DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Doplar radar only works on things that are moving, which is why it is used for creating weather maps.

The truth is as far as I know there is no none-invasive technology that can collect data 300 feet down.

True as far as I know for our target sizes of interest, including big stacks of goodies.

I forget the other names but old school dip meter type systems work to depths even deeper than that, but you are measuring the relative complex permittivity of massive subterranean structures (generally hunting for conductive formations) and even a huge trove won't move the meter much at all at a distance.

Lostadamsgold has an article that summarizes reflections versus penetration - textbooks have way more but the subject is "complex" if you'll pardon the pun.

Also, some established drill technologies measure to the side of the borehole, so you can do more than just look for metal and old timber fragments in a borehole. This I've personally worked with. But this is "invasive".

Hmm, saw some Oak Island for the first time this last week. Wonder why they are not using similar. May be the soil moisture. That kills almost all EM tech.

Lots of great info! Always been my dream to make a trip to the Caballos - long way from where I'm at in Florida, but hopefully it will happen some day. How much of the mountains are still public land that allow people to look around (if any)?

Lots of great info! Always been my dream to make a trip to the Caballos - long way from where I'm at in Florida, but hopefully it will happen some day. How much of the mountains are still public land that allow people to look around (if any)?

"Anything sufficiently far away is ascribed mystical qualities" - ME, 2003.

That's how "Santa Fe" adds $1 to your burrito and "Pacific Northwest" adds a $1 to your tee shirt.

That said, last week up there was great. Saw ZERO other people in my haunts. Chasing critters all the way up to the rimrock.

Unless the evil one slips in another anti-human land grab like the one in Dona Ana County, you are still 'allowed' to go there (not that you are a citizen-owner in the first place or anything apparently un-American like that...)

Check old posts for access directions. Late fall is best. Spring is very windy.

"Anything sufficiently far away is ascribed mystical qualities" - ME, 2003.

That's how "Santa Fe" adds $1 to your burrito and "Pacific Northwest" adds a $1 to your tee shirt.

That said, last week up there was great. Saw ZERO other people in my haunts. Chasing critters all the way up to the rimrock.

Unless the evil one slips in another anti-human land grab like the one in Dona Ana County, you are still 'allowed' to go there (not that you are a citizen-owner in the first place or anything apparently un-American like that...)

Check old posts for access directions. Late fall is best. Spring is very windy.

Dang we didnt cross paths again. I was looking forward to that chili burger.
I have yet to meet another searcher when up high.
rock climbers yes, searchers no.


So NP are you saying that you are that person, or is it the friend that took the pictures of the stairstep cave?

also could you give us a little highlight of the dirty dealings over the map?

BIGSCOTT[/QUOTE Amigo:coffee2 nice try, but, no I'm not that person , yes, I took the pictures ,In this thread I have already given details about the map, but not the dealings because they are private and do not concern anyone just have to respect that. NP:cat:

not to rehash and rehash minutia, but i have second hand knowledge (so i am told) that there were 3 persons in the room when the "lil map" was photographed.
1. the person who removed the map from its location, and had a short time to put it back. (he was shaking to bad to take pics himself).
2. a female that was present, who grabbed the camera from #1, and took the pictures. she was either persons #1 girlfriend or persons #3 girlfriend (cant remember now but can find out).
3. A friend of #1, who was present, witnessed the event (has showed me his copies of the original photos of the map) and is now a confidant of myself and wishes at this time to be invisible.

so, NP not to pressure you, but are you #2 above? If so, we have a mutual friend.
thanks in advance for clarification.

Please know that I am just trying to solve 3 big mysteries and you seem to be in the middle of at least 2 of them.

I guess i should have said we have a mutual friend if your boyfriend was #3 above, not #1.

??????????????????????????? !

Solve the Mysteries by following directions .

Organ Mountains are not that hard to enter , you're not trying hard enough .

as one said , Make a right off of Soledad Road onto Ladera ,,
make a left on the short road up achenback .

park and head for the trail leading north

real easy doing

Quite an inaccurate map overall, but the name is there. Good find. Thought I had Rumsey combed through already. Now, if some one tells me a *convincing* tale for Jacome (shown as Jdcome) I will offer up two green Chile cheeseburgers AND a milkshake. There's history yet to be limned in that region, for sure...


