DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

I will arrive in the area tue or wed. so i guess we wont cross paths this time???
Not sure what cabin you speak of, but i do know the old "FDR cabin" that was in the Caballos up near the Taggeart claim, got loaded up on a trailer and hauled off the mountain.

Maybe thats the cabin in the rumor??


Are you talking about the cabin at the top of Dark Canyon at 32.935343, -107.228614?

so, the Organ mountains were kind of wierdly disappointing.
pretty much the entire west side is turned into a disney world affair full of yuppie hikers, dont do this signs, and permit required.
even a gate that is only open 9 to 5. everyone needs to leave by 5?
where there is a old (atv trail) shown on topo maps, there is now a paved road complete with yellow center line and white side lines.
hardly a secluded peaceful place. hikers everywhere, lined up on the "stay on the trail" trails, forest service everywhere.
another national scenic park.
Padre Larue is probly turning over in his grave (the location of which is according to TM2) smack dab in the middle of a picnic ground now, complete with sun shades and "keep your dog on a leash" signs.
I will look for treasure and adventure somewhere else.

Try going up the old road to the Modoc mine and taking off up Fillmore from there, or take Ladera Canyon and look for the parking spot at the corrals/boy scout thing, or go down the powerline road toward Pena Blanca and access there, or start from Aguirre Springs area. There's stuff to see in the mountains. You just have to get past the cloud of orbital debris. And watch out for WSMR boundaries, they are not all marked well. In fact, the hike to the Organ Peak is technically on WSMR, but they don't seem to enforce it. Other areas are different. Yay: selective enforcement of invisible lines.

As a recommendation, try the Dona Anas. They are on the anti-human closure list, too, but I think they can still be accessed. Lots to see there if you have "the eye". Good Luck.

so, the Organ mountains were kind of wierdly disappointing.
pretty much the entire west side is turned into a disney world affair full of yuppie hikers, dont do this signs, and permit required.
even a gate that is only open 9 to 5. everyone needs to leave by 5?
where there is a old (atv trail) shown on topo maps, there is now a paved road complete with yellow center line and white side lines.
hardly a secluded peaceful place. hikers everywhere, lined up on the "stay on the trail" trails, forest service everywhere.
another national scenic park.
Padre Larue is probly turning over in his grave (the location of which is according to TM2) smack dab in the middle of a picnic ground now, complete with sun shades and "keep your dog on a leash" signs.
I will look for treasure and adventure somewhere else.

A "like" was not a strong enough compliment. Agree 100%, and you will find this is getting to be the case in MANY places where lost mines and treasures are located, the Superstitions are a good example. Beth and I went to the Peralta trailhead just to hike that trail and see it, and could not find a parking place, it was so crowded. The land closures etc and especially relating to the ever growing wildernesses and monuments is locking up millions of acres per year. Need to get people to wake up to the fact that when these things are created, we the people lose the right to enter onto those lands, and may have to get permits just to walk on it. That 1872 Mining Act is the only law on the books that gives the citizens the right to enter on the public lands, and there is nothing you can do in a "wilderness" or monument that you could not have done on it before that land was locked up. But there are many things you could do on it when it was not a wilderness, that you no longer can do when it becomes that.

Sorry for drifting off topic, please do continue.


morning Don WR' is that Fingaro or Figaro ?? am curious since a Fingaro and I went around on Tayopa in the older days.:coffee2::coffee2:

morning Don WR' is that Fingaro or Figaro ?? am curious since a Fingaro and I went around on Tayopa in the older days.:coffee2::coffee2:

Fingado. A family with a long history in southern NM.

gotta watch that first step.
new mexico december 2016 023.webp

Love all those photo. Keep them coming!

Likely, many of you have seen this u-tube video looks like in the 60s w/Dan rather who accompanied searchers at VP. Has included, many of the folks you all have mentioned throughout the period of this topic.

Likely, many of you have seen this u-tube video looks like in the 60s w/Dan rather who accompanied searchers at VP. Has included, many of the folks you all have mentioned throughout the period of this topic.

Yes, it was a masterstroke of dog-and-ponyism. Major media use at its best.

Yes, it was a masterstroke of dog-and-ponyism. Major media use at its best.

"Dog-and-ponyism"? Never have heard it termed quite that way. However, when you realize that the vast majority of our population has NO knowledge of what treasure hunting is all about, how else would you frame it, to present it as a film/video? Thanks in advance;

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Amigo's:coffee2: Here's a very good question for you all,Do you actually think Doc Noss stumbled upon VP accidentally while deer hunting?. If so then why did he spend so much time being shown different caves within the area, and why did he finally settle upon VP for his purposes ,Doc knew VP had nothing in it, It had been used as a shelter for many years, by both ranchers and travelers,:dontknow:NP:cat:
PS don't ask me I already know the reason, what doe's your research tell you, thanks in advance,:notworthy:NP:cat:

The thing that still causes me to think there might have been something at VP are the sworn affidavit reports from eyewitnesses to military excavation efforts. I don't think the military would have engaged in that unless something of value was there to recover. Other than that it could be dismissed.

new mexico december 2016 022.webp

although it looks easy in this photo, i could find no way to get up to that crosswalk with railing to enter the cave on the far left side of photo.
anybody know the path?
this south of the "hanging ladder" in the above pic about 1/4 mile.

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