accounts of dore' bars being found at vp or the caballo's, interesting thought,np:cat:

yes, I have seen actual photos of Dore bars found in the caballos. Both gold and silver bars. These pics were taken by the finders whom I personally know. I have also seen the assay reports for the gold bars. 55% to 59% Au.


Here are some interesting comments from another source. I understand that rules prevent me from posting the links.

"Alex...we met at the peak in the 90s several times but I don't imagine you remember...I and my long time prospecting friend T.M. were there as guests of Pat Heydt.
I first arrived at then WSPG a young GI on July 6, 1956. I and a few fellow GIs found the "Curse of The San Andres" in the post library. On weekends we often went to the peak as well as other I told the ONFP group on my first visit "I couldn't tell them where the gold was but I could sure tell them where it wasn't in 1956"
I got reclassified into Army reserves and went to work with the Bell System on the Nike project in 1959.
I put my name and serial number in the mountain in 1956 as did others...just to show we were there....
I never heard of Fiege till the 70s...I have always thought he was a fraud using his story and tests and the Holloman Air Force PM guy as a way to gain access thinking he could find the way to the any rate when I was there in the 90s and was shown the Fiege location I can honestly say we were in there several times in 56 and 57 and there was no gold there then....I was privy to a lot of information leaked when Gen. Shinkle, O. B. Swanner and others were digging around...."

This is interesting because this guy claims there was no gold in the Fiege cave two years prior to Fiege's 1958 discovery. It also raises a question about the lie-detector results. Of course, the posted copy of that document are merely two typewritten, unsigned and uncertified pages.


" 56, 57,till early 60s, we crawled through about every crevice in the peak then known as Soledad...we saw was fun tho and it doesn't mean I am ready to give up on the mountain...
Caballos? More stories and caves than you can imagine...take your pick...crooks, shysters, seers, dowsers and frauds abound....but its a fascinating place...we are going up there again soon to poke around....."

Sounds skeptical about VP and realistic about the Caballos. I don't know who he is, bit he posted a number of VP photos from 1956, including one of himself taken from the top

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can you PM me the links?

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