A map of 1847 that posted EarnieP in another thread , shows how the Mt. Caballos was named in that era .

Mapa de los Estados Unidos De Mejico. / Disturnell, John / 1847

What end does it benefit , to discuss the Maps , if people won't go in there on the ground and search .

That's like scrutinizing a Cafe Menu in the window , without ever entering and ordering the food .

You don't even need the maps , for everything they refer to is Marked in the field .

you can find the sites easy , what I could never find , were people who would get serious and make a move .

like having people pester like a child who wants a treat , ya tell the child where to get it .
the child says no , you get it for me , you get it and give it , and the child doesn't know what to do with it .

200 pages , and there is info enough here to set any person right atop a treasure .

what's holding you folks back ?

What end does it benefit , to discuss the Maps , if people won't go in there on the ground and search .

That's like scrutinizing a Cafe Menu in the window , without ever entering and ordering the food .

You don't even need the maps , for everything they refer to is Marked in the field .

you can find the sites easy , what I could never find , were people who would get serious and make a move .

like having people pester like a child who wants a treat , ya tell the child where to get it .
the child says no , you get it for me , you get it and give it , and the child doesn't know what to do with it .

200 pages , and there is info enough here to set any person right atop a treasure .

what's holding you folks back ?

not sure what your driving at here? you kinda chastised me in a post above for "its easy, just go here" speaking of the Organ mountains. Yes that one road is easy and it goes to a very small area that is still accessible.
I let that one pass.
However, there are a few of us who are out there putting many miles and many climbs to the top over and over and over, checking out the clues, checking out the leads, checking out the maps.
I probly have more hours and vertical feet climbed in the last year than anyone you know in the caballos. I very seldom see anyone else out there. Especially up high.
I am putting cameras down holes, digging out long lost mines, descending down rope ladders.
I have read and do read all the books, talk to the locals, follow the clues, wear out tires, wear out shoes, month after month.

All the maps posted here and found in other locations are extremely vague and only get one to a 10 x 3 mile area.
There is not a single map circulating that sets any person right atop a treasure. If it did, the treasure would be gone, except for the fact, as you hint at, most people dont get more than a 100 yards from their truck.

I assure you I can get to the top of any location you can name, I can dig, I can descend ropes and come back up, I can carry heavy lodes and I can stay for long periods any where in the Caballos, I have been doing it consistently for the last 3 years.
If you think you have a map that "sets any person right atop a treasure" (closer than the 10 x 3 mile area most show) then, lets talk. Give me the map, I will go there, and I will split whatever is there with you.

There is very little marked in the field anymore. its all been blown away.

So, if you can find the sites easy, why dont you go there? You say you cant find anyone people who would get serious and make a move.
This leads me to believe you cant do it yourself (thats understandable) and want to maybe partner with someone who can get it done.
Well, I can. Give me the map that shows something smaller than 10 x 3 miles and I will go there and you will get 1/2.


What end does it benefit , to discuss the Maps , if people won't go in there on the ground and search .

That's like scrutinizing a Cafe Menu in the window , without ever entering and ordering the food .

You don't even need the maps , for everything they refer to is Marked in the field .

you can find the sites easy , what I could never find , were people who would get serious and make a move .

like having people pester like a child who wants a treat , ya tell the child where to get it .
the child says no , you get it for me , you get it and give it , and the child doesn't know what to do with it .

200 pages , and there is info enough here to set any person right atop a treasure .

what's holding you folks back ?

I have issued such challenges here on T-net in the past, exhorting people to get boots on the ground. Nothing will ever be found looking at Google Earth on a screen. I myself get out as often as I can during the summer up in the high Rockies, but the window of opportunity is small. Have to go between end of snow melt and start of monsoon season, and sometimes the two overlap.

Also, a lot of people make a lot of claims that do not represent reality when you get out to the sites. I learned the hard way that what people say really can't be counted on for much when it comes to treasure hunting. People will swear that all you have to do is go here, or there, and do this or that, and presto! Treasure will be yours. Not so much.

Whiskeyrat, love the effort you are putting out! Keep up the good work! I hope you find something that makes it all worth while!

Whiskeyrat, love the effort you are putting out! Keep up the good work! I hope you find something that makes it all worth while!

I'll second the encouragement and well wishes.

I can't take you to any Caballo spots that mean anything because I'm working with someone to whom I've pledged my secrecy. Relative of an overlooked local who worked for both Taggert and Noss.

In the Organs, I could show you some interesting stuff, however, being under no such restrictions. Not 2days or RS' locales as they are off limits to even cameras, but some other interesting spots.

2days wants someone to go dig up (or get jailed trying) the Rucker etc. sites he's posted. If real, I can see his frustration. If not, I can see it, too, as his justice is not being meted out.

Good Luck!

I took the maps down from this site .

" off limits " ,,, is a figment of the minds that are conditioned to obey corrupt laws .

Go into the two sites I posted in Soledad , NO ONE , will bother you .
you will NOT be arrested , not even given a second thought .

it doesn't happen , never has it happen .
if you're even approached , you might be asked to leave , but probably will have a nice chat with a lonely Ranger
and that's it .

I took the maps down from this site .

" off limits " ,,, is a figment of the minds that are conditioned to obey corrupt laws .

Go into the two sites I posted in Soledad , NO ONE , will bother you .
you will NOT be arrested , not even given a second thought .

it doesn't happen , never has it happen .
if you're even approached , you might be asked to leave , but probably will have a nice chat with a lonely Ranger
and that's it .

I dont recall seeing any maps you posted of sites in Soledad and/or Ruckers Canyon?
Maybe those maps were posted prior to me hanging out on this web site??
You say you took them down so now I cant find them.
If you dont mind, repost them and let me take a look.

I took the maps down from this site .

" off limits " ,,, is a figment of the minds that are conditioned to obey corrupt laws .

Go into the two sites I posted in Soledad , NO ONE , will bother you .
you will NOT be arrested , not even given a second thought .

it doesn't happen , never has it happen .
if you're even approached , you might be asked to leave , but probably will have a nice chat with a lonely Ranger
and that's it .

I totally agree that the laws are corrupt.
Any law that is not constitutional is itself Null and Void, and should not be enforced.
HOWEVER, we find ourselves living in an extremely corrupt system where the prisons are "for profit" and must be kept full.
Then entire system from top to bottom, including your "lonely ranger" is supporting the corruption because they all get their pay from filling the prisons.
So, although my hatred for this corrupt system is immense, I am not going to be a martyr for a few bars of gold. I trust no one involved with or employed by this corrupt government.
Hopefully with my buddy Donald taking over the whitehouse and draining the swamp, things will start to swing back to a sane country once again where "we the people count".
In the meantime, i will stick to areas that are still legal (completely legal) to access). I dont enjoy looking over my shoulder while exploring.

Take care,
hope to see the maps



I got the drop on them (thank you Mr. Wind...) - watched them graze and even bed down.


...and then 400' up the mountain later in the day, they got the drop on me!!


Oh yeah, and caves ('cuz it just *has* to be buried in caves that stick out from 2 miles away?)


Some people are reliable. Often, however, one person's super-perfect-Jesuit-alien-monkeyhead-hoyo-death-trap-compass rock is another person's "meh". I have a good buddy who is reliably 50/50. Half the time he's enthralled by what seems to be very natural weathering or formations, but the other half is VERY hard to refute, and quite amazing!

I have issued such challenges here on T-net in the past, exhorting people to get boots on the ground. Nothing will ever be found looking at Google Earth on a screen. I myself get out as often as I can during the summer up in the high Rockies, but the window of opportunity is small. Have to go between end of snow melt and start of monsoon season, and sometimes the two overlap.

Also, a lot of people make a lot of claims that do not represent reality when you get out to the sites. I learned the hard way that what people say really can't be counted on for much when it comes to treasure hunting. People will swear that all you have to do is go here, or there, and do this or that, and presto! Treasure will be yours. Not so much.

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